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Teacher Preparation and Inner-City Schools: Sustaining Educational Failure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Yeo  Frederick 《The Urban Review》1997,29(2):127-143
This article argues that the great majority of teacher education programs have become a sustaining part of urban education's cycle of failure, in particular through the values, stereotypes, and curricular and pedagogical patterns that teacher education inculcates in incipient teachers about difference, minorities, and urban schools and communities. Teacher education's capability lies chiefly in how it understands and treats programmatic minority students, how it encourages a negative perception of urban teaching itself, and how it discourages its students from understanding difference and diversity through the use of an assimilatory multiculturalism, leaving its students stereotypically uninterested in and/or unprepared for urban teaching.  相似文献   

Making liberal democratic values meaningful to study in schools is a more complex issue than being a question of turning values into explicit educational goals (Schleicher) or of curing a motivational deficit (Critchley). Since values seem to play an important role in the practices and commitments of people's everyday lives, values are calling for a continual refinement of our words in relation to the world (Laverty). The purpose of this article is to offer contours of an educational language about values that acknowledges this refinement and the pedagogical work that teachers might do—by way of language—in order to sustain the living-on of what is valued and valuable to us as individuals and as societies. To this end, the article is divided into two parts. The first part takes the temperature of the current political and educational debates, offering thereby a sociopolitical background to the need of a renewed language about values. Drawing on ordinary language philosophy (Moi, Murdoch and Forsberg) and the idea that there is an intimate relationship between how we look at the world (attention) and the words we use in describing it (language). The second part of the article places the emergence of values in a particular time in history before suggesting a more existential vocabulary about values for the purpose of teaching values in schools.  相似文献   

In this article, we describe our professional development model, Content-Based Collaborative Inquiry (CBCI). The purpose of the CBCI model is to engage educators in inquiring and constructing their own knowledge as they focus on both student understanding in specific content areas and their own learning processes. We first explain the empirical foundations of CBCI. Through 3 cases we illustrate how content knowledge is developed via collaborative inquiry, originating in teachers' classrooms, and expanding to create and sustain collaborative communities of inquiry in the multiple contexts where educators work. We conclude by discussing challenges and continuing issues for efforts to support lifelong teacher learning and educational reform.  相似文献   

This article focuses upon the sustainability of secondary school visions during a period of increasingly complex economic, social, demographic, and accountability driven change (1970–1990). Much of the classic change literature of this period highlights the failure of teachers to implement reform, and implicitly leans towards overcoming their resistance with short-term solutions so that external mandates can be institutionalized more effectively. Longitudinal studies are rarely attempted that consider the cumulative impact of both internal and external “change forces” upon teachers, or that identify the conditions necessary to ensure the sustainability of a schools vision “over time”. Viewed through the lens of resiliency, this article explores data from two high schools that participated in the Change Over Time Study (Spencer Foundation Grant number 199800214). Data suggest that not only can teacher resistance to innovation make good sense, but also, under certain conditions rarely supported by standardized reform, it can evoke a resilient, even activist, self-renewing response to change otherwise perceived to be disruptive or harmful to their school’s founding vision.  相似文献   

教育体制改革一直是我国教育改革的重要内容,当前,又面临来自多方面的挑战,出现了一些新的问题和矛盾。在新世纪里,以建立健全中国特色社会主义教育体制为目标的创新,应当是我国教育体制的选择。  相似文献   

Historically, the progressive ideas of innovative schools have influenced the professional practice of North American educators since the latter part of the 19th century. Indeed, since the beginning of an industrial society, and now with the birth of globalization and a knowledge economy, there has been a need for public schools to sustain their capacity for innovative self-renewal. Yet, much of the classic literature on change in schools leans implicitly towards overcoming resistance, or the building of short-term capacity enhancements to implement specific reform mandates. Insufficient attention has been paid to understanding the internal and external conditions that are necessary for all schools, particularly those in urban areas, to build and sustain sufficient resilient capacity to self-renew as contextually specific challenges unfold and intersect over time. Building on data from the 1970’s and 1980’s, this article focuses on the resiliency of two innovative and activist urban secondary schools located in New York State and Ontario, Canada, during a decade of standardized educational reform (1990–2000). A picture of rapid capacity derogation emerges as a result of the particularly inflexible forms of contextually indifferent standardized reform imposed in the 1990’s. However, the data suggest that, although much eroded by the cumulative negative impact of socio-economic and political forces over time, the resilient self-renewing capacity of these innovative schools, when coupled with teacher activism, can delay, and even defeat, unwarranted standardization in a bid to ensure the survival of their progressive vision.  相似文献   

教育评价主题:促进人的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以促进人的发展为教育评价主题的确立,是由教育评价实践提出的要求,这一要求既符合时代发展的需要,又得到教育评价源点学科和教育评价学自身逻辑发展的支持。我们有理由认为:以促进人的发展为教育评价主题这一命题能够成立,且随着这一主题的真正确立将会对教育评价理论研究和实践改革产生根本性影响。  相似文献   

网络化多媒体数据库的教育应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为学习环境的网络化多媒体数据库的教育功能取决于现有的内容(学科)、内容的表现形式(涉及所用的媒体)、内容的组织(涉及信息结构)、内容和存取和呈现方法(恢复机制、视频和音频的呈现形式)、管理与用户的互动(用户行为的登录和进程控制的机制)、和通讯工具(e-mail、ftp等)。网络化多媒体学习环境可被分解为三个部分,通常是:数据库、数据库工具和会话工具:其在教育上的应用主要是个体学习环境,网络小组学习环境,基于班级的教与学的环境和混合环境四种。我们希望,教学设计范式或模型在与技术发展的互动中将产生更多更好的学习环境。  相似文献   

E-portfolio教育应用研究现状与趋势分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究通过对国内外e-portfolio在教育中的应用研究文献的题录信息进行分析,从论文数量、研究人员分布、应用层次、高频叙词、历年高频叙词等方面总结得出了国内外e-portfolio教育应用研究的现状与发展趋势,即:国内外e-portfolio教育应用研究重点基本一致,主要包括e-portfolio在教学、学习、评价和教师教育和专业发展四个方面的应用研究;研究人员多数来自高校或科研机构,相对国外,国内研究者缺乏交流与合作,以致分散了研究力量;国内外的e-portfolio教育应用研究主要集中在高等教育和中小学校阶段;国内外历年研究热点的变化受教育研究的大环境影响较大.  相似文献   

一个具有普遍、永恒、凝固本质的观念的人已经不再存在,人是在不断的创造性的活动中建构自身特殊性的.在教育目的的建构中,应始终关注人的特殊性、过程性和人的创造性活动、人的现实生活,摆脱本质主义、基础主义的纠缠,将人从形形色色人性论的奴役和束缚中解放出来.教育目的在于培养特殊的个体和完善其特殊生活的现实个体.  相似文献   

面对人类教育认识,我们的认识论追求应该是对以下问题的回答:其一,教育认识领域是如何产生的,它是否与教育活动相伴而生?其二,作为教育认识对象的教育究竟是什么?其三,作为动词的教育认识意味着什么,它究竟在追求什么?其四,我们应该如何看待教育认识的主体?作为对上述问题的回应,我们从考察世俗意义上的教育认识出发,运用哲学思辨的方法,获得了关于人类教育认识如下基本判断:“教育世界”是教育认识在哲学认识论意义上的完全对象;在根源和整体的意义上,教育研究才是人类教育认识的基本存在方式。教育认识是与人类生存和发展相联系的创造性劳动,既然如此,教育认识者自然要拥有劳动的理性,要知道自己是为了求教育之知、为教育之用而在,知道自己必须进行发现、发明和创造,并知道自己应该通过教育认识获得教育的道理。  相似文献   

教育与人性:教育人学研究的永恒命题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人性是人之为人的根本。教育人学是研究教育如何引导人性生成、升华与和谐的学问。教育在建构人性的过程中,要处理好"做人"与"是人"的矛盾、人性自身规定性之间的矛盾。人性的永恒性与历史性,人性的变与不变,人性的复杂性,使教育与人性的关系问题成为教育人学研究的永恒命题。  相似文献   

This paper presents the 2002 Junior College/Upper Secondary Review in Singapore in the context of the nation-states commitment to human capital investment. It discusses how these changes have led to a radically altered upper secondary educational landscape through the implementation of the Integrated Programme, the establishment of Specialized Schools in Sports, Maths and Science, and the Arts, and the introduction of Privately Funded Schools. These rapid changes have greatly diversified the educational opportunities available to students in this relatively centralized educational system in a short period of time. The concluding thoughts section concludes with implications of such educational change for parents, students and teachers and issues to be considered while they negotiate such educational change.  相似文献   

舒志定 《教育学报》2012,(3):3-8,16
解读马克思关于人的教育问题的语境、主旨与实质,是深化马克思教育思想研究的重要内容。马克思从人与社会相互关系的视角,把"现实中的个人"确定为教育对象,提出"现实中的个人"是"对象性存在"和人的发展的三阶段理论,阐释教育目的的内涵以及实现教育正义的道路。以此立场理解教育,使教育成为"现实中的个人"的"实践"活动,凸显教育理解的历史维度,实现教育思想方式的革命。因而,加强马克思人的教育思想的研究,有利于展示马克思教育思想的当代价值,为当前学校教育改革提供思想资源。  相似文献   

人的精神决定了大学的产生——我的教育观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从四个方面阐述了作者与众不同的教育观.首先,通过分析大学与经济的关系,认为大学不是经济的产物,大学只是在一定程度上依托经济,并不依赖经济;相反,经济越来越依赖大学.其次,分析了文化和大学的关系,认为文化并不是在决定性的意义上影响大学.再次,通过事实和说理证明了大学的产生是带有偶然性的,不是必然的,真正最根本地决定大学的,是人的精神的提升.最后,提出大学跟国家、跟政府在性质上根本是两码事这样的经典论断,呼吁中国要建立世界一流大学需要把握好这其中的关系.通过以上四个方面的实证与逻辑说理,从而完整地构建了作者自己独特的教育观.  相似文献   

用教育信息化带动教育现代化实现基础教育均衡发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论述了实施教育信息化的工作中,了解群众与社会的需求,实现教育均衡发展的意义,并介绍了天津市深入开展信息化技术教育的实践经验。  相似文献   

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