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The hypothesis that an economic recession in society leads to class equalisation in the recruitment of new students to higher education is tested, using data from Sweden. The 1990s is a period suitable for these analyses, as the recession started in 1991, reached the highest unemployment level in 1993; finally, at the end of the decade the labour market recovered. Multivariate, binary logistic regressions of entry into higher education are performed with gender divided analyses. Register data from Sweden comprising the total population in the age range 18–21 years from six cohorts are analysed. When the labour market was the most difficult, more young students from lower classes entered higher education. When the labour market recovered, men from lower classes tended to abandon higher education. However, women from lower classes continued to increase their involvement. The result indicate that the Swedish Scholastic Assessment Test, works in favour of men from higher classes through repeated test taking. The hypothesis about the influence from the labour market was supported for the group of men, while results were less clear for women. The results indicate that future research must carefully consider gender aspects.  相似文献   

高等职业教育的改革与发展是一个系统工程,包括了办学主体、办学定位、人才培养方式及外部环境制度支持,也涵盖了高等职业教育办学的横、纵向发展问题。所谓的横向发展指的是职业教育在兴办、教育、服务方面的办学模式探索,而纵向的发展则是指高等职业教育办学的发展前景究竟是什么。借鉴中外职业教育办学模式探索的先进经验,提出了适合中国高等职业教育发展的道路。  相似文献   

The on-going higher education reformmovements in Central and Eastern Europe have beenseriously challenged by numerous difficulties in aperiod of political, economic and social transition. The reform of higher education in Bulgaria, as in manyof the post-communist countries, has involved aradical restructuring of the degree system. The 1995Law on Higher Education demanded the introduction ofthe bachelor-master-doctor structure; the new degreeshad to replace the traditional one-phased system ofhigher education. Several important factors haveproved counterproductive to the implementation of thispolicy and especially to the effectiveinstitutionalisation of the bachelor degree. Suchfactors have included the traditionally narrowspecialisation in higher education, the prescribednormative framework, and institutional organisation. The paper argues that, rather than introduce aqualitative change in the educational mission,curricula, and the organisation of the universityprogrammes, the policy reproduces the old educationalprocess under the guise of a new name.  相似文献   

The development of a planning body for public sector higher education in England has created the potentiality for an integrated planning approach to university and non-university higher education. Following a difficult birth, the National Advisory Body has worked with the University Grants Committee on a range of transbinary issues. The contrasting relationships between the Department of Education and Science and the two planning bodies is discussed and the need for further developments of the planning machinery debated. The arrangements for Wales and Scotland are also discussed .  相似文献   

和谐社会的构建主要取决于个体与社群能否达成一种理性的价值共识,其关键在于公民理性人格的培育.性别和谐也是和谐社会追求的目标,妇女是构建和谐社会的一支重要力量,女性高等教育、女子大学担负着女性理性人格的培养,为妇女参与构建和谐社会发挥着独特作用.  相似文献   

Assessments of Labour's achievements in education in the immediate post‐war period have been largely critical, but almost exclusively focused on schools’ reform. This article in contrast considers Labour's policies for higher education, particularly universities. Three themes dominated the post‐war agenda: science and technology, expansion (and access), and appropriate models of higher education. The demands of science and technology and the conse‐quent need for expansion were the main drivers in Labour's programme. But the failure to offer a clear view of post‐war development in higher education, together with a deep‐seated ambivalence as to the role of technology and vocational education in universities, meant that plans for science, technology and expansion were only partially realised. The issue of appropriate models of higher education has bedevilled subsequent Labour governments, including the present administration, in their search for a policy for higher education.  相似文献   

Asia and Europe have long influenced each other by means of international trade, technology transfer, and foreign policy. Today, Asian countries are searching for more competitive answers in an increasingly competitive world. Educational mobility among countries, especially between Asia and Europe, is the key to unlocking the answer. To achieve the desired educational mobility requires bilingualism (English as the common medium for learning and instruction) and quality education with internationally recognized diplomas and degrees in higher education. A future Asian/European Credit Transfer System is imminent and possible with the implementation of ERASMUS ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) and UCTS (UMAP Credit Transfer System) frameworks. The path to success hinges on the application of knowledge management and risk management to this international challenge for improved educational management. By this means, the prospects for greater understanding and greater economic potential and prosperity can be achieved for both Asian and European nations.  相似文献   

中国高等教育学会高等教育评估分会2006年学术年会的主题是“高等教育质量多元化与高教评估改革”。会议讨论了我国高等教育大众化阶段高等教育质量多元化的问题,分析了高等教育质量多元化对高教评估改革的影响,探讨适合中国高等教育发展的高等教育质量观和多元化评价体系,交流了各级各类学校在高教评估方面的经验。  相似文献   

从通识教育目的所界定的通识教育内涵出发,通过纵向视角介绍了中美两国研究型大学通识教育培养目标的历史进程,横向视角介绍了通识教育与其他教育的关系,进而解析通识教育的培养目标及其内容。从广义上分析、研究通识教育培养的目标及其内容,意旨在阐明通识教育理念下学校要培养什么样的人及所培养的人应具备的能力。  相似文献   

布鲁贝克的《高等教育哲学》第四章“高等教育为谁服务”,讨论的是高等教育的入学机会问题.如作者所言:在决定高等教育为谁服务时,我们最关心的是公正.本章关注的核心就是高等教育起点的公平,公平的理念对现实的要求在于建立合理分化的高等教育系统。问题提出的背景是美国高等教育的大众化。20世纪六七十年代,美国高等教育处于学术界“大为不满的冬天”,大众化进程中的各种危机令人们感到高等教育已经失去了它的可靠性,与期望相去甚远,这使从哲学的高度对高等教育进行探讨十分重要。  相似文献   

随着我国高职教育改革发展进入新阶段,生源日益多样化,而与此同时,师资却相对不足。在此情形下,如何提升整体人才培养成效是亟需解决的问题。文章探索了在同一课堂的时空维度,针对学生的个体差异,围绕同一路径上的层次化目标,实施分层迭代教学。迭代则是通过项目载体来实现知识技能的递进式上升。本文提出的教学模式是基于“求同存异”的融合多样化教学法的有机体系。  相似文献   

我国民办高等教育脱胎于公办高等教育体系,其发展呈现出内部各组成部分之间以及和公办高等教育之间多样性与趋同性共存的特点.本文从市场环境与制度环境、地域性分化与阶层分化等维度分析了影响我国民办高等教育自身多样性和趋同性的因素及相关机制,并比较我国公、民办高校在发展方式与组织行为上的差异与趋同,进而探讨我国民办高等教育的发展以及高等教育系统的分化与整合问题.  相似文献   

高等教育大众化与缩小社会阶层高等教育差异的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过调查发现,出身于较高阶层的子女拥有较多的入学机会;公办高职院校中各阶层子女入学机会盖异最小;拥有较多家庭文化资源的子女获得更多的入学机会;改革开放近30年来,我国各阶层子女高等教育入学机会差异,伴随着高等教育从精英阶段向大众阶段发展,呈现出先扩大后缩小的基本特征。  相似文献   

Despite physical education teacher education/physical education sport pedagogy’s (PETE/PESP’s) significant strides in the past century, there are concerns about its future. Grounded in participatory research, and through an interview-Delphi method, this study purposefully sampled five male PETE/PESP scholars’ expert critiques of current threats, projections of probable and preferable futures, and recommendations for transformation. Data were analyzed through an interpretive approach. Findings included: (a) limitations in physical education policy, teacher preparation, and status as key threats; (b) more of the same conflicts in the probable future and increased cooperation regarding conflicts in the preferable future; and (c) proactively revising the subdisciplinary framework and doctoral studies as transformative recommendations. We interpret issues critiqued as threatening PETE/PESP’s future, and projections of the probable future, as reflective of neoliberal rationality that has renormalized academic work in de-democratizing ways. We interpret that projections of preferable futures and transformative recommendations call for a re-emphasis on ethical academic attitudes to resist neoliberalization and reclaim democracy.  相似文献   

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