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采用形容词核查表调查当代大学生的创造性内隐观以及对创造性相关问题的看法,研究发现:当代大学生的创造性内隐观涉及个体心理的各方面;大学生最看重的是良好社会性、独创性和开放性等探索性因素;性别和专业对大学生创造性内隐观有一定影响;当代大学生对创造性的社会意义认识比较客观,对其个人意义认识相对模糊,对大学生的创造性现状以及大学教育对创造性培养作用的评价不甚乐观。  相似文献   

当代组织创新的理论及其应用意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
组织环境里的创新不只是独立的个人创新,而具有更加复杂的内容。建立在等级体制和官僚体制基础上的解决问题的传统规则和组织的运行机制,受到来自市场方面的严重挑战。当代组织创新的理论模型强调,个人的创新性成就依赖于组织运作的开放性,以及组织给予个人在经济的精神上的投入、并找到维护组织利益和保证个人创造性发挥彼此平衡的运行机制。  相似文献   

The relationship of creativity and intelligence to self-concept was examined in Israeli children (N = 159) of superior intelligence (mean WISC IQ = 140) across a wide age range (Grades 4–8). The instruments were the Wallach & Kogan Creativity battery, a group intelligence test and the Tennessee Self-Concept Scale. It was concluded that for children of superior intelligence, differences in creativity level were far more implicated in personal-social adjustment than were differences in intelligence level.  相似文献   

There is ample evidence that labeled gifted students exhibit maladaptive behavior patterns. According to Carol Dweck those students who subscribe to a fixed view of their abilities are particularly at risk. In this contribution we extended Dweck's framework and distinguished two aspects of the implicit theory of one's own abilities. We hypothesized that the negative consequences of a fixed view are limited to the belief that one's own deficits are stable. In contrast, we assumed that the belief in the stability of existing abilities as well as the belief in the modifiability of ability deficits is adaptive. In two longitudinal studies with students from grades 7 to 10 we found supportive evidence for the proposed distinction.  相似文献   

Fixed and growth mindsets represent implicit theories about the nature of one's abilities or traits. The existing body of research on academic achievement and the effectiveness of mindset interventions for student learning largely relies on the premise that fixed and growth mindsets are mutually exclusive. This premise has led to the common practice in which measures of one mindset are reversed and then assumed to represent the other mindset. Focusing on K-12 and university students (N = 27328), we tested the validity of this practice via a comprehensive item-level meta-analysis of the Implicit Theories of Intelligence Scale (ITIS). By means of meta-analytic structural equation modeling and network analysis, we examined (a) the ITIS item-item correlations and their heterogeneity across 32 primary studies; (b) the factor structure of the ITIS, including the distinction between fixed and growth mindset; and (c) moderator effects of sample, study, and measurement characteristics. We found positive item-item correlations within the sets of fixed and growth mindset items, with substantial between-study heterogeneity. The ITIS factor structure comprised two moderately correlated mindset factors (ρ = 0.63–0.65), even after reversing one mindset scale. This structure was moderated by the educational level and origin of the student sample, the assessment mode, and scale modifications. Overall, we argue that fixed and growth mindsets are not mutually exclusive but correlated constructs. We discuss the implications for the assessment of implicit theories of intelligence in education.  相似文献   

从内隐认知理论和缄默知识理论角度看,语感有三维内涵的概念:一指的是学习主体在进行言语活动时对语言知识和言语知识的内隐学习;二指的是学习主体内隐学习的结果,是关于语言和言语的缄默知识;三指的是言语主体凭借内隐记忆,对处于潜意识中的语文知识的无意识运用.培养语感应注意实践感受与调控指导相结合,读听理解与说写表达相结合,感性积累与理性分析相结合,语感培养与人格塑造相结合.  相似文献   

采用半结构式访谈调查与问卷调查相结合的方法,对中学生及其家长的内隐智力观进行了研究.在对聪明男生和女生的最重要特征的评定中,研究发现:①学生对于智力的理解多集中于与学习和人际交往有关的因素,并且其深刻性随着年龄增长达到更高水平.②家长对于智力的理解多集中在与学习及身·心健康有关的因素,并表现出随被评价人年龄增长而调整的趋势.③学生与家长的内隐智力观既具有某些一致性,主要表现为时不同年龄和性别的评价对象进行了不同的评价;也有一定的差异,具体为学生和家长关注的方面有所不同.  相似文献   

Implicit theories of intelligence play an important role in students’ academic motivation and achievement. This longitudinal study examined how the trajectories of implicit theories of intelligence from Grade 8 to Grade 10 were related to Grade 12 SAT achievement via Grade 11 achievement goals. We employed parallel process models to examine changing patterns of Korean students’ (N = 6491) entity and incremental theories over three years. Results showed that both entity and incremental theories increased over time. The intercept and the slope of entity theory were negatively related with the intercept and the slope of incremental theory, respectively. In line with Dweck’s theoretical framework, increases in incremental theory were found to predict SAT achievement via mastery-approach goals, whereas increases in entity theory predicted SAT achievement via performance-approach goals. The results indicate that different types of achievement goals play unique roles in mediating the relation between changes in implicit theories and SAT achievement.  相似文献   

According to self-determination theory, when teachers establish an autonomy supportive climate in the classroom, students demonstrate high levels of self-determination and are intrinsically motivated. The aim of this study was to identify factors leading teachers (N=336) to report that they create such a climate. We conducted a path analysis in order to examine the respective roles of teachers’ implicit theories, their seniority, and their perceptions of pressures at work. We also attempted to find out whether these personal and contextual variables have a direct influence or are mediated by teachers’ self-efficacy. Our first finding was that a theory of academic ability as a fixed trait caused a drop in the teachers’ reported support for autonomy. On the other hand, the belief that academic abilities can be improved through students’ own efforts indirectly favored an autonomy supportive climate by acting positively on the teachers’ self-efficacy. Also, seniority had a significant positive effect on autonomy support that was direct, but was also mediated by self-efficacy. Finally, perceived pressures had a negative impact on reported autonomy support, but their influence was also mediated by self-efficacy.  相似文献   

School curricula are changing, most notably in the field of special education. One area which is increasingly receiving more emphasis is gifted education. The gifted student, who has too long been overlooked, is now eligible for placement in special education classes designed to further the development of his unique abilities. The role of the school psychologist in identification of the gifted student is discussed.  相似文献   

There is widespread agreement that gifted children are best served by specially qualified teachers. In addition to special knowledge and skills, such teachers need special personal qualities, which means that it may not be possible for all teachers to be equally effective with gifted youngsters. In the case of teacher training, this raises the question of whether there may not be personal characteristics whose presence prior to commencement of training is necessary for, or at least helpful in, the development of appropriate professional characteristics during the course of training. Other important issues in the training of teachers of the gifted are those of whether it should be delivered at undergraduate or postgraduate level, whether or not all teachers should receive certain basic training, and what role is to be played by in-service training.
Zusammenfassung Es herrscht weitgehend Übereinstimmung darüber, daß begabte Kinder am besten von besonders ausgebildeten Lehrern betreut werden. Außer speziellen Kenntnissen und Fähigkeiten brauchen solche Lehrer besondere persönliche Qualitäten, d.h. es ist vielleicht nicht allen Lehrern möglich, bei begabten Kindern gleich effektiv zu sein. Was die Lehrerbildung angeht, wirft dies die Frage auf, ob nicht gewisse persönliche Eigenschaften vor Ausbildungsbeginn vorhanden sein müssten, die für die Entwicklung angemessener professioneller Eigenschaften während der Ausbildung unabdingbar oder zumindest förderlich sind. Andere wichtige Fragen zielen darauf ab, ob die Weiterbildung der Lehrer für Begabte bereits bei Nichtgraduierten oder erst während des Aufbaustudiums stattfinden sollte, ob nicht alle Lehrer eine gewisse Grundausbildung erhalten sollten und welche Rolle die Weiterbildung während der Berufsausübung spielen sollte.

Résumé Il est largement reconnu que les enfants surdoués bénéficient davantage d'un enseignement délivré par des spécialistes qualifiés. En outre des connaissances et capacités spécifiques, les enseignants doivent aussi posséder certaines qualités personnelles, ce qui signifie qu'il se peut qu'ils ne soient pas tous d'égale efficacité auprès des jeunes surdoués. Dans le cas d'une formation à l'enseignement, la question soulevée est de savoir si des caractéristiques personnelles sont nécessaires avant d'entamer la formation ou si celles-ci sont un atout susceptible de promouvoir le développement des caractéristiques professionnelles appropriées dans le cours de la formation. D'autres questions d'importance pour la formation des enseignants pour élèves surdoués se posent, à savoir si cette formation est à dispenser au niveau du premier cycle ou du second cycle, si, ou non, les enseignants doivent tous recevoir une formation de base, et enfin, quel rôle cette formation doit jouer dans le cadre de la formation continue.

Integrating the study of humor in the classroom is one method to recognize creative talent and to develop that talent.  相似文献   

The study compares overexcitability scores of Turkish 10th graders who are grouped in terms of their intellectual abilities, motivation, creativity and leadership as well as gender. 711 students who were administered Raven Advanced Progressive Matrices Test (APM) were divided into three intellectual ability categories. From this pool, 105 subjects were selected as the sample of the study. Teacher Observation and Evaluation Form (TOEF) was used for categorizing students in terms of motivation, creativity and leadership. On the other hand, Overexcitability Questionnaire (OEQ) was administered to the sample for assessing their overexcitabilities. According to the findings of the study, overexcitability scores of highly intelligent, motivated, creative and leader students in some overexcitability areas are significantly greater than those of their lower counterparts. No gender differences are found in regard to overexcitabilities.  相似文献   

This longitudinal study was designed to investigate the associations between changes in implicit theories of ability in biology and college students’ dropout from STEM majors. We modeled the one-year growth patterns of entity and incremental beliefs about ability in biology with 4 time points of self-reported data and two covariates—biology domain knowledge and inference making and gateway course grade, and predicted STEM dropout with the growth trajectories of implicit theories. Results indicated that students’ entity beliefs increased, while incremental beliefs decreased over time, which provides support for the changeability of implicit beliefs over a short period of time. The growth of incremental beliefs was directly associated with STEM dropout above and beyond biology course grade and biology domain knowledge and inference making. Low intercept and negative slope of incremental beliefs predicted leaving STEM majors; however, the decline of entity beliefs did not have significant effects on dropout. Interestingly, the effect of biology domain knowledge and inference making on STEM dropout was mediated by biology course grade and incremental beliefs. The findings imply the importance of monitoring changes in students’ implicit beliefs and gateway course achievement in order to better understand and promote STEM retention.  相似文献   

Research emerging from the USA suggests that holding an incremental theory of intelligence (growth mindset) has a positive impact on academic success. However, limited empirical work has explored this relationship in a UK sample, and there has been a lack of research into the antecedents which might influence the development of certain intelligence beliefs. This study aimed to explore these gaps in the existing literature. Data was collected from 710 9-year-old pupils (UK Year 5). Participants completed attainment tests in Maths and English, and a questionnaire to assess their implicit theories of intelligence (mindset). Socio-demographic information—including gender, ethnicity, free school meal (FSM) status and special educational needs (SEN) status—was also collected. Results showed that pupils eligible for FSM or SEN endorsed more of an entity theory of intelligence than pupils not eligible for either. Analysis of the whole sample showed that attainment significantly correlated with implicit theories of intelligence, however, this relationship did not exist for children with FSM or SEN status. These findings help to elucidate the relationship between implicit theories of intelligence and attainment in the UK, but also suggest the importance of external support in potentially facilitating pupils’ belief systems. Results are discussed in relation to avenues for targeted intervention.  相似文献   

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