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高职院校扩招是落实国家职业教育改革的重要举措,既是职业教育改革发展的机遇,也给高职院校带来巨大挑战。通过对高职院校扩招的必然性和现状进行分析,对高职扩招后面临的新问题进行探讨,并有针对性地提出加大高职建设投入、拓宽人才引进通道、提升教师科研能力、创新教育培养方式等解决策略和建议。  相似文献   

美国发达的经济、开放的教育观念、巨大的人才需求构筑了社区学院实施开放入学的支持平台。我国经济发达地区已跨入世界中等收入国家行列,知识经济初见端倪,对人才有着强烈需求,有必要而且可以让高职院校实行开门录取学生,即开放入学。  相似文献   

采用平滑线散点图分析某高校招生部门提供的2005~2009年分省、直辖市所录取新生入学报到率历史数据,应用基于时间序列法的新生入学报到率预测模型预测了2010年14个省、直辖市新生入学报到率,与实际报到率相比较结果显示由模型预测出的2010年新生报到率绝大部分处于置信区间.该模型可为高校招生部门在各省、直辖市投放招生指标提供一种定量决策方法.  相似文献   

伴随着普通高校招生录取率的大幅度提升,出现了全国性的高职院校生源不足的现象,有些高职院校甚至感受到了办学的危机,必须在原有的高招模式下,调整与改革高职院校的招生政策,逐步扩大中职学生“推荐免试”升入高职院校的机会,将“注册入学”作为中职学生对应进入高职院校继续学习的途径,建立起中职学校与高职院校有机衔接的办学机制,使高职院校获得充裕而稳定的生源。  相似文献   

A national study of community colleges found declining state support and increasing enrollments in a majority of the states. Although the community college officials who participated in the study indicated that they did not view current levels of state support as sufficient given the significant increases in enrollment, few reported plans to limit enrollment or restrict access.  相似文献   

通过对我国适龄人口变化趋势的系统考察和2013~2019年全国高考人数的预测,以及目前我国高职院校招生情况的具体分析,揭示了高职院校招生的隐含问题;并针对问题和问题产生的原因,提出了高考人数见拐点后的高职招生应对策略:非学历教育是缓解高考生源危机最主要出路。  相似文献   

作为美国高中课程改革中的一朵奇葩,高中—大学双学分课程模式在打破高中与大学的脱节状态、缓解高等教育的供需矛盾、增强高校的服务职能等方面发挥了积极作用,但也在教育经费、教学质量、学生发展、学分转移以及立法监管等方面存在着亟待解决的问题。随着不断的发展与完善,该模式为世界高中课程改革提供了一种值得借鉴的范式。  相似文献   

This recent study sought to examine the marketing orientations found in community, junior and technical colleges and to relate these orientations to enrollment trends within those same institutions. “High” and “low” marketing orientation campuses were defined based upon a marketing typology developed for the study. Analyses of variance revealed differences between these two types of campuses in terms of the stability of their full‐and part‐time headcount enrollments for a nine‐year period. Among other findings, the study describes the diversity of marketing approaches employed by the nation's two‐year colleges. Results of the study indicate that chief executives can look to establishing sound marketing management organizations, sensitive marketing intelligence systems, and efficient marketing planning and control systems to influence enrollment trends.  相似文献   

2011年我省开始试点高职注册入学。高职注册入学,可以认为是应对高职院校生源危机的一个举措,对泉州高职院校而言,既是机遇又是挑战。作者认为泉州区域经济的可持续发展同样需要泉州高职的可持续发展。在分析了泉州高职教育的现状后,作者分析了注册入学对泉州高职发展的影响,并在此基础上提出了泉州高职可持续发展的对策。  相似文献   

教育部《高职扩招专项工作实施方案》的发布,标志着高职院校扩招100万进入实施阶段。此次扩招的对象主要是退役军人、下岗工人以及农民工三个重点群体。新型招生群体的出现要求各高职院校亟需制定学制和授课形式灵活、可操作性强、符合地方经济和产业发展水平的人才培养模式。财经类专业群与理工类、农学类、医学类等专业群相比有其独特优势,更加适合上述群体,在人才培养中可采用灵活的学制、授课形式及置换课程方式。  相似文献   

The financial problems of colleges under 1,000 in enrollment cannot be blamed entirely on a set of minimum, or fixed, costs that colleges of any size must bear. Enrollment fluctuations and lower tuitions also contribute to financial difficulties. In the past, colleges have used growth not so much to capitalize on economies of scale as to provide evidence of success to their constituents. As a result, the ranks of small colleges remain populated with those institutions experiencing financial difficulty, while more successful institutions have attained a larger size. However, in an era of limited growth potential, small colleges must not look to growth as a symbol of success. Success will be better equated with the continuation of quality academic programs in a closely knit community.  相似文献   

体艺科特长生的招生政策不仅有效地支持和促进了学生健康发展、全面成才,也为高校选拔人才提供了多元的评价信息。但近年来在操作过程中也出现许多问题和弊端。本文从学生能力分类和人才能力特征以及招生政策的公平性角度出发,分析了体艺科特长生招生过程中存在的问题,并以上海市为例,提出了对体艺科特长生招生改革的几点建议,主要包括转变特长生招生的理念,成立特长生资格认定委员会,建立特长生成长档案,加强特长生毕业后的跟踪研究等。  相似文献   

This paper examines trends in white and minority student experiences in the high schools, the community colleges, and the universities of the greater Los Angeles area since the mid-1970s. Black and Hispanic access to educational mobility is shown to have been severely hampered by high rates of dropping out of high school, by increasingly rigorous standards of admission and the high cost of attending 4-year public colleges, by the failure of community colleges in their transfer function, by the deemphasis on minority recruitment and retention programs, and by the curtailment of civil rights enforcement. To the extent that Los Angeles area trends forecast broader national patterns in our increasingly multiethnic society, the evidence from the area has fundamental national importance.  相似文献   

高职院校的招生工作随着全国高考生源的不断下降而出现了诸多困难,高考生源流失严重,且依然处在一个下滑的趋势中。所以应对现行的招生方式进行变革,从国家政策层面上重视高职教育的发展,合理安排和下达招生计划,各个院校要科学、实际的分配和使用招生计划,从而改善高职院校生源短缺的局面。  相似文献   

This research was initiated to explore the effects of changing tuition rates on the open‐door policy of U.S. community junior colleges. Tuition trends in the two‐year colleges of 50 states were assessed using data gathered from the 1975 and 1980 editions of the AACJC Directory, 1980 Fact Book for Academic Administrators, and recently published journal articles. The relationship between tuition rates and enrollment levels in each state were analyzed. The analyses point to a trend of continuous increase in tuition rates for U.S. public two‐year colleges since 1951. Even though the percentage of increase in tuition for recent years has been higher for two‐year colleges than for four‐year colleges, there remains a substantial difference between the average annual tuition of the two types of institutions. There appears to be a negative correlation between tuition and enrollment at two‐year colleges for 1974‐1975 (—.27) and for 1979‐1980 (—.21). Based on these findings, it would appear that further increases in tuition might serve to close college doors for those not able to afford the rising costs of education. Suggestions are offered for internal and external actions to help maintain open access despite rising tuition costs.  相似文献   


In response to a shortage of qualified Black and Hispanic teachers, community colleges (CC) have developed certificate programs and Associate of Arts degrees in teacher education to address shortages of minority teachers in the nation’s classrooms. We examined one CC’s effectiveness in transferring Black and Hispanic students to university teacher education programs and the association with Black and Hispanic students graduating with a bachelor’s degree. We compared enrollment and transfer student data for the 2003 community college teacher education program cohort to graduation data for native-to-university students of two 4-year universities. Data were analyzed using chi square and phi coefficients. The CC Black and Hispanic students graduated at the same rates as the native-to-university students and higher than their peers of the same races, regardless of major, who began at 2-year colleges at the national level. We encourage CC teacher education programs to invest resources to increase enrollment of Black and Hispanic students to address the growing need for minority teachers to serve in urban communities.  相似文献   

北航的招生丑闻令人震惊,而高考中的"招生腐败"仅是我国违规招考的表现形式之一。招考失序已成为教育制度的一大诟病,不容忽视。以高考招生为切入点,探讨招生腐败的表现形式和深层次根源,并从宏观上论述根除腐败、实现依法治考的途径和策略,对推进招考法治化进程具有重要意义。  相似文献   

高校招生工作几对重要关系之我见   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
招生工作是高校的一项重要工作,高校在决策招生规模、专业设置、生源结构、招生方式等重要事项时,需要郑重处理好教育资源与社会需求、标准生源质量与结构生源质量、超常规发展与可持续发展等一系列重要关系,科学构建招生培养体系,优化人才规格,促进招生、就业良性循环,并在促进经济社会发展的同时,促进高校自身的发展。  相似文献   

博士生教育是国家培养创新型高层次人才的重要途径,招生选拔是博士生教育的起点,关系着博士生教育质量的高低。改革开放以来,我国博士生招生选拔方式经过不断改革发展,已初步形成较为有效的选拔模式,文章借助历史-实践-理论的分析框架,通过分析博士生招生方式改革发展的历史逻辑、服务国家经济社会发展的实践逻辑、实现人才有效选拔的理论逻辑,指出"去笔试化"已成为博士生招生方式改革的发展趋势,有助于国家创新型人才的有效选拔。  相似文献   

While the strategy of funding both systems provides an incentive for both school districts and community colleges to participate with dual enrollment, the current fiscal environment has drawn attention to the inefficient use of the dual funding structure. This article highlights the results of a case study on Florida's dual enrollment program documenting how over a 20-year period policymakers offered different financial incentives as an inducement to greater participation among districts and community colleges. The article documents how the current state fiscal condition has altered lawmaker's motivations for supporting dual enrollment. It concludes by describing the implications of this on community college participation with dual enrollment.  相似文献   

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