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吉伯特:又上学了,同样的楼梯,同样讨人厌的走廊。上课铃响了,又一节课。Gilbert:School again,same stairs,same boring corridors. The bell again,another lesson.  相似文献   

1. a. If____the same treatment again, he is sure to get well. b. If he____the same treatment again, he is sure to get well. A. given B. is given C. giving D. is giving 2. a. She can't help____the house because she's making a cake.  相似文献   

Practice for OM     
Only Me: Nice to meet you again, dear boys and girls. Did you miss me and our OM game? Yeah! Really? Thanks all the same. Today Only Me will also give you some practice about your mind. Are you ready? OK, just do it!  相似文献   

A cycle is something that happens over and over again. The life cycle of any species(物种) repeats again and again. The stages of a life cycle can be drawn in a circle. It doesn蒺t matter which stage you see first. The others always follow in the same order.If you have heard crickets(蟋蟀)“singing”outdoors this year, will you find them there again next year? Where do crickets come from?Early in the fall, male(雄) crickets“sing”. This attracts the female(雌), making it easy for her to fin…  相似文献   

1.The same is true for these verbs:hit,hurt,let,cut.(L.84)动词hit,hurt,let和cut也存在同样的情形。句型“The same is true of/for…”意思是“同样的情形也适用于…;对…情况同样如此。”例如: A lot of trees are being cut down in theU.S.A.. The same is true of the trees in China.在美国大量的树木正在被砍伐,在中国情况同样如此。  相似文献   

有这样一道高考题: 一When shall we meet again? 一Make it_____day you like;it’s all the same to me. A.one B.any C.another D.some 许多考生觉得“make it”比较陌生,有的同学尽管选对了答案B,但仍不解其意。  相似文献   

随着英语的发展,俚语正在越来越多的为人们所使用。英语的俚语,有很大一部分是由旧词加新意变化而来的。例如,grass 和 pot 已经包含 marijuana(大麻)之意。“He is on the grass again.”或“He is on the pot again.”都是指“他又吸毒了。”同样,pig、fuzz 都可用来指 policemen(警察),the pig department 指“警察局”。现将英语中常用的一些俚语归纳如下:grub=food(食物);hush money=bribery(行贿、受贿);nipper=child(小孩);nitwit=stupid or silly person(傻瓜);puss-gentleman  相似文献   

先请同学们看以下近年来的中考题:①I hope you to me again.(连云港)A.to write B.will writeC.wrote D.writing②—you good luck in thenew year!—The same to you.(安徽)A.Hope B.WantC.Wish D.Like③The Chinese ping-pong playerswill join in the match.Let’s themsuc  相似文献   

A university in Canada was celebrating its 20th anniversary and invited its alumni to a reunion party. Eleven graduates from the same Business Administration class, together with their professor, were delighted to meet each other again and shook hands. Altogether, how many handshakes are there in this exchange of greetings?  相似文献   

王韬 《大学时代》2006,(11):154-155
“I was somehow very small and very lost and lonely like a child astray in the snow and anything that happened me afterwards,Inever felt the same about again.”——This is the ending of“Guestof the Nation”,written by Frank O”Conner.The recitation of th  相似文献   

正1.一心不能二用。A man can-not spin and reel at the same time.2.光阴一去不复返。Lost timeis never found again.3.一知半解最危险。A littlelearning is a dangerous thing.4.学习之道无捷径。There is noshort-cut to learning.5.少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。  相似文献   

1.return sb’s call回某人电话A:Did you just call Ann again?How’s she?你刚才又给安打电话了吗?她怎么样?  相似文献   

part 1 度过了愉快的寒假(winter holidays)和春节(Spring Festival),新的学期又开始了,又见到久别的同学,大家甭提有多高兴了!久别重逢,你应该怎样和同学们打招呼呢?Sally:Hi,Mike!Nice to see you again.  相似文献   

A One day an American policeman was taking a thief to Washington D.C.On the way,they saw a shop.The thief said to the policeman,"Let me go into the shop to buy something we can eat in the train." The policeman agreed and waited in front of the shop.The thief went into the shop and ran away through the back door.All the policemen of the town began to look for the thief again.They soon caught him.They asked the same policeman to take the thief to the capital again.On the way the thief again wanted to buy something.But the policeman said,"You are going to run away.But this time I'll go and get something myself.You must wait right here."  相似文献   

1.because 表示为他人所不知的直接原因或理由。because是连词, 接状语从句。例如: -Why are you late again?你为什么又迟到? -Because I got up late.因为我起床迟了。  相似文献   

Jokes and Humour     
Teacher:Peter,why aye you late for school again?Peter: Well,Miss,I dreamed that I was play- ing football and the game went into ex—tra time.老师:彼得,你怎么上学又迟到了?彼得:噢,老师,我梦见自己在踢足球,球赛进入了加时赛。  相似文献   

In 1949, lightning struck Charles Sappal of Riverview, Florida, but merely knocked a bottle out of his hand. One year later, on 22 June, when he was at the same spot, lightning struck again -this time, killing him.Sir Edward Winter (1622 -1686), an English military commander in Madras, India, strangled an adult tiger to death with his bare hands.  相似文献   

1.a piece of cakeA: What do you think of the final exam?B: It's a piece of cake to me.A: You're bragging again, what if you failed?B: No way.甲: 你觉得期末考试怎么样?乙: 再容易不过了。甲: 你又在吹牛了。你要不及格呢?乙: 不可能。  相似文献   

频度副词"又"和"再"都可以表示行为状态的重复或继续,同英语中"again"语义大致相当。然而它们彼此之间既存在着相近的功能,又存在着一些差异,外国留学生在习得"又"和"再"的语用功能时,不能将其同"again"简单地进行对译,而应根据其句法功能和语义功能的实际差异进行抉择。  相似文献   

How To Say It     
1.You can say that again!完全正确;正是!A:The Kansas City Royals seems to have lost a lot of games.堪萨斯城罗依尔队经常输球。B:You can say that again!正是如此!  相似文献   

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