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作为处境不利儿童大军中的一员,来自城市流浪家庭的被收养儿童的生活与教育处境引人关注。本研究运用质性研究方法,分析了城市流浪家庭被收养儿童的生活处境及家庭、幼儿园与社会三大教育支持系统的现状。我们应更加关注这类弱势群体因经济条件、思想观念以及社会制度的完善程度等方面存在问题而受到的消极影响,并致力于为其争取更积极的教育支持。  相似文献   

1994年,西班牙政府和联合国教科文组织在"世界特殊需要教育大会"上通过的《特殊需要教育行动纲领》中指出:"学校应该接纳所有的儿童,而不考虑其身体的、智力的、社会的、情感的、语言的或其他任何条件.这就包括残疾儿童和天才儿童、街头流浪儿童以及童工、偏远地区或游牧人口的儿童、语言或种族或文化方面属少数民族的儿童,以及来自其他不利处境或边际区域或群体的儿童.""学校必须寻找到成功地教育包括处境非常不利儿童或严重残疾儿童在内的所有儿童的办法."这是全纳教育最基本的内涵.  相似文献   

教育社会学的研究结果表明,75%的“问题儿童”是由“家庭处境不利儿童”演变而来的,因而研究“家庭处境不利儿童”的特征及其对策,是学校教育的一个重要而现实的课题。本文从“家庭处境不利儿童”的类型、特征和教育对策方面作了调查、研究。  相似文献   

借课后服务之力,帮助处境不利儿童走出困境,产生造福社会的实际效益,是美国社会大众、各级政府及学术界长期以来共同关注的议题。美国非营利性课后服务项目代表——洛杉矶“教育向未来”课后充实计划在联邦政府推动、加州政府响应和民间组织的支持下,依据教育政策和教育理论不断调整并更新其教育目标。其实践演进逻辑与抗逆力的发展高度相似:减少风险因素,为处境不利儿童搭建避风港;增加保护因素,为处境不利儿童提供丰富的教育;恢复适应系统,改善处境不利儿童的教育生态。该计划经过多年发展,在减少问题行为、提升学业表现和改善生活条件等方面取得显著成效。然而,课后服务所起作用有限,要使处境不利儿童脱离风险,还需创造生成的教育,让儿童看见希望、产生期盼。  相似文献   

胡静 《教育导刊》2013,(11):35-37
自由学校计划(FSP)是在美国儿童保护基金会(CDF)倡导下设立的,旨在为处境不利儿童提供暑期补偿教育的一项举措。这一计划到现在已经发展为全国性的、固定化的项目之一,为超过九万名贫困儿童提供了补偿教育服务。结合我国的实际情况.自由学校计划为我国处境不利儿童的基础教育提供了以下启示:对处境不利儿童进行补偿教育是实现教育公平的有效途径之一:可将大学生社会实践与处境不利儿童的补偿教育相结合;补偿教育应在政府主导下,呼吁多主体共同参与。  相似文献   

解决处境不利儿童的教育问题关系着学前教育的普及和教育公平的推进。OECD为消除成员国中儿童发展的差异,维护处境不利儿童的地位,于2017年发布《面向全民的教育机会:克服生命过程中的不平等》的研究报告,分别从入学机会、学习质量和家庭资源三个维度分析了处境不利儿童的现实样态,在此基础上从分配教育资源、完善课程管理和提供家庭支持等方面提出相应措施。借鉴OECD解决处境不利儿童问题的经验,我国对处境不利儿童服务体系的建立需要深化普惠性学前教育制度建设,建立综合有效的学前教育课程质量测评体系,多方联动为处境不利家庭提供多样化的服务。  相似文献   

美国弱势群体学生在接受高等教育渠道的各个关键时期(高中毕业、大学入学、大学毕业、研究生和高级职业学位入学、研究生和高级学位毕业)都处于明显的不利地位。人口特征、所处的家庭和社区环境、就读的学校教育系统及种族歧视都是造成他们接受高等教育处境不利的重要原因。分析美国高等教育弱势群体的处境,将会为国内的相关研究提供有益的启示。  相似文献   

对处境不利儿童群体的保护和救助已成为实现整个儿童群体权利保障的最重要的指标之一。二十多年来,我国处境不利儿童的范围在不断扩大,判断标准变得更为模糊,这对完善与发展我国儿童福利事业增加了难度。为了明确当前我国处境不利儿童的构成这一基本问题,本文尝试从导致不利处境的环境因素出发,将处境不利儿童划分为社会处境不利儿童、家庭处境不利儿童、学校处境不利儿童和边缘儿童四大类,并对每一类进行了概念梳理和构成分析。  相似文献   

杨瑞华  周燕 《教育导刊》2007,(12):58-60
社会弱势群体(social vulnerable group),指相对于强势群体而言,在政治、经济、文化、体能、智能、处境等方面处于相对不利地位的一部分人群。我们把学前弱势儿童一  相似文献   

俄罗斯社会转型时期处境不利儿童道德关怀理念的实施过程中,学校关怀这一环节起着非常重要的作用.俄罗斯联邦政府采取一系列措施解决处境不利儿童受教育的问题.俄罗斯的处境不利儿童有权力接受学前教育、普通教育、职业教育和高等教育.并按不同的处境不利儿童群体设立社会收容教学一教养学校,融磁学校,心灵康复学校、普通寄宿学校等接纳这些儿童学习.  相似文献   

The term “intellectually gifted rural-to-urban migrant children” refers to intellectually gifted children who are in migration from rural to urban areas. We compared performances on seven attention tasks among intellectually gifted (n = 26) and average (n = 30) rural-to-urban migrant and intellectually gifted urban children (n = 31). Our results showed that intellectually gifted rural-to-urban migrant children performed more correctly and faster on some attention tasks than did the intellectually average rural-to-urban migrant children, but they did not perform as well on some attention tasks as did the intellectually gifted urban children. Based on the attentional structures, it was evident the intellectually gifted rural-to-urban migrant children developed more mature than did either the intellectually gifted urban or the intellectually average rural-to-urban migrant children. This suggests the intellectually gifted rural-to-urban migrant children’s attention is overall superior to that of their intellectually average peers. However, there are advantages and disadvantages in terms of the quality of their attention compared to the intellectually gifted urban children. While their attentional structures seem to develop earlier, their accuracy on some of the attention tasks seems to suffer. This suggests that rural-to-urban migration is a double-edged sword for intellectually gifted children.  相似文献   

The current meta‐analysis compares the self‐concepts and perceived competencies of gifted and non‐gifted students. Using meta‐analytic methods to synthesise the results of 40 studies, we found that gifted students scored significantly higher than non‐gifted students on measures of academic and behavioural perceived competence, as well as global self‐concept. Gifted students scored significantly lower than non‐gifted students on measures of appearance and athletic perceived competence. Significant heterogeneity was found in the extent to which gifted and non‐gifted students' scores differed in the academic and global domains. Moderator variables such as participant grade level, method of gifted designation and publication year accounted for systematic differences in these domains. Gifted students' appearance and athletic perceived competencies may benefit from specific intervention, but their beliefs in other areas remain positive.  相似文献   

What differences may be found in the way gifted pupils, as compared with average pupils from the second form of lower secondary education, process information while solving mathematical problems? Gifted pupils apparently solved the problems better, faster and needed less assistance than average pupils. A global distinction of the subprocesses orientation, execution and evaluation also allows for the conclusion that in most cases the gifted pupils processed information in a different fashion. The yield of this line of research should be the improvement of education in two respects. For one, the results may induce teachers to adapt their teaching to gifted pupils. Secondly they may try to teach average pupils to process information like gifted pupils typically would.  相似文献   


Different cultures have different conceptions of what it means to be gifted. But in identifying children as gifted, we often use only our own conception, ignoring the cultural context in which the children grew up. Such identification is inadequate and fails to do justice to the richness of the world's cultures. It also misses children who are gifted and may identify as gifted children those who are not.  相似文献   

Lora Rhodes 《Roeper Review》2013,35(3):108-110

Despite efforts to desegregate and promote equal opportunity, Black students have a minimal role in gifted programs. Efforts to improve this situation must begin with a focus on the individual student. Classroom teachers need assistance from gifted and talented coordinators with nomination procedures. Information regarding standardized tests, perceptions of low achievement, and the characteristics of Black achievers is essential for improving nomination. The second step to increasing minority participation in gifted programs is to implement a multi‐criteria assessment profile. Compiled by the gifted and talented coordinator with the continued assistance of the classroom teacher, this profile should include a case study documenting gifted characteristics, family background information, and peer evaluations. Standardized test scores may play a minor role. Successful identification of gifted Black students depends on a thorough examination of the individual.  相似文献   


Educators often fail to recognize that the intellectually gifted differ from their age peers in their social and emotional development as much as in their intellectual and academic characteristics. A dilemma peculiar to gifted youth arises through the interaction of the psychosocial drives towards intimacy and achievement, which complement each other in students of average ability, but which place the gifted student in a forced‐choice situation. If the gifted child chooses to satisfy the drive for excellence he or she must risk forfeiting the attainment of intimacy with age peers; if the choice is intimacy, the gifted may be forced into a pattern of systematic and deliberate underachievement to retain membership in the social group. Homogeneous grouping of gifted students is suggested as a partial solution to this dilemma.  相似文献   


We are fond of stating that “what is valued and viewed as gifted in one culture may not be considered gifted in another culture.” This assertion appears in gifted education textbooks and in the writings of several scholars. However, beyond stating this assertion and providing a few examples to support it, scholars in gifted education, ourselves included, have not provided a substantive treatment of the concept of “culture” in their works. This void is addressed in this article where we share definitions and functions of culture, along with a theoretical model for understanding culture. The article ends with implications for gifted education.  相似文献   

This paper describes an Israeli national-level research examining the extent to which admissions of elementary school students to the gifted programmes based on standardised tests are gender-fair. In the research, the gifted students consisted of 275 boys, 128 girls, and additional 80 girls who were admitted to the gifted programme through affirmative action (AA). To assess these young students’ scientific thinking skills, also referred to as science practices, open-ended questions of case-based questionnaires were developed. The investigated scientific thinking skills were question posing, explanation, graphing, inquiry, and metacognition. Analysis of the students’ responses revealed that gifted girls who entered the programmes through AA performed at the same level as the other gifted students. We found significant differences between the three research groups in question posing and graphing skills. We suggest increasing gender-fairness by revising the standard national testing system to include case-based narratives followed by open-ended questions that assess gifted students’ scientific thinking skills. This may diminish the gender inequity expressed by the different number of girls and boys accepted to the gifted programmes. We show that open-ended tools for analysing students’ scientific thinking might better serve both research and practice by identifying gifted girls and boys equally well.  相似文献   

Teachers of gifted elementary school students seek strategies appropriate for fostering healthy social and emotional development in children. The authors propose guided viewing of film as a strategy through which teachers and counselors may assist young gifted students in gaining helpful insights to deal with problems they face. This article presents a theoretical foundation for this approach, a variety of strategies for implementation, and a collection of films appropriate for use with gifted students.  相似文献   

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