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文章主要以美国手语为例综述了手语的空间特性及其运用,真实性空间表达的是一般意义上,即现实的空间关系,而非真实性空间的运用主要反映的是手语语法特性。前者主要用于手语类标记的建构,后者涉及手语代词、动词等的运用。  相似文献   

认知语言学认为,语言不仅是一个符号系统,而且是人类思维的一种反映.文章以认知语言学中的转喻为视角,对美国手语的转喻类型和转喻与隐喻以及象似性的概念互动进行初步探讨,从文化语境上探究转喻手语表达的概念空间映射,旨在拓宽聋人手语研究的语言学视野.  相似文献   

A Midwest school district established a demonstration Total Communication Project. Its goal was for teachers to become consistent in their role modeling of English and American Sign Language (ASL). English was the primary language of the classroom and ASL was used as an intervention tool. There has been little research on the effectiveness of ASL in the classroom. By implementing an ASL intervention program this project is a first step in establishing an environment conducive to investigating the effectiveness of ASL intervention for teaching deaf students. This paper describes: (a) techniques used for identifying classroom situations that call for the use of ASL; (b) discourse situations that influence the use of different language codes in total communication classrooms; and (c) guidelines for code-switching between English and ASL.  相似文献   

Integrative motivation was found to correlate significantly with sign language proficiency of adult learners at a post-secondary program for deaf students. Instrumental motives, however, were perceived as less important. Higher achievement in ASL was also associated with a positive cultural attitude toward deaf people. Learning of ASL as a second language may be enhanced if instructors design strategies that build upon these cultural and integrative motives and provide rewarding experiences to adult learners.  相似文献   

Visual constructive and visual-motor skills in the deaf population were investigated by comparing performance of deaf native signers (n=20) to that of hearing nonsigners (n=20) on the Beery-Buktenica Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration, Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test, Wechsler Memory Scale Visual Reproduction subtest, and Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale Paper Folding and Cutting subtest. Deaf signers were found to perform similarly to hearing controls, suggesting that these tests are valid assessment instruments to use with deaf individuals.  相似文献   

试论自然手语和文法手语的几个问题   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
文章通过对“自然手语”和“文法手语”概念的分析,指出了目前在聋教育界对“自然手语”概念理解的几种错误:目前聋教育界对“自然手语”有使用范围和理解过窄、评价过低;对“文法手语”有使用范围和理解过宽、评价过高。重申了在各级聋校使用“聋人手语”为教学语言建议。  相似文献   

美国手语既不同于英语,也不同于手势代码英语,它有着自己独特的语法规则和使用要求.如在句子的语序上和书面语言、口语不同,聋人往往将需要强调的内容放在最后.在使用动词时根据其方向性分为单一方向、多向和无方向性三类.动词的时态需要用表示特定时间的手势来说明.在将手势组成句子时,按主题说明式、因果关系和刺激反应式、真实时间顺序式和从总体到具体的句型.作为一种视觉语言,它更强调用面部表情、体态语言等配合手势表达情意.如在表达否定思想时伴以摇头;在于聋人进行交往时要考虑光线、位置、动作的方向等因素;在有必要使用指拼时,双方都要以单词为单位来表达感知.这样才能实现有效的交流.  相似文献   

自然手语和文法手语是聋人间及聋人与听人间交流的两种普遍方式。自从1960年美国语言学权威史多基博士得出了手语是一门语言学意义上的语言的结论后,手语便作为语言来研究。文章从两者的适用范围差异、特点上的差异、语法的差异这三方面进行论述,在语法的差异上,例举实例,便于直观地体会二者在语法上的差异。  相似文献   

To This is a 1 test per thousand learn more about normal language development in deaf children, we have developed the MacArthur Communicative Development Inventory for American Sign Language (ASL-CDI), a parent report that measures early sign production. The ASL-CDI is an inventory of sign glosses organized into semantic categories targeted to assess sign language skills in children ages 8 to 36 months. The ASL-CDI uses a recognition format in which parents check off signs that their child produces. The form has demonstrated excellent reliability and validity. To date, normative data have been collected from 69 deaf children with deaf parents who are learning sign language as a first language. We discuss the development of the ASl-CDI and preliminary cross-sectional and longitudinal findings from this early data collection with particular focus on parallels with spoken language acquisition. We also discuss the acquisition of first signs, negation, wh-questions, and fingerspelling with developmental patterns provided based on age, as well as vocabulary size.  相似文献   

聋校课堂和媒体中出现的手语翻译多是对汉语的翻译,即使用的是文法手语,而现实的情况却是大多数的聋人对手语翻译的信息接收不畅。文章旨在论述手语翻译与聋人文化的关系,认为手语翻译是手语和汉语之间的信息转换,是两种文化的交流与碰撞。  相似文献   

Newport (1988) has noted differences in how American Sign Language (ASL) is used by the following three groups of deaf adults: those with deaf parents (native signers); those, with hearing parents, who learned ASL upon entering school at age 5 years (early signers); and those who learned to sign after puberty (late signers). The present study extends this research to children by investigating the use of morphological inflections in ASL by native and early signers. Thirty deaf children between ages 3 and 9 years were asked to sign a story in ASL. The videotaped stories were analyzed for morphological and contextual complexity. Qualitative differences were found between native and early signers on measures relating to the aspectual complexity of signs but not on measures relating to the complexity of the utterance. Implications of these differences are discussed in terms of communication at home and ASL use in the classroom.  相似文献   

自然手语与规约手语之研究   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
目前中国大多数聋校是以手语为主要教学语言。本文从手语的基本特点入手 ,把手语分为自然手语和规约手语并具体分析了两者的特点 ,进而就如何在课堂教学中运用好自然手语和规约手语 ,以提高课堂教学效率 ,促进聋生语言能力的发展以及以建立聋人手语语料厍。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the nature and efficiency of the strategies used by prelingually deafened native signers for the temporary retention of written words with reference to a primary language-coding hypothesis (M. A. Shand, 1982). For the gathering of the data, participants were shown lists of serially presented written target words that they were asked to recognize according to their presentation order from within word pools that contained different types of code-specific distracter words. Three performance dimensions were examined: (a) false recognition of target words, (b) correct recognition of target words, and (c) retention of target word presentation order. Participants were prelingually deafened native signers (n=11, average grade level=8.18 [1.17]) and a hearing control group (n=25, average grade level=9.00 [0.76]). Findings from the analysis of the nature of false recognition and the number of correctly recognized words show convincingly that formationally similar distracter words interfered with the memory performance of the native signers and phonologically similar distracter words with that of the hearing control group. It was concluded that the participants decoded written words into a code reflecting their primary language experience for their temporary retention in working memory.  相似文献   

试论手语词汇的任意性和理据性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
长久以来,人们一直都强调手语词汇的理据性,而且也有很多人因为手语词汇极强的理据性而否认手语的语言地位。与之相反,本文要证明的是和汉语、英语等有声语言一样,手语词汇同时具有理据性和任意性。手语词汇的理据性和任意性是强弱、多少的关系,而不是非此即彼。同时,手语词汇的任意性也是手语具有语言资格的有力证据。  相似文献   

人们阅读语符文本会产生辨味审美,就因为语符具有一种生成味象的机制,这种机制源于饮食生活。饮食生活作为味象生成的根基,其通过交感、第二信号系统及联觉通感等多种途径实现语符的味象生成,从而达成辨味审美。  相似文献   

重审手语的语言资格   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
重新审视手语的语言资格不仅有利于手语的发展,也关系到聋校语言教育的发展方向.本文认为,手语在本质上已具备语言的基本特征,但在一定程度上和语言还有差距,手语是一种发展中的准语言,因此,既不能武断地剥夺手语的语言资格,也不能盲目地抬高手语的语言地位.  相似文献   

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