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We have conducted an experiment to discover how we can co-teach the course 'Engineering Design Problem Formulation' simultaneously at the Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands) and at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU, Pittsburgh, USA). We have formed teams that involved students from both countries, and we have experimented with long distance collaboration. In doing so, students would learn to co-operate with people at another (time zone) location with a different cultural background and, in addition, they would help the teachers of the course to develop insights into long distance collaboration. CMU lectures have been recorded with a digital video camera, and a set of PowerPoint slides accompanied each of these lectures. The movies were used by the Delft teachers by running them in class along with the PowerPoint slides and stopping often to discuss the material as the movie progressed. We also made fourperson international student groups. The entire international group met once at the start of the course using video-conferencing. During the course, the groups communicated through phone calls, e-mails and chatting. In addition, everyone in the course used the web-accessible document management system LIRE' (developed at the Institute for Complex Engineered Systems, CMU) to capture, organize and share all documents anyone produced throughout the course. The tools used in the course and the collaboration experiences were evaluated through a questionnaire distributed among the students. The results are presented in this paper.  相似文献   

选修课与必修课都是以促进学生个性发展为根本旨趣。引导学生根据自己的个性特点进行选择是选修课的一个基本准则。当然学生必须保证修完必修课的基础上选择选修课的学习。因此,既要合理确定选修课与必修课的比例关系;又要科学指导学生选课。  相似文献   

论综合实践活动课程实施中的师生关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综合实践活动课程是面向学生设计的一门经验性课程、实践性课程.可以说.综合实践是学生的实践.是学生的活动.因此.突出学生主体是综合实践活动课程的核心理念之一.实施综合实践活动课程.必须把握这一核心理念.处理好教师与学生的关系.  相似文献   

This study explored how adaptive help seeking was related to academic self‐efficacy, perfectionism (maladaptive and adaptive), attitudes toward help seeking (perceived benefits and perceived threats), and teacher emotional support among 311 grade 9 students in Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate classes. Significant bivariate links emerged between adaptive help seeking and all six potential correlates. Regression analyses indicated that teacher emotional support, adaptive perfectionism (high personal standards), and perceived benefits were significant, positive predictors of adaptive help seeking. Gender also was a significant predictor, as boys had lower levels of adaptive help seeking compared with girls. Furthermore, gender moderated the association between perceived benefits and adaptive help‐seeking; perceived benefits were particularly highly associated with boys’ adaptive help seeking from classroom teachers. Strategies for explicating the benefits of adaptive help seeking, promoting adaptive perfectionism, and fostering teacher emotional support are provided, as well as limitations and future directions for research.  相似文献   

新课程理念下体育课的评价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在总结长期教改实践经验的基础上围绕新课程的核心理念,分析、提炼形成了新的评价要点和显性标准,并依此对体育课教学优化的五个显性指标进行了论析,重点探讨了影响体育教学实质的教学观念、师生关系、师生情感、学习方式、评价重心和学生的快乐体验等要素,并提出了具体可行的操作建议.这是对体育课传统教学评价模式的突破.  相似文献   

试论体验式教学法在"两课"教学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
体验武教学法是以学生为主体的教学方法,它以活动为载体,使学生参与教学过程,从体验中认识世界,提高能力,最终做到“知行合一”。这种教学方法更加适合高校“两课”新的教学内容和体系,真正把教学重点从传统的传授知识、灌输思想转变为培养学生的创新精神和实践能力。  相似文献   

郑利霞 《教育学术月刊》2007,(1):99-100,116
课程改革体现着一定社会特定历史时期的课程价值取向。要构建符合时代精神、融合素质教育理念的课程体制,就必须改变传统的、封闭的旧课程观.树立新型的、开放的大课程观。新时代课程观的转向实质是人与知识、教育与生活、课程与教学这三对关系的转向.是向完整的人及其完整的生活的转向。  相似文献   

‘Barriers to course sharing are rooted in traditions of institutional insularity and individual academic autonomy’, says Jocelyn Calvert of the Open Learning Institute in British Columbia, Canada. However, an analysis of the experience of course sharing between institutions in the US, UK, Canada and Australia, shows that ‐ despite the problems ‐success has been achieved, ‘setting models for exchange that others may follow’.  相似文献   

Alfred Yates 《Prospects》1970,1(1):25-29
The purpose of this article is to describe the ways in which intending teachers in the United Kingdom are acquainted with the principles and methods of educational research. Two points must be emphasized at the outset. The first is that the discussion is intentionally limited to the content of courses of initial training; the more intensive treatment of the topics under review that can undertaken in advanced courses of in-service training is not considered. The second point to be noted is that the institutions-colleges of education and university departments of education-that are responsible for initial training in the United Kingdom are free to fashion their own curricula and methods of instruction. The absence of any central control or direction in these respects leads to a wide variety of practices and, indeed, the content of the initial training programmes in a particular college is determined, to a considerable extent, by the experience, qualifications and predilections of the members of its staff. The account that follows refers to the procedures adopted by some of the best qualified and most farsighted of those responsible for the training of teachers. Alfred Yates, formerly Senior Research Officer at the National Foundation for Educational Research, is at present Senior Tutor in the Departmen of Educational Studies at Oxford University. His educational writings includeAdmission to Grammar Schools, Grouping in Education, An Introduction to Educational Measurement (with D. A. Pidgeon), andThe Role of Research in Educational Change  相似文献   

李峡 《南昌教育学院学报》2011,26(2):58+64-58,64
学校电子信息类专业要想抓住发展的机遇,需要及时进行课程调整,除了保持原有电子类课程的优势外,还要根据市场需求,适当增加信息类课程的比例。  相似文献   

多元智能理论认为,人的智能是多元的,每个正常的人都在一定程度上拥有其中的多项技能。人类个体的不同在于所拥有的技能的程度和组合不同。借鉴这一理论,有利于充分发挥高职院校《思想道德修养与法律基础》课的思想政治教育作用,形成科学的教学观、学生观、师生观和评价观。促进学生的全面发展,增强教学实效性,提高教学质量。  相似文献   

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