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Cindy是个高中生,她学校新来了一位外教。她渴望跟外教交流.却又由于担心自己口语不好。害怕被同学笑话等原因。最终没鼓起勇气跟外教老师说话。Brad会给她什么建议呢?  相似文献   

When analysing course-level data by subgroups based upon some demographic characteristics, the numbers in analytical cells are often too small to allow inferences to be drawn that might help in the enhancement of practices. However, relatively simple analyses can provide useful pointers. This article draws upon a study involving a partnership with 13 UK universities to illustrate a relatively simple methodology that is more widely generalisable.  相似文献   

《高等数学》为数学思想方法的教学提供了一个良好的知识平台,在《高等数学》课程的教学中进行数学思想方法的教学,不仅是可行的,也是必要的.为此,应采取的主要措施有:一是改变传统教材单一以数学知识为主线的课程体系而以数学思想方法与数学知识的合理组合为教材的主线以突出数学思想方法的教学、二是改革教学方法,采取发现法教学,通过化隐为显、逐步渗透、反复运用等手段,使学生掌握常用的数学思想方法,并能在今后的学习、工作中灵活运用.  相似文献   

:在英语写作中 ,过渡常用的方法有八种 :使用代词、重复或呼应某一关键词、重复或对称某一语法结构、使用同义词、使用反义词、使用平行结构、使用搭配、使用过渡词语  相似文献   

要提高当前我省高师院校的英语教学质量,不能仅仅依靠单一的教学模式。教师在教学过程中应以学生为中心并利用自己的教学经验,灵活运用已掌握的教学法,提炼出最有效的教学模式,以适应我国的大学英语课程改革。  相似文献   

IRT Equating Methods   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this instructional module is to provide the basis for understanding the process of score equating through the use of item response theory (IRT). A context is provided for addressing the merits of IRT equating methods. The mechanics of IRT equating and the need to place parameter estimates from separate calibration runs on the same scale are discussed. Some procedures for placing parameter estimates on a common scale are presented. In addition, IRT true-score equating is discussed in some detail. A discussion of the practical advantages derived from IRT equating is offered at the end of the module.  相似文献   

Prescribing Teaching Methods   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Data from a far from satisfactory election are used to illustrate the effects of changes in voting methods.  相似文献   

This study compared 248 graduating seniors with 301 beginning juniors at 10 bachelor's-level social work programs in the Northeast concerning their knowledge and attitudes regarding working with substance-abusing clients. Graduating seniors demonstrated modestly higher levels of knowledge and only slightly more positive attitudes toward working with this population. In a multivariate analysis, however, having taken a substance abuse course in college or training in settings outside of school improved students' attitudes in this regard. The students' ethnic/racial identity and personal exposure to substance abuse through family, close friends, or self also had a significant impact on their knowledge and attitudes.  相似文献   

激励方法初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人的因素是生产中最活跃的因素,人才资源是现代企业中最重要的来源,开发和利用人才资源将是决定企业经营效果的关键。本以通俗的语言、典型的举例,对企业人才资源的开发、激活、利用作了有益的、较为全面的探索。  相似文献   

会计研究方法对于会计理论研究具有重要作用。会计研究方法主要有实证研究方法和规范研究方法。通过对这两种方法进行阐述和比较分析,在提出实证会计研究必要性的基础上,强调规范研究和实证研究并不是互相排斥而是互相补充的。  相似文献   

一个优秀的生物化学教师,应当能激起学生对生物化学课学习的兴趣和热情,选择优秀教材,根据不同的教学内容和目的采用不同的教学方式是教学研究的一个重要内容,本文对生物化学教材及教学方法进行了比较研究。  相似文献   

At K'angta they have not only adopted a variety of new teaching methods but have also created, in the same way, new methods of study in accordance with the concrete needs of the objective environment. If its vast educational plan, which responds to various kinds of immediate problems and realities, is to be completed within a short period of time, new study methods must be adopted and created; otherwise there will be no way whatever to achieve the anticipated goals. In order to cultivate excellent anti-Japanese cadres, K'angta's leaders make the students study according to the new methods, while at the same time making them study the very methods they are putting into practice, just as Mr. Wang Ming* has said - "Study the methods for solving basic problems."  相似文献   

近年来,我国群众歌咏活动虽然取得很大成绩,但与时代的要求还存在较大的差距,演唱的总体水平还不够高,反映时代特征和群众喜爱的优秀歌曲还不够多,特别是对合唱歌曲改编与处理还缺乏办法。这些问题的存在,不同程度地影响着群众歌咏活动的健康发展,需要引起指导教师的高度重视。  相似文献   

对非线性参数模型的参数解析方法作了评述,并讨论了非线性回归模型的非线性性态的估计和获取优良的参数初始估计值,介绍了非线性回归在电化学中的一些应用。  相似文献   

投影器是目前电化教学中使用最广泛的一种教学设备,本文针对我国一般学校投影教学的实际情况,研究总结了投影教材的10种非常实用的演示技法。  相似文献   

概念是构成命题和推理的基本要素,因而是整个普通逻辑的基础,是进行逻辑研究的起点。概念论的研究方法是丰富多彩的,既有简洁、直观的图形化方法,也有精确、抽象的数学方法。回眸逻辑发展的历史可以发现,概念论的发展总是与整个逻辑的改革步伐相随,每一次概念理论方法的重大创新都会对逻辑学的发展产生深远的影响。  相似文献   

文章首先简单介绍了几种常见桌面图像编码算法,提出了一种综合编码方法:对桌面图像进行分析然后依次分离出连续色调区域、纯色区域和离散色调区域,再对分类后的子块分别进行压缩编码.  相似文献   

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