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This article proposes a critical thinking approach to cultural literacy for gifted students. The premise of the article is that all students profit from a curriculum rich in reasoning within and about diverse cultural points of view on historical and contemporary reality. The article posits that increasing racial, gender and socioeconomic intolerance can only be confronted with a curriculum that affords students the opportunity to enter em‐pathetically within cultural points of view often similar or disparate from their own. The author also attempts to call attention to issues of educational equity to assure that all students, gifted or potentially gifted, do not become tracked or placed in remedial learning programs owed solely to their cultural background, gender, ethnicity, or socioeconomic class.  相似文献   

姚建 《物理教学探讨》2004,22(10):27-28
比较法,就是对比各个事物或现象,以揭示它们之间共同点和差异点的思维方法. 物理解题过程,实质上就是将题目信息与贮存在头脑中的原有的有关信息进行相互作用(离不开比较),寻找联系和区别的过程.如果我们能有意识地运用比较的方法,则更易认清题目间的异同,抓住它们的本质特征,无疑能帮助我们快速解题.  相似文献   

文化育人是思想政治教育的重要内容.文化传承创新、价值导引、以人为本等是思想政治教育文化育人的价值维度.确立文化传承创新的责任意识、形成思想政治教育文化力、提升文化育人的实效性,是思想政治教育文化育人的重要功能.  相似文献   

论偶像-榜样教育   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
偶像-榜样教育旨在加强对偶像功能的认知疏导,培养学生的批判意识,化偶像为榜样。传统的榜样教育多将偶像与榜样对立起来,忽略了偶像的榜样功能,偶像-榜样教育力图使学生学会批判性的接受偶像,为学校德育和家庭教育提供更多的资源;传统的榜样教育将榜样教育等同于道德教育,这势必导致榜样教育的单一化,偶像-榜样教育强调榜样选择与认同的多元化,增强偶像-榜样的真实性和亲和力;传统的榜样教育往往将榜样树立成“高大全”式的人物,拉大了榜样与学生之间的距离,偶像-榜样教育力图缩小个人与偶像之间的心理距离,以平常心接受偶像。最后,偶像-榜样教育不是要取代榜样教育,而是要拓展榜样教育的新空间。  相似文献   

直接社会知觉立场在认识论上质疑了基于理智主义的他心观。理解他心不是像后者所预设的"心智思考另一个心智",而应被视为"具身心智知觉另一个具身心智"。作为直接社会知觉的实体理论,具身模拟论强调对心智模拟的核心概念进行再利用,经由镜像神经元活动产生的运动模拟,以一种直接的、自动化的、前反思的加工方式来通达他心。然而,这个模型面临如下五个问题:相似的大脑-身体系统并非社会互动的必要条件;自身运动能力并非理解动作意图的必要条件;镜像神经元经典实验的解释并非不可兼容于心智化;具身模拟并非是在刺激贫乏而是在刺激丰富背景下产生的;镜像神经元是联想学习而非自然选择的产物。  相似文献   

There is growing concern regarding the amount and type of violence that young children are exposed to on a daily basis. Through media, popular toys and video games violent images are consistently present in children’s lives starting at a very young age. This paper discusses (a) the growing presence of young children’s exposure to media violence, (b) the influence of media violence on early childhood development and well-being, (c) the impact of media violence on young children with disabilities, and (d) recommendations for addressing this national dilemma within the context of family-professional partnerships. A list of related web resources is also included.  相似文献   

This paper explores the nature of the language used when teaching mathematics to young children. It proposes that an important part of the teaching of a mathematical concept is the introduction of specific terminology. Children may need to be taught new meanings for already familiar words. The timing of these introductions to new words or meanings is critical to their understanding of the concepts being taught. It will be argued that there are two aspects of the children's learning that need to be considered. First, their understanding of the concept being introduced, and secondly, their learning the appropriate word to describe that concept. By assessing children's understanding of new mathematical concepts through their own use of the terminology, the teacher can then negotiate new meanings with them through practical experiences, introducing new word meanings only when the concepts have been understood.  相似文献   

This article discusses Geert Hofstede's work on national cultural differences. It explains how Hofstede's model of the dimensions of national culture might be of use to performance improvement professionals as they try to solve familiar, and perhaps not so familiar, problems in international settings. Hofstede's work, first published in 1980, argues that many management theories, such as those of Herzberr, Mausner, and Snyderman (1959), Maslow (1970), and McGregor (1960), are not valid worldwide be cause the authors are subject to cultural bias that is manifested in their own cultural makeup. Hofstede's research has shown that national cultures tend vary on four dimensions: uncertainty avoidance, masculinity, power distance, and individualism. Understanding national cultural differences is important to organizations to expand beyond their own national boundaries and to attempt to win the loyalty and business of customers around the globe.  相似文献   

按劳分配作为社会主义公有制条件下个人消费品的一种分配形式,既可以存在于社会主义计划经济条件下,也可以存在于社会主义市场经济条件下.不能仅仅依据马克思当年的设想,否认按劳分配在现阶段存在的现实性,认为它只是"一种趋势";同时也不能通过混淆按生产要素分配和按劳分配的区别,把按生产要素分配看成是按劳分配的"具体实现形式".  相似文献   

化归思想是中学数学最基本的思想方法之一,堪称数学思想的精髓,它渗透到了数学教学内容的各个领域和解题过程的各个环节中。文章从多个不同的角度阐述了这一思想在中学数学解题中的应用,它涉及到几何、不等式、函数、解析几何、方程等多方面内容,引用详实的例题,借助函数的性质、图象、公式,以及解析几何的直观性将看似复杂的问题化归为简单,看似未知问题化归为已知,通过变换将隐藏在知识背后的数学思想突显出来,使之明朗化。  相似文献   

"5.12"汶川大震发生后,颇受争议的"80后",用他们的实际行动谱写了人生的新篇章。本文证明,多难可以兴邦,多难也可以塑造一代人。  相似文献   

Research Findings: Educational guidelines recommend a delayed, piecemeal approach to instruction on adaptation by natural selection. This approach is questionable given suggestions that older students’ pervasive misunderstandings about adaptation are rooted in cognitive biases that develop early. In response to this, Kelemen et al. (2014) recently showed that young children can learn a basic yet comprehensive explanation of adaptation by natural selection from a picture storybook intervention. However, this research was conducted in a laboratory-based setting with children from middle and higher socioeconomic backgrounds. To further explore the intervention’s efficacy, this investigation examined whether Kelemen et al.’s (2014, Experiment 2) findings extend to a more diverse sample of children tested in a more naturalistic setting, namely, after-school programs. After a 10-min picture storybook reading that described adaptation within a fictitious but realistic mammal species, 5- to 6- and 7- to 8-year-old children’s learning of adaptation was examined. Results revealed that younger and older children benefitted from the intervention; however, older children displayed pronounced learning and generalization. Practice or Policy: Findings confirm that children are capable of learning complex biological ideas and that comprehensive storybook interventions are simple but powerful teaching tools. Implications for instruction on natural selection are discussed.  相似文献   

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