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Following from Lewis, Jones, and Baker (this issue), this article analyses the relationship between the new concept of “translanguaging” particularly in the classroom context and more historic terms such as code-switching and translation, indicating differences in (socio)linguistic and ideological understandings as well as in classroom processes. The article considers the pedagogic nature of translanguaging in terms of language proficiency of children, developmental use in emergent bilinguals, variations in input and output, relationship to the subject/discipline curriculum, deepening learning through language development, cognitive development, and content understanding, and the role of children, including Deaf children, and in the use of translanguaging in educational activity. The conceptualisation of translanguaging is also shown to be ideological.  相似文献   

The article outlines a theoretical framework for conceptualising adult education – and more broadly, lifelong learning – as a common good. It argues that the extent to which adult education as a common good is accomplished in a given society/country reflects its accessibility, availability, affordability and the social commitment to its functioning and that it depends on a country’s specific institutional arrangements. Building on this conceptualisation and using data from the Adult Education Survey (AES), the Labour Force Survey (LFS) and the Continuing Vocational Training Survey (CVTS) for 24 European countries, the authors develop a composite index, based on these four dimensions, which measures the extent to which adult education as a common good is practiced in a given country. This index can be used to assess the effectiveness of national policies in the sphere of adult education across Europe. The results indicate substantial cross-country differences, with North European states and Luxembourg scoring best and Romania scoring worst. Finally, applying cluster analysis, the article identifies six distinctive clusters of countries with regard to the extent of adult education as a common good; the authors designate these cluster categories as reality, feasible, ambiguous, problematic, possible and invisible.  相似文献   

为了研究在押犯的人格特点,并提出相应的教育改造对策,本项研究选用了男性在押犯210人,用明尼苏达多相个性调查表(MMPI)进行了测试,并与明尼苏达多相个性调查表中国修订版常模样本中的男性被试820人的特征进行了比较。结果发现:在押犯具有明显的人格异常偏向,并且这种偏向具有整体性和一致性;在押犯人格异常偏向突出表现为忧郁、焦虑、对未来悲观失望等六个方面。在此基础上,提出了对在押犯教育改造的七条对策。  相似文献   

吴兴龙 《物理教师》2004,25(4):0-43
温度是表示物体冷热程度的物理量,是物体内部分子热运动平均动能的标志,温度越高,物体内部分子的热运动越剧烈.温度的测量与人们的学习和生活有着密切的联系,与温度有关的很多问题是现代物理学研究的热点。  相似文献   

Collective training systems are based on the cooperation of multiple public and private stakeholders in order to work. However, such cooperation is not self-sustaining and depends, for instance, on public policies, capable intermediary organisations and shared logics of action. In this conceptual paper, we first review the political economy literature on cooperation in collective skill formation and find that it has given insufficient attention to the systematic comparative analysis of cooperation at the decentralised level as well as the actual social practices of cooperation. The paper then develops a multidisciplinary analytical framework that allows future research to examine decentralised cooperation at the regional, sectoral and occupational levels more systematically. This framework is grounded in a synthesis of three strands of empirical research on vocational education and training, namely the comparative political economy literature on governance, corporatism and coordination, institutional labour and societal economics as well as the educational science literature.  相似文献   

While researching student assumptions for the development of the Biology Concept Inventory (BCI; http://bioliteracy.net), we found that a wide class of student difficulties in molecular and evolutionary biology appears to be based on deep-seated, and often unaddressed, misconceptions about random processes. Data were based on more than 500 open-ended (primarily) college student responses, submitted online and analyzed through our Ed's Tools system, together with 28 thematic and think-aloud interviews with students, and the responses of students in introductory and advanced courses to questions on the BCI. Students believe that random processes are inefficient, whereas biological systems are very efficient. They are therefore quick to propose their own rational explanations for various processes, from diffusion to evolution. These rational explanations almost always make recourse to a driver, e.g., natural selection in evolution or concentration gradients in molecular biology, with the process taking place only when the driver is present, and ceasing when the driver is absent. For example, most students believe that diffusion only takes place when there is a concentration gradient, and that the mutational processes that change organisms occur only in response to natural selection pressures. An understanding that random processes take place all the time and can give rise to complex and often counterintuitive behaviors is almost totally absent. Even students who have had advanced or college physics, and can discuss diffusion correctly in that context, cannot make the transfer to biological processes, and passing through multiple conventional biology courses appears to have little effect on their underlying beliefs.  相似文献   

This study investigated the construction and evaluation of an instrument called the Perceptions of Success Inventory for Beginning Teachers (PSI-BT) intended to measure factors documented in research that contribute to beginning teachers’ perceptions of success. The PSI-BT was found to assess the following factors using exploratory factor analysis: (1) Administrative Support, (2) Classroom Climate, (3) Mentor Support, (4) Colleague and Instructional Resource Support, (5) Commitment, and (6) Assignment and Workload. Internal reliability, content validity, and concurrent validity were also measured in the validation process. Our findings suggest that the PSI-BT provides a reliable and valid instrument that can provide schools with valuable feedback to ensure the success of their beginning teachers.  相似文献   

A growing body of scholars, educators and policy makers has argued for reconceptualising schools as “learning organisations” in the last 25 years as. However, a lack of clarity on the concept has hindered its advance in theory and practice. This study responds to this problem by developing a schools as learning organisations scale that expands and clarifies the concept on several points. Drawing on survey data (nschool staff = 1,703) from Wales (UK), it examines the key characteristics of a school as a learning organisation through a principal component analysis and reliability analysis. The results showed that such a school is associated with eight dimensions: (a) a shared vision centred on the learning of all students, (b) partners contributing to school vision, (c) continuous learning opportunities, (d) team learning and collaboration, (e) a culture of enquiry, innovation and exploration, (f) systems for collecting and exchanging knowledge and learning, (g) learning with and from the external environment, and (h) modelling learning leadership. The resulting 65-item scale demonstrated good psychometric qualities. A reliable and valid schools as learning organisations scale can help enhance our understanding of the concept. The scale can also be used by school leaders, teachers and all others wanting to develop a thriving learning culture in their schools.  相似文献   

学习是智力因素和非智力因素共同作用的心理过程。非智力因素当中的动机、态度、兴趣、意志、性格、价值观等因素直接决定着英语学习者的心理状态。良好的心理状态对英语学习有很大的促进作用,而心理障碍则会不同程度地妨碍英语学习效果。本文作者结合英语教学工作实际着重分析了英语学习者心理障碍两种类型及表现,并就如何消除这些心理障碍提供了一些途径和建议。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to further examine the factor structure of the Huber Inventory of Trainee Self‐Efficacy (HITS), a measure of school psychology trainee self‐efficacy. Lockwood et al. (2017, Psychol. Sch., Vol. 54, pp. 655–670) extant data set, collected from 520 school psychology trainees, was utilized. Four measurement models were examined for model fit and factor loadings. Of the four models, a bifactor model with a single latent general self‐efficacy (GSE) and latent domain‐specific factors (i.e., Multidimensional Assessment Skills, Counseling Skills, Professional Interpersonal Skills, and Research Skills) was the most parsimonious. However, standardized loadings indicated that all practice‐related items loaded more significantly onto GSE than their domain‐specific factors, indicating the utility of GSE for practice‐related skills. Of note, the Research Skills factor displayed greater domain‐specific loadings than general loadings. These findings suggest that GSE may be the best indicator of trainee self‐efficacy, though a two‐factor model that represents practical skills versus research skills may also be appropriate. Additionally, reliability scores indicate that subscale interpretation may also be reasonable. Limitations, implications for trainers of school psychologists, and for future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present the development and validation of a new measure of attitudinal learning—the Attitudinal Learning Inventory (ALI). While specific scales are available for measuring attitudes, they largely focus on established attitudes, not the impact of instruction on those attitudes. We developed the inventory with two explicit objectives: (1) to measure a broad range of attitude constructs representing a holistic view of attitudinal learning and instruction; and (2) to facilitate the measurement of attitudinal learning that can be useful for educational researchers beyond traditional metrics. The ALI was developed and validated across two samples of a total of 1009 participants with diverse demographics. The ALI comprises 15 scale items and exhibited good psychometric properties and conformed to the theoretical four-dimensional structure of attitudinal learning: cognitive, affective, behavioral, and social. The ALI was also shown to correlate with behavioral metrics of class engagement. Future uses of the new measure are discussed. Participants were taken from entirely online populations, and while demographically diverse, implementation of the scale with face-to-face instruction, in varied settings, and across different groups of learners is needed to provide additional evidence of its intended generalizability and consider possible biases.  相似文献   

经济订货量EOQ与JIT中的零存货   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析比较经济批量模型和准时生产方式下的零存货管理模式,论述两者之间的表面矛盾和内在统一关系,并指出JIT中的零存货管理是对EOQ的突破与发展,是库存管理的发展趋势。  相似文献   

本文分析比较经济批量模型和准时生产方式下的零存货管理模式,论述两者之间的表面矛盾和内在统一关系,并指出JIT中的零存货管理是对EOQ的突破与发展,是库存管理的发展趋势。  相似文献   


This paper tells a story about the design, development and impact of a post-graduate Masters-level module aimed at (1) enabling groups of teachers within schools to develop innovative approaches to teaching and learning on the basis of their own Lesson Studies and (2) creating a school network of excellence for Lesson Study in the area as a context for building a cumulative evidence-base, which focuses on identifying and resolving enduring problems of teaching and learning in schools.

The first part of the paper outlines the curriculum for the module and sets the innovative conceptual framework that underpins its design . This framework is innovative because it connects and unifies a number of distinct pedagogical perspectives. It links the methodology of Japanese Lesson Study with Stenhouse’s idea of ‘the teacher as a researcher’ and his ‘process model’ of curriculum development as an alternative to the globally dominant ‘objectives model’. Then in turn, the framework incorporates Marton and Booth’s pedagogical theory of ‘variation’.

The paper argues that linking and fusing Lesson Study methodology with this wider context of pedagogical ideas unambiguously renders teacher research as learning study.  相似文献   

体育教学中的心理障碍及治疗方法的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用体育心理学的有关知识,了解和掌握学生存在的心理障碍,因人制宜地采取相应的教学方法和手段,不仅能消除学生在练习过程中的心理障碍,提高学生对体育学习的兴趣,调动其积极性,更有助于提高体育教育质量。  相似文献   

幼儿阅读的心理特点及其教育策略   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
阅读是一个人必须具备的能力,而阅读能力不是天生具备,需要从小进行有意识的培养。本从四个方面阐述了成人应如何根据幼儿心理发展特点,进行有效的阅读指导,从而培养幼儿自主阅读的习惯和能力:从小培养幼儿阅读的兴趣,获得阅读的经验和体验;要根据幼儿的心理特点选择阅读书目,逐渐培养幼儿从无目的到有目的的选择图书的能力;通过亲子共读,教会幼儿阅读的技巧与方法,提高阅读的效益及乐趣;督促幼儿形成良好的阅读习惯,提高自主阅读能力。  相似文献   

英语阅读理解是提高学生英语水平的重要课题,也是心理语言学的一大研究内容.心理语言学认为,阅读的心理过程包括四个阶段,即字词视觉感知阶段、句子结构分析与释义阶段、语篇理解阶段和语言信息存储与提取阶段.可见,阅读理解不是简单的文字密码破译过程,而是极为复杂的心理过程.因此,研究英语阅读理解的心理过程,对于搞好英语阅读教学有重要的指导作用.  相似文献   

In the UK the morale of schoolteachers and academicsis the subject of concern, and negative job-relatedattitudes amongst these two groups of educationprofessionals is attributed, in the main, to lowsalary, low status and, in particular, the impact ofgovernment reforms. This article draws upon thefindings of the author's research into jobsatisfaction, morale and motivation amongst teachersin the compulsory schooling and higher educationsectors. It focuses upon one specific issue that wasrevealed to be a significant factor in determiningmorale levels amongst education professionals:attitudes to change. The author outlines herinterpretations and definitions of morale, jobsatisfaction and motivation before examining the waysin which individuals' different responses to theimpact of change on their working lives influencedthese three jobrelated attitudes.  相似文献   

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