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对“问题解决”的反思   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
“问题解决”是当前数学教育中的热点之一,但这一过程出现的5个问题值得反思:如何界定符合我国国情的“问题解决”内涵;“问题解决”与“问题提出”谁更具紧迫性;“问题解决”有异化为“题海战术”的危险;‘问题解决”是否就是解决“实际应用”;我国学生“问题解决”能力的现状到底如何。  相似文献   

无穷小量是有极限变量中最简单而且是最重要的一类。本文通过对一道题的分析、求解,进一步剖析了无穷小量理论,并对数零是唯一可作为无穷小的常量进行了说明。  相似文献   

章对谐译词进入汉语后产生的变异进行了描述,并援以例证,分析了其产生变异的主要原因,以期引起大家对这一语言现象的关注。  相似文献   

关于筛法,本文提出几点思考:1 .怎样使N x是素数根据除法算式定理[1] :“给定正整数a和b ,b≠0 ,存在惟一的整数q和r( 0 ≤r相似文献   

The teaching brain is a dynamic system that is in constant interaction with the learning brain. If we fail to explore the teaching brain we will continue to design educational reform policies that ignore the most important lens in the classroom: the teachers'. Master teachers recognize their perspective and leverage their teaching brains to embody a systems thinking view of their practice. If all teachers were taught how to recognize themselves as self‐created, organized systems existing within the larger teaching–learning interaction, they would understand how their context and intentions affect the teacher–student interaction. Education reform must acknowledge and understand more about the teaching brain, how master teachers practice systems thinking and the mutually interacting brains of teacher and student if we hope to truly improve how we educate children.  相似文献   

家庭暴力是中国当今社会不容忽视的一个社会问题。本文主要论述了家庭暴力的现状、特点、原因及有关的法律措施,旨在预防和消除家庭暴力。  相似文献   

题目 设0〈α〈β〈γ〈π/2,且sin^3α+sin^3β+sin^3γ=1。求证:tan^2α+tan^2β+tan^2γ≥3√3/2。  相似文献   

郭店楚简老子乙以为道,守道为中心言道家之用,认为治人事天是道家的责任,这是春秋道家对社会有所施为的积极表现,老子乙从自我贬损,绝学而顺其自然,爱身自重三个方面入手进行了全面论述以“道”修身,最后提出了“清静为天下定”的主张,希望不仅个人实行清静这一原则,而且一家,一乡,一帮以至天下都实行这一原则,从而克服贪欲,使天下得到安定。  相似文献   

Journal of Science Education and Technology - This paper describes analyses of the K–12 computational thinking (CT) integration activities collected at two NSF-funded workshops,...  相似文献   

"问题学生"是指那些在学校家庭不合常规,有逆反心理,个性较为独特的学生."问题学生"产生有诸多方面的原因,文章对此进行分析,并根据教学实践提出相应的解决措施.  相似文献   

A model for thinking about training evaluation is proposed. The model consists of context and process factors on the one hand, and outcome factors on the other. Among context and process factors are basis of training, purpose of training, unit of productivity, data sources, kind of training, who is trained, and costs of training. Outcome factors include employee, customer, and corporate aspects. Assumptions of the model include a) that both corporatist and humanistic conceptions of training are to be viewed as valid, and b) that the term training is constrictive and probably should be replaced by the term education, which is more elastic. An impetus for the model is that work and workplaces are changing. How knowledge, skills, and orientations toward evaluation are utilized must be viewed somewhat more expansively than might have been appropriate under work conditions in “Tayloristic” times.  相似文献   

郑佑民 《海外英语》2009,(12):32-33
No one should lunge at graduate school. Getting an advanced degree can take years and can cost tens of thousands of dollars if you're not lucky enough to land a fellowship. And no one should begin planning for graduate school in October of their senior year. Putting together a good application--one that can really sell--is the product of years of careful planning and doing the right stuff to get yourself ready for graduate work in your desired field.How do you do this? Follow our step-by-step guide to getting ready for the graduate school of your choice:  相似文献   

在经济全球化、政治多极化、文化多元化带来机遇和挑战的背景下,学报要实现科学发展,必须科学定位,加强编辑队伍建设,提高编辑的策划能力,运用科技手段改变传统办刊模式。  相似文献   

网络技术给人类带来巨大便利的同时,也带来诸多挑战和困惑。分析了网络社会存在的问题,并提出加强网络伦理建设的一些初步设想,建立一个充满伦理秩序的网络社会,分享网络带来的便捷和充实。  相似文献   

关于数学CAI公开课的思考   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
以计算机作为辅助教学的手段开公开课已非常普遍,在每堂教学CAI课中要真正发挥计算机的辅助作用,应注意以下几点:注重设计课件内容,精心设计课件形式;与学生已有知识经验吻合;准确把握演示时间,进程和方法。  相似文献   

时间观、空间观、主体观、以及因缘观等基本观念构成了时空共振、天人合一的大一统宇宙图式,这就是中华传统文化的思维框架。这个框架不仅限定了人们思考和想象的方式、范围,而且预设了人们行为的准则和依据,即以王、道为核心的价值系统——包括中央权威(王)、等级秩序(礼)、合谐(乐)、中庸(道)等核心价值,审美的生活态度,注重实用的生存原则,以及怀方行圆、以静制动、知微待时、安份守位等人生策略;在这个框架之内,在认识与实践领域,则形成了中华特色的社会观、历史观、人性论、方法论、知行观等纲纽性观念,作为思想家们构筑其理论体系的基石。  相似文献   

美的音色是指能正确表达音乐内容和情感、体现音乐风格的音色。作为演奏者无不把追求美的音色作为艺术再创造的一个部分而加以认真研究。  相似文献   

孙博 《林区教学》2011,(1):42-43
社会转型期的集体焦虑,企业残酷生存法则,社会文化配套的缺失,种种现实的矛盾在这家最典型的代工企业里滋生集聚,直至引发了一场“核聚变”。  相似文献   

随着我国教育事业的发展,音乐教育的普及程度不断提高,高校扩招大量的音乐专业学生,这导致音乐专业教师的溃乏,面临这种形势,在音乐专业课尤其是钢琴课的教学上,我们可以将一个教师对一个学生的教学方式变成一个教师对多个学生的教学方式,以适应新形式的发展。  相似文献   

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