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阅读中句子语境的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
句子语境在阅读加工中占有重要地位。关于句子语境条件下词的认知的研究 ,始于英文阅读中的研究。语境效应的来源及效应产生的作用点等问题是句子语境研究的焦点。由此产生的三种理论模型分别为 :词 -词激活模型、基于课文的模型及混合模型。快速系列视觉呈现、跨通道及眼动技术是句子语境效应的研究方法。目前 ,研究中存在的问题是实验材料的评定、各种实验任务的运用以及中文文字的特殊性和研究方法的差异性  相似文献   

Abstract Behavioural analyses of oral reading behaviour have ascribed different functions to errors and the correction of errors. Two positions are discussed. One is the legacy of Skinner which views errors as problematic and which advocates near error‐less learning. The other position views errors and potential errors as providing opportunities for self regulation and enhanced feedback. On the basis of recent research this paper argues that errors can have generative and inhibiting effects on oral reading, depending on the instructional context and the literacy goals of the classroom.  相似文献   

Students of biology must learn the scientific method for generating information in the field. Concurrently, they should learn how information is reported and accessed. We developed a progressive set of exercises for the undergraduate introductory biology laboratory that combine these objectives. Pre- and postassessments of approximately 100 students suggest that increases occurred, some statistically significant, in the number of students using various library-related resources, in the numbers and confidence level of students using various technologies, and in the numbers and confidence levels of students involved in various activities related to the scientific method. Following this course, students should be better prepared for more advanced and independent study.  相似文献   

The principal purpose of this article is to provide a conceptual framework and heuristic model for considering the existence, magnitude, and consequences of context effects. This purpose is addressed through an extension of some concepts in generalizability theory. In particular, distinctions are drawn between different types of facets and different types of universes. For example, sets of items are distinguished from conditions of measurement typically associated with context effects (e.g., item sequence). In addition, a validity-defining universe of generalization is distinguished from a universe of allowable observations associated with a standardized measurement proce- dure and certain fixed conditions of measurement. Other fixed conditions of measurement are also considered in order to examine context effects involved in applications such as the use of so-called "scrambled" test forms and item or section preequating. It is concluded that context effects are often misunder- stood or masked, that current measurement models have rather serious limitations for examining context effects, and that the importance and magnitude of context effects need to be evaluated in context.  相似文献   

What can be learned about the effects of item order and context on invariance of item parameter estimates? Are common-item equating methods appropriate when measuring trends in educational growth?  相似文献   

《近代汉语读本》中"刽子""熬肉""多样时""一家"等的注释尚有不足。在近代汉语中,"刽子"常用来称呼执行死刑的人,下面并不脱"手"字;"熬肉"的"熬"指"干煎;"而并非"在微火上煨熟;""多样时"即"多时","样"不是误字。"一家"在文中指每人,不是"大家"。这些用法在近代文献、相关辞书以及各地方言中可以找到依据。  相似文献   

Currently, there are no Hebrew (L2) reading assessments that have been tested to obtain evidence for reliability and validity on which to base decisions about Hebrew instruction. The authors developed a Hebrew benchmark assessment tool for first grade students modeled after Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills, a standardized test of accuracy and fluency used to identify at-risk students and to monitor student progress. Results of pilot data collection (N=53) provide evidence for strong alternate form reliability for this measure, as well as evidence for content, face and criterion-related validity. Future directions for research and development are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of a computer-based early reading program (Headsprout Early Reading) on the oral language and early reading skills of at-risk preschool children. In a pretest–posttest control group design, 62 children were randomly assigned to receive supplemental instruction with Headsprout Early Reading (experimental group) or Millie's Math House (control group) for 30 min each school day for 8 weeks. Children using Headsprout Early Reading made greater gains in early reading skills as measured by the Test of Early Reading Ability (TERA-3), F(1, 59) = 39.35, p < 0.01, and in oral language skills as measured by the Test of Language Development-Primary (TOLD-P:3), F(1, 59) = 37.03, p < 0.01. Effect sizes were large for the gains in both measures (TERA-3, η2 = 0.24; TOLD-P:3, η2 = 0.17). Teachers' responses to an open-ended interview indicated that the program was perceived as a desirable instructional aid. Educational considerations for preventing future reading difficulties and issues about implementation integrity are discussed.  相似文献   

语言的理解依赖于语境,语境理论对大学英语阅读理解起着重要作用。只有借助语境才能正确理解词义、句意和篇章。教师要培养学生的语境意识,进而提高学生的篇章解读能力。  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of selected reader and task variables on reading comprehension performance. Fifty deaf students and 61 hearing students of comparable reading skill level were blocked by cognitive style scores into field dependent or field independent groups. Subjects read 12 passages and completed selected-response and constructed-response question tasks under both lookback and no-lookback conditions. The passage questions tapped both text-explicit and text-implicit information. Several reader and task interaction effects were found to be significant, particularly for lookback conditions and constructed-response tasks. Moreover, cognitive style interacted with hearing state on tasks involving lookback options. Implications are drawn for further consideration of differential test administration and training in test-taking skills for certain types of readers.  相似文献   

What began as a case study of intergenerational initiatives in university-based early childhood programs evolved into a comparative study of two different program implementation processes. Despite operating with the same goals, university partners, and resources, two early childhood centers pursued fundamentally different strategies for launching their intergenerational programs. One site followed what we call an explicit intervention with a set timeline and series of planned steps for finding, placing, and involving seniors in classroom activities. The other pursued what we call an emergent (or organic) strategy with no predetermined plan for finding senior volunteers and integrating them into classroom activities. Drawing on data collected from interviews with program staff and parents, and observations of intergenerational activities, this study serves to describe, compare, and contrast these alternative program initiation strategies. Both models are effective, but represent different approaches to valuing the contributions of older adults in the lives of young children.  相似文献   

“具体化”是接受关学中的一个重要概念,指的是读者在阅读过程中,对文本中“不确定”和“意义空白之处”,通过积极想像填充完成的活动。“具体化”概念体现了读者是文学活动中的接受主体,文学作品的最后完成、存在价值,文学意义的最终实现都依赖于读者在阅读过程中的能动性阅读。同时,因读者的个人背景不同,文本的“具体化”因人而异,“具体化”也就期待着读者加强文学素养、提高文学阅读能力,以达到文学价值的最大化实现。  相似文献   

全语言教育理念下的幼儿早期阅读   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
幼儿早期阅读的重要性早已得到广大教育者的认可和重视,但目前在幼儿早期阅读实践中存在着大量问题,已严重影响了幼儿早期阅读作用的发挥。本文将幼儿早期阅读置于全语言教育的视域下进行考察,提出整体性学习、整合性学习、开放式语言教学等建议,以为提升幼儿早期阅读效果提供参考。  相似文献   

试论语境知识在阅读教学中的运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在语文教学中 ,引导学生根据语境把握词义是一个重要的环节 ,其方法是准确揣摩词语本义 ,清除歧义 ;灵活把握词语的特殊含义 ;探究词语的隐含意义。  相似文献   

该文采用实证方法研究了教师的意群朗读对EFL学生的影响,说明教师的朗读示范有助于培养学生意群阅读的习惯,促进其阅读自动化。  相似文献   

随着信息技术的飞速发展,图像时代已经来临,大多数学生的阅读方式也随之发生了很大的偏移,对视觉效果刻意追求的,存在着很多局限。这就需要以合理的教育价值观对学生的阅读方式进行引导,转变学生的角色,从传统阅读方式中的被动地位向读图时代的主动地位转变。  相似文献   

This experimental study examined the efficacy of a multicomponent reading intervention compared to a control condition on the reading comprehension of adolescent students with low reading comprehension (more than 1½ standard deviations below normative sample). Ninth‐grade students were randomly assigned to treatment (n = 25) and comparison (n = 19). Reading teachers provided instruction for 90‐min, five times every two weeks for approximately 80 sessions. Treatment effects for each outcome measure were estimated using repeated measure of analysis of covariance for measures of reading comprehension and fluency. Results indicate no statistically significant differences between treatment and comparison conditions. Repeated‐measures analyses of variance between students with lower and higher decoding skills indicated a statistically significant interaction between treatment condition and decoding ability on the WJ‐III PC and Bridge‐IT, with large effect sizes (ηp2 .16 and .12, respectively), indicating that treatment was differentially beneficial for students with higher decoding skills.  相似文献   

This study examines the effectiveness of the Delacato program on reading behaviour by the utilization of three treatment groups. Sixty reading disabled twelve and a half year‐old boys from the one technical school were randomly assigned to three treatment groups. One group was a conventional Delacato group, one a gymnastics group, and the third a phonics treatment group. The results indicated that there was no significant difference between any of the three groups in respect to reading ability after one school year of treatment. Because the motor program groups did less reading per week than the others, it was concluded that motor programs are of value in that these appear to stimulate reading responses. However, since there was no difference between the two motor program groups, it was also concluded that there was no justification in believing in any special efficacy of the Delacato program.


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