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Anchored in national longitudinal data analyzed through hierarchical linear and non-linear modeling, this study found that African-American students have a similar probability of obtaining a BA degree whether they attended a historically Black college or university (HBCU) or a historically White college or university (HWCU). Among African-Americans, females are more likely to obtain a baccalaureate degree than males. Especially given that HBCUs are significantly underfunded relative to HWCUs, the findings of this study lend support to the proposition that HBCUs contribute significantly to higher education in this country and merit strong support from both the public and private sectors. This paper was presented at the American Education Research Association Conference in April 2005.  相似文献   

为了考察性格对语文学业成绩的影响程度,本研究采用《学生性格量表》对蒙古族学校的750名被试进行了调查,结果表明:蒙古族初中学生的蒙语文学业成绩与学生的性格特征之间存在着显著相关;性格特质对蒙语文学业成绩的影响既有共同性,也有差异性;从总体上看,高成绩者和低成绩者在性格特质上存在着显著差异;在蒙语文学科成绩上,男女生的性格差异均十分显著。  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the impact of adding a brief unit on aging to the first‐year curriculum of a school of osteopathic medicine a quasiexperimental design was employed. The educational experience involved three hours of classroom material, a visit to a nursing home, and a visit to a congregate housing facility for the well elderly. Over one semester the entire first‐year class was scheduled for the program. Analysis of pretest and posttest data revealed a mild but significant improvement in knowledge and attitudes with respect to the elderly. Subjective responses to the program were very positive.  相似文献   

民族地区大学生SCL-90评定分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解少数民族地区大学生心理健康状况,采用SCL-90临床症状自评量表,对河池学院591名学生进行测试,研究结果表明:少数民族地区大学生心理健康水平低并不是由所属民族自身的特点造成的,而是与所处的地理位置有关。  相似文献   

运用实验比较的方法,旨在通过学校体育教育为大学生终身体育奠定良好运动技术基础.实验证明,开设专项体育课能培养学生的兴趣,提高学生对体育的再认识,深化体育课程及教学改革,对于增强学生体质,提高运动素质,掌握运动技术有着显著的效果.  相似文献   

This study examines changes in black adolescents’ perceptions of the elderly following participation in an eight‐week intergenerational project. The project matched 19 teenagers with 19 elderly subjects from a large senior citizens center. Using an experimental design, students were matched by age with a control group (n = 20). A 20‐item semantic differential scale and the Children's Perceptions of Aging and Elderly (CPAE) inventory were used to measure attitude change. Posttest results from a matched pair t‐test found significant attitude change in the experimental group: semantic differential (t = 2.8, p < .01); CPAE (t = 4.2, p < .01). Qualitative comments from the youth and elderly participants further indicate positive qualities of the partners program.  相似文献   

This study investigates higher education students’ own attributions of success using free responses, exploring in particular the relative importance of ability and effort‐related attributions on the one hand and luck‐related attributions on the other. A sample of 150 first year polytechnic degree course students from both Arts and Science faculties was investigated. A rank order of 12 categories was established: study habits, lecture‐content, lecturer, social, interest, motivation, ability, domestic security, peers, luck, financial security, health. Among study habits a rank order of 7 categories was also established: reading skills, examination technique, time, note‐taking skills, organisation of work, revision, place. Knowledge of, and practice in, study habits, is clearly important, and other implications are the need for further awareness of the lecturer‐student relationship and more research into the consistency of student attributions across faculties beyond the first year.  相似文献   

本研究以福建省三明市列东中学初一年级两个平行班的学生为被试,对实验班的学生进行了为期三年的同伴交往辅导,试途探讨学生在班集体中的人际关系与学习成绩之间的关系。结果表明:受集体排拆、不受欢迎的学生严重影响学习,其学习成绩较差;而主动交往意愿差、不合群、孤僻的学生,没有发现其对学习成绩有直接的影响。另外初中阶段的学生,不容易接受教师的指导意见,警示我们要让学生处理好人际关系必须从小进行培养和指导。  相似文献   

The impact of an inservice program on practitioners’ gerontological knowledge and attitudes was examined. A nonequivalent control group design was used to conduct the study. The experimental group was made up of geriatric recreational service providers attending the first of two annual one‐week inservice educational programs. An outdoor resource management undergraduate level class served as the control group. The experimental group relative to the control group underwent a significant increase in their gerontological knowledge. Neither group experienced a significant change in their attitudes regarding the social value of the elderly or personal anxiety toward aging. The amount of change experienced in gerontological knowledge by program participants was significantly influenced by the degree of contact the individual had had with elders but not by their educational background. Educational background and degree of contact were not significantly associated with change in gerontological‐related attitudes. Implications for persons involved in designing and developing educational programs are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of a progressive mobility restorative program on nursing home residents' ability to perform selected activities of daily living (ADLs) and the amount of staff assistance needed to help residents complete these ADLs. A one group repeated measures design study was conducted in a 255-bed university affiliated geriatrics center. A certified nursing assistant (CNA) specially trained in restorative mobility techniques worked with residents individually for at least 15 minutes per day, five days per week to achieve their individualized mobility goals. Items on ADL Self-Performance and ADL Support Provided from the Minimum Data Set (MDS) were collected at baseline, three months, and six months. Thirty-eight of 42 residents (90%) were included in the analyses and 31 residents (82%) completed at least 25 days of restorative activities. Some residents improved their ADL self-performance at three and six months (15% and 33%, respectively) and decreased in the amount of ADL support provided at three and six months (26% and 31%, respectively). Total ADL self-performance and support provided did not change significantly over the six-month period. Most residents maintained their baseline ADL self-performance and level of ADL support provided over the six-month study. A progressive mobility restorative program implemented by a certified nursing assistant specially trained in restorative techniques resulted in most residents maintaining their baseline ADL self-performance abilities and the level of assistance provided by staff. Studies are needed to determine if these types of programs can actually improve functional abilities and decrease the level of staff assistance needed to complete ADLs or if they are effective in maintaining or delaying functional loss and staff burden.  相似文献   

本文通过对我院463名男女大学生体质的调查、分析和比较,剖析了目前在校大学生体质诸方面存在的问题,并围绕着如何增强学生体质这一问题进行了初步的探讨。  相似文献   

过去的15年里,在商业主义和科学主义的影响下,加拿大大学的学术文化发生了巨大的变化。本文考察了影响学术文化变化的一系列内部和外部因素,主要通过对以下六个主题的讨论:研究、科学、商业化、变化的角色、同事关系和代际差别。本文特别选取了渥太华大学作为案例,来分析这所研究型大学的发展历程及其引起的争辩。  相似文献   

Community college field placements often reflect a “vocational education” approach to outside‐the‐classroom learning, attempting to train students in specific skills and prerequisites for predetermined job slots. In the human services area, however, this may not be the most advantageous approach to producing innovative workers who will generate creative solutions to persistent and serious social problems. This study examined the impact of utilizing one popular university approach to field learning‐experiential learning coupled with social change agentry—with community college students. A criterion‐group field experiment was conducted, looking at paper‐and‐pencil measures, interviews, and archival data. It was found that the community college students were as willing to participate, were equally satisfied with the experience, and were as effective with their assigned cases as were the university students in this rigorous and demanding field placement. Community college administrators who are seeking to broaden their human service field settings should also consider successful university models of experiential learning as alternatives.  相似文献   

学术腐败是学术自由与学术道德责任的失衡。责任编辑是整治学术腐败环节中的关键。增强责任编辑的学术道德责任是当前把持学术阵地纯洁性的重要环节。因此。在要求责任编辑加强自律,严格遵循学术规范,提高编辑加工质量的同时。还应强化对责任编辑的道德责任教育,提倡编辑批评精神,更为重要的是要健全制度法制.规范责任编辑的实践行为。  相似文献   

试论教育适应学生   总被引:8,自引:7,他引:8  
在教育与学生的关系上,历史上曾经出现了学生服从教育、学生适应教育、教育服从学生三种关系。但在制度化教育中,延续至今的主要是学生适应教育。我国教育改革中提出教育适应学生,就是对这种关系的调整,这是对当代社会知识观变革、社会需要变革、人们对人的发展认识变革的反映。所谓教育适应学生,是就教育的个体发展职能而言的,主要是指教育活动适应每一个学生发展的多种需要和多种可能性,有针对性地引导和促进其有效的发展。其实质是打破以往教育的统一性特征和模式化,实现教育本身的多样化和创新化。当前在教育适应学生上既应在思想观念上要有明确认识,更要改革教育评价制度,更新教师素质,加强教育与学生生活世界的结合。  相似文献   

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