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Welcome to Bilingual Time's new Photo Time columnl
My interest in photography began around 10 years ago with me crawling around in my darkened attic, spilling chemicals on the bare floorboards in the days before digital photography had really made an impact. And ever since then, it has held me captivated and left me always on the lookout for interesting new scenes to capture. So when I first saw China, I was naturally very excited. The sheer size of the country - its varied scenery and peoples, had me snapping away the moment I stepped off the plane. Since then I have travelled to various parts of China, always taking photos; sometimes pleased with the results, sometimes nearly sobbing over sheets of ruined negatives. I have met Chinese photographers everywhere whilst out and about - from tour groups of young and old who want to pose with a westerner, to the Nikon jacketed professional with his big tripod and enormous lenses. The one thing I have missed is meeting with and learning from those Chinese photographers similar to me - those for whom taking pictures is a hobby, and those who know there's still a lot to learn but are having a lot of fun trying.  相似文献   

"To play possum"means to deceive, to hide the truth. That men have learned much from the behavior of animals is hardly news. As we all know, the actions of many animals, when threatened, are most interesting to watch. Especially, the smaller ones. The monkey runs for the trees, the turtle retreats into its shell, the armadillo rolls up into a ball. And the fox, the smartest of small creatures, can get lost; thus, the expression "to outfox" somebody.  相似文献   

My birthday. 2002: I go for a walk in the morning, grateful for the chilly breeze, the sunlight on the hills and birds turning in the air. Giddy children greet me when I get home, showering me with flowers, cards and a gift from my sister. Then Rob takes us out for coffee and donuts and a stroll around town, where we throw pennies in the fountain, and read a book about owls in the moonlight. Rob asks, what do you think of your life?And I'm not ready to answer.  相似文献   

The gentle hum of the background noise around her faded out as she contemplated his face. To the untrained eye,  相似文献   

A lawyer(律师)was reading out.the will(遗嘱)of a rich man to the people mentioned(提到的)inthe will:“To you.my loving wife Rose.who stood by mein rough(困难的)time,as well as good,I leave herthe house and $2 million.”The lawyer continued,“To my daughter Jessica,who looked.after me in sickness and kept the busi-ness going,I leave:her the yacht(游艇),the busi-ness and $1 million.”The lawyer concluded,“And,to my cousin Dan,who hated me,argued(争论)with me,and thoughtthat I would never mention(提到)him in my will-well,you aye wrong.Hi,Dan!”  相似文献   

AOnew day a hungry tiger saw a monkey. The monkey __1__ him, too, and climbed up atree __2__. The tiger waited __3__ the tree and said, “__4__ is afraid of me, but __5__ isafraid of you .I’m the strongest.” The monkey said, “No, people __6__ afraid of you ,but theyare afraid of me. If you agree to go to the village, __7__ this is true(真的).” The tigeragreed and walked __8__ the monkey, because he was __9__ afraid of people. When thepeople in the village saw them, they all ran away. Th…  相似文献   

My father has a great way of getting me out of bed in the morning. Isleep with two dogs in my bed, and when its time for me to get up, hejust throws the catin.My Father Has a Great Way@一夫  相似文献   

A: Can you help me hook up my new stereo equipment? I'm having quite a bit of trouble with all these connections.B: Sure. That's duck soup for me.A: Well, with all your experience in electronics, I have no doubt that it will be very easy for you to do.B: No problem. Glad to help out.举手之劳(英文)@杨飞…  相似文献   

Pick a fight 寻衅;挑起争端 To start a fight or argument with someone. "He was in a bad mood and tried to pick a fiqht with me." Pepper-spray 喷辣椒粉 If you "pepper-spray" someone, you push a button on a container so that a chemical substance comes out. "Pepper-spray" is used as a form of self-defence against an attacker. "The police officer pepper-sprayed the man, then took him to the police station."  相似文献   

They swam slowly.Suddenly,the mother crocodile saw the monkey,“Oh,a monkey! How nice if l have it for my dinner!” Then she said to her son,“My son,do you love me? Yes,of course,” the baby crocodile answered.“Well,can you see that monkey? I want to eat his heart.Can you go and get it for me?” the mother crocodile asked.“All right.”  相似文献   

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