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1. Some ospreys often went to steal fish from a fish pond. When they saw the fisherman coming, they quickly flew away.鱼鹰经常到鱼塘里偷鱼吃。它们见养鱼人一来,就很快地飞走了。‘  相似文献   

一块岩石旁有一个盛有水的瓶子。一只小鸟非常口满,它飞向瓶子。可是它喝不到水,因为瓶子的颈部太长了。  相似文献   

狐hú狸li说shuō要yào领lǐn/小xiǎo鸭yā子zi去qù一yí个/è好hǎo玩wán的de地dì方f@n/,小xiǎo鸭yā子zi相xiān/信xìn了le。谁shéi知zhī它tā刚/ān/跟/ēn着zhe狐hú狸li来lái到dào草cǎo坪pín/上sh@n/,狐hú狸li转zhuǎn身shēn抓zhuā住zhù它tā说shuō:“今jīn天tiān你nǐ就jiù是shì我wǒ的de午wǔ餐cān!”小xiǎo鸭yā子zi连lián忙mán/说shuō:“狐hú狸li大dà哥/ē,别bié吃chī我wǒ,我wǒ太tài小xiǎo了le,还hái不bú够/òu你nǐ一yí顿dùn午wǔ餐cān呢ne。”“我wǒ先xiān吃chī了le你nǐ,再zài去q…  相似文献   

A very rich man bought a farm and paid more than it was worth(有……价值的)because a very old tree was growing there and it was said that it was 300years old.When he was back in the city,many of the people did not believethe tree was that old,so the new owner called his steward(管家)to check thetree’s age.  相似文献   

1. One day the king went out for a walk in the street.  相似文献   

A Clever Parrot     
Mum: Charlie, your parrot flew away(飞走) when you were at school. Charlie: I know it will fly away. It had the plan(计划) a long time ago. Last night when I read the geography(地理) book, it stood on my shoulder. It must have studied the route(路线) of e  相似文献   

A Clever Doctor     
Mary I saw the doctor again today about my loss of memory. Helen What did he do then﹖ Mary He asked me to pay him in advance.A Clever Doctor!山东@石忠  相似文献   

A Clever Fox     
1. A Farmer raised a horse, but the horse was too old to work. So the farmer wanted to put him away.  相似文献   

A Clever Dog     
Mr Smith is an old man.He has a dog or asmall ear.He likes playing cards.Yesterday afternoon whenhe played cards for three hours in his friend house.It wasgetting dark,so he left there in the hurry and jumped into a car.  相似文献   

~~A Wise Artist(聪明的画家)@徐伟 @支振彪  相似文献   

A Clever Cock     
Oneday,ahungryfoxcamenearacockandsaid,“Irememberwhatawonderfulsingeryourfatherwas.Iwonderwhetheryoucansingbetterthanyourfather.”Hearingthesewords,thecockclosedhiseyesandbegantosing.Thefoxsnatchedhimwithhismouthandcarriedhimaway.Thepeopleofthetowncried(大叫),“Look!Thefoxiscarryingoffourcock!”Thenthecocksaidtothefox,“Hello,MrFox.Thepeoplearesay-ingthatyouarecarryingtheircock.Tellthemthatitsyours,andnottheirs.”Thefoxopenedhismouthandsaid,“It’snotyours.Itsmine!”Atthatmomentthecockes…  相似文献   

A Clever Boy     
州洲呀M议曲勺生日快到了。黯】黝嘿l靴黝撇瀚醒勿属鑫一寥蘸】篡骥麟黔瀑撇黝爹落磷翼笋:一举脚一丫沂隽谬戮:!聆矿薰鬓蒸薰薰蘸夔薰翼薰翼聂!鬓骥薰鬓蘸蘸薰薰薰蒸勇薰已O比叮A Clever Boy@佚名 @苏骏鼎$我们的工作室~~  相似文献   

A Clever Parrot     
A lady was walking down the street to work and she saw a parrot on a perch in front of a pet store.[第一段]  相似文献   

A Clever Cock     
1.One day a hungry fox came near a cock and said,“I remember what a wonderful singer your father was. I wonder whether you sing better than your father.”  相似文献   

A Clever Hare     
1. Bill Hare is hungry and finds a radish(红萝卜).2. When he picks it up, Mr. Fox is behind him and wants to eat him.“I’m hungry, too. You’re my dinner. I’m go- ing to eat you,”he says.3. Bill Hare is shocked, but he isn’t scared(害怕). He says, “Follow me. I have better food for you.” They come to a well.4. “Look down here,” Bill Hare says, “There is something in the water.” “What’s thatF”Mr. Fox asks surprisingly. “It’s a big and fat hen. Let’s get down to fetch it.…  相似文献   

A Clever Rabbit     
1.Oncetherelivedanelephantandalioninthemountains,whobothwant-edtobethekingofthebeasts.Onedaythelioncaughtarabbit.Beforeheateit,hesaid,“DoyouknowIamthekinghere?”从前,山里住着一头大象和一头狮子。他们都想称王称霸。一天狮子逮住了一只兔子,狮子在吃掉兔子之前,对兔子说:“你知道我是这里的大王吗?”与话  相似文献   

A Clever Horse     
魂夕It was a sunny morning. Jaek带着his horse来到离家 很远的grassland(草原) 玩耍。 1一Suddenly, Jaek不小心从 大he horse上跌7 下来,摔断了his !ego 一洲吧、J端尹 Th6n the horse went to 斌鼠A Clever Horse@谭文锋!我们的工作室~~  相似文献   

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