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The aim of this study was to examine whether motivational‐emotional variables such as intrinsic orientation toward schoolwork, Mathematics anxiety, academic self‐esteem, attribution of success and failure in Mathematics and situational interest in Mathematics could differentiate different groups of mathematically gifted pupils. The research was based, theoretically, on an interactional model of giftedness. The sample consisted of 147 selected primary school pupils (9‐10 years of age) who were assigned to the following groups for comparison: mathematically gifted achievers (n = 31), mathematically gifted under‐achievers (n = 31) and mathematically non‐gifted pupils (n = 85). The results of a discriminant analysis show that the gifted pupils differ from the non‐gifted ones in attaining higher levels of intrinsic orientation toward Mathematics, lower Mathematics anxiety, lower attribution of success to external factors and effort, as well as in lower attribution of failure to external factors and abilities. Also, gifted achievers have lower attribution of success to effort than gifted under‐achievers and non‐gifted pupils.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a research project involving a sample of 19 state‐educated students in their first year of a German course at Oxford University. The project is one of a number of research studies into widening participation issues funded by the Higher Education Funding Council of England (HEFCE) and the Sutton trust. The paper describes the students' motivation for applying to study German at Oxford and their experiences of the transition from school to university. This is part of a larger scale study looking at access and transition data. The findings, based on data from semi‐structured interviews, suggest that the students had instrumentally oriented motivation for wanting to do a language course which was qualitatively different from the one experienced at A level. Although several factors might have alienated the students, most managed to adapt to the academic requirements at Oxford. It is argued that the students' ability to adapt and succeed is due to a high level of preparedness and to a flexibility of motivational orientation. The study contributes to the widening participation debate in general by commenting on issues of transition in terms of how well matched certain prestige university courses are to the aspirations of the applicants.  相似文献   

When response rates on student evaluations of teaching (SETs) are low, inability to properly interpret and use responses from the students who do participate is a big problem. Where does the motivation to participate break down, and where and how does it make sense to invest efforts in rectifying that? In this study, we examined 641 university students’ reported behaviours and motivation related to their SET participation. In terms of behaviour, students who seldom or never participate in online SET tools reported a willingness to invest, at most, five minutes in the process, though the majority never even open the online evaluation links when they receive them. In terms of motivation, they significantly differed from students who always participate with distinctly lower levels of: (1) willingness to participate at all, (2) perception of autonomy and competence, (3) meaningfulness, (4) personal value, (5) engagement in others’ participation, and (6) understanding of the value of their own participation for others’ benefit. Based on these findings, we propose a strategy for increasing future response rates, particularly among recalcitrant students, in order to be able to gather sufficient and reliable results for the work of improving teaching.  相似文献   

Little is known as to how students process tutor feedback. In this study, 36 final-year biological sciences undergraduate students from four higher education institutions took part in interviews or focus groups. Students were assigned according to tutors’ judgements as being either high achieving or non-high achieving, and focus groups consisted of a single student type. A thematic approach was used to analyse the interview data. There were overall major differences in how both types of students processed tutor feedback. These differences concerned primarily three areas: (1) self-assessment, (2) the role of external regulation and (3) the role of peer discussion. The findings are discussed in terms of dispositions to learning and conceptions of learning. It is concluded that guidance to students regarding their use of feedback needs to be designed with respect to encouraging the development of students’ self-assessment practices.  相似文献   

We draw on case‐study research at a high‐achieving secondary school in London to illustrate how school experiences may influence drug use and reproduce inequalities in reconstructed ways in late modernity. Qualitative data were collected through semi‐structured interviews with students and teachers, and observations. We focus in particular on the accounts of three female students expressing a shared counter‐school identity and style to explore how drug use has become an important source of bonding, identity construction, coping and excitement for young women from disadvantaged families at high‐achieving schools, including as part of strategies to resist the narrow focus schools can place on academic attainment, monitoring and discipline. We propose that, in late modern times, class‐based counter‐school cultures are being replaced with new consumer‐based ones, but that secondary schools continue to act as sites for the reproduction of social stratification, as well as risk and harm relating to drug use.  相似文献   

This current, longitudinal study addresses two critical issues related to underrepresented gifted: identification and programming. As a follow‐up of minority and low‐income students identified as gifted in middle school, the study provides insight into the potential predictive value of specific gifted attributes on later academic performance: high‐school graduation, matriculation in an institution of higher learning, and completion of a college degree. Findings support the value of multiple forms of identification, specifically in problem‐solving, teacher identification of leadership ability, and grade point average. The study also evaluates the impact on academic outcomes of a long‐term, university/school pre‐college partnership program for middle‐ and senior‐high‐school underrepresented gifted. Results show a significant relationship between the level of student involvement in program activities and successful achievement of academic outcomes.  相似文献   

This is a cross‐cultural comparative study that sets out to explore teachers' knowledge, understanding and practices of the teaching of Physical Education (PE) to students from different cultural backgrounds. More specifically, it explores key issues in the teaching of PE to Muslim students. Thirteen PE teachers, six from England and seven from Greece were involved in face to face interviews exploring issues related to the teaching of PE to culturally diverse classes, their subject matter knowledge, pedagogical knowledge and knowledge of students' religion and culture. The findings suggest that teachers had a limited knowledge of their students' culture and religion. More specifically, ‘novice’ teachers with modest cultural knowledge faced difficulties in teaching students from culturally diverse backgrounds. The study stresses the need to increase student teachers' knowledge and understanding—as part of their initial teacher education courses—to respond and operate effectively towards wider inclusion of students from ethnic/culturally diverse backgrounds in PE and extra‐curricular activities (ECA).

Il s'agit d'une étude interculturelle qui a pour but l'exploration des connaissances des pratiques et la compréhension de l'enseignement de l'éducation physique (PE) offerte aux étudiants de milieux culturels divers. Plus spécifiquement, elle explore les questions clé dans l'enseignement de la PE aux élèves musulmans. 13 professeurs de PE dont six du Royaume Uni et sept de Grèce ont participé à des entretiens pour explorer des questions liées à l'enseignement de la PE aux classes culturellement diverses et pour évaluer leurs connaissances en ce qui concerne la matière et la pédagogie, ainsi que la religion et la culture de leurs éleves. Les conclusions indiquent que les professeurs ont des connaissances limitées de la culture et de la réligion de leurs étudiants. Plus spécifiquement, les professeurs débutants qui ont des connaissances peu aprofondies de la culture et de la réligion se retrouvent face à des difficultés lors de l'enseignement donné aux élèves issus de milieux culturels différents. L' étude souligne la nécessité d'améliorer les connaissances des professeurs au cours de leur formation professionnelle afin d'assurer aux étudiants d'origines culturelles et ethniques différentes une meilleure insertion dans la PE et la ECA.

Dieses ist eine inter‐kulturelle, vergleichende Studie, deren Intention es ist das Wissen, Verständnis und die Praxis von Lehrern zu untersuchen, die Schüler mit unterschiedlichen kulturellen und religiösen Hintergründen unterrichten. Insbesonder handelt es sich hierbei um spezifische Fragestellungen, die sich beim Unterrichten der Leibeserziehung mit moslemischen Schülern ergeben. 13 Sportlehrer, sechs aus Großbritannien und sieben aus Griechenland wurden in vertraulichen Interviews über Ihre Erfahrungen beim Unterrichten von Kindern mit undterschiedlichen kulturellen Hintergründen befragt. Hierbei wurden sowohl Fragestellungen zu didaktischen und pädagogischen Vorgehensweisen und Erwägungen, als auch das Lehrerwissen über die Religion und Kultur der Schüler erforscht. Die Ergebnisse der Studie zeigten ein begrenztes Lehrerwissen mit Bezug auf die Kultur und Religion ihrer Schüler auf. Insbesondere weniger erfahrene Lehrer (Berufsanfänger) wiesen ein Defizit an Wissen über relevante kulturelle und religiöse Sachverhalte auf. Lehrer mit solch begrenztem kulturellem Wissen fanden es problematisch Schüler mit diversen kulturellen Hintergründen effektiv zu unterrichten. Die Studie betont die Notwendigkeit das Wissen und Verständnis der Lehrer als Teil ihrer Lehrerausbildung zu verbessern um somit flexibler und effektiver auf die Herausforderungen reagieren zu können, die sich beim Unterrichten von Schülern mit diversen ethnischen und kulturellen Hintergründen ergeben.

Éste es un estudio comparativo intercultural que investiga el conocimiento, la comprensión y las prácticas de los profesores de la enseñanza de la educación física (PE) a los alumnos de diversos orígenes culturales. Más específicamente, explora las cuestiones claves en la enseñanza de PE a los alumnoss musulmanes. 13 profesores del PE, seis del Reino Unido y siete de Grecia estuvieron implicados en entrevistas cara a cara explorando las cuestiones relacionadas con la enseñanza del PE en las clases culturalmente diversas, a su conocimiento de la asignatura, al conocimiento pedagógico y al conocimiento de la religión y de la cultura de los alumnos. Los resultados sugieren que los profesores tenían un conocimiento limitado de la cultura y de la religión de sus alumnos. Más específicamente, los profesores principiantes que tenían un conocimiento cultural modesto hacen frente a dificultades enseñando a alumnos de origeneses culturalmente diversos. El estudio indica la necesidad de aumentar el conocimiento de los profesores durante sus cursos iniciales de educación profesional – para que puedan responder y funcionar con eficacia hacia una inclusión más ancha de los alumnos cultural y etnicamente diversos en el PE y ECA.  相似文献   

A total of three hundred and fifteen (n = 315) gifted students from the 10th and 12th grade from the United States (n = 102), China (n = 125) and Germany (n = 88) were surveyed regarding their motivation and self‐regulation in chemistry learning. A 3×2×2 MANOVA revealed “nation” as having the largest major effect on these variables. The American group scored higher in most of the motivational and self‐regulatory characteristics than their Chinese and German counterparts. Although in all samples gifted girls reported a higher effort goal orientation, they used superficial cognitive strategies in learning science more frequently than boys. In addition, students' effort goal orientation was less pronounced in higher grades in all samples.  相似文献   

The concept of friendship has had a great deal of attention within recent years from philosophers. However, this attention restricts itself to friendship between adults and rarely considers the issue of friendship between children. The issue of friendship and how we socialise with others ought to be an important concept for education, yet schools rarely take the forming, nurturing and nourishing of friendship beyond helping to deal with disputes between friends when they disrupt school life. I wish to argue that whilst friendship is critical to the development of character and can properly be seen as part of ‘an invitation to the moral life’, it also has value in and of itself as part of the flourishing life.  相似文献   


Definitions of giftedness and self‐perceptions of abilities were examined among adults who have been participating in a longitudinal study of academically talented students since their high‐school graduation in 1988. For the present study, participants answered open‐ended questions and completed scales measuring adult giftedness and adult self‐perceptions of abilities in 12 different domains. Gender differences in perceptions were examined. When participants were asked if they believed they were gifted in high school and now, more men than women responded affirmatively to both questions. Further, significant gender differences were identified for perceived competencies in four areas: job competence, nurturance, athletic competence, and morality. Implications of the findings and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

This pilot study measures university students’ perceptions of graded frequent assessments in an obligatory statistics course using a novel questionnaire. Relations between perceptions of frequent assessments, intrinsic motivation and grades were also investigated. A factor analysis of the questionnaire revealed four factors, which were labelled value, formative function, positive effects and negative effects. The results showed that most students valued graded frequent assessments as a study motivator. A modest number of students experienced positive or negative effects from assessments and grades received. Less than half of the students used the results of frequent assessments in their learning process. The perception of negative effects (lower self-confidence and more stress) negatively mediated the relation between grades and intrinsic motivation. It is argued that communication with students regarding the purpose and benefits of frequent assessments could mitigate these negative effects.  相似文献   

This paper captures a national curriculum maker’s experiences of revising the physical education curriculum in South Korea. A self‐study was conducted in order to make known the chairperson’s experiences concerning the various obstacles encountered in revising the national curriculum and to offer previously unseen insights afforded by the curriculum maker’s personal reflections. This study specifically offers a detailed analysis of four challenges the national curriculum maker encountered: (1) personal obstacles encountered as a young female chairperson, (2) environmental obstacles encountered as a marginally positioned chairperson, (3) professional obstacles faced as an innovative chairperson, and (4) institutionalized obstacles related to being named the official chairperson. In this self‐study conducted in the narrative inquiry tradition, several important findings emerge about the nature of curriculum making and how curriculum making transpires at a national level.  相似文献   

The present case study investigates the teaching motivation of two pre-service teachers studying in teacher education programs in a Macau university. The findings indicated that while Macau is a gambling center and abundant job opportunities are provided by casinos, both participants were highly motivated to improve the teaching and learning situation in Macau and bring positive changes to the Macau educational context. The findings also demonstrated the facilitative role of teachers and teacher educators in the formation of the motivation of student teachers. The study concludes with implications for enhancing the motivation of pre-service teachers, and the role of teacher education programs in Macau and other similar contexts.  相似文献   

This article discusses the validity of the incorporation of online communication in language education classes as a practice free of power politics. By examining blog activities in an advanced‐level Japanese‐as‐a‐Foreign‐Language classroom at a university in the USA, we show that the blog’s postings and readers’ comments evoke certain modes of governmentality – practices that shape one’s conduct – and define the space of a particular blog. This article illustrates two kinds of space created in blogs: that of language education in which ‘native speakers’ dominate ‘non‐native speakers’; and that of information exchange with less fixed relations of dominance, although participants’ behavior is regulated nonetheless. We suggest involving students in analyzing blog comments so that they can understand, and respond to, how the mode of governmentality works outside the classroom and how to transform relations of dominance that manifest themselves in online spaces.  相似文献   


This paper contains a case study of the use of a CD‐ROM in a Sheffield secondary school. Nine groups of students tackled a mathematical investigation presented through a video clip on the CD‐ROM The World of Number. The paper outlines three stages within the process of mathematical investigation and discusses the contribution of the CD‐ROM material to each stage of the students’ thinking. It concludes that the CD‐ROM successfully oriented students by engaging their attention and by illustrating the object of the investigation. The paper argues that The World of Number materials are most likely to be used in a self access setting even if this was not the specific intention of the designers. It discusses ways in which the materials could be made more suitable for self access work and argues that the role of the teacher is critical within self access learning. Finally, it is suggested that future CD‐ROM materials might contain a mix of expository material, games and additional resources such as text and statistical data.  相似文献   

In this study, conducted in the Netherlands, a modified Delphi technique was used to identify salient features of effective in‐service practices and their programming and design. It poses the question: which characteristics must in‐service activities—focused on the implementation of educational innovations—have in the opinion of experts in the field of in‐service education?

After reviewing studies on in‐service teacher education and educational implementation, a list of 60 statements on effective features of in‐service education was compiled. In three rounds, the statements were reviewed by a panel of experts with regard to their appropriateness and importance for the implementation of educational changes. This review resulted in a list of 34 statements, which, according to the Delphi participants, reflect appropriate and important features of effective in‐service teacher education.  相似文献   



This paper describes the philosophy as well as the actual and possible utilization of a model curriculum recently developed in FR Germany. The curriculum contains two parts: one of which deals with teacher training. Here teachers are provided with information, guidelines and procedures, which are to enable them to construct an integrated curriculum—setting out from a special subject within a special discipline. The other part contains a model curriculum for use in schools. It centres around the evolution of the macromolecule concept. Both parts are determined by a philosophy which stresses the importance of the unification of aesthetic and rationalistic elements in science and science education. Generally, it reconsiders the separation between the examining subject, on one side, and nature as the object of examination, on the other side.

The actual process of dissemination and implementation is discussed along with future strategies. It is claimed that the model is confined neither to the specific German situation nor to the topic of the evolution of the specific macromolecule concept.  相似文献   

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