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林语堂在小说创作中表现出鲜明的女性意识,他的小说把女性当作镜头的焦点,把传统文学中处于边缘地带的女性推到中心位置,并从各个角度加以审视、观照。但他又始终没有挣脱"男性本位意识"的局限。他的女性观既表现出尊重、崇拜女性的进步的一面,又表现出与男性本位意识藕断丝连的局限性。  相似文献   

The present study examined the extent to which mothers' and fathers' expectations for their offspring's future education, their level of education, and adolescents' academic achievement predict adolescents' educational expectations. To investigate this, 230 adolescents were examined twice while they were in comprehensive school (in the 7th and 9th grades). Their parents also filled in questionnaires at the same time points. The results showed that high parental expectations concerning their offspring's future education predicted high educational expectations among adolescents and they became more similar in the 9th grade compared to 7th grade. Parents' high level of education predicted both mothers' and adolescents' high level of educational expectations in the 7th grade, which then contributed to adolescents' high expectations in 9th grade.  相似文献   

This study examines how Israeli eleventh and twelfth graders perceive the costs of one pattern of gender role allocation: allowing women to combine gainful employment with domestic responsibilities, and greater assistance of men in the household. This pattern has become fairly common in recent years, and symbolizes for many people the essence of gender egalitarianism. An exchange model which is designed to explain males’ and females’ evaluations of costs was theoretically developed and empirically tested. The costs included physical costs (fatigue), psychological costs (stress, self‐image), and social costs (status) to both males and females, as well as economic costs to the family, and non‐economic costs related to child rearing and household maintenance (neglect, for example). The data revealed that all respondents viewed this pattern as costly, especially for women. However males rated each cost higher than females. They rated the physical, psychological, and the social costs for females higher than any of the costs for men.  相似文献   

父母性别平等态度与孩子性别平等态度、性别角色的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究以212名中学生及其父母为被试,考察父母的性别角色平等态度与孩子性别角色平等态度、性别角色的关系。结果发现:男生比女生、男生的母亲比女生的母亲更认为男女是不平等的,而男孩的父亲与女孩的父亲在性别角色平等态度上没有差异;父亲、母亲的性别角色平等态度与孩子的性别角色平等态度有显著的正相关;父亲的性别角色平等态度与孩子的性别角色没有显著相关,但母亲的性别角度平等态度与孩子的女性性别角色有显著负相关。  相似文献   

A 50-item questionnaire designed to assess information on attitudes about women and work was mailed to a sample of ACES members. Responses from 128 males and 64 females were analyzed. On the basis of an earlier survey of school counselors, it was expected that females would be better informed and express more positive attitudes than males. It was also expected that younger members would express more positive attitudes than older ones. It was found that, in general, ACES members are well informed and express positive attitudes. However, substantial numbers of members made incorrect or unfavorable responses to at least 25 percent of the items. Such responses appeared as likely to occur for either sex and irrespective of age, but men appeared to be misinformed about more fundamental matters than women.  相似文献   

为考察学校情境下的环境知觉、自我评价对青少年学校满意度的影响,采用感知的学校气氛、一般自我概念和学校满意度问卷对320名初中生进行调查,结果表明:初中生学校环境知觉、自我概念与学校满意度呈中等程度显著相关;发展多样性、学习压力、师生关系以及自我概念显著预测学校满意度;环境知觉对学校满意度的方差解释率相对较高,得到了青少年对学校环境知觉和自我评价分别对学校满意度具有显著预测作用的结论。  相似文献   

海明威与菲茨杰拉德是“迷惘一代”青年作家中的代表人物,他们笔下的女性形象各有不同。前者将女人分为好女人和坏女人两大类;后者关注那类娇贵可爱,有毁灭性影响和寄生本质的女人。截然不同的女性形象折射出海明威和菲茨杰拉德对妇女的不同心态,而他们对女性的矛盾心态与各自特定的生活经历有着微妙的关系。  相似文献   

海明威与菲茨杰拉德是"迷惘一代"青年作家中的代表人物,他们笔下的女性形象各有不同.前者将女人分为好女人和坏女人两大类;后者关注那类娇贵可爱,有毁灭性影响和寄生本质的女人.截然不同的女性形象折射出海明威和菲茨杰拉德对妇女的不同心态,而他们对女性的矛盾心态与各自特定的生活经历有着微妙的关系.  相似文献   

<正>Regarded as a philosophical advocate and practitioner of the scientifi c method,though,Sir Francis Bacon seems to have failed in the task of breaking away from the conventional thinking of his time that women should be obedient to men,which is manifested in his famed utterance thatwives are young men’s mistresses;companions for middle age;and old men’s nurses(Scott 34).During the 16th century AD in Britain,religious institutions  相似文献   


Self-help groups (SHGs) have emerged as an effective mechanism of empowerment and development of women as well as being on efficient mode of promoting group action and technology dissemination. Initiatives were undertaken at the Central Institute of Post-Harvest Engineering and Technology (CIPHET), Ludhiana to facilitate the formation of women's SHGs and to develop their capabilities through training programmes for harnessing the benefits of value addition and processing technologies for employment and income generation. The study attempts to assess the attitude changes in women about SHGs as a result of training. The evaluation of SHGs was conducted at attitude construct. A Likert Likert, R. 1932. A Technique for the Measurement of Attitudes. Archives of Psychology, 140: 4453.  [Google Scholar]-type scale consisting of 26 items was developed, for which Cronbach's alpha coefficient of reliability was observed as 0.85. The survey instrument contained five sections; namely, socio-economic upliftment; education and training; marketing and entrepreneurship qualities; technology adoption and participatory research; and banking/credit aspects. The training group consisting of 30 participants of SHGs responded to five-section survey instrument. Significant t-test results for mean values of attitude of women before and after the training showed a significant change in attitude of women in all the five areas as a result of training. Positive orientation towards a task paves the way for success. The study exemplifies the impact of training in instilling positive orientation. For addressing the issues of rural poverty, enrichment of the system with social capital through empowerment and formation of women SHGs; provision of financial and credit support; creation of market-driven and decentralized extension system; use of media-mix for technology transfer and informal education at rural level; conduction of need-based training and strong political will need to be emphasized.  相似文献   

This study investigated tenth- and twelfth-grade adolescents' ( N = 264) beliefs about homosexuality, their attitudes about gay and lesbian peers in school, and their evaluations of the treatment of gay, lesbian, and gender non-conforming peers. The results revealed differences in adolescents' beliefs about homosexuality and their attitudes toward gay and lesbian peers in school. Further, age-related and context differences in adolescents' attitudes were obtained. The results also revealed age-related difference in adolescents' evaluations of the treatment of gay, lesbian, and gender non-conforming peers. Finally, the results provide some evidence that gender non-conformity and sexuality independently and interdependently impact adolescents' evaluations of the treatment of others. The implications of these results for educators and others interested in creating schools that are safe for all students are discussed.  相似文献   

The sex role attitudes of 461 teacher education students were measured on a 32‐item questionnaire. Chi‐square analyses produced significant effects for gender on 22 of the items, showing that the females were more egalitarian than the males. However, most of the students adopted an egalitarian stance on many, though not all, of the items. Responses to some items (women getting drunk and swearing, corporal punishment, boys doing heavy chores, and boys dressing up and playing with dolls) suggest that some traditional stereotypes may be particularly resistant to change. The data also suggest that students may adopt egalitarian attitudes out of self‐interest rather than as a matter of principle, and are more accepting of general principles of gender equity than of specific practices designed to achieve it. Finally, although there is some evidence of ambivalence among the students, particularly the males, it is more accurate to characterise these students as definite in their gender attitudes.  相似文献   

In this study, I explored mainstreamed behaviorally disordered aggressive adolescents' perceptions of helpful and unhelpful teacher attitudes and behaviors. I generated the data from in-depth formal individual interviews of six behaviorally disordered aggressive adolescents and ethnographic observations of them in main- stream classrooms. The data revealed that these students perceived teachers were helpful when they engaged in specific aspects of teacher-student communication as well as flexible academic and behavioral program implementation. They perceived teachers' rigidity and use of discipline as unhelpful. Student anger was a pervading theme throughout the data set. Understanding students' perceptions of helpful and unhelpful teacher attitudes and behaviors may have implications for more successful integration of behaviorally disordered students into mainstream classrooms.  相似文献   


A non traditional model for teaching composition has extensive teaching and research value. The purpose of this research was to test the effect of oral discourse in teaching written discourse. The control group went from stimulus to problem to written discussion; the experimental group went from stimulus to problem to controlled oral discussion to written discussion on the model. Teachers evaluated unidentified papers of both pretest and posttest of control and experimental groups. With the use of the chi-square statistic, it was shown that the use of controlled oral discourse produced more grade increases and fewer decreases in written discourse in the experimental group than in the control group at the .01 level of significance.  相似文献   

Research on gender-schematic processing has shown that children often forget and/or distort counterstereotypic information. This process may in part explain the limited impact of past intervention efforts in which children were simply exposed to counterstereotypic information. Here we attempt to reduce schematic-processing distortions by first teaching children decision rules about occupational sorting based not on gender but rather on interests and skills. It was hypothesized that this intervention would lead to greater flexibility in children's beliefs about what men and women can do. Assuming this effect was found, the study was designed to provide an experimental test of the hypothesized relation between attitudes and memory that had been demonstrated only correlationally in previous research. As predicted, the experimental intervention with elementary school children led to a reduction of occupational stereotyping. Children's own occupational aspirations were not, however, significantly affected. Consistent with the hypothesized effect of attitudes on memory, children in the experimental intervention showed superior recall of counterstereotypic information in a later memory test. Results are discussed with respect to the utility of cognitive-developmental theory for planning and evaluating future interventions.  相似文献   

Friends' Influence on Adolescents' Adjustment to School   总被引:23,自引:3,他引:23  
Adolescents may be influenced both by their friends' behaviors and by the features of their friendships. To examine both types of influence, seventh and eighth graders ( N = 297) were asked in the fall of a school year to report their involvement and disruption at school. The students also described the positive and negative features of their best friendships. Teachers reported on the students' involvement, disruption, and grades. These assessments were repeated in the following spring. Students whose friends in the fall described themselves as more disruptive increased in self-reported disruption during the year. Girls' self-reported disruption was more influenced by that of their very best friend than was boys'. Students whose very best friendships had more positive features increased in their self-reported involvement during the year. Students whose friendships had more negative features increased in their self-reported disruption, but only if their friendships also had many positive features. The theoretical and practical implications of these findings, and the adequacy of different methods for estimating friends' influence, were discussed.  相似文献   

马克思主义妇女观大众化离不开传媒这一载体,《中国妇女》作为全国妇联的机关刊物,具有一定的权威性。在马克思主义妇女观大众化的过程中,通过宣传马克思主义妇女观、使马克思主义妇女观通俗化、运用马克思主义妇女观解决中国妇女的现实问题等,发挥了积极作用。  相似文献   

运用理论与实践相结合的方法,以第二次中国妇女社会地位抽样调查主要数据和相关统计数据为基本依据,论述了妇女发展与全面建设小康社会的关系,揭示了妇女发展在全面建设小康社会中的地位和作用,提出了在推进全面建设小康社会进程中实现妇女全面发展的对策与建议。  相似文献   

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