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Socializing 社交 Anna:Beautiful day,isn't it? Jay:Oh,yes.It's really warln.And it's supposed(应该)to get even Warmer. Anna:Yes,that's true.You know,though,I'm always a little sorry to see winter go.  相似文献   

Invitations(邀请) (Chen,a visiting scholar(学者),is in the office talking with his American colleagues(同事).)  相似文献   

Tony: Is anything wrong,Jean?You look tired.
Kate: Yea,are you getting enough sleep?
Jean: Well,to tell the truth,I'm a bit worried. My father has been sick all week.
Kate: Well ,why don't you take him to the doctor's?  相似文献   

安宁 《大学生》2012,(Z3):87
上课的时候,我问大家:假若时光可以倒流,你更愿意生活在哪个朝代?学生们展开了讨论。一个处处宣称自己是皇族后裔的男生,无比神往地说他愿意生活在清朝,因为可以不劳而获,还有官职可以承继。他还没有得意地炫耀完毕,旁边一个男生就一撇嘴,不咸不淡地道:"那可真美,可你也得有这个福气啊。"一个抹眼影的女孩,宣称最热爱唐朝,因为武则天竟然可以当皇帝,足可见那时女人地位还是很高的。这一句大约触怒了身旁一个大  相似文献   

董莉 《今日中学生》2012,(14):25-26
Make a Big Vocabulary People living in different countries made different kinds of words. Today there are about fifteen hundred languages in the world. Each contains(包含) many thousands of words. A very large dictionary, for example, contains four or five hundred thousand words. But we do not need all these. To read short stories you need to know only about two thousand words. Before you leave school, you will learn only one thousand more.  相似文献   

俗话说,好记性不如烂笔头,动笔写写总能有不少收获。在英语学习中,写作是一项综合能力的训练,涉及单词、词组、句式、语法等,写作会怎样帮助你学习英语呢?下面就列出了写作7大项的好处。  相似文献   

Abstract:  Though it is being widely argued that expanding young people's capacity to learn is a viable and desirable goal of education, it it not always clear what this means, how it is to be achieved, and how the effectiveness of interventions is to be assessed. It is argued that the capacity to learn should be interpreted as a portmanteau term that comprises a varied set of positive learning dispositions. These are illustrated, and the idea of 'expansion' is glossed in terms of broadening, strengthening and deepening these dispositions.  相似文献   

Nine LEAs in the South Yorkshire/ Derbyshire region collaborated in planning an inquiry into the methods used in schools for assessing pupils aged 11 to 14 years. Information from questionnaire surveys was obtained from headteachers, heads of department or equivalent middle school post holders and class teachers. Also, there were special studies of schemes or particular methods which were aimed at identifying criteria associated with good practices.

Questionnaire analyses indicated that school policies were focused more on assessment routines than on fulfilling educational intentions, and that only a minority of teachers had specialist knowledge or skills in the field of assessment. An outline is given of the ‘Pointers to good practice’ section, which formed the concluding part of the final report (Engel Clough et al., 1984).  相似文献   

根据自己学英语和教英语的切身体会谈及学习英语课和背诵英语单词、语法的方法以及与之有关的辅助方法  相似文献   

我们在生活中,总会以自己的想当然去想别人.在我们的思想中总会有一些这个或是那个“不合适”。其实,只要我们有坚强的意志,有不屈不挠的精神,内心充满爱,相信自己,我们不会有克服不了的困难.不会有做不到的事情。  相似文献   

Previous research has indicated that (1) older adults are predisposed to reflect on the meaning and integrity of their lives, (2) few legitimate opportunities to reminisce are available to the elderly, and (3) oral history has been used successfully as a teaching method with young students who worked with the elderly. The oral histories of 13 residents of a Veterans Administration Hospital nursing home care unit were collected by 11 members of the staff. The histories were reviewed by teachers and were used to establish the content of two experimental courses that were open only to residents who had been interviewed. At the conclusion of the classes, data were collected from attendance records and from the teachers, members of the staff, and friends and relatives of the residents. The data were used to assess the impact of the project on the residents and on the staff. The implications of the study for teachers and administrators and for educational researchers are discussed.  相似文献   

从独白到对话:传统道德教化的现代性转向   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
独白性教化以对社会成员的规范的一元道德价值设定为基础 ,以个体人格的依附性为基本依托 ,以个体对既定伦理目标的接受、认同、贯彻为目的 ,以威权性、灌输性为其基本特征。独白性教化切合于传统专制型社会政治意识形态传输的需要 ,因之而成为传统道德教化的基本形式。随着独白性教化的社会依据的解体 ,社会道德教化呈现出对基于平等、自主、个性的对话性的追求 ,对话性成为现代性道德教化策略的基本标示。  相似文献   

本文以自然数的意义与性质 ,数的发展为题 ,介绍自然数的内涵、自然数加法、乘法的规则 ,数的扩充 ,数的扩充原则。在认识自然数的过程中 ,更多地接触和经历有关的情境和实例 ,在现实背景下感受和体验 ,更具体、更深刻的把握数的概念 ,以符合《数学课程标准》中“建立数感和符号感 ,发展抽象思维”的要求。  相似文献   

This study investigates the preservice teacher learning in the context of conversations about their field-based challenges. First, a review of the literature explores studies that highlight the role of evidence-based conversation as a mechanism to approach the inevitable problems faced by teachers in the classroom. The subsequent case study provides an analysis of how a group of preservice teachers approached a colleague's challenge through a structured conversation and used digital videotapes and artifacts to add specificity to their analysis. The study's implications suggest how constructive and critical conversations between prospective teachers can play an important role in their professional development.  相似文献   

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