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本研究旨在了解北京市0-7岁残疾儿童家庭康复需求的状况,为政府部门建构残疾儿童康复服务支持体系提供参考建议,对133名北京市智力残疾、听力残疾、肢体残疾、精神残疾、多重残疾共5类残疾儿童家长进行问卷调查。结果发现残疾儿童家长对咨讯支持、经济支持和专业支持需求强烈,对服务支持和精神支持也有较强需求。残疾孩子的母亲对咨讯支持需求显著高于残疾孩子的父亲,40岁以上的被试对精神支持需求显著高于40岁以下的被试,残疾程度为重度(一级)的家庭对精神支持需求显著高于其他残疾程度儿童家庭。研究者认为北京市0-7岁残疾儿童家庭康复需求强烈,相关部门和机构应适时给予残疾儿童及其家庭适当的支持服务。  相似文献   

为了解北京市0~6岁残疾儿童家长教育需求的状况及其影响因素,本文采用问卷调查法对313名北京籍智力残疾、听力残疾、肢体残疾、精神残疾、多重残疾共5类残疾儿童家长进行问卷调查。结果发现:北京市0~6岁残疾儿童家长教育需求广泛而迫切,在各维度都呈现出高需求。其中,残疾儿童家长对法律政策需求、专业指导与专业合作需求显著高于其他教育需求。填表人身份、家长文化程度、家庭收入、儿童残疾程度和接受康复训练情况对家长教育需求有显著影响。建议尽快建立残疾儿童家庭服务支持体系,多形式、多渠道满足0~6岁残疾儿童家庭的需求,开展有效家长教育服务。  相似文献   

研究采用自编问卷对天津市4个街道27个社区的167名成年残疾人进行了社区远程教育学习需求的调查。研究发现:⑴成年残疾人对社区远程教育具有较高的学习需求。学习需求在具备不同计算机水平的成年残疾人间存在显著性差异;在不同的计算机和网络配备情况下不存在显著差异。⑵不同年龄段的成年残疾人在社区远程教育学习目的上存在显著性差异,主要以"自我提高"和"解决就业"为主。⑶成年残疾人对社区远程教育各类学习支持服务的需求总体上较均衡,但不同残疾类型的成年残疾人对学习支持服务的需求存在显著性差异。研究针对成年残疾人社区远程教育学习需求情况进行了分析,并就社区远程教育的开展提出了建议。  相似文献   

近二十年来,在中等教育已经普及、高等教育已实现大众化的美国,出现了由家长自己充当教师,在家给子女上课的奇特现象,美国人称之为家庭学校教育(Home-schooling)。二十年前,这种新型教育组织形  相似文献   

Higher education in the Israeli Kibbutz: Revolution and effect   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

上海市成年智障人士家庭需求调查   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
理解家庭需求有助于促进成年智障人士的社会融合。研究采用自编的智障人士家庭调查表,调查了上海市1412个成年智障人士家庭需求。结果发现:(1)成年智障人士大多赋闲在家,只有少数接受过职业训练和康复训练。(2)智障人士的现状与家庭的期望不一致,而许多家长将现状归因于家庭努力不够和智障者能力的限制。(3)有半数家长认为子女不能工作,但事实上他们还是可能从事许多工作。(4)影响社会融合的因素是智障人士自身能力的限制和社会接纳不力,家庭为此作了很多努力,也表示需要政府更多的帮助。(5)智障人士可以从事多种运动,包括特奥运动。  相似文献   

A dramatic rise in the survival rates of children born with disabilities (particularly those born prematurely) has been reported in the last decade. The nature of their disabilities is, at times, significantly different from that previously reported, posing problems for the families attempting to nurture the development of these children. Barry Carpenter, Chief Executive of Sunfield, considers the needs of the self-defining family, the implications for interdisciplinary practice, and the changing pattern of early childhood disability. He asks a fundamental question: 'How can professionals sustain the family of a child with disabilities?'  相似文献   

虽然以色列基布兹是典型的犹太事物,但是其成功的经验却值得全世界人民关注与借鉴,特别是对于我们这样一个农村人口占绝大多数的国家来说,更应该深刻而透彻的研究以色列基布兹的发展模式,从理论上解析基布兹的生命力所在,在实践中学习和借鉴其成功的经验,使其成为我国新农村建设的有益参考。  相似文献   

Thirty kibbutz children, boys and girls, whose ages ranged between 35 and 38 months, participated in a study on compliance to bids of mother and caregiver. Children participated in the Doll Play Interview, and were requested to determine whether a narrated child will indulge his or her wish or comply with opposing bids of a narrated mother or a narrated caregiver. Results indicated that narrated mothers were described more often as initiating close contact with the child, whereas caregivers were perceived as more strict and aggressive. However, narrated mothers were not perceived as more willing to accept child incompliance. Narrated children responded in either a more compliant or a more self-assertive way to bids of mother. Rather than choosing between complying or uncomplying with similar bids of caregiver, they tended more often to ignore them. In the presence of a narrated mother children expressed their thoughts and feelings more freely. They spoke with caregiver more often on actions and objects. Conflict with a narrated mother was associated with seeking close contact between the child doll and the mother doll, whereas similar conflict with a narrated caregiver resulted more often in seeking physical proximity outside the story, with the child's real mother.  相似文献   

Thirty kibbutz children, boys and girls, whose ages ranged between 35 and 38 months, participated in a study on compliance to bids of mother and caregiver. Children participated in the Doll Play Interview, and were requested to determine whether a narrated child will indulge his or her wish or comply with opposing bids of a narrated mother or a narrated caregiver. Results indicated that narrated mothers were described more often as initiating close contact with the child, whereas caregivers were perceived as more strict and aggressive. However, narrated mothers were not perceived as more willing to accept child incompliance. Narrated children responded in either a more compliant or a more self-assertive way to bids of mother. Rather than choosing between complying or uncomplying with similar bids of caregiver, they tended more often to ignore them. In the presence of a narrated mother children expressed their thoughts and feelings more freely. They spoke with caregiver more often on actions and objects. Conflict with a narrated mother was associated with seeking close contact between the child doll and the mother doll, whereas similar conflict with a narrated caregiver resulted more often in seeking physical proximity outside the story, with the child's real mother.  相似文献   

The Children Act 1989 comes into force next month. Earlier, in the March 1990 issue of the journal, Philippa Russell, director of the Voluntary Council for Handicapped Children, summarised sections of the Act most relevant to children with special educational needs. In this article she looks more closely at issues to do with assessment, independent residential schools and child protection in the light of the guidance which the Department of Health is issuing on the Act.  相似文献   

Homelessness is a growing social problem in the United States. Especially vulnerable to this phenomenon are young children because homelessness is viewed as a breeding ground for disabilities. Despite federal legislation ensuring educational opportunities, the educational needs of children who are homeless are frequently unfulfilled. This article reviews the educational rights of children who are homeless, including those with disabilities, and offers recommendations and suggestions as to how early childhood programs can help meet the needs of homeless young children with disabilities and their families.
Richard M. GargiuloEmail:

残障儿童家庭康复需求的调查报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用《家庭需求调查表》对51个残障儿童家庭进行有关专业帮助、资料提供、经济支持和心理支持四个方面的需求调查。结果表明:家庭对专业帮助的需求占较大比例,占调查人数的85%。因此,要加强对残疾儿童家长的培训,提高家长对家庭训练重要性的认识。  相似文献   

在残疾人所在的社区,当残疾人与普通人要实现社区公共事务的管理时,如何实现公平?票决制度的设计,正是为了体现所有参与者的平等,然而,由于社区之中有阶级之分、强弱之别,这种平等的制度设计最终流于形式,从而成为强势群体的合法且合理的依据。在对票决制度的反思之中,审议民主或协商民主应运而生,它强调审议的过程,从形式上为处于弱势群体的残疾人表达意愿和诉求提供了平等基础。  相似文献   

The positive impact of family–school relationships is well documented in the literature, as is the need for teacher education to prepare teachers to work positively with diverse families. This article reports the experiences and perspectives of candidates in an elementary urban teacher preparation program in the United States as they engaged in authentic experiences with the families of their students. Findings provide evidence that authentic experiences within constructivist teacher education can help candidates regard families as a valuable resource for teachers in urban schools. The results highlight the need to provide candidates with authentic and relevant community- and family-based experiences within carefully designed teacher preparation programs as we strive to prepare the teachers all children deserve.  相似文献   

71例自闭症儿童的家庭需求及发展支持调查   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
利用东亚发育障碍儿童课题组问卷向71名自闭症儿童家长搜集资料,对自闭症儿童的家庭需求及发展支持需求进行调查.结果表明:(1)超过一半的自闭症儿童家庭有经济困难,希望获得的支持有增加家庭补贴、增加特殊儿童的医生和可以接纳特殊儿童的机构等.(2)家长最需要的是孩子的发展支持、学校接受教育的支持和增加特教人员.(3)从最早被怀疑或诊断到确诊有一年左右的时间间隔期,自闭症儿童需要得到及时、连续性、专业、正规的早期干预和教育.  相似文献   

Recommendations of the Thayer, Spring Hill, and Olympia conferences are examined as they relate to ways we can support and make positive contributions to students, families, and schools. In the current issue of the Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation, Hatzichristou and Lampropoulou (this issue), Meyers, Meyers, and Grogg (this issue), Nastasi (this issue), and Wizda (this issue) share important insights that can guide efforts to implement ideas discussed at the recent 2002 Futures Conference. Their ideas, along with literature on the public health model, are discussed. Points are made about the move to evidence-based interventions, as well as the use of Internet technology to facilitate collaboration and follow-up to the 2002 conference.  相似文献   

杨狄 《培训与研究》2010,27(6):90-92
随着国家对残疾人权益保障的日益重视,我国残疾儿童的法律援助工作已取得了一定的成绩,残疾儿童法律援助制度也初步建立,残疾儿童法律援助制度均衡国家与社会利益冲突的价值功能也为人所重视。但是,立法的缺位和制度设计上的漏洞导致了残疾儿童法律援助今日的窘境。进一步完善立法与制度设计,将是我国残疾儿童法律援助制度摆脱困境的必由之路。  相似文献   

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