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幻想文学是21世纪儿童文学除了幽默文学之外的另一面重要旗帜。幻想是开启未来的钥匙,是超越现实的力量。陈丹燕是一位能真正走进儿童生命空间的最深层的作家,她用幻想的手法触摸到了孩子们成长路上的种种心灵触动,其幻想小说代表作《我的妈妈是精灵》准确寻找到了儿童成长中的心路历程。  相似文献   

《毛毛》是德国作家恩德的一部杰作,作品以对时间的探究为主题,以紧张曲折的情节、深刻的理性思考和形象化的想象构成其独特的艺术魅力。  相似文献   

为积极响应全民阅读号召,努力推动我省"营造书香赣鄱,共建绿色家园"读书活动的蓬勃开展,由江西省教育厅和二十一世纪出版社联合主办"暑假读一本好书"征文活动。让我们看看这些优秀的作品吧。  相似文献   

赵广华 《广西教育》2013,(25):48-49
《毛毛》是苏教版小学语文六年级的课外阅读推荐篇目,这篇童话故事情节曲折离奇、紧张刺激,内容富于趣味性与精神力量,同时又蕴含着隽永深刻的人生哲理,对学生有着较大的启发作用。如果学生不能读懂、读透童话背后的深意,突破思维的限制并更上一个层次,那么这篇哲理童话的价值便大打折扣。教师应该如何通过经典哲理童话的教学来指导学生开展课外阅读交流活动呢?笔者总结了以下几点经验:  相似文献   

丁玲小说《阿毛姑娘》是一篇“概念化建构”的作品。一方面,作品通过描写阿毛幻想的生成和对幻想的追求,表述了作者对人的本质、人的价值的理解;另一方面,作品则通过描写阿毛在追寻幻想时方式的失当以及其最后对幻想的弃置,从反面强调了人在追寻理想时既必须坚守自己的独立性和自主性,又必须具有强大的坚韧性和意志力。这一人生思索,在以《梦珂》、《莎菲女士的日记》为代表的丁玲早期都市知识女性题材小说中,曾经得到了反复的呈示;而在本篇中,丁玲则将自己的如此思考又寄寓到了对乡村女子阿毛的刻画中,并以对阿毛的概念化建构再一次宣示了自己的人生哲学。  相似文献   

C.S.刘易斯的<纳尼亚传奇>系列儿童幻想小说是世界幻想小说的里程碑似的作品.作者以非凡的幻想力创造了一个切合儿童审美心理的、近乎完美的纳尼亚世界,让孩子无限自由地探险游戏其中.论文试从亦真亦奇的幻想、强烈的游戏精神两个方面探讨作品的美学特征,以探索其独特的艺术魅力与价值.  相似文献   

对中外三部不同文学作品《西游补》、《浮士德》、《时间旅行机》进行比较,它们最主要的共同特点是在时间中游走。这是从神话小说、浪漫主义到科幻小说的发展,也是人类从幻想到现代科学的发展途径。  相似文献   

英国幻想文学大师罗尔德.达尔在其作品《女巫》中,以精准的笔触和出奇的幻想,成功地运用"叙述上的真实"、"细节上的真实"、"幻想小说文本自身的真实"这三种叙事策略,将女巫世界"描写得如同发生了一样",不动声色地便让读者仿佛置身于一个全然真实的幻想世界中,成功地营造了幻想世界"大真大幻"的真实性和现场感。  相似文献   

儒勒·凡尔纳(1828-1905),法国科幻小说家,现代科幻小说的重要奠基人。他出生在一个律师家庭,从小就有着强烈的探索欲望和丰富的想像力。  相似文献   

Research suggests that children can learn new information via pretense. However, a fundamental problem with existing studies is that children are passive receivers of the pretense rather than active, engaged participants. This preregistered study replicates previous learning from pretense findings (Sutherland & Friedman, 2012, Child Development), in which children are passive observers of pretense, and extends to two additional conditions that require children to partially (with puppets) or fully (with costumes) embody a character. Children (N = 144, 24–79 months) learned equally well, and better than those in the control condition, from all three play scenarios. At a 2-week follow-up, learning was equally retained across embodiment conditions for older, but not younger, preschoolers. Future research should consider embodiment’s role for more complex material.  相似文献   

图画书是图画和文字的完美结合,儿童是图画书阅读的主体,图画书文字的蕴藉传神,图画富有表达性和叙述性,都能给人以发现的乐趣与探索的期待,我们要以儿童为本位,引领孩子们在图画书阅读中健康发展.  相似文献   

This essay identifies a genre of popular fiction for children and young adults, prevalent in the 1990s and continuing into the early twenty-first century, that incorporates computers and the internet, e-mails and chat rooms, into its plots. However, along with a focus on technology, this fiction frequently features the supernatural. So, too, ghosts have been recurring images in popular culture surrounding past emergent communications technologies. I argue that the figure of the ghost in these novels about cyberspace dramatizes the tension between the liberating possibilities of disembodiment and the desire for embodied relationships. Despite the presence of dystopian elements, this fiction remains optimistic overall about the potential of technology to connect individuals in positive ways and to create communities modeled on tolerance and inclusion.Marla Harris is an independent scholar who holds a PhD from Brandeis University, and whose research interests include popular fiction and childrens literature. She has published in African American Review, Childrens Literature Association Quarterly, and Topic: The Washington and Jefferson College Review.  相似文献   

In today’s global age, it is important for young students to develop multiple perspectives. Some of the standards that today’s teachers are required to adhere to include an understanding of different cultures. The National Council for the Social Studies, for example, indicates that teachers should provide instruction that complies with various thematic standards which include teaching about global connections and cultural diversity. To encourage young students to develop multiple perspectives, teachers need to pay attention not only to how they teach, but also to what they teach. Educators can guide students to develop cross-cultural understanding at an early age by using well-written picture book biographies which represent people from diverse backgrounds. This article explains what multiple perspectives are and offers resources and strategies for educators that will help young students develop an understanding of the frames of reference that different groups of people hold. It also emphasizes the importance of developing multiple viewpoints at a young age.  相似文献   

The relationship between adults and children in liberal democracies is based on two flawed assumptions that are widespread: first, that childhood is an impediment, a passing phase of impaired maturity; and second, that children benefit from the proliferation of rights ascribed to them. Social institutions, and particularly the education system, are correspondingly misconstrued. This article focuses on the combined effect of vulnerability and autonomy as they construct contemporary childhood. I conclude that adults' obligations rather than children's rights are the appropriate social, political and educational basis for adult society's relations with children.  相似文献   

3 experiments examined the modes of processing used by children and adults in learning family-resemblance categories. The materials were cartoon faces (Experiments 1 and 2) and bugs (Experiment 3) divided into categories that possessed no single defining attributes, but rather several characteristic attributes that were each partially predictive of category membership. The categories were structured so that a holistic mode of processing in which the individual did not selectively weight any given attributes could have led to success. Nevertheless, preschoolers (Experiments 2 and 3), first and third graders (Experiment 1), and adult college students (all experiments) all exhibited primarily analytic modes of learning that consisted of single- and dual-attribute approaches. Although the proportion of analytic learners among the preschoolers was lower than among the adults in Experiment 3, in no case were holistic modes of learning evident. The results are discussed in terms of their implications for young children's apparent relative success in learning natural categories. It is suggested that children's success in learning real-world categories may be based, in part, on an interaction between a basically analytic processing style and natural category structures that provide many partially informative attributes.  相似文献   

In view of conflicting claims about children's sensitivity to the needs of other children in learning situations, the present study was designed to explore the sensitivity of child and adult tutors in one‐to‐one tutoring interactions. Sixteen adults and 31 11‐ and 9‐year‐olds tutored 47 9‐year‐old tutees on an animal classification task. Tutors were tested on their ability to apply the rules and knowledge they had obtained after training, and tutees were tested after being tutored. On all the verbal and nonverbal tutoring indices adult tutors showed greater sensitivity than child tutors: they were more likely to display behaviours which promoted efficient learning in their tutees. Results suggested that tutors operated on the basis of an implicit theory of teaching which involves three types of sensitivity: (1) sensitivity to the learner's need to have sufficient information for understanding the task, coupled with adequate checks on the learner's understanding; (2) sensitivity to the learner's need to participate actively in the learning process; and (3) sensitivity to differences in learning abilities among individual learners, and being able to accommodate to them.  相似文献   

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