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The information below is a summary of the main questions with which Swedish higher educational policy is currently concerned.  相似文献   

西方关于跨国高等教育的研究:概念与问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
跨国高等教育在西方国家已经成为一种发展迅猛的全球性教育现象。本文从跨国教育的涵义、出现原因、推动跨国高等教育的行动者、对输入国的影响、政府管制和教育服务贸易协议六个主题出发,综述了西方学者的跨国高等教育研究,并对其优点与不足加以评介,以期为我国学者在这一领域的进一步研究提供参考。  相似文献   

In this article, the author reacts to a reading of the 1995 UNESCO Policy Paper for Change and Development in Higher Education. He begins by expressing concern about the overuse of practical training, the trade in the teaching of foreign medical students, and the very poor provision of information in the form of journal articles, textbooks, and computer networks in many parts of the world. He casts these concerns against certain ideals: that teaching in universities should take place in an atmosphere of research but that the number of universities that train scientists should be limited even if all universities should include a science component. Since all science doctorates should be completed rapidly so that the resulting thesis is up‐to‐date, science students should be free from dependence on teaching assistantships. Funding for higher education should be diversified; so should the institutions involved in research; however, the proliferation of small units should be avoided. In some cases, a single national or regional science institute is a good thing.


The following is an overview of European Community activities in the domains of higher education, research and development, and the furthering of co‐operation between higher education and Industry. A fourth domain presented, the so‐called Jean Monnet Action, Is a Community effort aimed at introducing the European Communities concept into the courses offered in universities throughout the Community. Examples of specific activities are described under each of the four principal rubrics.


Although quality in higher education is hard to define and to identify, there is growing concern about it at national and international levels. The work of CEPES, particularly its proposal to create a European Group on Academic Assessment (EGAA), and the work of OECD, particularly its Institutional Management in Higher Education Programme (IMHE), respond to this concern. Approaches to quality assessment in the United States, Japan, and Sweden are evoked.  相似文献   

Until recent years, occupational retirement was perceived primarily as a male life transition process. Women now comprise a major population experiencing active, long‐term involvement in occupational roles and facing significant concerns in their transition from work to retirement.

This article provides an examination of the current status of research regarding women and retirement and discusses multiple issues that surround the aging woman and her relationship to the retirement process. Key orientations are discussed in relation to conceptualizing and shaping future preretirement educational programming alternatives.  相似文献   

终身学习背景下培训与继续教育的公平及其政策课题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
培训与继续教育在人力资源的持续开发、促进就业、增强劳动者与企业的竞争力、缩小知识与技能差距、促进社会公平方面发挥着不可替代的作用,是我国在构建终身学习体系和学习型社会过程中需要大力加强的领域。本文主要探讨了在我国培训与继续教育需求持续增大且趋向高级化与多样化的背景下,培训与继续教育中不同人群参与机会与成本分担上的差距状况,并从促进培训与继续教育公平的角度,提出应加强制度保障与公共服务体系、完善成本分担机制、促进培训与继续教育机会与内容的多样化等政策建议。  相似文献   

理解教育政策:现象、问题和价值   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
如何理解教育政策,这是教育政策研究者常常感到困惑的问题。本文从教育政策现象出发,解析政策现象之中蕴涵的政策问题及其本质,进而以教育的准公共产品属性为认识基础,认为教育政策就是作为公共权威的政府为了解决相互冲突的对教育产品的不同需求,通过对教育中所负载的价值的选择,从而提供的不同类型的解决方案和采取的政府行为。这种理解融合了"自上而下"和"自下而上"看待教育政策的视角,关注了教育政策的多维度、公共性和"价值负载"的性质。  相似文献   

印度高等教育政策的回顾与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文采用历史制度主义的基本方法,考察和梳理了印度高等教育政策演变及其制度变迁过程;并对印度高等教育政策的呈现方式、内容的规定性予以概括和总结,文章还根据印度国家《第十一个五年规划》等最新文献中有关高等教育发展的政策性建议,阐述了印度未来高等教育发展目标和实施策略等问题。  相似文献   

The process which got underway after the Velvet Revolution to transform Czech higher education had first to confront the fact that a good deal of desired continuity existed. The first reform law was hastily conceived, and the reform process has been hampered by insufficient funding. The possibilities of introducing tuition fees in the state institutions and of founding private universities are being debated in Parliament Both innovations would represent a major cultural change. The reform process has been aided by the contributions of western governmental and non‐governmental organizations.  相似文献   

学生贷款计划:高教发展的政策杠杆   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
引语 :国家助学贷款政策出台于 1999年 ,2 0 0 0年由担保贷款改为信用贷款。在我国高等教育“奖、助、贷、勤、补、免”的学生资助体系中 ,国家助学贷款已经成为最主要的措施之一。然而 ,国家助学贷款的运行状况并不尽人意 ,存在很多申请不到和收不回来的现象。助学贷款的路在何方 ?完善的助学贷款制度和政策框架如何建立 ?本刊特别组织了这次高教助学贷款的理论与实践论坛 ,邀请了海内外研究者、实践者共同撰文 ,以笔谈的形式为我国高教助学贷款的发展和完善献计献策。按照学生贷款的理论基础、政策含义 ,中国国家助学贷款中存在的矛盾和问题 ,以及解决问题的途径和模式探索这样一个逻辑关系 ,将笔谈文章刊载如下。  相似文献   

The subject of the 1990 Brussels CHER annual meeting is introduced and analysed in relation to the themes of the papers presented by the various participants. Significantly, the freeing of higher education in eastern Europe from the rigours of Communism, democratic centralism, and command economies have come about while the higher education systems of the West have been strengthening their commitment to the market principle (voluntarily and/or imposed from without). The resulting situation is significant, mutually reinforcing, and ambiguous. It offers great opportunities, both East and West, for the further development of higher education research as a distinct field even while it is accentuating the precariousness of the other so‐called value sciences. Certainly a major opportunity comes from the fact that higher education researchers and their supporting institutions are being increasingly called upon to aid their respective governments in the understanding and the possible application of the higher education strategies and methods of other climes. The meeting has suggested markers for a future research agenda, and it has helped integrate the various methodological and technical perspectives as well as the insights of participants representing both East and West.  相似文献   

A college which operates an ‘open entry’ policy is required, for political as well as educational reasons, to adopt assessment policies which will withstand often hostile scrutiny. Monitoring of student progress on the Dip H.E. at Bradford and Ilkley College has focussed upon the problems associated with such pressures. This report both compares the performance of formally qualified and unqualified entrants and examines the implications of class, gender and ethnicity for success or failure.  相似文献   

The article begins with an overview of the history of the importance given by European systems of higher education to the twin questions of the proper structures of higher education and the link between higher education and employment. From the mid‐1950's to the present, the debates on the two questions have sometimes been closely linked and sometimes barely linked at all. The point is that the link between increased employment and higher education is very complex and that signals are unclear. There is no proof, for instance, that over the long‐term, graduates of non‐university higher education institutions will be better protected against unemployment than graduates of traditional universities, particularly those from non‐traditional and diversified programmes within these universities. Still a non‐hierarchical diversity of institutions and programmes seems best suited to the long‐term employment prospects of students. Also, information sources on higher education and employment must be made more accurate and more comprehensive.  相似文献   

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