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My traveling experiences have led me to more than half of China and countless beautiful places and moving stories have been recorded in my travelogues. But when I saw old villages in Wuyuan in the southern province of Jiangxi, I was totally intoxicated by its incredible beauty and realized that it was truly a fairyland. In a digitalized society today, urban dwellers are overwhelmed by concrete jungles of metropolises and access to history and traditions seems a luxury for them. But old towns…  相似文献   

Populus diversifolia,an old and rare tree species,is an only tree variety that can naturally grow into forest in Xinjiang‘s deserts.It is called “Tokolako“in the Uigur language,meaning“the most beautiful tree“.Its extraordinary resistance to drought,sand wind and sanitization enables it to thrive in deserts and gains it repute  相似文献   

Hami, located in the east gate of Xinjiang, was an unavoidable pass on the Silk Road if one trekked from inland China to the Western Region (presentday Xinjiang). Because of itsgeographic and strategic importance,every dynasty in history deployed heavy armed forces there. As a gateway from the inland to the  相似文献   

Hetian jade is considered jade ofhighest grade for its fine quality,pure texture and color of mutton tallow. Jewelry tributes to Chinese emperors from Xinjiang were mostly made of hetian jade. Jade stones above the 5,000-meter snow line on the Kunlun Mountain are always mysterious attractions to travelers from the outside world.  相似文献   

Old place names are witnesses of a city's history. In modern times,should these names be changed to come up With presenT-aay realities? It is a topic that today's city dwellers are concerned about.  相似文献   

Nujiang River, rising in the Tanggula Mountains in west China, stretches southeast through Yunnan Province. Known as Salween River in its lower course, it flows into Myanmar in Dehong, a Chinese prefecture dwelled by Dai people, and finally joins the Indian Ocean in Myanmar.[第一段]  相似文献   

In January, 2005, CCTV Music Channel broadcast Dong Yi‘s solo zheng concert. Music critics said her interpretation of this traditional Chinese pluck instrument is so poetic and passionate that listeners can naturally feel her heart and feminine softness.  相似文献   

Henan, located in the heart of China, is known as one of the most important birthplaces of Chinese civilization. A long history and numerous ancient sites and monuments have gained her reputation as "a natural museum of history". Founded in 1927, Henan Museum boasts large collections, thanks to the province's endowed geographical location and rich resources in cultural heritage.  相似文献   

艺术简历:阿曼古丽·斯迪克(维吾尔族)新疆歌舞团舞蹈演员。1992年毕业于新疆艺术学院舞蹈系。 1998年在第三届新疆舞蹈比赛中以《带面纱的姑娘》获独舞一等奖;1999年参加大型歌舞《我们新疆好地方》剧组晋京演出任主角;2000年在第十届孔雀杯少数民族舞蹈比赛中,获单人舞表演一等奖;同年获2000年度“小岛康誉新疆文化文物事业优秀奖”;2001年参加朝鲜平壤的“国际艺术节”,其《顶碗舞》获“金奖”,担任领舞的《花腰带》获“银奖”;同年9月在第二届全国少数民族文艺汇演中,《顶碗舞》获一等奖,《爱的旋律》获二等奖,其主演的《铃铛舞》获三等…  相似文献   

The Kamsa Lake lies 150 kilmeters north to Bu'erjing County,northwest China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region covered with dense forests of Altai Mountain Range,The spectacular and mvsterious lake look shape some 200.000 years ago in the lce Age as the result of glacial tills blocking waterwavs.  相似文献   

Though master embroiderers like Shen Shou, Yang Shouyu and Ren Huixian passed away, their moral and artistic legacies remain as valuable assets for generations to come. Their extraordinary achievements in Suzhou-style embroidery and respectable pursuit of artistic perfection have had significant impacts on younger generations of embroiderers. Besides these master embroiderers, Xu Shaoqing is another master that should be remembered as a big name in the history of embroidery.  相似文献   

Built 700 years ago, the Zhuge Village in the mountains of East China's Zhejiang Province has enjoyed the country's greatest labyrinths and most mysterious architectural works, thus attracting visitors from home and abroad.  相似文献   

去年间,福建坛曾有过一场小小的热闹。那是一次关于我省是否可以称作“散大省”的论辩。一方的观点是否定的,理由是我省散界缺乏在全国范围内领袖群伦的人物;另一方的观点是肯定的,理由则是我省散创作人多势众。这种争论当然不会有什么结果,论辩最终不了了之。但双方的初衷和出发点都很美好,  相似文献   

在近现代文化交流史上,中国与奥林匹克文化的冲突与融合极具代表性。在近代,中国曾因奥林匹克而蒙羞,有过疑虑、对峙、隔阂,至上世纪末,中国与奥林匹克重新修好并相互选择和理解。中国因奥林匹克终获辉煌。 早在 1908 年第四届伦敦奥运会前夕,中国天津基督教青年会的《天津青年》会刊上,一位美国人在其署名文章中向中国人提出3个问题:①中国何时才能派一位选手参加奥运会?②中国何时才能派一支队伍参加奥运会?③中国何时才能举办奥运会? 为此,中国用了整整100年寻求答案。在这100年中,中国人民以自身的解放为前提,以数代人的鲜血和生命为代…  相似文献   

Hubei Province, located in the middle reach of Yangtze River, enjoys favorable natural resources and geographic locations. As one of the birthplaces of the ancient Chinese civilization, Hubei is dubbed as "treasure house of unearthed artifacts".  相似文献   

China International Cultural Association (CICA) is a nationwide social group under the direct guidance and support of Chinese Ministry of Culture. Since its founding on July 3, 1986, CICA aims to enhance understanding and friendship between Chinese people and people of the rest of the world and has conducted nearly one thousand exchange events and projects, including performing arts, design arts, publication, personnel exchange as well as various kinds of multi-lateral exchange. Those events and projects have remarkably enriched dimension of non-government exchange between China and other countries.  相似文献   

文化竞争:没有硝烟的战场中国人寻求现代化的道路,始自近代“鸦片战争”英国人“坚船利炮”打开中国长期“闭关锁国”大门时,“戊戌变法”中,多少仁人志士抛头颅,洒热血,以鲜血和生命的代价唤醒沉睡的人们。“五四运动”的呼声更烈,提出中国的更新,应从文化上更新。国家之间的竞争,固然带有明显的文化色彩;企业之间的竞争又何尝不是如此。10年前,北京方庄开了一家“烧鹅仔”快餐店,该店既有中国传统的美味,又能适应现代人快节奏的生活,深受京城消费者青睐,以致其分店近百家,引得八方来客,首开中国快餐连锁业之先河。同时,其对面也开了一家“…  相似文献   

It is a small town I like most. I went there with my college mates in the 1980s and was quite impressed. The small town extended along the river. From a distant view, overlapping houses and charming roof slopes could be glimpsed through misty morning rays and black tiles and white walls looked plain but elegant. There was a riverside square in the town and a stone bridge in a distance. Adults sat at the bridge, chatting and enjoying the cool while kids chasing and playing on the square. On t…  相似文献   

In his book “Little Knowledge in Bright Studio”, Chu Lian, a Shanghai writer living during the reigns of emperors Qianlong and Jiaqing of the Qing Dynasty, wrote, “Over the three decades since flower drum opera was introduced, it has always been on changes. Men played it in the beginning but women do it later. It was performed in daytime in the beginning, then at night. First in the countryside, and then in the town. First popular among country hooligans and then among dandies.” His records are evidences that flower drum opera had been introduced in Shanghai and Nantong during the early reign of Emperor Qianlong.  相似文献   

现代科技对化产业发展的影响日益广泛而深远。把握时代的脉搏,顺应高新科技发展的趋势,以民族化创新为本,努力实现先进科技与先进化的和谐发展,重现中华化的辉煌,是我们面临的重大课题。  相似文献   

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