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由于智能品质、类型的不同,使职业类学校男、女学生学习成绩存在一定的差异,而电子专业课学习更需要较强的抽象思维能力、空间想象能力、实验操作能力及思维的灵活性和理解力,这些智力品质正是女生较薄弱的方面,也是造成男、女生电子专业课成绩差异的重要原因。  相似文献   

高中生数学阅读能力是否存在年级差异、性别差异是一个有现实意义的研究课题。研究表明:(1)高一、高二年级学生数学阅读能力存在显著差异,高二学生数学阅读能力优于高一。(2)高一年级理(文)科快班男、女生数学阅读能力存在差异,女生数学阅读能力高于男生;高一年级理(文)科普通班男、女生数学阅读能力不存在差异。(3)高二年级数学阅读能力男女存在显著差异,男生数学阅读能力好于女生。高二年级理(文)科实验班数学阅读能力男、女生不存在差异。高二年级普通理(文)科班数学阅读能力男、女生不存在差异。  相似文献   

小学教师的性别角色认知与教育策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究对小学教师的性别角色认知与教育策略的情况进行了调查 ,目的是揭示当前小学教师的性别角色认知与教育策略的特点。结果发现 ,小学教师对男、女生在认知、能力、情绪和意志方面差异的认识与心理学的研究结论成果基本相符 ,但对男、女生个性品质及行为的要求有所差异 ,表现出一定的性别角色刻板印象。尽管在对男、女生的教育策略上无显著差异 ,但在管理策略和总体评价上明显向女生倾斜。一、引言性别角色化是个体社会化过程中的一项重要内容。性别角色是指属于特定性别的个体在一定的社会和群体中占有的适当位置 ,及其被该社会和群体规…  相似文献   

上海高考英语男、女生成绩显示出显著的性别差异。理论上看,导致这种差异的原因可能有两种,一是试题功能差异和考试功能差异;二是男、女生群体英语语言发展程度上存在差异。以项目反应理论和经典的统计理论为基础,用ConQuest和EZDIF统计软件在试题和大题水平上进行试题功能差异分析,结果显示英语考试的DIF效应可以忽略,且大题不存在DIF的累积情况;男、女生群体英语能力的确存在差异,这种差异不是试题的难度差异造成的。因此,可以认为男、女生群体高考英语成绩差异实际上反映的是男、女生群体英语语言发展程度上存在差异。根据这个结论,作者对上海市高中生英语语言学习研究和教学提出了若干建议。  相似文献   

本文通过作者多年的基层数学教学调研,从思维灵活性、解题能力及想象力三方面总结分析了乡镇初中男、女生之间数学能力的差异,针对差异研究并实践了新型教法与学法,提高乡镇初中女生的数学能力,达到教学相长的目的。  相似文献   

高中学生中物理成绩好的男生多于女生,物理学习困难的女生多于男生。这是多年来困扰广大物理教育工作者的一个问题,也是全面提高物理教学质量的一个障碍。但目前的研究表明:男、女生在平均智商方面无明显差异,但在智能品质和类型上则存在一定的差异。因此,本人针对高中女生物理学习困难的成因及转化途径进行了研究和实践。  相似文献   

项目教学法以学生为主体、项目为主线,项目教学法有着实践性、自主性以及探究性的特征。项目教学法在电子专业课上的实践应用能够充分发挥学生的自主性,培养学生的动手能力与分析解决问题的能力。本文通过对项目教学法的分析,探讨项目教学法在电子专业技能课中的实施步骤,最后提出了项目教学法在电子专业课实践存在的问题与建议。  相似文献   

初中数学教学中,大部分教师认为男、女生在数学学习中总体上有显著的差异,男生强于女生.但实际上,初中阶段的数学学习受非智力因素(如兴趣、情感、意志)影响较大.现就本班男、女生在数学学习上的诸多差异进行调查并做出分析.  相似文献   

高中阶段是一个人性格、社会交往能力成长的关键阶段。本研究以辽宁省重点中学大连育明高中为背景,采用问卷调查的方式,统计分析了各年级274名学生对人际交往中品质表现的看法。结果表明:适度的人际关系自我评价能有效地促进中学生综合能力的发展;在同学间初次交往以及长期交往中,都把真诚待人放在重要位置;随着交往时间的持续,正直守信显得更为重要;在长期交往中,男、女生最看重的品质有所区别,其中女生仍然认为真诚与善良最重要,而男生则更看重正直守信。教师了解中学生对人际交往的需求对于提高其综合能力具有重要意义。  相似文献   

大学生心理健康性别差异主要表现在:对学业、就业期待的差异:男生对学习的期望值高于女生;女生就业压力高于男生。交往能力的差异:在交谈、待人接物、与异性交往方面女生处理能力较强,而在交际与交友方面男生比女生理智成熟。受挫能力的差异:男生在学业方面受挫更多,而女生在恋爱方面受挫更多。自我认同的差异:女生更注重外表,对自己相貌的满意度低于男生。而了解并接受自己的男生比例低于女生。情绪疏导的差异:情绪易于"烦躁"的比例男生明显高于女生。男生选择找种"发泄"方式的较多,女生则倾向于"找人倾诉"。男生不如女生更重视心理咨询。  相似文献   

统计分析的结果表明:即将走向工作岗位的高师物理学专业学生的教学能力,与通常认为比较重要的几门专业理论课的成绩只呈现出较低的相关,而与实验课、中学物理教学法课的成绩则呈现出较显著的相关。这与学业水平对教学能力的影响存在着某一关键程度有关,同时也表明目前师范生的实验技能和其它教师基本技能的训练环节还相对薄弱。  相似文献   

Gifted girls and gifted boys are more alike than they are different, although researchers remain fascinated with sex differences. Small differences between gifted boys and girls in achievements, interests, careers, and relationships can become exaggerated through gendered educational practices. Kindergarten “red‐shirting'' of boys and the denial of early admission to girls can cause gifted children to be out of step throughout their academic careers. When gifted children are not actively encouraged to participate in talent searches and after‐school and summer programs, whether because of overprotection of girls or the insistence on athletic activities at the expense of academic activities for boys, they lose the opportunity for challenge, friendships, and community. When boys are not supported in their interests in creative careers and girls are not supported in their interests in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics careers, they may enter occupations that will not offer them the sense of purpose and meaning they might have otherwise had. It is in the area of gender relations, however, that long‐term consequences of gendered practices are most apparent for gifted individuals because both gifted boys and girls need to plan for balancing family and career. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The investigation of leisure time activities through lifespan analysis has revealed the importance of such activities in the prediction of later life achievements and creative products. They may be more reliable predictors of future performance than IQs, creativity test scores or school achievement. In the present paper creative leisure time activities are considered to be creative products. A total of 192 fifteen year old academic secondary school students were involved in the study: Creative leisure time inventories were filled out, Raven Advanced Progressive Matrices administered, and school grades recorded. Results indicated that differences in leisure time inventory scores between boys and girls with high intellectual potential were smaller than those of students with average potential. Girls were overrepresented in the “schoolhouse gifted” group, but in the “creative gifted” and “intellectually gifted” groups the ratio of girls and boys was balanced.  相似文献   

Previous empirical studies have yielded inconclusive results about peer perceptions of academically high performing students. The purpose of this study was to investigate students’ perceptions of the intellectual ability, positive social qualities, and popularity of a hypothetical new high performing classmate. Participants were 1060 Vietnamese, South Korean, British, Australian, Peruvian, and Spanish boys and girls in 10th grade. The results revealed that the perceptions of academically high performing classmates differed by country group. Positive perceptions of intellectual ability and social qualities were commonly found in all countries except the two Asian countries (Vietnam and South Korea), where the students reported more neutral views of high performers. In conclusion, it is argued that there is no evidence for possible iatrogenic effects of gifted education programs aiming at high achievements  相似文献   

Not just in Germany, but also in other countries of the western world, gender-specific educational success has changed within the last decades: Whereas boys showed higher educational achievements in the 1960s, today it is the girls who obtain higher educational certificates. A number of scholars have pointed to the absence of male role models in boys?? social environment (family and school) as a reason for their worsening school performance. In this article, we use data from the German Micro-census 2008 to analyze the following question: Does it make a difference for boys?? and girls?? transition to academic track secondary school (Gymnasium) whether they grow up in a nuclear family or with single-mothers or single-fathers? The results of the analyses yield no evidence for the claim that the absence of fathers in the family has a negative impact on boys?? performance at school.  相似文献   

Do young boys and girls understand what leads to academic success (e.g., talent, effort, good teaching, luck) in the same way? Do young girls and boys have equivalent perceptions of their academic competence? Are these beliefs engendered in the same way across sociocultural contexts? In a cross-cultural study of over 3,000 children in grades 2 to 6, ages 7.2 to 13.6, we discovered that boys and girls around the world have very similar ideas about what generally leads to academic success. Moreover, in the few contexts where boys' and girls' academic performances were equal, their beliefs were also equal. However, when girls outperformed boys, their beliefs in their own talent were no greater than boys' beliefs, even though they did have stronger beliefs than boys in other facets of their achievement potential (e.g., putting forth effort, being lucky, getting their teacher's help). Our findings support the generally close correspondence between children's achievement and their competence-related beliefs, with the exception that young girls appear to specifically discount their talent. The effects held regardless of the children's achievement, intelligence, or age (approximately 8 to 13 years). Girls were more biased in some contexts than in others, however, suggesting that competence-related biases are rooted in culture-specific aspects of school settings.  相似文献   

This article presents a study of academic procrastination and associated motivation variables in 508 adolescents from a general secondary school in central Turkey. Girls reported higher levels of self‐efficacy for self‐regulation and predicted higher Turkish grades than boys, but there was no difference in levels of procrastination. Academic self‐efficacy was a stronger predictor of procrastination for girls than for boys, but for both groups self‐efficacy for self‐regulation was the strongest predictor of procrastination. Most participants (83%) reported spending one hour or more procrastinating per day, with writing tasks the most prone to procrastination for boys and girls. When procrastinating, Turkish adolescent boys were more likely to spend time with electronic media (watching TV, emailing, going on‐line, and, in particular, playing computer games), whereas girls were most likely to read books, magazines, and newspapers. The article concludes with implications for researchers, and also for parents and educators of adolescents.  相似文献   

The present study investigated gender differences in adolescents’ academic motivation and classroom behaviour and gender differences in the extent to which motivation was associated with, and predicted, classroom behaviour. Seven hundred and fifty students (384 boys and 366 girls) aged 11–16 (M age?=?14.0, 1.59 SD) completed a questionnaire examining academic motivation and teachers completed assessments of their classroom behaviour. Girls generally reported higher levels of academic motivation, whilst teacher reports of behaviour were poorer for boys. Interestingly, boys’ reported levels of academic motivation were significantly more closely associated with teacher reports of their classroom behaviour. Furthermore, cognitive aspects of boys’ motivation were better predictors of their classroom behaviour than behavioural aspects. On the other hand, behavioural aspects of girls’ motivation were better predictors of their behaviour. Implications for understanding the relationship between motivation and behaviour among adolescent boys and girls are discussed, in addition to interventions aimed at improving adolescents’ classroom behaviour.  相似文献   

西方数学学习性别差异研究述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
数学学习性别差异是西方教育理论研究的热点问题之一.这一课题的研究在国际上已取得很多重要成果,这些研究结论不尽相同,甚至对立,如:男生比女生在数学学习方面占优势;男女生在数学学习方面各有优势;男女生在数学学习方面无显著差异等.有的学者从男女先天的智力和生理特征的角度解释造成差异的原因;有的学者从自我信念体系、社会文化及学校因素、教师观念、家长观念解释造成差异的原因.为了平衡数学学习中的性别差异,我们应树立性别平等意识、实施单一性别教育,开展"因性施教"的教学方式.  相似文献   

Two years after the end of a two-year intervention program intended to promote formal operational thinking, the achievement of students initially 12 years of age was tested by their results in British National examinations, taken at age 16. The intervention methodology was set within the context of science learning, so the difference between experimental and control classes was examined first in terms of their science results. The boys achieved an average of 40% more grades of C or above than the controls. This grade is the minimum criterion for higher education in Britain. The achievement was not found equally in all students: About 40% of the boys and 25% of the girls showed effect sizes of two standard deviations in relation to comparable controls, whereas the others did not differ from the controls. Both boys and girls showed significantly higher achievement in English than comparable controls, with an effect size about half that for science. The boys—but not the girls—also showed higher achievement in mathematics. It is argued that this evidence supports the interpretation that the students' increased science achievement was caused by increased general intellectual capacity, and not just by improved domain-specific skills.  相似文献   

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