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On Shooting     
Peter joined the army when he was eighteen. And for several months his officer taught him how to be a good soldier. He did quite well in everything except shooting. One day he and his friends were practising their shooting and all of them were doing quite well except Peter. After he had shot at the target nine times and had not hit it once, the officer was very angry and said, "You're quite hopeless, Peter! Don't waste your last bullet(子弹) too! Go behind that wall and shoot yourself with i…  相似文献   

At five Peter Blackbum collected old newspapers to make money. And when he was 15 he signed his schoolmates up to start a baby-sitting circle.Now as a third-year Cambridge University student aged 20, Peter Black-bum is managing director of a company with a £30,000 plan. And he thinks it will make more than £15,000 by next summer .  相似文献   

Ted worked in a factory in a big town. He liked fishing very much, and was very good at it.Whenever he was free. he wouht go down to the small river behind the factory, and tried to catchsome fish, but there were very few there, because the water was dirty. Last summer he went to the seaside during his holidays and stayed at a small cheap hotel.  相似文献   

There was a meeting with a large number of people. At first the speaker was very interesting, but as time went on, he became very boring. Finally when he was through, there was only one man sitting in the large room. The speaker walked up to the man and…  相似文献   

章映 《今日中学生》2012,(34):22-23
A Peter joined the army when he was eighteen,and for several months he was taught how to be a good soldier.He did quite well in everything except shooting.One day he and his friends were practising their shooting,  相似文献   

Beethoven   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Beethoven was a famous pianist. He was born on December 16, 1770. He grew up in Germany. When he was young, his father taught him to play the piano. He was a very clever boy.In 1787, he went to school and became a music teacher. In 1802, he could hear nothing, but he wrote some pieces of music.Once, Beethoven was walking in a street. Suddenly, he stopped, because he heard some-  相似文献   

A Brave Boy     
约翰一向表现不好,但忽然有一天老师发现他竟跳河救人。是真是假?请看下文。John was nine years old,and he was a very bad boy,so his mother always asked him when he would behave (表现) better.  相似文献   

2002年春季高考题:My brother Tom was very selfish when he was a little boy.He did not want share things with other people.Forexample,when he bought a chocolate cake,he would put themin a secret place where I couldn’t find.Then he  相似文献   

Little Jack is very fond of sweetmeats, and he has been forbidden to ask for dessert. The other day, there was a grand dinner and they forgot to serve the poor little fellow. Jack was much affected, but as he is very obedient, he remained silent. “Mary, ”said the father to the maid-servant, “pass me a plate.”“Won’t you have mine, papa?”cried little Jack, “It is very clean!”小杰克非常爱吃甜食,他的父母禁止他再吃甜点心。有一天,在一个盛大的宴会上,人们忘了照顾这个可怜的小家伙。杰克非常不…  相似文献   

Mr Harris had never married, and he lived in a small house 1 himself. He was always very careful about 2 he ate and drank, and he never went out 3 the weather was cold. He was always afraid that he has getting some terrible disease, 4 he often went to see his doctor,and the doctor was getting very tired 5 his patient`s imagined illnesses, 6 he had more important work to do.  相似文献   

I Save 20 Cents Less Bill is a doorman. He works in a factory, and he usually comes home at seven every evening. Last Friday he came back home very early, and he was very angry. He shut the door very hard, went into the living room and sat down. His wife…  相似文献   

Pets are wonderful creatures! I had my first when I was just a little boy;a hamster called Cloudy. He was a very talented escape artist, and figured out how to open the door of his cage. Fortunately, whenever he escaped he'd hide in the same place, and so he was always easy to retrieve. After him we got a cat, a black and white tom called Oscar. A grumpy animal, he was also very smart - he had a catflap, and a magnetic collar that opened it, and he used to use it to let his other cat friends into the house, so that we'd come downstairs in the morning and find two or three of them scattered around the laundry.  相似文献   

Peter was ten years old.He was clever.He paid attention to the teacher in class,but he liked playing in his free time.Strangely he always made a lot of mistakes when he did his homework.One day, his mathematics teacher looked through Peter's homework and  相似文献   

从前有一对夫妇,很穷,常常挨饿。那男人常常到森林里(打猎),但他不是个好猎手,有时带回家的仅是一只小鸟。1. There once lived a man and his wife. They were very poor and always hungry. The man often went to the forest, but he was a bad hunter and sometimes brought home only a small bird.一天,他又到森林里去了,但对他来说这是很糟糕的一天:他连一只小鸟也未找到。他又累又伤心,便在一棵树下坐下来休息,接着他便听见一只鸟儿动听的歌声。2.O ne day he went to the forest a-gain.But it was a very bad day for him:he di…  相似文献   

Once there was a boy in Toronto. His name was Jimmy. He started painting when he was three years old, and when he was five he was already very good at it. He painted(绘画) many beautiful and interesting pictures,  相似文献   

Jules Verne wasa Frenchman who was born in 1828.He was not an inventor and hewas not a scientist,but he read a great many scientific books.He had a very strongimagination and he loved adventure although  相似文献   

Peter wondered why he didn t have m any friends.The reason was thathe was alw ays taking,never giving.O ne day Peter told B ill,“Id like to give a party on Saturday.Id like you to com e and bring M artha,too.”“Thanks,Peter.W e d be happy to com e.”“Perhaps you d like to bring your vi-olin.Y ou and M artha sing welltogether.Im sure everyone willw antyou to sing for us.”That was how Peter began to plan his party.N ext he asked another friend,Betty,to bring a cake.“Y ou m ake the be…  相似文献   

My younger brother was very selfish when he was a little boy. He did not want to share things with other people. For example, when he bought a chocolate cake, he put it in a secret place where I couldn’t find. Then he ate it all by himself. He never help…  相似文献   

A Mr Leonard was twenty-three years old and very rich.He was not married and he lived in two rooms in a small house in a city.Every summer he went down to the sea for a holiday.He stayed in small,cheap hotels,but he always wanted to have a clean,tidy room.He hated dirty places. One summer a friend of his said,"Go to the Tower Hotel in Whitesea.I went there last year,and it was very nice and clean." So Mr Leonard went to the Tower Hotel in Whitesea.But there was a different manager that year.  相似文献   

My aunt Aggie used to think that she was able to sing very well.But I am sorry to say her singing was terrible.One day she asked a piano-tuner to come and tune(调音)her piano.He came,and when he tried to tune the piano it seemed to be all right.However,he thought he had better do something though he would rather have gone away.so he went over it carefully and made a very good job of it.A few days  相似文献   

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