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高职计算机网络技术专业实践教学探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高职教育核心是学生就业,专业技能和实践能力的强弱是学生就业的筹码,实践教学是提高、加强学生专业技能和动手能力的有效手段。如何提高计算机网络专业学生的专业技能和动手能力.文章就实践教学进行了探讨。  相似文献   

实践教学是《草地资源学》课程教学中培养学生专业技能的一个重要环节。为此,本文结合当前扬州大学《草地资源学》课程实践教学中存在的问题,从实践教学内容、教学手段、现代科技利用、科研教学等方面对其进行改革研究,并提出相应的保障落实的措施,以期提高教学质量和学生的专业实践能力。  相似文献   

构建高职工程造价专业实践教学体系的探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙丽雅 《职业技术》2006,(16):63-64
本文就工程造价专业如何加强学生专业技能的培养,即构建科学合理的实践教学体系作了探索,以通过开展多形式、多层次的实践教学,切实加强学生实践能力,掌握专业技能,适应社会的发展。  相似文献   

高等职业院校电子商务专业是实践性很强的专业,以就业为导向的教育教学改革更对专业课的实践教学环节有着更高的要求。针对高职电子商务专业实践教学中存在的资源不足及教师辅导不及时等问题,依据博客的特点,探索研究了使用博客作为高职电子商务专业实践课教学的补充形式。提出了教师在实践教学活动中充分利用博客与学生进交流沟通,使学生在博客的实践环境下掌握专业知识、完成实践项目、强化专业技能,达到就业岗位专业技能标准要求,实现专业培养目标的观点。并结合教学应用实践对博客在电子商务实践教学中的应用优势及应用方法进行了分析说明,有着很强现实意义。  相似文献   

陈民利 《职教论坛》2007,(22):35-38
实践教学是高职技能型人才培养的必要途径。目前,高职院校的实践教学还存在着实训资源不足,实习实训组织困难等方面问题。学生社会兼职具有锻炼专业技能和提升综合素质的积极意义。将学生的社会兼职纳入实践教学体系,实现实践教学与学生社会兼职的有效整合,是"工学结合"培养高职人才的新路径。  相似文献   

幼儿教师不但应具备专业知识,而且应具备专业技能与实践智慧。实践教学是培养幼儿教师专业技能与实践智慧,促进其尽快适应幼儿园岗位要求的有效途径。实践教学是学前教育专业教学中的一个重要模块,学生只有将学科知识和专业技能通过实践才能真正转化为学生的职业能力。  相似文献   

本文就工程造价专业如何加强学生专业技能的培养,即构建科学合理的实践教学体系作了探索,以通过开展多形式、多层次的实践教学,切实加强学生实践能力,掌握专业技能,适应社会的发展.  相似文献   

"行为导向"教学模式侧重实践操作,以提高学生职业行为能力为目标,通过有效教学方法来完成教学任务。计算机实践课程作为一门培养学生专业技能和社会能力的科目,通过采取"行为导向"教学模式来实现教与学同步,打造社会需要的计算机人才队伍。本文深入了解了该教学模式的特点,提出了传统计算机实践教学方法的不足之处,研究"行为导向"教学模式在计算机实践课程教学中的应用途径,切实提高学生的专业技能和学习能力。  相似文献   

具有实践性、操作性和练习性等鲜明特征的专业技能实训课程的在线教学,给高职院校教师带来了全新挑战。教师在线教学的自觉意识有待提高、学生实践操作的个性化指导有待推进、专业文化传承的实效性有待增强。为此,教师应依据专业人才培养目标,积极探索在线实训课程项目资源创建、数字教学资源制作展示、线上技能实训直播教学等路径,形成职业教育不同专业技能实训课程线上教学的特色课例和校本范式。  相似文献   

实践教学是高职技能型人才培养的必要途径。目前,高职院校的实践教学还存在着实训资源不足,实习实训组织困难等问题。学生社会兼职具有锻炼专业技能和提升综合素质的积极意义。将学生的社会兼职纳入实践教学体系,实现实践教学与学生社会兼职的有效整合,是"工学结合"培养技能型人才的新路径。  相似文献   

特教中专残疾学生SCL-90评定结果分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
本研究采用分层随机取样法,自山东省特教中专选取盲生、肢残生和聋生共200人,自济南民政学校抽取健全生200人,以SCL-90量表为研究工具,按照严格的施测程序来完成的.研究表明残疾学生总的心理健康水平极其显著地低于健全学生;由于残疾原因不同,三类残疾学生心理障碍的表现也略有不同肢残生在躯体化得分上显著高于聋生,在人际关系敏感上显著高于盲生.  相似文献   


This article makes observations on the emotional and KEYW ORDS behavioural dif?culties of university students. The rapid expansion of student the higher education sector since the 1980s has brought an increased counselling; need for liaison between academics and university counsellors and student EBD; other health professionals. Key tasks confronting students are separ-student support ation from the family, the articulation of a sense of ‘self’, and the internalization of knowledge. Depression and anxiety are the likely side-effects of undertaking these, but peer-group and tutorial support can assist the authentic growth that is the real goal of tertiary education.  相似文献   

The expectations of first-year students are becoming more widely researched and understood. How to realign perceptions and prepare students for the transition from secondary school to tertiary education is less well considered. This paper presents an account of a pre-university preparation programme embedded in the senior years of secondary education (10–12), launched initially in 16 Queensland schools, and expanding to over 50 schools with 447 students. The programme provides students with a scaffolded experience, introducing them to the realities of university life while building a connection to the university as an institution and developing relationships with transitioning peers. Qualitative data collected from 198 pre-university prepared students (PUPS) suggest that they have more realistic expectations of what university life is like, and feel better prepared to make the transition from secondary school to the tertiary environment. Further research ideas are considered to address attrition during/after the first year of university studies.  相似文献   

The paper sets out a conceptual analysis of student performativity in higher education as a mirror image of teacher performativity. The latter is well known and refers to targets, evaluations and performance indicators connected with the measurement of the teaching and research quality of university academics. The former is defined as the way that students are evaluated on the basis of how they perform at university in bodily, dispositional and emotional terms. Specifically, this includes rules on class attendance and assessment (‘presenteeism’), an increasing emphasis on participation in class and in groups as part of learning and assessment regimes (‘learnerism’) and the surveillance of students’ emotional development and values (‘soulcraft’). Student performativity is symbolic of the ‘performing self’ in wider society and is transforming learning at university from a private space into a public performance. This negatively impacts student rights to be free to learn as autonomous adults.  相似文献   

高校学生事务管理概念的演变与本土化   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
美国"高校学生事务"及其管理之概念大致经历了"替代父母制"、"学生人事"、"学生服务"、"学生发展"、"学生学习"的演进过程。但各阶段并非截然分割,而是呈现出"四个重叠、偶尔冲突但共存"的现象。我国目前虽然广泛地采用了"高校学术生事务"及"高校学生事务管理"等术语,但其概念已融入中国色彩,有其特定的本土化涵义。  相似文献   

To improve student retention in distance education, Simpson suggested in 2003 that institutions analyse their own retention characteristics and ‘spot the leaks.’ In 2008 the Centre for Distance Learning at Laidlaw College, New Zealand, employed two part‐time academic support coordinators in an effort to improve student retention and success. This study compares the retention statistics for first‐time student outcomes across two semesters, one without and one with specific course retention interventions. Results are benchmarked across national data. Interviews with students who were retained revealed that students frequently attribute their success to their own efforts. Student support services in distance education might therefore be perceived by its beneficiaries as a ‘hygiene’ factor (Herzberg, 1968, 2008) in that their presence is not generally appreciated by students. However, their absence is noticed. The similarity of this finding with Shin’s institutional transactional presence (2002, 2003) is also explored.  相似文献   

高校学生权力的探索   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在持续深入的社会转型所引发的社会变迁面前,高等教育领域也发生了深刻的变化,长期隐蔽着的学生权力问题正逐渐突显出来。从“公民”的角度、从市场的角度可以帮助我们更好地把握高校学生权力的内涵。而通过提高教师和学校管理人员的法律意识和法律知识水平,建立尊重学生权力的学校管理制度,加快高等教育法律、法规建设,加强组织机构建设等,可以系统地维护和保障学生权力。  相似文献   

Changes to undergraduate student funding arrangements in England have prompted concerns that increased indebtedness will deter graduates from postgraduate study. While it is clear that student debt has increased substantially in recent years, international evidence is equivocal on whether such debt is a deterrent to further study and there is hardly any prior research on this topic in the UK context. Using a large‐scale survey of 2009 and 2012 graduates from six selective English universities, we investigate the association between undergraduate debt, other graduate characteristics and progression to postgraduate study. We find some association of higher debt levels with lower rates of progression to postgraduate study, although this reduces when controlling for other factors, such as degree‐level attainment and subject discipline. Within a multivariate logistic regression model predicting progression to postgraduate study we find that debt is not a statistically significant predictor, although other characteristics are important. This indicates, we suggest, that underlying financial resources, rather than debt per se, are critical in enabling access to postgraduate study. We consider the implications of recently announced loans for postgraduate study in England given these findings.  相似文献   

高校学生干部激励机制构建的重点在于明确学生干部自身角色定位、提供群体个人价值实现的平台和增强对自身工作的认同感,从而最大程度地提高其工作的主动性、积极性和创造性。高校学生干部激励机制构建要遵循有利于学生全面发展、提升学生干部辐射与影响力、促进能力素质自我超越等三大基本原则,着重从尊重、信任、考核三个层面来构建,以充分发挥其实效。  相似文献   

论"以学生为本"的高校学生工作   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
"以学生为本"已成为高校学生工作的原则和指导思想。因此必须弄清"以学生为本"的基本思想、基本内容和基本目标,明确"以学生为本"应以满足学生需求、促进学生发展、实现学生价值为本。要实现"以学生为本",既需健全的制度来规范和保障,又须建设以"以学生为本"为核心的大学文化。  相似文献   

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