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面疙瘩来自民间,本是非常草根的食物,近年来却升格为宴席上的佳肴。往往在山珍海味醉饱之后,来一碗面疙瘩  相似文献   

小的时候,我老家的门口有两棵高大的榕树,春末夏初开满了粉红色的花朵,耀眼得如天边的晚霞,细细的绒花散发着若有若无的香气,就像天上朵朵飘香的云彩。年复一年灿烂地绽放着,也一直开放在我的记忆深处,芳香着我近四十年的人生岁月。我和小伙伴们无论春夏秋冬都执著地在榕树下玩耍。蹦井、丢沙包、踢毽子,一直到各家各户的炊烟升起,到家长们“吃饭了,[第一段]  相似文献   

邱立屏 《出版参考》2005,(12):26-27
“把赞美当警惕,把是非当教育。”就好像“最有价值之人最易被人毁谤,最鲜美的果实最易被鸟啄食”是同样道理。  相似文献   

春天加快了她的脚步,绿意正慢慢向我们播撒开来,当一波又一波新绿撞入我们眼中的时候,新一年的新一期《群世界》又呈现在了您的面前。  相似文献   

石兵 《湖北档案》2011,(6):36-36
常常有朋友问我,什么才是幸福?是美满的爱情?还是壮丽的事业?为什么幸福总是来之不易,却又转瞬即逝?我告诉他们,幸福其实是一种等待,等待源于希望,有希望就会很幸福。  相似文献   

有思 《出版参考》2006,(2):14-14
多年前一位在网上巨牛的大虾曾说过“在网上让我们相亲相爱一万年不动摇”,这话每每被人提起,感慨唏嘘的多是网人。如今网络已经成为我温暖的一种生活方式,huddle to keep warm,真实而细碎。  相似文献   

世间有百业,百业有百味。摆摊是个啥滋味,只有耳闻,没有体会,据说美国一作家,要揭开高墙内幕,主动申请去坐监。我没那斗胆,不能妄想。报载国内一记者,为了状写乞丐景况,亲自在乞丐“王国”生活。我受不了那罪,不敢乱为。  相似文献   

当权者的健康状况,与其执政能力,乃至国家和人民的福祉息息相关。因此,病夫掌权,很难获得全民的信任与拥戴。掌权者深知这一点,往往对其病况讳莫如深,将其列入国家机密也在所不惜。  相似文献   

无意之中成被告 文静接到诉状时,真的吃了一惊。 诉状是她前夫张子明告她,称她曾向他借过一万元钱,至今未还。虽说他们已经离婚了,但钱还是要还的。接到诉状,文静怎么也想不起有过这样的事。她跟张子明离婚时已把所有的东西算得清清楚楚,假如她借了他一万元钱,他怎么会不拿出来算呢?现在离婚已经两年多了,怎么突然间又冒出来她借了他一万元钱了呢?  相似文献   

Rapid technological advances are fuelling trust requirements and concerns about public and private sector records alike. To guarantee the reliability and authenticity of records requires a framework of policies, procedures, technologies, and intentional action or intervention by ??trusted custodians?? who have the knowledge required for attesting to and ensuring the continuing authenticity of the records. Records professionals have claimed the role of trusted keepers of the authentic record of our times, but how do they earn that trust? To begin, by acquiring competence. In order to define what kind of education would contribute to qualifying records professionals as competent, it is necessary to identify the components of knowledge they require and the role that society at large expects of them. The responsibilities and challenges presented by managing digital records through time are ones that records professionals should not meet in isolation. In order for records to be able to serve as evidence of actions and events, they must be protected as such. Records-related knowledge requirements are being articulated in the related disciplines of archival science and records management, law, digital forensics, and information assurance and cyber-security. The need for interdisciplinary knowledge to understand and manage the complexities of digital records is being realized in new research alliances that foster the development of knowledge that can support the role of trusted keepers of the authentic record of our times. One such alliance is the Digital Records Forensics Project at the University of British Columbia.  相似文献   

The benefits for libraries of establishing trust funds to receive monies donated by public and private donors are discussed. Included are steps for establishing a legal, tax‐exempt foundation and foundation board to administer the trust fund and assist in fund raising. The advantages for libraries of a source of funds separate from the jurisdiction of city or county government are pointed out. In conclusion, the author provides a survey of a number of library foundations in communities of various sizes throughout the United States.  相似文献   

<正> 很小的时候,冰棒只要5分钱,而冰淇淋要2毛,吃冰淇淋成了我最奢侈的愿望。那个时候我已经开始写诗,当我拿着我的诗去找他,他诚恳的告诉我写得不错,  相似文献   

从“凯利事件”看BBC的公信力体系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在竞争激烈的新闻市场 ,公信力成为大众媒介重要的无形资产和竞争资源 ,是媒介产品的信誉保证。它是大众媒介在传播过程中通过客观、公正的报道和评论以及与社会系统的互动 ,在受众心里形成的对媒介的信任度、忠诚度和影响力。公信力不能简单地用视听率来解释 ,它应该是一个完整而严密的信誉保证体系。从“凯利事件”可以看出 ,BBC的公信力与“皇家约章”、视听费制度 ,客观、公正的报道原则以及在公共关系方面的努力密切相关。英国与中国国情不同 ,但BBC作为公共媒介对中国视听媒介公信力的建立有着一定的启示与借鉴意义  相似文献   

This paper tests the extent to which social media is shaping civic engagement initiatives to build trust among people and increase trust in their institutions, particularly the government, police and justice systems. A survey of 502 citizens showed that using social media for civic engagement has a significant positive impact on trust propensity and that this trust had led to an increase in trust towards institutions. Interestingly, while group incentives encouraged citizens to engage online for civic matters, it is civic publications through postings on social media that intensify the urge of citizens for civic action to address social issues. Post-hoc analysis via ten interviews with social activists was conducted to further examine their perceptions on trust towards institutions. The overall findings suggest that institutions, in their effort to promote a meaningful and trusting citizen engagement, need to enhance trust among the public by fostering social capital via online civic engagement and closing the public–police disengagement gap.  相似文献   

This study sought to determine how interpretations o f Teletubbies, a program designed for very young viewers and broadcast internationally, is contextualized within local frameworks. An analysis of interviews with 44 mothers and experts revealed themes that lend support to the claim that audiences actively employ interpretive processes in contending with foreign texts. The crucial role mothers may play in reconciling the global and the local is discussed within the framework o f parental mediation.  相似文献   

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