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A Servant:Wake up,Sir!Wake up,Sir! Owner:What is happening? Servant:The doctor says it??stime for you to takesleeping pills.B Mother:There are threecakes in the cupboard(碗柜),Jake.But why are thereonly two cakesnow?Jake:Why don??t Isee the two cakes?It??s really too darkin the cup-board.C Father:Who is thebest pupil in your class?  相似文献   

1.你认为最完美的快乐是怎样的?答:平淡自然.2.你最希望拥有哪种才华?答:书法.3.你最恐惧的是什么?答:人心向背.4.你目前的心境怎样?答:还好.5.还在世的人中你最钦佩的是谁?答:父母.6.你认为自己最伟大的成就是什么?答:学会感恩.7.你自己的哪个特点让你最觉得痛恨?答:容易生气.  相似文献   

请看下面这一组问句:1.How is he?2. What is he?3. Who is he?4. Where is he? 5.What is he like? 6.What does he like? 7.How does he look?8. What does he look like? 9.What about him?简析:1.“How is sb.?”常用来询问某人的健康状况如何,其回答通常是:“主语+be+fine/OK/all right/verywell.”等。  相似文献   

姜杨 《黑河教育》2013,(3):32-32
1. Warming Up Step 1 show learning aim.复习 Unit4-Unit6 的重点句子,提高听力理解能力。 ( improve listening ability ) Step 2 Free talk T: What's the date today? S: T: How many months are there in a year? S: T: What are they? S: How many season are there in a year? T: What are they? S: T: Which season do you like the best? S: T: Why? S:  相似文献   

(A) 【情景对话】 A: Are you a musician? B: Yes, I play for a rock band. A: What can you play? B: I can play the trumpet. A: Can you play it well? B: Yes, a little.  相似文献   

一、关于study的对话和短文A:Hello,Kate!Fancymeetingyouhere!Workingagain,areyou?B:Yes,I’vegotto,ifIwanttopassalltheexams.A:How’slife,Kate?Allright?B:Yes,not too bad,thanks.I'm a bit fed up revising though.Areyou?A:Pretty good,thanks.My exams are over now,so I can afford to relax a bit.I’m going to a football match this afternoon.It’s terrible weather though,I hope it doesn’t rain.B:HowaboutJane?A:Oh,she’s all right.But busy as usual.Well,I’d betterbegoing,Isuppose.Thematch startsat3:30.Bye!B:Bye!A:你好,凯特!真没想到在这里见到你。又在用功了,是吗?B:是啊,如果我想通过所有的考试,就不得不这样。A:生活过得怎么样,凯特?不错吧?B:还不错,谢谢。不过我对复习有点厌倦了。  相似文献   

一、根据分层教学法制定的教学方案StepⅠ.Free talkT:Hello,everyone.How areyou today?S:I'm fine,thank you.Andyou?T:I'm fine too.What's theweather like?Is it sunny today?S:Yes,it is.(No,it's rainy/cloudy)StepⅡ.Presentation andpractice1.  相似文献   

1.你认为最完美的快乐是怎样的?答:每一天都在不知不觉中度过,轻松愉悦,希望满满的.2.你最希望拥有哪种才华?答:遇事乐观.3.你最恐惧的是什么?答:自己在想象生命终结后的事实.4.你目前的心境怎样?答:时而如秋日里的晴空,时而如冬日里的冷风.5.还在世的人中你最钦佩的是谁?答:魏书生.6.你认为自己最伟大的成就是什么?答:回首来时的路,我会心微笑;憧憬还要走的程,我满心投入.  相似文献   

The Graduate     
Benjamin: I' m just...
Mr. Braddock: Worried?
Benjamin: Well...
Mr. Braddock: About what?
Benjamin: I guess about my future.
Mr. Braddock: What about it?
Benjamin: I don' t know...
I want it to be Mr. Braddock: To be what?  相似文献   

【情景对话】 A: Hi, Li Li. What club do you want to join?B: I want to join the music club.A: Oh, can you play the trumpet? B: Yes, I can. I can play it well. What can you do?  相似文献   

1.你认为最完美的快乐是什么样的?答:自由自在地行走. 2.你最希望拥有哪种才能?答:能拥有最优美的歌喉,这样能把内心的情感肆意地抒发.能拥有最为精练的语言,这样能把自己触及灵魂的感受准确地表达. 3.你最恐惧的是什么?答:失眠. 4.你目前的心境?答:把每一天当作生命中的最后一天来过. 5.还在世的人中你最钦佩的是谁?答:双亲.  相似文献   

Teacher:Find Australia (澳大利亚) on the map for me, Johnny.Johnny:It's here, sir.Teacher:That's right. Now Sammy, who discovered (发现) Australia?.Sammy:Johnny, sir.Miss Green:How many people ore them in your family?. Sam:TWo, They are my parents.Miss Green:? There are three people in your filmily.  相似文献   

Step I. Warming up Answer quickly: please answer with"yes" or no . T: Are you a girl/boy? S1:Yes. Are you a teacher? S2:No. Are you in Class 5? S3:Yes. Is it a window? S4:Yes. Is everyone here? S5:No. Is she your classmate? S6:Yes. Are you in Row 2? S7:No. Is your father at home? S8:No. (设计意图:教师让学生用“Yes”或“No”来回答,既培养学生快速思维的能力,调动学习积极性,又达到复习巩固的目的,使学生注意力快速集中,迅速进入学习状态。)  相似文献   

1.天宫 玉帝:何方妖孽?搅我天宫清净? 千里眼:烟雾太大,看不清……?  相似文献   

Teacher: What is the plural of man, Tom?
Tom: Men.
Teacher: Good. And the plural of child?
Tom: Twins.  相似文献   

大竹 《初中生学习》2014,(12):10-11
链接一:英语对话和短文(一)对话Mother:Good morning,Jack!Jack:Good morning,mum!Mother(kindly):Jack,what are you doing?Jack:I am watching TV.You also want to watch TV?Mother:I don’t think I’d like to watch TV.It’s bad for eyes and study.Jack:But TV brings us happiness!TV can also bring us the learning program!Mother:No,I think TV is bad.Father:Jack,what are you doing?Mother:He is watching TV so much.Father:Is watching TV harmful?  相似文献   

Dispatcher: 9-1-1. What is your emergency? Caller: I heard what sounded like gunshots coming from the brown house on the comer. Dispatcher: Do you have an address? Caller: No, I have on a blouse and slacks, why?  相似文献   

案例描述:T:Hello! I'm Miss Quan. Glad to see youSs : Glad to see you, too. T: Today we have an English lesson. Let's befriends, OK? Ss : OK! T: What' s your name? S1 : My name is Lin Tao. T:Do you like to play games? Ss : Yes.  相似文献   

教学过程一、导入新课师:(出示三角板)这是什么?生:三角板.师:它为什么叫三角板呢?生:因为它有三个角.师:那三角板的角在哪里?请你用手摸一摸.  相似文献   

1.问年龄,用Howold。例:Howoldareyou?2.问距离,用Howfar。例:HowfarisitfromretoNanchang?3.问价格,用Howch。例:Howmuchisthe?4.问天气。例:How’stheweatheretoday?5.问多少,用Howmany+可数名词或Howmuch+不可数名词。例:①Howmanybooksdoyouhave?②Howmuchmilkdoyouwant?6.问多长时间,用Howlong,回答时要用“for+一段时间”应答。例:HowlonghaveyoulivedinBeijing?Forayear.7.问频率,用Howof鄄ten,回答用具体的时间和次数或频度副词often,always,sometimes等。例:Howoftendoyouwritetoyourp…  相似文献   

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