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"多元文化主义"产生于二战以来的各种社会变革思潮,旨在促进跨越种族、宗教、国家的文化理解和文化宽容,其概念被广泛地使用于各个学术领域,包括历史的、政治的、教育的等等。Peter Mclaren教授是美国加州大学洛杉矶分校教育和信息研究学院的教授,他被誉为批判教育学的领军人物之一。近年来,Mclaren教授主要运用马克思的政治经济学说,并与诸多学者和社会人士合作,积极致力于美国以及拉美地区的多元文化教育运动。Mclaren教授访问我所之际,笔者有幸与其主要就美国多元文化教育的历史发展过程以及批判的多元文化主义的核心内容进行探讨和交流。  相似文献   

Distance education has grown rapidly in the United States in recent years. Both private‐ and public‐sector organizations have embraced the practice of reaching their clients, employees, and students at a distance via new technologies afforded them by the telecommunication and computer nexus. Distance education is grounded on technology, and its practice would be difficult, if not impossible, without it. However, reducing the idea to its technological foundations, and losing sight of its social science base has led to a conceptual confusion in the field. This article will illustrate the growth of distance education in the United States, describe the social science paradigm of distance education, demonstrate the empirical evidence of this paradigm, and analyze its ramifications for the field in general, as well as for students, educational organizations, and instructors.  相似文献   

中日两国大学的环境教育探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文探讨了中日两国大学环境教育的发展过程、现状和特点,以学科建设等几个问题为中心,比较分析了两国大学环境教育实践的异同,并提出几点思考和建议。  相似文献   

Despite wide agreement on the goals of environmental education (EE), the promotion of action is still considered contentious. Critical environmental education (critical EE) teaches students to combine critical reflection with the ability to engage in local action to address social/environmental problems. This article examines a critical urban farming school in New Orleans’ Lower Ninth Ward for how student action is addressed. Results found that critical learning within an egalitarian, youth-centered community located in a disadvantaged area produces students who are more enlightened and empowered to create change. However, concerns regarding funding and safety led staff to not adhere to maintaining an egalitarian ethic, undermining the individualism and unpredictability that critical EE thrives upon and producing “disconnects” in students’ education.  相似文献   

文章以理论和事实相结合,对新疆少数民族双语教育当前的发展形势,“民汉兼通”的双语教育方针,双语教育的优势,双语教育的模式,“民考汉”问题及汉语系学校开设民语课程等问题进行了分析,也呈现了一个个案——莎车双语教育调查,以期对新疆双语教育做具体而客观的描述.  相似文献   

融合教育是当前教育发展的趋势.在具体的国情面前,中国大陆的融合教育在学校管理上面临许多挑战:校长功能发挥不足、教师参与融合积极性不高、资源教师角色不清、班级规模过大是融合教育学校普遍面临的管理难题.文章对这些问题产生的原因、表现、以及应对策略进行了探讨.  相似文献   

Three issues that affect research in counselor education and supervision are discussed. Mentoring practitioners, methodological diversity, and funding issues are critically examined.  相似文献   

关于“朱永新”及其主持的“新教育实验”的报道已经是不计其数,加上知名度和美誉度双高的“教育在线”网站,我们作为旁观者似乎能够窥见朱永新作为学者对“新教育实验”的厚爱与厚望。“新教育实验”不仅承载着朱永新对教育的理想,它还是朱永新学术价值的重新认识的体现。2006  相似文献   

Previous research studies suggest that environmental education for social change has to be considered as critical education rather than as nature study. In a participatory research approach, classroom projects with teacher teams in five senior high schools were initiated and in‐service seminars were offered. A theorising debate about environmental education resulted in a critical environmental education concept based on human action in local social systems and the questioning of the norms and value judgements of the people concerned. Classroom projects were analysed with respect to locally constructed critical knowledge and in view of the teaching/learning culture. This study shows that teachers are most concerned about ways of handling a complex and value‐laden process. It is concluded that reflection on processes and methods is essential if teachers are to understand their students’ critical exploration of social issues.  相似文献   

This paper problematises the current conception and purview of environmental education (EE), seeing it as part and parcel of the modernist western worldview that normalises and valorises human domination and exploitation of nature in the name of progress. Using the COVID-19 pandemic as a lens through which to examine and expose the modernist western blueprint of EE, this paper suggests another way of reconsidering EE: the Zen way of ‘becoming one with ten thousand things’. Paradoxically, the Zen way, to be true to itself, must transcend itself, and this paper invites the reader to see EE in the same light. To go further than just arguing for a Zen-inspired EE, this paper includes a section that offers three practices for the reader to try.  相似文献   

记者:勒查罗兰教授您好,首先感谢您百忙中抽出时间接受我们的访谈.我们知道您来自泰国,现任泰国教育部高等教育委员会下属的泰国网络大学(TCU)项目专家.您能否简要介绍一下泰国的教育制度以及现状. 勒查罗兰:非常高兴接受你们的访谈.泰国的教育分为普通教育、职业教育和成人教育三类.普通教育分学前教育、初等教育(分初小和高小)、中等教育、高等教育四个阶段,初等教育是强制性的义务教育,中等教育是非强制性的义务教育.泰国的高等教育比较发达,分公立和私立两类.公立高校由当地政府开办,私立高校由私人出资兴办,但二者皆由泰国教育部高等教育委员会管理.  相似文献   

大学环境教育的若干思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
环境意识集中表现在人们的行为方式上,成为人的素质、修养与文明程度的重要标志,也是社会文明程度的重要标志。大学生环境意识的灌输与培养已经成为大学生素质教育的内在要求。在非环境类专业的“社会环境保护”课程教学中,我们始终将培养学生的环境意识作为本门课程教学的一个重要目标。...  相似文献   

高校公共环境教育是我国环境教育的重要组成部分。大学生的环境保护意识提高对于全社会整体环境意识的提升、实现可持续发展、改善人类生态环境及提高人民生活水平都具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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