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道教是尊道贵德的宗教,十分重视道德思想和实践,重视以道德宗教的形象面向社会,具有以神道的方式容纳古代社会主流的和普遍性的道德、道德践行与仙道修炼紧密结合、吸收道家贵柔守雌的精神、重视生命伦理、多教汇合、与民间道德教化相结合等特色。今天道教道德优良传统的发扬,有益于人性的改善,有益于社会的进步,有益于宗教的健康发展。  相似文献   

从认知语言学的角度,讨论道德概念的比喻体系与中英文语言的隐喻以及它们之间的逻辑关系。结论是:生动形象的比喻语言是能够揭示出不同文化对于道德比喻体系的相同认识,人们共有的道德规范和具有普遍意义的道德观。  相似文献   

An analysis of students’ conceptions on climate change shows a great confusion on key aspects of global warming. Even after instruction students often hold conceptions that differ from scientists’ conceptions. Student’s conceptions on global warming were collected in a reanalysis of 24 studies on everyday concepts of global warming as well as in an own interview study with 35 18-year-old students from German grammar schools. Climate-scientists conceptions were analysed from textbooks and research reports in a literature study. All data were analysed by systematic metaphor analysis and qualitative content analysis. Experientialism as a theory of metaphor provided insight in the process of understanding. The analysis of conceptions by experientialism shows that students and scientists have different metaphorical conceptions of global warming – but both refer to the same schemata. These schemata in mind we categorised the conceptions of global warming. Hereby we identified different thinking patterns in students’ and scientists’ conceptions. Following the model of educational reconstruction we took the metaphorical conceptions as a starting point for the development of learning environments. By uncovering the – mostly unconsciously – employed schemata, we gave students access to their metaphorical conceptions and let them reflect on their mental models.  相似文献   

Although historians of psychological and educational sciences have not completely neglected early research in the field of morality testing, European contributions to the measurement of ethical judgement and moral feeling have not received much historical attention. In this paper, two principal, experimental paradigms that emerged in early European research are described and framed within their sociopolitical contexts. From 1910 to 1930, European researchers administered the justification test, wherein deviant youngsters were asked to justify fictitious moral decisions; and the ranking test, wherein subjects were asked to arrange moral transgressions by order of their seriousness. Both tests sought to contribute to the contemporary fight against juvenile delinquency. The justification test was devised to support political pleas for upping the age of legal responsibility. The ranking test sought to introduce a scientifically based selection and classification system for difficult youths.  相似文献   

宗教和道德都属于社会意识形态,两者之间既有区别,又有密切的联系。宗教信仰对个人具有道德约束、提升个人道德水平、满足个人精神需求等积极作用,同时宗教信仰又具有虚伪性和欺骗性,容易诱导人放弃自己的道德责任等。在现时代,我们应该积极发挥宗教信仰对个人道德活动的积极作用。  相似文献   

在思想道德修养与法律基础课教学中,应坚持从学生思想道德实际状况出发,以社会主义核心价值体系统领社会主义核心道德观,以引导大学生进一步掌握正确的道德认知、道德评价标准为切入点,以培养道德情感为基础,以道德案例为素材,以突出道德责任为重点,以巩固道德理想信念、提高道德修养素质、养成良好职业道德习惯、促进学生全面发展为目的,对学生进行系统的思想道德教育。  相似文献   

师范院校是培养教师的摇篮,是教师职业道德教育的始发站。教师的言行对学生具有强烈的示范性,教师素质如何将直接影响到学生的身心健康和发展,甚至影响到整个社会经济的发展。大学师范生思想道德发展,成为现代社会关注的焦点。中国传统道德蕴涵着丰厚的道德教育资源,对于改进和完善师范院校大学生的道德教育有重要现实意义。本文在认真调研当代师范大学生道德现状的基础上,结合传统道德思想的现代教育功能,对师范生德育工作中的教育方法进行了归纳。  相似文献   

本文从“德”“法”的概念入手 ,论述了两者在治理社会中的不同作用与特点及其缺一不可的辩证关系 ,论证了德法兼治的必然性和必要性。提出从完善制度、评价体系 ;制造相应舆论氛围 ;领导率先垂范等几个方面来加强和改善高校教师的道德建设  相似文献   

回回理学的道德思想是明清之际我国一些回回伊斯兰学者(所谓"回儒")在外来伊斯兰伦理思想的基础上,糅合相关宋明理学内容而形成的一种道德思想体系。它具有明显的伊儒合璧之特征,显示了其对民族社会道德生活与人的道德养成的极大关注。本文比较系统地阐述了这一道德思想的天道人道、天理人欲、成己成物与君子小人诸说。  相似文献   

渝西道德文化中很重要的一部分内容,即关于人的政治品德、思想品德和社会道德。文章从看重政治气节、倡导礼义廉耻、主张以诚待人、关注国家兴亡等四方面详细探析了渝西方言谚语中的渝西道德文化精华。  相似文献   

荀子和柏拉图生活在大致相同的时代背景下两个不同的国度里,他们提出了大致相同的道德理想和高尚道德境界的实现途径,但同时也有着不同的道德起源观和其道德理想实现与幻灭的不同结局。其道德思想中的合理成分是我们党以德治国方略的思想资源,对我们今天在“三个代表”重要思想指导下加强社会主义道德建设提供多方面的启示。  相似文献   

Macau, as a society, is a crossroads where East–West encounters have been taking place for centuries. This paper examines some of the contemporary issues and implications for moral education. After a brief introduction to the social background of Macau, the paper describes the characteristics of Macau's education in general and the development of its moral education in particular. This has taken place in the context of the strong influences on morality of both Catholicism and Confucianism. An outline of the current curriculum of moral and civic education is followed by a critical appraisal of its implementation over the last few years. By means of this case study of Macau, the paper argues that a communitarian‐oriented morality in Macau is justified, and it also suggests how, by turning attention to its history, a minimal set of values can be constructed for Macau's particular social setting. Finally, some further educational challenges for Macau's future moral and civic education are reviewed.  相似文献   

许多思想家或学者都从道德方面论述自由,康德甚至直接提出了道德自由的学说,深刻地影响了《新民丛报》学人。道德是反抗社会的奴役和束缚,从而走上自由的最后一块阵地。没有了道德,自由也就不复存在,所谓的自由只是空中楼阁、海市蜃楼。虽然道德是中国几千年来圣贤君子所特别强调的,但是中国的道德并未随社会的发展产生出自由秩序。当《新民丛报》学人看到中国的道德和西方的道德有共通之处时,便将西方的道德自由理念引入中国,并拿起道德的武器来争取自由。  相似文献   

亚里士多德认为幸福是至高的善,是合乎德性的活动,是快乐和友爱,思辨是最大的幸福。亚里士多德幸福观中的积极因素对当代社会可产生正面的影响,对于建构现代人正确的幸福观起到了重要的指导作用,要达到这种幸福观的改变,需要激发大学生拼搏进取的精神,增强大学生对思考的重视程度,引导当代大学生主动提高自身道德修养并付诸于实践。  相似文献   

The article proposes that the teaching of Islamic morality presents as an important if not urgent task for moral education. It offers the opportunity to inform a student body about a vital historical development in the formation of moral thought and action; to challenge and offset a blind spot in Western thinking about Islam in general; to challenge the ease with which radical Islamist views of Islam have captured the minds of Muslim and non-Muslim audiences alike; and, because of the contentious nature of the topic, to provide the kind of robust debate that should accompany moral pedagogy in general. The article focusses on select aspects of historical Islamic morality as exemplars of the contribution to morality made by the religious tradition.  相似文献   


Previous research on children’s moral reasoning usually used a quantitative approach and a pre-determined set of methods in order to establish early moral landmarks. We proposed a qualitative perspective on the basis of which we have formulated three main objectives: 1) to identify the main categories of behaviors that children spontaneously associate with the notion of morality, in line with Turiel’s Domain Theory; 2) to investigate children’s conceptions of moral and social-conventional rules and 3) to assess the gender differences in the use of care and justice reasoning, in line with Gilligan’s assertion that females are care-oriented and that males consistently use the justice orientation and infrequently use the care orientation. Ninety-two children (57% boys, mean age was 8.19 years) were required to describe morality in behavioral terms without being guided by specific indications from the researchers. Our results reflected a tendency towards morality perceived through behaviors directed towards others, namely through altruism, and also the domination of moral norms as compared to social ones, partially confirming Gilligan’s theory concerning gender specificities regarding moral reasoning in the questions of care and justice.  相似文献   

苏霍姆林斯基是前苏联著名教育家,他的环境教育思想颇具特色,他认为,要充分认识和发挥大自然环境的教育作用。并要注意创设学校教育环境,从而较好地对学生进行德育,提升同情心,培养德性,塑造和谐发展的个人,苏氏的这一教育思想对我国当前学校德育有着重要借鉴作用,即在教育中要充分重视德育环境的作用与影响,注重德育的序列性和层次性,实现德育社会化,发挥教育主体的自我教育作用。  相似文献   

论中国传统诚信及其扬弃   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
诚信是中国传统伦理思想的重要组成部分。中华民族具有注重诚信的道德传统,强调诚信是做人、为政、兴业之根本。传统诚信是建立在封建社会的小农经济基础之上,受到封建仁义道德的影响,有其局限性。因此。建设现代诚信道德,就必须对传统诚信伦理进行辩证分析,取其精华,弃其糟粕。为建设社会主义精神文明服务。  相似文献   

论杜威的德育思想及对当前道德建设的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
归纳分析了杜威德育思想的要点,提出杜威的德育思想对当前道德建设的启示:道德建设要从儿童抓起,兼及所有社会成员;充分发挥学校道德教育主渠道作用,构建学校、家庭、社会三位一体的道德教育体系;充分发挥个体内部动因,注意寓教于乐。  相似文献   

《孟子》与《庄子》都关注个体的生存问题,并且作都意识到人类心灵具有三个层面。但是孟子着眼于在道德领域实现自我,注重于尊德性,思维是由“一”到“多”向外发散,洋溢着乾健精神;庄子则着眼于心灵的逍遥自得,思维通过摒弃感性、知性因素之“多”而内敛于“一”,显现了坤顺之性。二在中国化史上各领千秋。  相似文献   

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