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分析了师范院校综合实践活动课程师资培养中存在的相关教师及教学资源缺乏等问题,提出了加强综合实践活动课程师资培养的有效对策。  相似文献   

人工智能的教育应用成为相关领域的技术趋势和研究热点。为探讨AI赋能教师培训的教育意蕴及其实践向度,从分析人工智能技术促进教师培训理念和实践方式变革入手,分析AI赋能教师培训促使培训和教学实践有机融合,培训目标指向教育智慧的生成和教师自身的完满发展,并在多元关联的知识域、主体域、智能系统中解析AI赋能教师培训的心理场与物理场、自主与规约、冲击与张力等问题,以及培训过程中所蕴含的多维实践意义及关系建构。实践向度上,提出应精准设置学习路径以实现长善救失,坚持实践导向支持对教学实践探索的螺旋上升,将智能信息技术与教学实践深度融合促进教师教学能力提升,注重人性涵养以丰盈教师个体生命。  相似文献   

近年来,我国教师培训在政府政策与经费的大力支持下,取得很大成绩,但部分培训低效仍是困扰教师教育的重要问题。培训低效的一个重要原因是培训者对教师的需求挖掘不够,没有做好培训需求分析。在教师培训实践中存在着三个需求分析误区:培训需求分析缺失、培训需求分析有误、培训需求分析不充分不到位。在教师培训实践中,可以借鉴绩效模式与OTP模式的需求分析,厘清培训可以帮助教师解决的问题,挖掘并引领教师的隐性需求,为教师提供更有针对性和实效性的培训。  相似文献   

国内外教育界诸多研究表明,教师的反思能力是实现教师自身发展的关键。师范教育中如何培养学生的教学反思能力已经为越来越多的人所关注。本文提出职前教育应该以培养反思型教师为目标,并在此基础上提出了不同形式的旨在培养学生的反思能力的培训活动。  相似文献   

The authors report on a survey carried out of the present utilisation of curriculum materials and resources in teacher education in the State of Israel. A number of felt needs are identified and proposals for action are put forward.  相似文献   

实践取向学前师资培养体系的价值诉求包含有:教师教育理念转变的时代诉求;幼儿园教育质量提升的现实诉求;学前教师专业发展的内在诉求。为此,应积极构建实践取向的学前师资培养体系,首先,建构实践取向的课程培养体系;其次,打造实践取向的优质师资队伍;再有,拓展实践取向的教学实现场域;最后,建立实践取向的考核评价机制。  相似文献   


The instructional elements of inservice training sessions that prepare teachers to implement innovations were investigated. Workshops conducted by trainers from exemplary programs sponsored by the National Diffusion Network were observed to describe the content and activities in terms of number of minutes and percentage of time. Changes in teachers' concerns were measured by the Stages of Concerns Questionnaire. The results indicated that content topics classified as introduction, skills, organization, and theory were related to changes in teachers' concerns following training. In contrast to previous research, the measure of time spent in training activities classified as presentation, example, application, and feedback were not as critical to resolution of concerns.  相似文献   

付艳萍 《中学教育》2019,16(5):103-112
随着拔尖人才对于国家发展重要性的日益凸显,美国作为英才教育强国,其发展经验值得借鉴。美国联邦政府和州政府分别为英才教育师资培养制定了相关支持政策。在英才教育师资培养过程中,存在直接性培养、替代性培养以及碎片化培养三种实践路径。据此启示,我国可以探索制定英才教育师资培养的支持政策,逐渐建立职前与职后一体化的英才教育师资培养体系,尤其需要重视英才教育教师教学实践能力的培养。  相似文献   

以龙头课题研究为中心的校本培训可以规定教师努力的方向,有利于教师发挥主体作用,方便教师灵活选题。其操作模式有导师制模式和研修班模式。要建立一套行之有效的科学管理体系:健全科研机构、建立激励机制和完善科研管理制度。  相似文献   

在教师专业化发展和基础教育课程改革的背景下,职前小学学科实用人才培养模式应以实践取向、专业学习、崇尚创新的培养理念为指导,通过加强课程间的整合和多样的培养方式来探索培养理论涵养与实践能力,基本素质与独特个性品质的有机统一的新时代小学教师.  相似文献   

This study focuses on how different educational programmes contribute to student teachers efficacy for classroom management and their abilities to provide learning opportunities and good classroom outcomes. Data were gathered from 491 student teachers attending different teacher education programmes in Norway and analysed via structural equation modelling. The results revealed the following: (1) problem behaviour in the classroom has a negative effect on student teacher efficacy, (2) students' perceptions of the integration of pedagogic knowledge and practice supports students' efficacy beliefs, (3) support from supervisors contributes positively to student teachers' efficacy beliefs, and (4) student teachers in university college programmes for primary school teaching report higher teacher efficacy than students in university programmes for secondary school teaching.  相似文献   

前南斯拉夫"实践派"的"实践哲学"及其泛滥的教训   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南斯拉夫"实践派"思想家主张的"实践哲学"曾一度在南斯拉夫理论界居支配地位.本文试图通过分析南斯拉夫"实践派"的"实践哲学"及其在前南斯拉夫陷入社会危机、动荡、以至最后解体过程中的作用,特别是以铁托为首的南共联盟何以未能从根本上遏制住这种"实践哲学"的泛滥,说明执政的共产党坚持马克思主义的基本原则、坚持对意识形态领域的领导、巩固马克思主义在意识形态领域的指导地位对于建设社会主义的重要意义.  相似文献   

The report on teacher training in Belgium is included here because it describes a pattern that was typical for all of Europe in the past and still prevails in many countries. Its main characteristic is the training of elementary school teachers during the last years of secondary education at a "normal school." The system is being upgraded in Belgium—as the article discusses—but not to the level of primary teacher training found in England, Sweden, and West Germany, for example.  相似文献   

地理实践教学是培养学生基本实验技能和教学技能,培养学生观察问题、分析问题、解决问题能力,科研能力和创新能力的重要途径。本文分析了我院地理科学专业(教师教育)现行实践教学内容存在的问题,比如内容体系不完善、实验内容陈旧、综合性和创新性实验偏少、教育实习不够重视等。并提出了构建实践教学内容体系,调整和优化实践课程内容,做好实践教学安排等措施。  相似文献   

王佣 《教育文化论坛》2019,(2):8-12,134
基础教育教师培训是实现教师教育、促进教师专业能力成长的一种重要路径。20世纪80年代以来,我国基础教育教师培训在培训内容、培训方式以及培训评估方面主要经历了从学历补偿为主的教师培训到法制化和规范化的教师培训再到校本化、时代化的教师培训。从我国基础教育长期的发展历程来看,当前基础教育教师培训发展呈如下态势:培训空间逐渐由单一空间向虚拟三维一体化空间发展;由关注知识发展向关注认知发展;由学习模式逐渐向探究、创新为基础的教师培训发展;由注重教师技能训练向注重教师专业化综合发展。  相似文献   


This article reports the findings of a survey of 156 FE librarians which examined the provision of library support for franchised HE courses in FE colleges by determining the involvement of the library in the franchising process and assessing the practical issues of provision. A significant finding is that the problems cited by librarians tend to be of a practical issues, such as stock management, whilst the benefits are perceived to be more of a managerial or professional nature.  相似文献   

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