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Lengthy lifespans prompt research on how aging adults thrive in their marriages. This qualitative research study explored the perspectives of 14 elder couples nominated as thriving in their marriages. The 28 participants, living in the United States, ranged in age from 70 to 89. Twelve couples were in first marriages that ranged from 43–67 years. Two couples were in second marriages for 27 and 29 years. The participant group was diverse in race, ethnicity, religion, and birthplace but not in socio-economic-status and formal education level. Together the two researchers, also over 70, conducted two interviews with each couple, also together, in the two-year study. The in-depth, semi-structured interviews were the major source of data; secondary sources were a values-ranking inventory, a self-anchoring scale activity, an exercise on findings from other studies, and two small focus group discussions. The findings were: a) thriving couples experienced significant and pervasive in-depth love, b) shared extensive commonalities, c) teamed mutually, d) solved problems and confronted challenges well, d) welcomed caring gestures and expressions of appreciation, and e) valued physical affection and sexual intimacy. The insights and advice shared could benefit not only married elder couples, but also single elders in their social relationships, couples considering marriage, and those who work with elders in hospitals, healthcare facilities, and counseling services.  相似文献   

东晋皇室婚姻是东晋士族婚姻的重要组成部分。通过对东晋皇室婚选标准,皇室婚姻的特点及皇室婚姻与政治关系的进行探析,试图说明,在研究东晋士族婚姻和门阀政治时,皇室婚不可忽视。  相似文献   

《傲慢与偏见》是简·奥斯丁的著名代表作,这部作品通过对四场婚姻的描述表明了未婚妇女对婚姻的态度,也集中地体现了奥斯丁的婚姻观:建立在爱情基础上的婚姻才是幸福的婚姻,一味贪图金钱和情欲是不会幸福的。  相似文献   

This study examined the relations between patterns of marital communication, child adjustment, and family functioning. Couples with a 4- or 5-year-old child were divided into three groups (N = 126) based on observed patterns of emotional communication: Hostile couples showed a cumulative increase in negative speaker behaviors over the course of a high-conflict marital discussion; hostile-withdrawn couples showed a cumulative increase in both negative speaker and negative listener behaviors over the course of the interaction; and engaged couples showed a cumulative increase in both positive speaker and listener behaviors over the course of the interaction. The families of these three types of couples were then compared on child outcomes (i.e., peer relations, behavior problems), parenting quality, co-parenting quality, and family-level functioning. Differences in marital violence and marital satisfaction between marital couples were also examined in relation to family risk. Families in which couples were hostile-detached showed the most negative outcomes. Hostile-detached couples were more likely than hostile or conflict-engaging couples to use more power-assertive methods of discipline; to be ineffective in co-parenting their child; to have family units that were less cohesive, less playful, and more conflictual; and to have children that exhibited behavior problems. Results also indicated that marital typology still accounted for significant variance in child outcome after controlling for marital violence and marital satisfaction. Differences in the absolute degree of negative behaviors also did not account for results. Findings are discussed in terms of the detrimental impact of marital conflict on child and family functioning.  相似文献   

涉台婚姻配偶是指大陆居民与台湾居民结婚,并定居台湾生活的的大陆配偶。配偶身份利益主要包括夫妻同居生活权利义务、相互忠实权利义务、共同哺育子女权利义务,相互扶养的权利义务等。分析涉台婚姻大陆配偶身份利益受侵害原因,认为在现有的法律政策下,福建省应"先行先试",积极探索开展闽台婚姻法律实务合作,签订司法协助协议,保障涉台婚姻大陆配偶身份权益,维护两岸婚姻家庭稳定与幸福。  相似文献   

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