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随着物联网、可穿戴传感设备、人工智能的快速发展,多种模态数据的连续抓取与融合分析成为可能,促成了多模态学习分析研究的诞生,并成为学习分析领域的一个重要新兴分支.多模态学习分析关注真实的学习情境与本真的学习交流方式,"返璞归真"地聚焦更普遍的物理学习情境,克服了主流学习分析过度关注数字化学习环境的局限.研究主要采用文献归纳法,阐述了多模态学习分析的发展动因、概念理解,重点从身体、生理视角概述了多模态的数据类型,并对多模态学习分析的过程模型进行了详细描述.研究认为,未来要充分借助人工智能处理多模态数据,借鉴认知带理论融合不同模态数据的意义,借力学习理论来理解真实的多模态学习交互过程,以进一步完善基于多模态数据的学习评价方法.  相似文献   

教育现象学是教育学众多学派中一个独特的人文视域,其从现象学哲学中汲取了丰富的哲学思想和方法资源,但更强调人文性和实践性,它直面教育生活世界本身,去探寻“教育现象”(教育生活体验)的本质与意义.教育现象学不能用以解决技术性的问题,不把教育生活体验的意义变成实证主义的主题、理性化的概念、对象化的描述或抽象的理论,它旨在通过“描述教育生活体验——形成体验文本——组织焦点讨论反思”的研究框架,来探寻和理解教育生活体验及其意义,反思与教育相关的主题,从而促进教育者养成教育的敏感性与机智,发展教育智慧.  相似文献   


Advocates of educational reform often describe classroom instruction as inauthentic. That is, most classroom learning activities are structured around artificial contexts for learning, and students only engage in tasks and remember information at superficial levels. Some teachers are attempting to break traditional classroom practices by creating authentic contexts for learning. To date, most of the research on authentic classrooms has described the processes teachers have used to develop the classroom environment (learning activities, resources, etc.); however, few have examined authentic classrooms from the students' perspective: “What do students think about authentic classrooms?” The purpose of this qualitative study was to examine a unique learning environment at a large, Midwest high school to understand how students perceived that environment. Most of the students reported a positive experience and described the classroom as fun and exciting with real-world relevance. However, there were several students who did not share these views, and many students were not successful.


This article uses the lens of critical discourse analysis to examine the religious education efforts of the Newfoundland School Society (NSS), the main provider of religious education in Newfoundland in the 19th century. Although its focus was initially this colony, the NSS quickly broadened its reach to the whole British empire, making it one of the largest religious education bodies in the world. In this article, the author's focus is on the social context and discourses produced by the Society in its annual reports and accompanying anniversary sermons. Data are drawn from archival records of the NSS for the years 1830–1840.  相似文献   

One way children are remarkable learners is that they learn from others. Critically, children are selective when assessing from whom to learn, particularly in the domain of word learning. We conducted an analysis of children’s selective word learning, reviewing 63 papers on 6,525 participants. Children’s ability to engage in selective word learning appeared to be present in the youngest samples surveyed. Their more metacognitive understanding that epistemic competence indicates reliability or that others are good sources of knowledge has more of a developmental trajectory. We also found that various methodological factors used to assess children influence performance. We conclude with a synthesis of theoretical accounts of how children learn from others.  相似文献   

This article examines the role of spending time with others in and through artistic research and practice. I draw from my doctoral work which took me on a cross‐Canada journey visiting 125 artists in their studios. Following the studio visits, I made a series of paintings of artists’ studios, however a year later these same paintings were cut up and rearranged to create collaborative studio assemblages on the walls of the Tate Exchange Gallery in Liverpool. Drawing on the metaphor of a never‐ending‐painting to examine never‐ending pedagogies, this article examines the evolution of this project through three iterations of the studio paintings. With each iteration, I explore different ways of knowing others through making thus proposing the performative and relational qualities of artistic research. The first iteration allowed me to spend time with artists even in their absence, as I engaged with our conversations through painting their studios, thus blurring the lines between solitary and social art practices. The second iteration allowed me to give up my art to others through asking them to create collages with fragments of my studio paintings. And the third iteration allowed my work to merge with other arts‐based researchers. Through this process, I propose that making art allows for multiple conversations to emerge through spending time getting to know others through art making.  相似文献   

This article examines the strategies that can be used to enhance students' understanding of how subjects link together and whether cross‐curricular approaches, through a gallery project, have any real impact on students' understanding of the links between subjects. A substantial part of this article, however, describes the methodological aspect of the project. A phenomenological case study approach was used in order to engage fully with individual students' learning experiences. It was found that the students who were involved directly with the study felt that the links between subjects had more relevance to their learning when the teacher made such links explicit. They were unaware of the relevance of many cross‐curricular links made in lessons, but the study indicated that cross‐curricular learning can enable students to transfer skills and knowledge in order to understand concepts more fully.  相似文献   

当前世界教育改革越来越关注人的素养,强调提升学习者解决真实情境中问题的能力.新加坡教育近年来受到全世界的关注,剖析新加坡教育真实性学习理念是贯穿新加坡教育转型的重要线索.新加坡教育提倡为真实而学,在真实中学.新加坡真实性学习的具体实施有三类模型,即真实性学习的问题模型、真实性学习的过程模型和真实性学习的参与模型.新加坡在真实性学习的实施过程中也面临着一系列问题和挑战,构建真实性学习的综合理论框架和思考传统学习与真实性学习的合理接轨是后续的研究方向.  相似文献   

真实学习的理论观点和实践主张强调学生通过解决真实世界的问题进行学习,从而逐步发展信息时代所需要的多种能力。真实学习涉及学习者面对的问题和任务、结果或者产品、环境和过程等多个层面的真实性,因而给学校教育情境中的实现带来了巨大挑战。为应对这些挑战,教师在教学设计和实施过程中,可以采用重构学习单元、聚焦核心知识的理解与建构、将真实活动结构化、设计清晰的支持系统等策略,设计真实学习活动和学习支持系统。通过分析人如何与现代信息技术共存,将为运用信息技术促进真实学习的实现及整个学校学习的革新提供基础。  相似文献   

文学创作活动是文学创作主体将自己的存在经验与生活感受形式化,并因此而体味某种或某些价值的过程。文学创作主体与潜在的读者进行文学交流是文学创作活动中一种基础性的交流行为。在这一行为之上,文学创作活动还可以显现为其他形式的交流行为。文学阅读活动也显现为读者与潜在的作者(潜在的文学创作主体)之间展开的一种交流行为,即"阅读—交流"过程。  相似文献   

Educational Psychology Review - The present conceptual literature review analyzes 50 studies that systematically examined the effects of authentic learning settings on cognitive or motivational...  相似文献   

检索式学习:意义、方式与发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
数字化环境和信息网络技术影响并改变着人类传统的学习方式,面对浩瀚的信息海洋,人们应该充分借助于先进的技术去查寻并汲取有用的知识.检索式学习正是人们不断更新自我以适应时代发展的重要途径,它为人类的学习构建了一个新型的平台,为现代教育的发展提供了一个重要的引擎,为个人的发展提供了一个高效的工具.随着技术的发展,检索式学习的方式也在不断地发生着变化:从图书馆书刊借阅到使用联机信息检索,从网络信息的浏览到利用学术搜索引擎,从一般的文献信息检索到知识检索与研究性问题的分析,从知识检索到知识发现.检索式学习强调人机交互与主体参与,突出知识创新与能力发展,注重知识建构与问题解决.开展检索式学习要注意明确目标、防止迷航,善于分析、沙里淘金,不断积累、勇于探索.  相似文献   

Unlike other countries, Italy has no 'service learning', the method enabling students to join accredited voluntary organisations in order to gain experience in serving others. An investigation was conducted in 2006 and 2007 to understand the opportunity that service learning provides to young adults, community and volunteer associations. The objectives were, first, to determine whether there is a need to forge links between the university and the world of volunteer work and, second, to describe the specific areas of action in the local context. A total of 603 video-recorded interviews were conducted. The findings show that there is a need to create a network for helping institutions, neighbourhoods and young adults to assess the demand and provide an organised response for educational and community needs. As a result, starting from this year, Turin University will be operating the first service learning in Italy.  相似文献   

In her commentary Danielle J. Ford mainly focused on three issues that highlight the promises and challenges for the use of Adapted Primary Literature (APL) in science curricula: the possible contribution of APL to authentic experiences in secondary schools, implementation issues of APL including the support required for the teachers, and the possibilities to extend the use of APL to younger and older students. In this rejoinder, we first offer some general comments on Ford’s commentary. Then we offer more specific comments on two areas of her response, authenticity and the support for teachers.  相似文献   

The learning of science can be made more like the practice of science through authentic simulated experiences. We have created a networked handheld Augmented Reality environment that combines the authentic role-playing of Augmented Realities and the underlying models of Participatory Simulations. This game, known as Outbreak @ The Institute, is played across a university campus where players take on the roles of doctors, medical technicians, and public health experts to contain a disease outbreak. Players can interact with virtual characters and employ virtual diagnostic tests and medicines. They are challenged to identify the source and prevent the spread of an infectious disease that can spread among real and/or virtual characters according to an underlying model. In this paper, we report on data from three high school classes who played the game. We investigate students’ perception of the authenticity of the game in terms of their personal embodiment in the game, their experience playing different roles, and their understanding of the dynamic model underlying the game.  相似文献   

Learning and Teaching Programming: A Review and Discussion   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
In this paper we review the literature relating to the psychological/educational study of programming. We identify general trends comparing novice and expert programmers, programming knowledge and strategies, program generation and comprehension, and object-oriented versus procedural programming. (We do not cover research relating specifically to other programming styles.) The main focus of the review is on novice programming and topics relating to novice teaching and learning. Various problems experienced by novices are identified, including issues relating to basic program design, to algorithmic complexity in certain language features, to the “fragility” of novice knowledge, and so on. We summarise this material and suggest some practical implications for teachers. We suggest that a key issue that emerges is the distinction between effective and ineffective novices. What characterises effective novices? Is it possible to identify the specific deficits of ineffective novices and help them to become effective learners of programming?  相似文献   

学习科学新进展系列文章分别从学习科学的发展史、主要的八个研究领域、研究的方法与方法论等方面,系统地报道了国外学习科学创新研究的最新成果。文章首先对已发表的系列文章研究内容进行总结与回顾,并对近年来学习科学研究的项目与成就进行反思,总结学习科学研究的典型特色以及面临的问题,最后,文章提出了学习科学研究的未来发展趋势及其对教育变革的影响。  相似文献   

Education and Selfhood: A Phenomenological Investigation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although effectively the idea of selfhood receives scant attention in much current educational policy, it is an idea that is central to understanding education in the Western tradition. This paper evaluates the implications of a growing movement in educational philosophy and theory to see the self as relational to the extent that it possesses little or no internally maintained steady identity and is constantly reconstituted by external agencies in a variety of ways. A well-worked-through view that draws on the work of Hannah Arendt and Emmanuel Levinas amongst others and that is taken to be representative of this wider movement is examined. It is argued that while important issues concerning the relationship between education and individual subjectivities are raised in ways that invite productive discussion, ultimately the decentred and de-nucleated conception of the self to which its argument leads is both phenomenologically untenable and educationally stultifying.  相似文献   

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