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The literature suggests that most studies on student retention have focused on student satisfaction at 4-year institutions where students tend to be more traditional in nature. The study discussed in this article investigated how Tinto's (Tinto, Russo, & Kadel, 1994) model of retention could be applied to 2-year institutions. It explored academic and social integration and their effects on student withdrawal rates as well as the effect of background skills on withdrawal rates. Study participants were 462 second-semester degree-seeking community college students who completed a survey regarding their satisfaction with the academic and social climate of the community college. Performance on Computer Placement Tests (CPTs) were correlated with withdrawal rates to determine the association between background skill levels and withdrawal patterns. No correlation was found between academic and social integration and withdrawal rates. However, findings did show that the poorer the CPT performance, the more likely students were to withdraw from courses.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study in college student culture was to determine whether students entering different types of postsecondary institutions have value systems and/or personality characteristics which differ according to the type of institution they select An assessment of the attitudes and traits students bring with them to college was made at a comprehensive state university, a technical institute, and a community college.

The 16 Personality Factors Test of the Institute for Personality and Ability Testing (16 PF of the IPAT) was administered to 269 students in selected freshman level mathematics classes at the three schools. Individual factor scores were used to compute group means for each type of school on the 16 personality factors. The t test applied to differences in group means revealed significant differences (p < 0.05) among groups on several factors. The results support the hypothesis that student personality factors are related to the type of college selected.

If further research as recommended by the authors reinforces these findings, there are implications for many areas of the educational experience; e.g., college selection, programming activities, choosing instructional methods, counseling.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to ascertain differences in learning styles of 400 community college students in career and transfer programs as measured by the Canfield Learning Styles Inventory. Independent variables were program area and sex. Dependent variables were scores regarding each of the Learning Style Inventory Scales for the following categories: (a) conditions, (b) content, (c) mode, and (d) expectation. The data indicated: (1) female students have greater interest in areas of qualitative, people, and listening, (2) male students have a greater interest for the inanimate, (3) career students have greater interest for inanimate, greater expectations for average and below average performance, and (4) transfer students have greater expectations for above average performance.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between learning style awareness and academic achievement of community college students. The study was undertaken to determine if learning style awareness alone, without a change in the manner of teaching or in the matching of student and instructor styles, would benefit community college students as evidenced by an increase in academic achievement. The sample consisted of 78 second term anatomy students at Florida Community College in Jacksonville who were taught by two instructors who used comparable content and methods. By random assignment, half the group served as a control; the treatment half was given a learning style inventory, the Productivity Environmental Preference Survey (PEPS) by Dunn, Dunn, and Price (1979). The PEPS profiles were returned at mid‐term and were interpreted for each student. Individualized study tips for using learning style preferences advantageously were provided. All students were exposed to the same classroom experiences. Summed unadjusted scores of 105 objective items of common first and second classroom tests served as pretest scores. Scores of the 105‐item comprehensive final examination were used as posttest scores. An ANCOVA was performed using the pretest scores as covariates. There was a significant difference in academic achievement in favor of the learning style awareness group (p<.05).  相似文献   

Cheating in community colleges is not uncommon and is one of the most unfortunate problems faculty and administrators attempt to solve. As the focus of community colleges shifts from teaching to learning, it is important to study the more unpleasant issues facing the community college family. This article defines and identifies attitudes and situations that encourage academic dishonesty. It further discusses strategies for prevention of academic dishonesty, offers suggestions on how to discourage the practice, and advances recommendations for dealing with cheating. Also included is an inventory of sources about "paper mills," and a listing of cybercheating preventive and investigative software programs.  相似文献   

The traditional 2+2 path no longer reflects the general practice of student transfer between 2- and 4-year institutions. However, students continue to enroll in and complete a substantial number of credits at community colleges. Studies related to transfer most frequently have focused on gathering statistics to measure posttransfer academic performance or student perceptions regarding the transfer process. It is important to talk with students to understand why they transfer before completing the associate degree. This article presents a qualitative analysis of interviews with 103 students who transferred from a public community college to a public state university. Findings indicated that many students enrolled at the community college with a specific intent other than earning the associate degree. Faculty members and students at both the community college and the university also influenced the number of credit hours students completed before transfer.  相似文献   

Reverse transfer students (i.e., students transferring from a baccalaureate institution to a community college) are either completers (i.e., earned a bachelor's degree) or noncompleters (i.e., did not earn a bachelor's degree). The investigation reported in this article included a procedure to construct-validate an instrument that captures data about why reverse transfer occurs and a discriminant-analysis profile that highlights differences among completers and noncompleters. The findings have implications for student recruitment, student services, and future research.  相似文献   

The author has focussed on the situation of women academics at Belarus State University. Wishing to ascertain whether or not women are objects of discrimination, she concludes, despite statistics which indicate a paucity of women at the upper levels of the academic hierarchy and in all levels in the sciences, that the problem is that women are barred from competing effectively for the top positions by heavy household and family duties which are not borne by men. Were this burden to be shared equally by men and women, the career chances of women in the academic world might be roughly equal to those of men. However, because of the socio‐economic crisis which Belarus is experiencing and the resulting effects on the university, the normal university career structure is in disarray. Nevertheless, even in today's conditions, it would be difficult to prove the existence of deliberate discrimination against women academics.  相似文献   

High school grades and both the verbal and mathematical scales of the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT-V and SAT-M, respectively) were examined as predictors of college grade point average in groups divided by race and sex. Results indicated that high school grades were not correlated as highly with college grades for black males as for the other three groups, although there were no significant differences in the correlation of either SAT-V or SAT-M with college grades. Moreover, the multiple regression equation for the black male group differed from the equations for the other groups in that SAT-V is the predictor of primary importance rather than high school grades. Weights derived on a random sample of the student body caused substantial shrinkage of the multiple R only in the black male sample. Both black males and black females were significantly overpredicted by such weights. The importance of separate prediction equations for race-sex groupings was emphasized.  相似文献   


The purpose of this research was to evaluate the effectiveness of developmental courses in a rural community college. The Stanford Diagnostic Reading Test, Blue Level, Form A, Stanford Test of Academic Skills English Subtest, Level 2, Form E, and the Stanford Diagnostic Mathematics Test, 3rd Edition, Blue Level, Form G were administered to two groups of entering freshmen in the fall of 1987. Group 1 included all students whose diagnostic test scores indicated a need for at least one developmental course. Group 2 consisted of all students whose diagnostic test scores did not indicate a need for developmental course work. Results indicated that there was a statistically significant difference in the mathematics mean Quality Point Averages with the developmental students attaining higher mean Quality Point Averages. There was no statistically significant difference between the two groups in English mean Quality Point Averages; however, developmental students obtained a higher Quality Point Average  相似文献   

The regression equations of sophomore year cumulative grade point averages on five ability and achievement test scores for blacks and whites at Michigan State University showed a significant difference. However, use of these separate regression equations would not be in favor of black students. The variance accounted for by the predictors was similar for both groups.  相似文献   

Critics contend that enrollment in a community college lessens the likelihood that a student will complete a bachelor's degree (S. Brint & J. Karabel, 1989). A number of studies have examined personal, demographic, and environmental characteristics that influence the academic performance of community college transfer students. This research has included characteristics that are not readily available to admissions representatives at four‐year institutions, and studies have not considered the private, liberal arts college as the senior institution.

The purpose of this study was to identify easily ascertainable characteristics that occur prior to transfer and to assess the relationship of these characteristics to persistence and baccalaureate attainment at a private, liberal arts college. Two academic factors related to persistence and graduation were included in the methodology: completion of the associate (AA) degree and community college grade point average (GPA) The subjects for the study were 200 students who completed the AA degree and transferred from one of three community colleges to a private, liberal arts college over a 5‐year period.

Results indicated that whereas completion of the AA degree resulted in a higher persistence/graduation rate, completion of the AA degree with a community college GPA of 3.0 or higher increased the persistence/graduation rate to a level equal to that of native students.  相似文献   

Proper grammar is crucial for effective communication. Two surveys of students in an introductory writing course sought to identify predictors of grammar ability. Students demonstrated a limited grasp of the language, struggling with such issues as the distinction between “it's” and “its.” Women performed better than men at the beginning of the semester, but the gap later narrowed. There was a correlation between self-efficacy (confidence in one's ability to perform a particular task) and grammar ability at the end of the semester. To the knowledge of the authors, this is the first study to empirically link grammar self-efficacy and grammar performance. High school grade point average also predicted grammar ability at the end of the semester.  相似文献   

The study reported in this article explored the association between students' epistemological beliefs and learning processes. Schommer's theory of epistemological beliefs has 12 components (e.g., seek single answers, avoid integration, learn the first time) that form four factors (Fixed Ability, Certain Knowledge, Simple Knowledge, and Quick Learning). Schmeck and colleagues argue for multiple routes to academic achievement through Deep, Elaborative, and Agentic processing. The authors predicted that relationships among Schommer's four factors and Schmeck's Deep Processing, Elaborative Processing, and Agentic Processing would be observed. Results indicate that there are relationships between belief in Fixed Ability and Agentic, Deep, and Elaborative Processing and the belief in Simple Knowledge and Agentic Processing. The implication of the study is students' epistemological beliefs impact their learning processes, which may impact their engagement and performance.  相似文献   

Creating a virtual community among learners in a course or program can increase student retention and satisfaction. Although community colleges are increasingly turning to on-line learning experiences for students, doctoral programs in community college leadership (CCL) can model the blending of different learning modalities. Using face-to-face experiences, two-way compressed video, on-line information posting, and synchronous and asynchronous on-line discussions, the CCL program at Colorado State University creates community among its doctoral students. A vignette is presented to illustrate the life of one of these doctoral distance students and to detail the uses of the various learning modalities. The article concludes with a discussion the three main types of support necessary for empowering students and keeping them connected in their community: multiple communities support, multiple meeting spaces support, and multiple systems support. The serendipitous result of this experience has been seeing doctoral students return to their respective community college campuses and use this blending of on-line modalities to serve their own students.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify the reasons students were enrolled in individual courses at one metropolitan community college. Unstructured interviews, supplemented by participant observation, were used to collect data on students in eight transfer and occupational day classes observed in Fall 1980. On the basis of their motivational orientations toward individual courses, most students were classified as requirement meeters, knowledge seekers, or specific information users. These three motivational orientations were compared along three dimensions: (1) the student's major criterion of success, (2) the aspect (instrumental or expressive) of education the student emphasized, and (3) the willingness of the student to tolerate a time‐lag prior to the application of acquired knowledge and/or skills. Less common motivational orientations also were identified. The data showed that students could be guided by more than one motivational orientation or change their initial motivational orientation toward a course as the result of classroom experiences. The modal type of student in this sample was a requirement meeter. Requirement meeters establish norms whereby students derive status by spending as little time as possible on school‐related matters.  相似文献   

In this article, I examine the present state of community college‐based technology transfer, beginning with a brief historical survey of corporate‐university relationships and an analysis of the most common form of community college‐based technology transfer (worker training). I then focus on a state‐of‐the‐art development in technology transfer at the community college: the Pennsylvania College of Technology (PCT). Finally, I offer a general paradigm of technology transfer for community colleges based on the PCT model.  相似文献   

This pilot study examined the effects of school and county characteristics on the transfer rate of Black American students . A total of 53 schools in one state with a comprehensive two - year system provided information about Black transfers. The study reveals the negative effects of Black concentration in programs, the positive effects of a day - care facility, and suggests that counties with a large percent of Black residents and a high mean income accompany high rates of Black transfers.  相似文献   

This study describes the organization, staffing, cost‐sharing alternatives, and administrative patterns of associations that coordinate community/junior college local governing board activities on a statewide basis. A review of literature is provided.

Methodology used for the study included letter‐surveys to state associations of community/junior colleges, community college presidents’ organizations, trustee organizations, and knowledgeable community college individuals in 33 states. Information concerning structure of community college associations, organizations of local trustees and college presidents, whether such organized groups operate as one common group or as separate organizations, and definition of any paid staff was obtained. Results were tabulated for 25 states identified as sharing state and local control of community/junior colleges. Tables are included to show: (1) states that elect trustees, states that appoint trustees, and the number of college districts and campus locations in each state; (2) organization and staffing patterns of trustee organizations and chief administrator groups; (3) patterns of organization types in the 25 states; and (4) fee structure used to finance state community college associations in a selection of state examples.

It was found that little work has been done to evaluate effectiveness of the various systems cited. Information furnished by the study did not give evidence that one form of structure serves more effectively than another.  相似文献   

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