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The history, function and role of two types of Japanese post-secondary institutions-junior colleges and special training colleges — are examined. The junior colleges which have hitherto been associated with the provision of academic, non-vocational education have begun to diversify into vocational courses in response to the increasingly popular vocational courses provided in the special training colleges (sennon gakko) developed since 1976 in the best of the formerkakushu gakko. The implications of this for the future development of post-secondary education in Japan are considered.  相似文献   

改革开放以来我国女子高等院校的复出与发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放以来,我国女子高等院校开始复出与发展,并取得了骄人的成绩。通过对女子高等院校复出历程的梳理和阐述,指出如今女子高等院校的发展已涵盖了普通本科教育、高等职业教育和成人高等教育等多种类型,包含硕士、本科、专科、非学历教育等多个层次,充分体现了我国高等教育大众化阶段,办学类型多样化的特性。同时,针对发展中的女子高等院校遇到的新问题,提出了有关建议与对策。  相似文献   

在日本教育史上,女子学校的发展离不开女教育家。女教育家们参与或独立创办许多初等、中等和高等女子学校,实施各具特色的教育方针,提升了整个日本社会女性的知识和教养,并鲜明地提出了自己的教育思想和理念,在近代日本的女子教育史上写下了重要的篇章。同样在近代,中国也产生了不少女教育家,她们积极创办各种女子学校,致力于中国妇女的解放运动,但是由于中日两国迥异的社会状况以及文化背景等因素,中日两国女教育家们参与或独立创办的女子学校的发展状况以及产生的社会影响存在着很大的差距。  相似文献   

随着科教兴国战略的实施,素质教育的发展和教育改革的深入,对教师的素质提出了更高的要求。“办好教育的关键在教师”,随着高中专任教师本科化和小学教师专科化的推进,师范专科教育有了前所未有的发展空间和机遇,也面临着严峻的挑战,师范专科教育改革必须适应小学教师专科化的要求。因此,研究小学教师的素质结构和知识结构,搞好师范专科教育的课程设置和管理,确定适合时代要求的人才培养模式是师范专科教育改革的关键之所在。  相似文献   

在高等教育的发展与改革过程中,出现了“专升本”这种继续教育的新形式。本文从汉语言文学专业古代文学课程教学与改革的角度,对“专升本”的教学要求与教学规律进行了探讨。“专升本”学生既不同于专科生,又有别于本科生,因而,本文对其教学内容的调整、教学方法的多样性、课程内在结构的多元化等方面的问题,提出了个人的见解。  相似文献   

Patricia Walker 《Compare》2007,37(2):239-255
The uniquely Japanese institution of the tanki daigaku (two‐year university) known as ‘junior college’ in English was seen as Japan's answer to increasing participation in higher education. Initially established on a provisional basis in 1950, becoming permanent in 1965, they were the higher education institution (HEI) of choice of almost 500,000 students a year at their peak in 1995. Demographic changes after 1992 brought about a buyers' market for higher education with institutions in aggressive competition for students, a battle in which the tanki daigaku seems destined to be defeated. This paper examines the options available to junior colleges in crisis and in so doing identifies a number of features of a virtually universal system of higher education which raise issues for other advanced societies grappling with massification and commodification in their own higher education systems. The paper reviews the literature in this area, as well as drawing on a year of participant observation as an associate professor from 2000–2001.  相似文献   

对高师院校小学教育专业师资建设的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
专科以上学历小学教师培养工作是我国教师教育的新领域,对高师院校小学教育专业教师提出了新挑战。教师教育的专业化、一体化和开放性特征以及我国小学教育专业教师队伍的现状,要求我们在师资队伍建设上必须转变教育观念,调整优化教师队伍,构建自主学习、持续发展的机制,建立激励机制、完善考核制度,提高专业教师科研水平,以适应我国教师教育改革的需要。  相似文献   

Community colleges are recognized by business and industry as the prime provider of career and technology education. This recognition has been earned by the strong links formed between these entities and the responsiveness of community/junior colleges to workforce needs. An important consideration in maintaining this preferred provider status is the recent emphasis on the development and adoption of industry validated skill standards and the strengthening of partnerships between educational institutions and industry. Collaborative efforts between education and industry stakeholders–facilitated by established skill standards organizations–strive to assure quality workforce development. Such efforts guide and promote the development, validation, and voluntary adoption of critical standards as a model for workforce training and development programs in community/junior colleges.  相似文献   

当前我国的职业教育以中专和大专层次为主,这种情况已不能满足社会的迅猛发展。从师资力量和实训方面来看,高职高专升本时机尚不成熟,而独立学院举办高职本科具有可行性。  相似文献   

日本私立大学对日本高等教育大众化进程起到了关键性的作用,而且为日本经济腾飞、科技进步、国民素质的提高也做出了重要贡献。本文通过日本的私立大学与我国的独立学院在政策法律、经费筹措、产权制度等方面的比较分析,为同处亚洲和同属私立高等教育的我国独立学院发展提供一些借鉴。  相似文献   

高师音乐教育专业是培养合格中小学音乐师资的摇篮。伴随着我国国民基础教育改革的不断深入发展,中小学音乐教育出现了前所未有的新局面,特别是《全日制义务教育音乐课程标准(实验稿)》的颁布与实施,对高师音乐教育改革提出了新的使命,高师音乐教育专业必须从延伸培养目标、扩展通才教育两方面来调整自身的改革意识与行为。  相似文献   

Institutions of higher learning have been places where men have ruled supreme, but in the past 20 years women have come into the sphere of academia with strong academic backgrounds and an energetic desire to establish a place for themselves equal to their male counterparts in the profession. Women administrators, teachers, lecturers, research scholars, and counselors are moving into career positions and are sharing with distinction the responsibilities and duties of education. To maintain this academic impetus, women educators in junior colleges, in community colleges, and in universities must continue to strive for the highest goals. In a world of change and of much discord, educators will be called on to contribute knowledge and solutions that will lead to a more peaceful universe. Women educators must have a role in world affairs as well as in the educational institutions of the world.  相似文献   

衡阳抗战文化融入高校思想政治教育,具有加强高校社会主义核心价值观体系构建、丰富高校思想政治教育内容与形式、利于衡阳抗战文化继承与发扬等重要作用。文章从将衡阳抗战文化纳入教育教学体系、将衡阳抗战文化融入校园文化建设、将衡阳抗战文化纳入协同育人过程等方面,探讨衡阳抗战文化融入高校思想政治教育的途径。  相似文献   

坚持以人为本是科学发展观的本质和核心,以科学发展观统领思想、指导实践、推动工作是时代的要求。以生为本的高职院校就业指导工作,就是以实现高职大学生顺利就业和职业生涯全面发展为目标,从高职大学生的根本利益出发做好就业指导工作。本文就生本化的高职院校就业指导工作的重要意义、策略、体系以及就业为导向的教育教学质量工程建设进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

Mississippi's system of public community and junior colleges developed as a response to changing educational needs in the state. The need to provide secondary education to rural areas of the state led to the agricultural high school movement in 1908. Time diminished the need for these schools, so the state's educational leadership proposed using the facilities to offer college‐level coursework. In 1928, Mississippi counties were authorized to join together in forming junior college districts. The colleges began as agencies of local government and continue so to the present. A state‐level office with coordinating responsibilities was established at the State Department of Education. The state's system of 2‐year colleges began just 1 year before the national economic depression. Easy access and low costs made the junior colleges attractive to Mississippians then and now. The junior college mission was to offer university transfer programs to students. After World War II, the junior colleges expanded their missions to include vocational and technical training. This was in response to the demands of business and industry as well as the needs of veterans returning to the workforce. Postwar industrial development in the state gave the junior colleges a greater role in workforce training. Mississippi's two‐year colleges have experienced demographic and technology changes that reflect national trends. In contrast to most other states, Mississippi's community and junior college leadership continues to identify university parallel programs as their primary mission.  相似文献   

Japanese scholarship in the field of women's studies has grown markedly in recent years, and accompanying this has been a steady rise in the number of universities and junior colleges offering women's studies-related courses. What we have not seen, however, is much attention to the issue of feminist pedagogy and efforts to explore new ways of teaching the content of women's studies that are consonant with feminist goals and values. This paper underscores the vital need to develop approaches to teaching and learning that challenge many of the values and practices that dominate Japanese education today. Student reactions and responses to the author's attempts to incorporate alternative approaches in the teaching of women's studies courses are examined and analysed in an attempt to understand some of the difficulties entailed in launching such a challenge as well as the potentials for change.  相似文献   

在师范教育改革的大潮中,出现了一批由中师升人高校培养专科学历小学教师的“专科”师范。正确理解师范教育层次结构重心上移的必然性和整体性,探索“专科”师范的合理定位,探索小学教育类专业的建构,能促进“专科”师范的健康发展。  相似文献   

本文分析了高等师范专科学校升格与发展的机遇与背景 ;并对师专升格与发展深化教育教学改革提出意见 :转变教育思想、树立强化本科意识 ;积极探索面向 2 1世纪本科学历初中师资培养模式与培养方案 ;加强教师队伍建设与提高教师素质 ;加强教育科研和教学改革研究 ,提高教育教学水平。师专应抓住历史机遇 ,深化教育教学改革 ,提高人才培养质量和办学层次 ,从而推动学校升格与发展  相似文献   

时代发展呼唤小学与初中教师教育一体化。通过对中外小学教师教育课程方案与初中教师教育课程方案的比较分析,无论从培养机构、培养模式,还是从课程设置来看,实行小学与初中教师教育一体化改革都是完全可行的。它反映出我国教师教育体制改革和高等师范院校改革的基本趋势,适应我国教师培养模式和教师教育课程改革的需要,为教师职业发展奠定了坚实的基础。改革的总体思路是:以小学教师教育高等教育化为契机,以小学与初中教师教育培养机构一体化为平台,以教师教育课程体系改革为重点,重新厘定人才培养目标,调整课程结构,改革课程内容,培养九年一贯制义务教育的合格师资。  相似文献   

利用比较研究的方法把中日中学社会科教科书中的环境教育内容抽出来,从内容到形式进行了量化分析,在此基础上,对日本初中社会科的环境教育的特点进行了总结。日本的特点是环境教育内容量大,占教科书总体的10.5%,照片和图表占22.3%,单元的设置,对垃圾和国际环境问题的重视。  相似文献   

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