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儿童哲学教育虽秉承启蒙的精神,但需要在现代性的危机中找寻一个适度启蒙的出路:在知识的确定性与哲学探究的不确定性之间,在儿童的自由与教育需要保留的界限之间,以及在承认个体性价值与倡导多元的尊重文化之间,儿童哲学教育必须寻找平衡点来适应新时代教育发展的需要。借助康德的视角,作为适度启蒙的儿童哲学教育之可能性最终得以确立,即学校教育应当在保障确定性知识的同时容纳不确定性知识,在允许儿童发挥自主性的同时巧妙地实施教育的约束性方面,在鼓励儿童独立思考的同时通过反思批判力学会尊重。唯此,作为适度启蒙的儿童哲学教育方可达其宗旨——倡导人类命运共同体意识,并最终培养出具有跨文化能力的世界公民。  相似文献   

德育存在于生活之中,实践生活教育是实现“以人为本”的重要途径。人文智慧是一种内在的精神悟性和创意,是青少年健康成长、迈向成功之路必备的重要素养。在实践中培养学生的人文素质是良好教育的要求。  相似文献   

儿童哲学对于培养儿童批判性思考能力的工具性价值是毋庸置疑的,但其原初意义上对于儿童的"关心"更值得重视。以诺丁斯的关心伦理学作为引导来表明儿童哲学并非仅仅是一项"批判性思维教育"的项目。当哲学为儿童创造了一个充满游戏性和创造性的对话空间,成人与儿童在哲学探究活动中一起重拾对世界的"关心"时,儿童哲学更应该是一种基于"关心"的教育。  相似文献   

以培养儿童良好的逻辑推理能力、批判反思能力、创造能力、关怀能力为目标的儿童哲学课程与当前基础教育课程改革的方向一致,为学生和教师提供了新的教育模式和视角。其中,关怀性思维作为儿童哲学课程的培养目标之一,深受教师、学生以及家长的重视。那么,何为关怀性思维、儿童哲学课程何以培养儿童的关怀性思维、如何通过儿童哲学课程来培养儿童的关怀性思维等问题成为儿童哲学教育工作者面临的主要问题。基于此现象,分别对这三个方面的问题予以阐释。  相似文献   

儿童哲学与伦理教育   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
儿童哲学的主要内容在于“思想的思考”,鼓励儿童验证自己的观点,帮助儿童发现和使用推理的规则,使儿童成为富思考、明事理、具有判断力的个体。儿童哲学与伦理教育的结合,可以帮助教师运用哲学批判与反省的精神来审视伦理道德的价值,从而为传统哲学与哲学教育提供新的研究方向。  相似文献   

Cheryl Charles, Ph.D gave the 2009 Paul F-Brandwein Lecture. The lecture addresses the impact of children’s disconnect from the natural world in their everyday lives. Co-founder of the Children & Nature Network (C&NN) with Richard Louv, author of Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder (2005/2008), the author describes C&NN’s approach to building a movement to reconnect children and nature for their health and well-being. She puts the growth of the movement in recent historical perspective, chronicling relevant contributing factors. Drawing on research as well as common sense, she summarizes evidence that indicates some of the negative impacts on children’s health from their lack of contact with nature and other characteristics of contemporary lifestyles, as well as positive benefits to children’s cognitive, emotional, social and physical development from direct learning and play in nature-based settings. She describes what she calls “natural guides” to building the children and nature movement as a part of the process of achieving sufficient critical mass to facilitate positive social change. Finally, she offers recommendations for actions.  相似文献   

Philosophy for Children as the Wind of Thinking   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper I want to analyse the meaning of education for democracy and thinking as this is generally understood by Philosophy for Children. Although we may be inclined to applaud Philosophy for Children's emphasis on children, critical thinking, autonomy and dialogue, there is reason for scepticism too. Since we are expected as a matter of course to subscribe to the basic assumptions of Philosophy for Children, we seem to become tied, as it were, to the whole package, without reservation. Following ideas of Hannah Arendt, I draw attention to the instrumentalised nature of Philosophy for Children and the loss of originality that this instrumentalisation means. This does not mean that I wish to abandon Philosophy for Children. The point is rather that I want to examine whether or not another kind of philosophy for children is possible.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代末以来,儿童哲学教育理论与实践在我国得到快速发展。在学术研究与实践传播中,儿童哲学探究计划、儿童哲学、儿童哲学课程等概念的内涵相近又有所不同,更易与儿童哲学教育相混用。儿童哲学教育,是一个包含理念、实施、方法、宣传等内容的整体,是一项系统的社会工程,而非单纯地培养孩子的思维品质,更非简单的儿童哲学课程的开设。  相似文献   

团体探究是儿童哲学实践的主要方式,这一概念来自于皮尔士.他的实用主义哲学观既说明团体之于探究活动的重要性,也说明探究活动的最终目的在于形成信念、指导行动.杜威发展了皮尔士的探究理论,并结合对生物学与文化的思考,赋予探究活动以新的理解.儿童哲学在这些理论的基础上形成了团体探究的五阶段说,完整呈现了“怀疑-探究-信念-行动”在教学活动中得以实施的各个环节.在当代社会充满未知与挑战的背景下,儿童哲学的团体探究活动为儿童提供了更多充满可能性的思考空间.  相似文献   

美国当代哲学家马修斯是儿童哲学的开创者及先锋人物,与"儿童哲学之父"李普曼齐名,著有儿童哲学三部曲。他认为运用哲学是人类与生俱来的能力,强调儿童有自己的哲学,应平等待之。我们通过对马修斯儿童哲学的研究,可以看出马修斯之所以关注儿童哲学是因为他发现儿童与哲学有天然联系,儿童有其自己的哲学。马修斯通过与儿童对话来"做"哲学,认为"群体探究"是对话的过程,思考故事是对话的媒介,意义发现是对话的目的。马修斯儿童哲学对我国当代教育改革有如下几点启示:要尊重和爱护儿童爱智慧的天性;努力促进儿童哲学的学科建设及推广教育的繁荣发展;儿童哲学教育是在方法论上对"钱学森之问"与"顾明远之问"的一种解答。  相似文献   

当前的儿童哲学研究是"批判性思维运动"以及对话哲学在反思教育变革的一种尝试。在40多年的发展中,儿童哲学研究经历了探索与争鸣、扩宽与深化、反思与总结3个阶段。考察我国儿童哲学研究现状,问题与成就并存,我国儿童哲学研究的领域仍需拓宽,研究的深度还需加强,儿童哲学比较研究也亟待完善。  相似文献   

夏威夷儿童哲学(philosophy for children Hawaii),简称为p4cHI,由托马斯杰克逊博士于1984年发起。经过34年的发展,其教学理念和实践模式日趋成熟。杰克逊p4cHI区别于李普曼P4C的两大主要特色是:小p哲学与智力情感安全地的概念。本文总结了夏威夷儿童哲学的显著特性:温和的苏格拉底式探究、使用团体球、不急于到达任何地方以及香草冰激凌式探究规则。夏威夷儿童哲学的实践步骤主要包括:建立探究团体,用香草冰激凌方式选择问题,使用优秀思想家的工具探究问题,评估团体探究的质量。  相似文献   

This article reports on a study that investigated the problem of hope for the future and literacy achievement in a sample of impoverished South African primary school children. data was collected through a quantitative survey that was administered to 160 learners from four classes of grades 5 to 7 at a school in Soweto township, Johannesburg, South Africa. The survey comprised five literacy tests that were standardised by Do-IT Profiler, an institute based in the United Kingdom (UK), and Shape the learner, a South African based consultancy. The results showed a statistically significant relationship between hope for the future and literacy scores, with learners who had less hope for the future scoring significantly lower on the literacy tests used in the study. Specifically, learners with less hope for the future performed noticeably lower in the real word test, followed by spelling, words spelt correctly, reading fluency, and non-word spelling. Based on social constructivist learning theory, positive psychology, and hope theory, the author discusses the implications of the findings for literacy achievement in children living in poverty. Several important recommendations are made, namely: the use of a methodological tool to identify specific literacy skills in children; the support that could be provided by educators and school psychologists; and a multilevel focus in targeting poverty eradication.  相似文献   

恩斯特·布洛赫提出了以“尚未存在”本体论为核心的乌托邦精神和希望哲学.希望哲学继承马克思的实践哲学和批判精神,力求构建以“人道化的世界”为本质特征的“具体乌托邦”.布洛赫的希望哲学对现代人所面临的异化和物化的生存困境做了深刻的剖析,并通过弘扬人内在的批判性和超越性的乌托邦精神以实现世界的人道化.布洛赫的希望哲学和乌托邦精神对我们更好的建设社会主义和谐社会有很好的启示.  相似文献   

The relationship between adults and children in liberal democracies is based on two flawed assumptions that are widespread: first, that childhood is an impediment, a passing phase of impaired maturity; and second, that children benefit from the proliferation of rights ascribed to them. Social institutions, and particularly the education system, are correspondingly misconstrued. This article focuses on the combined effect of vulnerability and autonomy as they construct contemporary childhood. I conclude that adults' obligations rather than children's rights are the appropriate social, political and educational basis for adult society's relations with children.  相似文献   

李普曼以对话为核心的儿童哲学课程及其启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
方展画  吴岩 《教育研究》2005,26(5):70-76
儿童哲学作为批判性思维的培养课程,已成为世界众多国家中小学阶段的核心课程。儿童哲学以其“对话”理论贯穿于整个教学过程。儿童哲学的提出者李普曼建构了极为庞大的儿童哲学理论体系,内容涉及对话的目的——意义发现;对话得以形成的平台——探究群体;对话的过程——群体探究;对话环境的激发——儿童哲学教材等诸多方面。儿童哲学对现代教育的启示:儿童生活意义发现是教育的主要目的;主体间性领域的提出更接近对话的教育本质,体现了教育对师生双方主体性的尊重;在创新思维与批判性思维的培养上,儿童哲学作为可操作性的课程,为批判性思维的培养提供了途径。  相似文献   


How can school education best bring about moral improvement? Socrates believed that the unexamined life was not worth living and that the philosophical examination of life required a collaborative inquiry. Today, our society relegates responsibility for values to the personal sphere rather than the social one. I will argue that, overall, we need to give more emphasis to collaboration and inquiry rather than pitting students against each other and focusing too much attention on ‘teaching that’ instead of ‘teaching how’. I will argue that we need to include philosophy in the curriculum throughout the school years, and teach it through a collaborative inquiry which enables children to participate in an open society subject to reason. Such collaborative inquiry integrates personal responsibility with social values more effectively than sectarian and didactic religious education.  相似文献   

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