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The intention of the authors in this article is to contribute to the discussion concerning educational change by implementing the concept of social innovation. We argue that the application of the concept of social innovation makes it possible to better understand the process of implementation as well as sustainability and the social impact of educational changes. In the article, an integrated model of social innovation has been constructed and applied in conceptualising two consequent radical educational changes accompanying the post-communist changes in Estonia. As a result, the authors conclude that the concept of social innovation provides a promising framework, which facilitates the understanding and analysis of radical educational change. The social innovation approach is useful in identifying the different levels of change and assessing how deep the changes have been. However, in education systems in neo-liberal countries, where competition is one of the basic values, educational changes, even though becoming part of the everyday practices of actors, may redistribute power, rather than having an empowering effect for the majority of the main actors.  相似文献   

从传统范式到现阶段范式,不同礼貌研究路径在两大争论焦点上持有不同立场:其一,礼貌研究的视角;其二,礼貌现象的解释层面。作为前沿研究成果之一,Long(2016)面向关系工作提出的社会认知路径尝试解决上述争论。该路径侧重交际中人际关系的探讨,对于礼貌研究两大争议的解决具有借鉴意义,但受自身研究背景的局限,未能对人际交往与社会认知过程提出完整的解释。因此,更为完善的人际交往社会认知路径还有待进一步探讨。  相似文献   

社会道德建设的实现路径应从四大建设入手:社会公德建设,培养出助人为乐的好公民;职业道德建设,培养出诚实守信的好员工;家庭美德建设,培养孝老爱亲的好子女、好父母;个人品德建设,培养品德高尚的道德人。这四大建设是一个复杂的系统工程,相互之间相辅相成、缺一不可、彼此联动。只要我们党和政府高度重视,全体人民齐心协力,社会道德建设的目标就一定能够实现。  相似文献   

The article problematizes in aphoristic condensation the heterogeneous concepts of creativity in philosophy, psychology and sociology and outlines their paradoxes. Creativity in these concepts is tied to the human potential to bring into being something new and to the capacity of drawing differences. In its contingency, creativity is ambivalent to a high degree—at one and the same time a desirable resource and a threatening potential. So on the one hand, creativity is meant to be mobilized and set free; on the other hand, it is meant to be controlled and reined in. The imperative of being creative is nowadays connected to the mobilization of the entrepreneurial self. Entrepreneurial action demands permanent innovation—and consequently ceaseless creative exertion. Everybody not only has to be simply creative, but more creative than the others.  相似文献   

An exploratory study was conducted which assessed behaviors that characterize social competence in the second and fifth grades. A contextual approach was used to gather information from second‐ and fifth‐grade children and their parents and teachers regarding the behaviors they perceived to be important for getting along well with peers. Data were gathered from children through structured interviews with the researcher. Parents and teachers provided information through open‐ended paper‐pencil surveys. Qualitative methodology was used to analyze the data in this study. Specifically, a three‐stage coding process derived from grounded theory was utilized (A. Strauss & J. Corbin, 1998). Triangulation, a technique common to qualitative research whereby multiple sources are used to verify themes identified from data, also was used throughout the coding process to enhance standards of rigor (J.W. Creswell, 1998). Results indicated substantial overlap among the types of behaviors reported by children, parents, and teachers in both grades. Likewise, a number of noteworthy similarities and differences were found among second‐ and fifth‐grade sources. Findings are discussed in terms of their implications for social skills assessment and intervention. Limitations and directions for future research also are discussed. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Psychol Schs 42: 173–187, 2005.  相似文献   

Some recent literature is reviewed to argue that institutions of higher education have made little adjustments to either their admission practices or their curricula to help nurture varied talents among their students. Diversity seems to be lacking throughout the academic community from the undergraduate level to the professional circles. The need for renewed spirit of experimentation and of tolerance of pluralism is pointed out.  相似文献   

Eleven teachers and 254 urban middle-school students comprised the sample of this study examining the social and moral development outcomes of the integration of social cognitive domain theory within regular classroom instruction. Participating teachers were trained to construct and implement history lessons that stimulated students’ moral reasoning and conceptions of societal convention. In comparison with baselines and controls, teachers reduced didactic instruction and increased the proportion of class time devoted to small group discussions. Student engagement in transactive discourse significantly increased in participating classes with significantly greater post-test levels of moral reasoning, concepts of social convention, and cross-domain coordination. Student production of operational versus representational transacts through transactive discussion was associated with growth in moral and societal concepts. Teachers continued teaching lessons constructed in the project a year after the research ended.  相似文献   

Different manifestations of the impact of culture on creativity are discussed and illustrated by empirical studies. They include: (i) conceptualisation of creativity on both the explicit and implicit levels; (ii) attitudes towards creativity and values attached to creativity; (iii) channelling creative endeavour through different domains of human activities; and (iv) socialisation processes and educational goals and practices. It is argued that creative expression is a universal human phenomenon that is firmly grounded in culture and has its own profound impact on culture itself. The effects of culture on creativity are presented within an interactive model that, besides culture, also incorporates historical, societal and individual factors. Methodological dilemmas involved in cross-cultural studies of creativity are also discussed.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to describe the relationship between the creative abilities and the school grades of high school students in Poland. Almost six hundred (N = 589) students from 34 high schools from all over Poland participated in the study. Their creative abilities were measured by using the Test of Creative Thinking-Drawing Production (TCT-DP), and the school results were measured by GPA. Students’ intelligence level (as measured by the Raven's Progressive Matrices) and their gender were controlled. The analyses were based on OLS regressions as well as on multilevel models controlling for grouping students into classes. It was shown that creative abilities are not correlated with students’ GPA, yet the multilevel control of grouping students into classes demonstrated interesting and potentially important differences. In some schools, the relations were positive, strong and statistically significant, while in others they were non-existent or negative. The role of creative abilities for GPA was greater in larger schools and in schools located in big cities. We discuss the possible reasons for and consequences of our findings.  相似文献   

创造力系统观及其对创造教育的启示   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
创造力研究经历了一个从单维到多维、不断系统化的演进过程。近来,人们倾向于从系统观的角度研究创造力。创造力系统观认为,创造力是多种因素相互作用的产物,包括个体的知识背景、认知风格、人格特质、动机,以及个体所处的生活背景、文化背景乃至整个社会大背景。在创造力系统观的视野里,创造教育是一种“系统化”的教育。实施创造教育,除了重视个体因素,还要重视文化和社会因素。  相似文献   

创造力问题的心理学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
一、创造力概念与学说1.什么是创造力什么是创造力 ,这是一个理论界长期研究的问题。创造力一词 ,来源于拉丁语CREARE ,意即创造、生产和造就。在英语中 ,创造力意为创造的能力 ,才艺智力的开发。创造与创新两个概念本质上是相同的。从词义上分析 ,“创”都是开始和初次的意思 ,而且都与“做”联系在一起。创造是想出新办法 ,建立新理论 ,做出新东西的意思。创新是抛开旧的创造新的意思。可见两者在本质上是一回事。创新这个概念现在使用频率高 ,因为创新是应对知识经济的新概念 ,但同样体现创造的特性 ,创造力问题的心理学研究实际上…  相似文献   

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