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In 1988 academic unions were signatories to the first industrial award ever negotiated concerning academic salaries in Australia. In return for the 4% Second Tier increase, academics became subject to mandatory supervision and performance assessment. The wording of the award allowed a wide diversity of ways in which institutions could interpret and implement these requirements. One University's response to the award is examined.

In 1991 a subsequent award restructuring decision imposed the trial requirement of routine appraisal of academic staff for development only. This paper discusses the issues arising for academic staff as a result of these requirements, particularly the difficulty for an appraiser of separating the purpose of judgement from that of development, and it analyses the nature of the training needed for developmental appraisers.

It is concluded that as a result of the 1991 decision there is now a chance that academic staff development will be taken seriously if the funding implications of these requirements are honoured.  相似文献   

教育学的性质除了理论性和实践性外,还有行动性。行动的教育学是提高教育学教学实效性的需要,是培养教育学教师教学监控能力的需要,是构建教师教育学的需要。教育学教师的行动要有良好的示范性,应做师德的表率、育人的模范和教学的专家,这是行动的教育学对教育学教师素质的规定性。  相似文献   

The focus of this study is on how teachers' professional and religious orientations relate to their reaction intentions when confronted with morally critical incidents. The context of the study is the increasing importance of the moral task of teachers which is complex in current secularized and individualized Western society. The main assumption is that both professional and religious orientations constitute a possible source for understanding differences in teachers' behavior during such incidents. The results suggest that both orientations indeed play a role. This result is notable with regard to the religious orientations because of the absence of this variable in current research.  相似文献   


In recent years there has been considerable debate in the UK about the impact and value of educational research. At the same time, the Teacher Training Agency (TTA), the body with responsibility for funding teacher education in England, has been keen to promote the idea of teaching as an evidence-based profession. This paper analyses the findings of a TTA questionnaire, designed to investigate teachers' views on research (which projects had previously influenced them and which issues they would like to see researched in the future) and the value they attributed to it. The findings point to the need for the concerns of teachers to be given greater weight when research agendas are set and funding allocated, but they also suggest that if research is to influence classroom practice, then it is vital that teachers are again given extended opportunities for further professional study alongside those who are conducting research.  相似文献   

中学教师自我效能、集体效能和工作倦怠关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章采用自我效能问卷、集体效能问卷和工作倦怠问卷对150名中学教师进行了问卷调查,探讨了教师自我效能、集体效能和工作倦怠之间的关系.结果发现:自我效能在性别、学校类型上差异显著,在教龄上差异不显著;集体效能在学校类型上差异显著;工作倦怠在性别和学校类型上差异显著,在教龄上差异不显著.教师的自我效能与集体效能存在显著的正相关.教师自我效能与工作倦怠的三个维度一热情枯竭,精力枯竭、职业成就感丧失之间存在显著的负相关.教师的集体效能与工作倦怠的三个维度一热情枯竭、精力枯竭、职业成就感丧失之间存在显著的负相关.  相似文献   

论行动研究与教师专业成长   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
新课程改革使专业化成长成为当前每位教师都在关注的问题,而行动研究则是教师专业化成长的非常有效的途径。行动研究注重实践的完善,实现了教师作为研究主体的参与,使研究者和研究活动二者结合了起来。它既强化了教师的研究意识,又有利于提高教师的反思能力。同时,在行动研究中,教师成为学习群体中的一员,能充分感受到持续学习的必要和成长的快乐。  相似文献   

教师专业发展之行动研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过行动研究来促进教师的专业发展已经成为当今世界范围内教师教育改革的热点问题,而采取制定教师职业生涯规划、开展教师校本培训和实施发展性教学评价等行动研究策略则是促进教师专业发展的有效途径。研究表明,这些策略不仅提升了教师的专业素养,改善了教师的课堂教学行为,而且提高了教师的教学研究与反思能力。  相似文献   

Action learning is based on the premise that action and learning are inextricably entwined and it is this potential, to enable action, which has contributed to the growth of action learning within education and management development programmes. However has this growth in action learning lead to an evolution or a dilution of Revan's classical Principles (RCP)? We illustrate, using examples from a case study organisation, how action learning enabled action but also how action learning supported some participants in avoiding conflict. We argue that key decision makers in the organisation are, often unacknowledged, part of the action learning process and that while the action learning sets enabled participants to practice questioning taken-for-granted-assumptions, this questioning needed to be extended and supported within wider communities. We also argue that critical theory can enhance action learning by enabling better questioning and we refocus attention on the need for ‘organizing insight’ (Vince, 2004). Finally we reemphasise the social aspect of critically reflective practice and in the spirit of engaging and extending the community of reflective practice we offer our reflections; opening a space for others to question and reflect extending further theory which illuminates the idea of action learning.  相似文献   

全纳教育的产生和发展为教育事业注入了新的活力,为社会和谐发展提供了全新理念,但同时也提出了严峻挑战.全纳教育在我国能否顺利地推广和实施,教师的准备和行动是关键,教师应从以下几个方面着手,为服务所有学生做好准备.第一,树立全纳的教育观;第二,与学生是立良好的关系;第三,让学生有兴趣和能力掌握学习的工具;第四,通过参与和反思成为有道德敏感性的教师.  相似文献   

语文新课程改革是教育从理念到行动的深刻变革,而变革能否顺利实现的关键是教师。长期以来,应试教育形成的价值取向、思维方式和行为方式,已经成为教师的习惯意识和经验积淀,并内化为教学习性。在深入推进课程改革,实施素质教育的今天,必须唤醒语文教师改变教学习性的意识和坚持在实践中变革的行动,建立符合新课程教学要求的教学习性。  相似文献   

教育推理就是指教师通过内部思考,将理论知识调适、转化为学生可以主动探究和接受的知识的过程,具体而言是教师的思维内化和和外化的过程。教育行动模型包括理解、转化、讲授、评价、反思和新意义生成六大环节。在舒尔曼的教育理念中,教师的教育推理与行动模型是作为一个整体概念呈现的,是基于教学实践的分析与归纳,具有十分重要的作用,它有助于教师把自身的知识转化为学生能够理解、表征的形式,进而保证教学的有效性。  相似文献   

When trying to help teachers cope with the critical situations they face in classrooms, public policies are mainly concerned with improving initial teacher training. I claim in this article that the role of lifelong learning should no longer be undermined and that the design of teachers' training should be supported by a thorough examination of the cognitive processes involved. A faulty view of cognition may explain both our emphasis on initial training and most of the difficulties faced in designing teachers' training. Searching existing alternative metaphors of cognition and investigating new ones constitutes a way of coping with these problems: first to design new forms of training, second to understand the processes involved in innovative training methods that have already been implemented. My focus in this article is precisely the ‘metaphor of cognition’ that underlies innovative teacher training methods. This metaphor is based on Peirce's pragmaticism, and it describes teachers' training as a process of taking and changing habits. This article mainly investigates the links between Peirce's later semiotics, Merleau‐Ponty's Phenomenology of Perception and Varela's theory of enaction, in order to propose a threefold definition of ‘habit’ and define the notion of ‘educational gesture’, which constitutes a translation of the concept of habit in the field of education and training.  相似文献   

Ashwin  Paul 《Instructional Science》2003,31(3):159-173
In this paper an investigation of the outcomesof a Peer Support scheme for the students whoare supported is reported. It was found thatattendance at Peer Support sessions waspositively and significantly correlated toacademic performance. This relationship wasfound even when prior levels of academicperformance were controlled for. However, itwas also found that students who attended PeerSupport sessions adopted less meaningorientated approaches to studying over thecourse of the academic year. It is argued thatthis is an indication that the quality of thelearning of these students fell. Qualitativeevidence suggests that this change in approachwas in response to an increased awareness ofthe assessment demands of the course and thatthese students had become more strategicallyorientated in their approach to studying as aresult of their attendance at Peer Supportsessions. It is argued that these resultssuggest that the outcomes and operation of thisPeer Support scheme were influenced by thecontext in which it operated. Two implicationsof these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

远程教育教师是远程教育发展的动力之源和关键所在。加强师资队伍建设是远程教育发展战略的重点,提升科研能力是远程教育教师发展的关键。我国远程教育与教师发展的实践,表征与印证了实践探索是远程教育发展的成功之路,而实践研究是远程教育教师发展的有效途径。在不断深化推进实践研究的过程中,远程教育教师的科研素养、发展能力及自身价值得以提升。在远程教育教师的发展模式中,科研具有重要的支撑作用。  相似文献   

教师开展行动研究面临专业伦理缺位的问题。应基于行动研究的伦理关系,确立教师专业伦理规范:在师生关系上,以尊重、理解和保护学生为道德基准,以学生发展为本;在与学校管理者关系上,坚持平等合作、民主参与和专业判断的行为准则;在自我探究与实践反思中,保持改进、敢于创新的自觉性和责任感;在与同行及专业研究者合作中,秉持民主开放、信任合作和专业自主的专业精神。教师行动研究的专业伦理,是在必要的制度规约下,教师主体不断的道德认同、承诺与践履,实现制度伦理与德性伦理的整合与同构,生成道德实践智慧的建构过程。  相似文献   

This contribution reports about a seven-month long video-based study in two regular Flemish sixth-grade mathematics classrooms. The focus is on teachers' approaches towards problem solving. In our analysis we distinguished between a paradigmatic-oriented (focus on the mathematical structure) and a narrative-oriented (focus on the contextual aspects of a problem) perspective on the problem-solving process. The findings have highlighted that the word problem-solving lessons were more dominated by a paradigmatic than a narrative approach and that interventions in which the relation between the mathematics structure and the realistic constraints of the problem context is addressed, were rare.  相似文献   

发展教师教学行为的行动研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
理科教师要具有相应的科学本质教学行为。通过行动研究的方法对发展理科教师教学行为的途径和方法的研究发现:教师理解科学本质教育的价值是自主发展科学本质教学行为的前提;教学行为的范例水平影响着教师教学行为的发展;WWHW思考模型能够有效提升教师的认识论水平,进一步深化教师对知识内容及其科学本质的理解,促进教师科学本质教学行为的发展;科学本质教学行为自我监控系统对于理科教师科学本质教学行为发展能够起到有效的监控作用。  相似文献   

There has been a long‐standing debate about how ‘English’ can be defined. Educational policy changes have typically been driven by differing representations of the subject, and have ranged from broad ‘aesthetic’ definitions to more narrow ‘functional’ views. The present study aims to analyse areas of consensus and contention in stakeholders' discourse regarding English. A questionnaire‐based survey and focus groups were used to explore how teachers and employers viewed English as a subject. Their views were conceptualised into three themes: the importance of functional English; English as atomistic versus holistic study; and English as critical thought. These themes are discussed in relation to historical definitions of ‘English’, and their implications for the future reform of English qualifications.  相似文献   

师德师风建设是一个复杂的词组,只有从广义与狭义、个体与群体、主体与客体、内因与外因等多个维度进行概念辨识,才能明确其固有的特性与本质.师德师风建设的行动要义在于遵循个体视域与群体视域、师德提高与师业提升、统一要求与分层建设、自我修养与外铄培育、内在自律与外在他律、内化于心与外化于行等相结合原则,采取核心建设、全程建设、全面建设、全层建设、协同建设、全媒体建设等策略,以求取得良好实效.  相似文献   

大学英语教师科研能力相对薄弱,分级教学改革对大学英语教师提出更高专业要求。在K.Lewin行动研究理论基础上,阐述了对教师专业发展概念的新理解,探讨大学英语教师在从事教学实践的同时提高科研能力、获得专业发展的具体办法,为从事大学英语分级教学的教师专业发展提供一定参考。  相似文献   

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