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校服作为制服的一种,标识了学生的身份,印刻着时代的足迹.学校要求学生穿校服的主要目的在于为教育教学管理工作提供便利,而较少考虑作为教育主体的学生的意愿.国内中小学生校服,存在着订购和穿着时间上的强制规定性、款式上的单一性、质量不高以及在订购中滋生腐败的问题.从道德上审视校服,认为校服的道德内涵应集中体现在有利于学生自律精神和责任意识的养成,有利于彰显校园精神和营造良好的育人环境,有利于社会对学生群体的保护,有利于学生利益的维护和社会文明的反映.  相似文献   

华北地区冬季气温变化较大,常规冬季校服不仅穿着臃肿又难以体现学校的形象。文章结合华北地区气候特点,从防尘、可拆装保暖层设计、情绪调节设计、GPS定位保护设计、可变号型调节设计、局部防护设计等多个方面进行创新设计探索,以供学校及校服设计生产企业借鉴,为学生上学出行提供保护。  相似文献   

民国学生装以其独特的服饰形态和服饰文化成就了中国校服史上影响最为深刻的一次变革,至今依然感动着世人,它的存在对当代大学校服文化建设有着积极的借鉴作用。文章从介绍民国学生装产生的时代背景入手,通过对男女学生装不同形态和款式的介绍,揭示了民国学生装所隐喻的独特文化精髓,并提出了民国学生装对当代大学生服饰文化建设的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

校服具有重要的教育功能,人们对校服所承载的独特教育功能也都寄予厚望。校服蕴含了多重教育功能:一是教育秩序的强化功能,二是良好道德的涵育功能,三是审美追求的化育功能,四是健康心理的培育功能。我国当前的校服教育功能发挥地还并不充分,存在三多三少的问题,需要加强质量监管、兜住质量底线,注重校服设计、强化审美化育,助推校服产业、做大民族品牌。  相似文献   

The uniforms for Beijing Olympics' workers, technical staff and volunteers have been unveiled to mark the 200-day countdown to the Games. The uniforms feature the key element of the clouds of promise and will be in three colors:red for Beijing Olympic Games Committee staff, blue  相似文献   


It is refreshing to observe another scholar engaging the important and timely question of the effects of school uniforms on academic achievement. The extant literature is largely anecdotal, often methodologically flawed, unpublished, or published without peer review, and sometimes funded by uniform supply companies.1 A. Bodine's (2003) “School Uniforms, Academic Achievement, and Uses of Research,” however, adds little information to increase empirical and substantive knowledge of the effectiveness of uniforms in U.S. schools. In response, the authors (a) clarified the intent and contribution of their original study (D. L. Brunsma & K. A. Rockquemore, 1998), (b) responded to the methodological issues raised by A. Bodine, and (c) reflected on the policy implications of the related studies published in The Journal of Educational Research and the Educational Testing Service. By doing so, they hoped to increase academic interest in the school uniform debate and to encourage further empirical analyses of the effects of existing policies.  相似文献   

Reviews on school effectiveness research in developing countries indicate that between-school variances are much larger than in industrialized countries. Resource input factors appear to have a larger impact in developing countries, while there are relatively few studies that have focused on instructional processes. Results at this level are not very clear at this stage. Local contexts may shape and interact with conditions that are expected to enhance effectiveness. Given the high stakes that are involved and the degrees of existing variation, school effectiveness studies in developing countries have the potential to be at the cutting edge of empirical school effectiveness research in the near future. Integration and application of the knowledge-base in evaluation and monitoring projects by means of school process indicators is seen as the most responsible way to use the research findings for improvement purposes.  相似文献   

Some traditions are quite similar in many parts of the world; birthday candles which carry wishes up to God, birthday games which gauge how much more a child can do versus last year, and birthday pinches or taps which ensure good luck for the coming year. Some traditions are more specific to certain countries.  相似文献   

Top Joke in UKA woman gets on a bus with her baby. The bus driver says: "That's the ugliest baby that I've ever seen. Ugh!" The woman goes to the rear of the bus and sits down, fuming. She says to a man next to her: "The driver just insulted me! "The man says: "You go right up there and tell him off - go ahead, I'll hold your monkey for you."  相似文献   

<正>Children’s Day is one of the happiest days for children,but not all children in the world have it on June 1st.In fact,there are many dates and ways to celebrate it all over the world.Different countries have their own special day for children in their own way.They even have different histories about the holiday.对孩子们来说,儿童节是最令他们开心的节日之一。但不是所有的孩子都  相似文献   

Nepal-Markon the forehead. A certain mixture of rice yogurt and color is placed on the birthday child's forehead for good luck. New Zealand-  相似文献   

Some traditions arequite similar in many parts ofthe world;birthday candleswhich carry wishes up to God,birthday games whichgauge how much more achild can do versus last year,and birthday pinches or tapswhich ensure good luck forthe coming year.Some tra-ditions are more specific tocertain countries.  相似文献   

发达国家改造薄弱学校的主要经验   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
发达国家在改造薄弱学校的过程中以颁布相关的法律和政策为依据,以制定有效的改造计划和程序为机制,以提供专门的资金与技术扶持为措施,以提高整体的师资水平为重点,以形成鲜明的办学特色为突破口。这些经验对推进我国义务教育阶段薄弱学校改造和教育均衡发展有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代中期起,学校组织文化在西方教育研究中逐渐受到重视,尤其当其被视作影响学校效能的重要因素时,更是引起了众多研究者的兴趣,成为持续至今的研究热点.本文对学校组织文化研究兴起的背景,学校组织文化的模型及其对学校效能的影响作了介绍,并在此基础上分析了西方学校组织文化与学校效能研究的特点及问题.  相似文献   

通过对比各国企业管理中决策制定的不同文化表现,发现东西方国家在制定决策时,出于不同的目的,一般都采取不同的方法,这跟他们各自的文化背景有着不可分割的联系。为了在跨国企业交际中更加顺利地处理相应的业务关系,避免不必要的误解和矛盾,本文总结了造成决策制定方法和表现不同的原因。  相似文献   

当前各国学制改革的趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,世界各国在学制改革方面存在着几个共同的趋势,即进一步完善终身教育体系;义务教育的范围逐渐扩展,年限不断延长;普通教育和职业教育向着综合统一的方向发展;高等教育大众化、普及化.  相似文献   

本文从微观过程观察城市中公办和民办学校里流动儿童对性别角色的学习,发现公办和民办小学两种场景下儿童习得性别角色观念和性别角色气质不同;当流动儿童从民办学校场景转换到公办学校时,流动儿童所习得的前一种气质出现了不适应,并被认为是"心理疾病"的学生.  相似文献   

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