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Zusammenfassung Nach einer langen Phase, in der die Theorie der Langen Wellen keine Beachtung fand, wurde sie in den 1970-er Jahren von Wirtschaftshistorikern wieder belebt, um sie neuen, dynamischen Anwendungen in der makro?konomischen Analyse zuzuführen. Im gleichen Zeitraum erh?hte sich in den gro?en Volkswirtschaften die Variabilit?t der Wachstumsraten der Realeinkommen. Hierdurch wurde das Ende der Phase fast ununterbrochenen Wachstums markiert, die die meisten industrialisierten Volkswirtschaften nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg durchlaufen hatten. Das erneuerte Interesse an der Theorie der Langen Wellen, das mit der Krise der Keynesianischen Wirtschaftstheorie einher ging, wurde zunehmend als grundlegender Neuansatz innerhalb der makro?konomischen Theorie angesehen. Dieser Artikel stellt einen Beitrag zu diesem Prozess dar; es wird postuliert, dass zwischen den Ausgaben für Humankapital (Bildung und Ausbildung, L?hne, Gesundheitsvorsorge etc.) und den Ausgaben, die für das materielle Wachstum get?tigt werden, ein Zusammenhang besteht.
Summary A Method of Recording Educational Investment in the 19th and 20th Century — Germany, France, Great Britain and Spain compared After a long period of hibernation, long wave theory was brought out and dusted off again by economic historians in the 1970s for new, vigorous applications in macroeconomic analysis. During the same period, the major market economies experienced greater variability in real income growth rates, thus marking the end of a period of an almost uninterrupted growth enjoyed by most industrialized economies since World War II. This renewed interest in long wave theory, which coincided with the crisis in Keynesian economics, became increasingly identified with a profound rethinking of macroeconomic theory. This paper is a contribution to the process, and postulates a link between expenditure on human development (education, wages, health care, etc.) and that devoted to material growth.

Ohne ZusammenfassungUnter dieser Überschrift werden künftig in zwangloser Folge Beiträge aus der Feder der Direktoren ausgewählter Schulen aus allen Teilen der Welt veröffentlicht werden. Die Schulen sind nicht unter dem Gesichtspunkt besonderer Fortschrittlichkeit oder dem der Vorbildlichkeit ihres Wirkens ausgesucht worden. Es ist lediglich beabsichtigt, den Leser einen Blick in Denkwege und Gestaltungsvorstellungen von Pädagogen tun zu lassen, die den Schulalltag mitbestimmen. Die Schriftleitung.  相似文献   

This article tries to throw some light on the historical development of disinfection, a most active and aggressive form of purifying. Before the “bacteriological revolution” in the 1880s, the theoretical bases of the struggle against epidemics were very vague and diverse, so that “disinfection” and “deodorization” were often synonymous. An influence of disinfection campaigns on the epidemiological transition, however, is still to be discussed. With the systematic investigations on disinfection carried out by Robert Koch, the disinfecting machine was started properly. The social construction of this machinery however, is at least as important as the technological development. So the professionalisation of disinfectors and vermin exterminators is to be examined with regards to the institutional framework. Equipped with modern methods of pest control and with respect to etiological knowledge, vermin extermination became predominant in administrative discourse concerning disinfection since World War I. Later metaphors, thought and practice of Nazism are linked to these concepts of purification and destruction.  相似文献   

伟大作品<红楼梦>的主要人物林黛玉在作品的关键情节--黛玉之死中说的三句重要的话,是黛玉之死心解的绝好突破点,由此揭示出黛玉身上的崇高的力量所高扬的刚性之美,组成作品内在精神的重要部分,成就作品经久不息的生命力.  相似文献   

To commemorate Bond's 20th anniversary in movies, Agent 007 is back-ready to tackle more devious villains and foil(阻止) more dastardly (卑鄙的) plans. This time a megalomaniac (夸大狂患者) wants to start World War III using a satellite weapon.  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungAn English translation of this article may be obtained on request from the author.  相似文献   

"Pro-choice" suicide sites come under legal scrutiny(详细审查) After her grandmother died, 21-year-old Julie Veteto sank into a severe depressions. Still, her family was stunned the afternoon her husband, Roger, came home to find her body dangling(摇摆) from a dog leash in their bathroom doorway. The couple's computer was still connected to the Internet. On the screen: a Web site with detailed information on suicide by hanging.  相似文献   

This contribution focuses on Alfred Mann’s program of qualitative teaching and learning research within the context of debates on adult education in the 1920s looking for the “right” form of adult learning. Following some brief notes on Mann himself, we will present his programmatic considerations on researching lessons in the Volkshochschule and investigate the interpretive potential of his verbatim lesson documentation on the basis of an extract from a lesson journal. Central to Mann’s planned and partially realized program was the—at the time avant garde and little discussed—link between practiced lessons, empirical foundations and further education based on self-reflection.  相似文献   

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