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新任教师培训是教师专业成长的一个重要阶段,日本在实施中小学新任教师培训方面是比较成功的。结合我国实际情况,比较分析我国与日本的新任教师培训,将为建立健全我国新任教师培训制度提供有益的启示。  相似文献   

数学新任教师既有一般新任教师的特征,又有数学学科带来的特点.为实现数学新任教师培训的实效性,文章在充分分析数学新任教师特点的基础上,就数学新任教师培训的目标确立、课程设置、内容选择、教师配备等进行探析.  相似文献   

日本新任教师研修制度肇始于1910年开始的试补制度,逐渐演化为当下的初任者研修制度.新任教师研修的目的在于培养新任教师的实际指导能力和使命感,现阶段日本新任教师研修制度的主要形式有校内研修、校外研修和自主进修等.日本新任教师研修制度对我国教师继续教育具有重要的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

中日教师继续教育之比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
日本是教师继续教育最成功的国家之一,建有相当完备的教师继续教育体系。在终身教育思想指导下.教师教育正向一体化方向发展,职后研修取得与职前培养同等重要的地位。我国教师继续教育无论从立法、进修形式还是进修内容来看,还都比较薄弱。因此我国必须加大这方面的建设。  相似文献   

新任教师在教师专业成长过程中,面临着一系列的问题.为了促进新任教师的专业成长,应采取一系列措施加强新任教师培训工作,可采用“讲授——互动”培训模式、协同培训模式,案例式培训模式,让新任教师尽快地更好地实现专业成长.  相似文献   

本文结合北京市西城区新任历史教师培训的实践问题,在调查访谈的基础上,了解新任历史教师在入职前及入职初期面临的主要困难以及职业发展需求,通过整体设计和调整优化培训内容,提升新任历史教师职前培训的针对性和有效性;通过入职初期的课堂观察、交流访谈等方式,了解新任历史教师课堂教学中的问题;通过专项课程设置和教学研究活动,做好课堂教学岗位跟踪培训;通过创新工作形式,发挥多方合力,助力新任历史教师专业发展与职业规划。旨在探讨如何更好地从接受培训的新任历史教师的需求出发,从了解学生的学习需求和学习现状出发,实现从"学科教学"向"学科育人"的转变,提升新任历史教师区域培训的实效性。  相似文献   

1988年5月31日,日本在修订《教育公务员特例法》时将新任教师研修进行了法制化,新任教师研修制度实施以来,取得了显著的成绩。目前,我国新任教师研修尚未制度化,随着形势的发展,新任教师研修制度化的客观要求越来越强烈。研究日本新任教师研修制度,特别是以日本的县为单位对研修的形式、内容和方法进行剖析,可以给我国新任教师研修的制度化和具体实施以新的启示。  相似文献   

新任教师缺少教育教学经验、不了解学校常规工作、难以及时适应新环境,对他们的培训要针对这几个特点,以教师发展为旨归,从专业的角度规划,做到短期集中与校本培训有机结合,重点达成三方面具体目标:一是职业道德规范的熏陶和专业理想的培育,二是基本常规的顺应和基本技能的具备,三是环境的基本适应和群体的基本认同。  相似文献   

高校新任教师的入职培训是其专业化发展过程中的一个必需的重要环节。目前,在我国高校新任教师的入职培训中存在着一些问题。根据教师专业化理论,针对现实中存在的问题,高校必须改变传统的新任教师入职培训观念,开发多种培训模式,充实入职培训的内容,建立入职培训和助教培训的一体化机制,建立科学有效的新任教师入职培训评价机制。  相似文献   

日本新任教师的研修制度及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新教师的入门指导是教师专业发展的重要组成部分。本文主要介绍新任教师研修制度的实施体系,包括研修目的、研修内容、研修方式以及研修管理,以及对我国新任教师专业发展的若干启示。  相似文献   

The changes in levels of mathematics anxiety among future teachers in two different mathematics materials and methods classes were investigated. The changes were a function of using: (a) Bruner's framework of developing conceptual knowledge before procedural knowledge, and (b) manipulatives to make mathematics concepts more concrete. The sample included 87 preservice teachers enrolled in mathematics methods courses. Two strategies were used to gather data both at the beginning and ending of each quarter. First, future teachers completed 98-item, Likert-type questionnaires. Second, some of the factors that influence the levels of mathematics anxiety were determined through the use of questionnaire-guided narrative interviews. Multivariate analysis of variance was employed as the quantitative measure for comparing mathematics anxiety both at the beginning and ending of the quarter. Data revealed a statistically significant reduction of mathematics anxiety levels (p < .05). Tukey's HSD was used to determine that a significant difference in mathematics anxiety levels occurred between the classes in the fall and winter quarters. Results of the study have implications for teacher education programs concerning the measurement of mathematics anxiety levels among future teachers and the determination of specific contexts in which that anxiety can be interpreted and reduced.  相似文献   

《The Educational forum》2012,76(1):63-70

The shortage of African American male teachers has been a consistent issue in education. However, there is still much to learn about the experiences and perspectives of African American men on the teaching pathway. By placing a spotlight on the complex positioning of African American men in education, this essay expounds on the importance of capturing the stories of African American males enrolled in teacher education programs.  相似文献   

现行职前教师培养模式存在专业特点不明显、职业技能教育薄弱、教育实践能力较差等问题。本文在剖析问题存在的根本原因基础上,提出变革传统的人才培养途径对此——分层次、分阶段地培养职前教师教育实践能力。  相似文献   

This article reports findings from a study of preservice mathematics teacher education students and their beliefs about and experiences with students in an urban high school. The preservice teacher education students participated as mentors to a group of peer tutors in a mathematics tutoring program. Data collected from questionnaires and interviews reveal that the mentors had varied perceptions of tutoring program participants’ motivation, interest, and knowledge of mathematics. Mentors held varied perceptions of urban schools and what teaching mathematics in urban settings entails. Further, mentors reported that their work in the tutoring program had an impact on their strategies and plans for future mathematics teaching. Erica N. Walker is Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education in the Department of Mathematics, Science, and Technology and Research Fellow at the Institute for Urban and Minority Education at Teachers College, Columbia University.  相似文献   

职前外语教师的反思性实践研究文献述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章借鉴国外反思性实践理论和研究的成果,讨论反思性实践对职前外语教师专业发展的重要意义,通过对国内、外职前外语教师教育中对反思性实践展开的各种定性实证研究的讨论,揭示了反思在职前外语教师专业发展中的重要作用,作者提出了如何为我国职前外语教师创造有利的专业发展环境,促进其在反思中理解教学、在学习教学中发展反思能力的建议。  相似文献   

团体心理训练的特点是目的性、计划性强,持续的时间又相对比较短,它能在短期内改变人原有的心理,建立新的态度和行为,能够激发新教师的潜能,培养合作精神和合作能力。在新教师培训中,它具有独特的作用,但也存在一定的问题。为此,必须采用正确的方法,解决存在的问题,加强团体心理训练在高校新教师培训中的积极作用,提高团体训练在高校新教师培训中的针对性和实效性。  相似文献   

Daycare Book-a-thon is a project that targets at-risk preschoolers, providing them with books their parents can share with them at home. Preservice teachers in a children's literature class donate the books and prepare bookmarks, which highlight ways that parents can read and extend the books with their children. Through this activity, preservice teachers come to understand the diverse student population and learn ways they can help young children to prepare for schools.  相似文献   

In this qualitative case study, preservice science teachers (PSTs) enrolled in their advanced methods course participated in a complex, data-rich investigation based on an adapted version of the Struggle for Survival curriculum. Fundamental to the investigation was the use of the Galapagos Finches software and an emphasis on giving priority to evidence and constructing evidence-based arguments. The questions that guided the research were: (1) What is the nature of the scientific arguments developed by PSTs? (2) How do PSTs go about constructing scientific arguments (emphasis on processes and strategies)? (3) In what ways do the scaffolds embedded in the Galapagos Finches software influence the development of PSTs arguments? Two pairs of PSTs were selected for in-depth examination. The primary sources of data were the electronic artifacts generated in the Galapagos Finches software environment and the videotaped interactions of both pairs as they investigated the data set, constructed and revised their arguments, engaged in peer review sessions, and presented their arguments to the class at the end of the unit. Four major patterns emerged through analysis of the data. First, using the software, PSTs consistently constructed claims that were linked to evidence from the investigation. Second, although PSTs consistently grounded their arguments in evidence, they still exhibited a number of limitations reported in the literature. Third, the software served as a powerful vehicle for revealing PSTs knowledge of evolution and natural selection. Finally, the PSTs approach to the task had a strong influence on the way they used the software.  相似文献   

介绍了华中地区数学师资培训的组织及进展情况.  相似文献   

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