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This study analyzed correlates of social problem solving in 63 2-parent families with a preadolescent child during structured discussions in the home. The longitudinal design assessed families when the preadolescent was about 9.5 years old and again 2 years later. Links between problem solving and features of the immediate ecological context were examined. There was a substantial decline in the quality of family problem solving during preadolescence associated with changes in the participation and affective behavior of fathers and preadolescents. Although problem solving was not less effective on autonomy topics, it was markedly worse when parents, rather than the preadolescent, selected the topic for discussion. Preadolescent topic selection triggered a pattern of productive participation and affective behavior in both parents and preadolescents. The results clarify the nature of ambivalent parent-child relations just prior to puberty by specifying changes in family problem solving which correspond with preadolescent autonomy striving.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

近年来,随着教育改革的不断发展,学校与家长对孩子的教育有了重新的认识。初中阶段,学生正处于青少年时期,如果学校教育与家庭教育之间的衔接出现问题,将不利于对学生进行教育工作,也会影响家庭和学校之间的关系。本文将从这些问题入手,探讨解决这些问题的有效策略。  相似文献   

A series of three studies was conducted to examine the relationship between specific forms of social and pretend play and divergent (figural and semantic) and convergent problem solving in preschool aged children. Naturalistic and experimental designs were used to provide a clearer account of the nature of the relationship between play and problem solving and to challenge the assumption that there is a single direction bf influence (play influencing problem solving) rather than the influence being complex and reciprocal. Overall, the results support a complex reciprocal causality model in which the development of divergent problem solving skills facilitates the development of play skills and vice versa.  相似文献   

递推是计算机科学和数学中很重要的工具,阐述了求解递推问题的一般方法,通过实例详细介绍了具体的求解过程.并给出了相应的程序.  相似文献   

对于“一群处于n=3的激发态的氢原子,当它们自发地向低能级跃迁时,最多能辐射出多少条光谱线?”常见的解法是划线,然后从n=2的能级逐一向下划线……,最后数出线的条数即为其辐射光谱线条数,得n=3时最多能辐射3条光谱线。采用划线法虽然直观,但当n值较大时问题变得比较烦琐。而在学习能级跃迁知识的同时学生刚好学了排列组合的数学知识。我们就可采用组合法进行计算。组合的定义是从n个不同的元素中,任取m(m≤n)个元素并成一组,叫做从n个不同元素中取出m个元素的一个组合。而因为从一个能级跃迁到另一个低能级时就会辐射出一条光谱线,即从n个…  相似文献   

论问题解决的内隐观   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
内隐问题解决是当人黄隐认知研究的重要组成部分,而问题解决的内隐加工思想渊源则可追溯到心理学发展的早期。直觉、酝酿和顿语等现象典型地反映了问题解决中内隐加工的特点,以启动效应为基础、不受意识控制、难以用语言明确表达且不受短时记忆容量限制的快速并行加工。直觉和酝酿是内隐问题解决加工过程听外部表现,而顿语则是加工结果的外在体现。以对积累的内部信息和外部线索的无意识激活为基础的启动效应正是内隐问题解决的内  相似文献   

用几何画板做数学   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
运用几何画板这一数学软件,通过对一数学问题的解决,让学生亲身体验解决问题的过程,从做数学中去学习、探究和发现数学规律,感受创新的喜悦。  相似文献   

探究性教学注重学生的自主学习、合作学习、开放学习,注重师生间的交互作用。探究性教学可以提高学生的学习兴趣,提高学生对知识的认知度。本文介绍在讲授微积分中值定理的习题课中如何使用探究性教学,使学生加深对该知识的理解并体会线性代数在微积分中的应用。  相似文献   

问题图式在物理问题解决教学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据认知心理学研究中提出的问题图式及构成要素,阐述物理问题解决教学的目标、教学方案,并通过具体的教学实例呈现教学方案的实施。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the relationship of mathematics calculation rate (curriculum-based measurement of mathematics; CBM-M), reading rate (curriculum-based measurement of reading; CBM-R), and mathematics application and problem solving skills (mathematics screener) among students at four levels of proficiency on a statewide test. It was hypothesized that CBM-M provides insufficient information to make good screening decisions and that other measures with content more similar to that of large-scale tests of mathematics would function to improve screening. One hundred and seventy students in third grade from a rural elementary school in the Midwestern United States participated. Structural equation modeling was used to evaluate direct, mediator, and latent growth models. In general, CBM-R mediated the relationship between the mathematics ability screener and passing the state assessment, while CBM-M did not have any significant paths within these models. Results are discussed in terms of the utility of CBM-M and CBM-R procedures in screening for success on state test performance in mathematics.  相似文献   

PISA2003问题解决能力测评是在问题情景、能力等级、评分等方面形成一个完整的测评体系,具有独特问题解决能力测评设计思路。这对我国的测评有许多启示,我们应明确界定测评的核心概念;立足学生,使测评题目情景化、生活化;完善测评的评分细则。  相似文献   

问题表征与学科问题解决的研究现状及启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
问题表征的过程是将外部刺激转化成内部的心理符号,从而有助于问题解决。学科问题表征体现出明显的层次性和动态性。目前,学科问题解决主要关注问题表征的影响因素、问题表征的方式与策略的关系以及表征的发展性研究等几方面。在教学中,要重视专门知识的作用,启发学生运用多样化的表征方式以促进学生对问题的理解与解决。  相似文献   

This study tested whether the strength of the mediational pathway involving interparental conflict, adolescent emotional insecurity, and their psychological problems depended on the quality of their sibling relationships. Using a multimethod approach, 236 adolescents (Mage = 12.6 years) and their parents participated in three annual measurement occasions. Tests of moderated mediation revealed that indirect paths among interparental conflict, insecurity, and psychological problems were significant for teens with low, but not high, quality bonds with siblings. High-quality (i.e., strong) sibling relationships conferred protection by neutralizing interparental conflict as a precursor of increases in adolescent insecurity. Results did not vary as a function of the valence of sibling relationship properties, adolescent sex, or gender and age compositions of the dyad.  相似文献   

Effects of proportion of Latin suffixes and of Content Area upon newspaper article comprehension of eighth graders, as measured by cloze procedure, were investigated using a 3 x 3 factorial design. Statistically reliable mean differences were obtained between cloze test performance on Science and T. V. --Theatre passages and between such performance at High versus Medium and Low levels of Latin suffix density. The difference in mean performance across Content Areas is explained in terms of other linguistic factors-particularly differential density of prepositions.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

The effects of conceptual hierarchies as supplemental aids to textual materials was investigated. Sixty-five fourth, fifth, and sixth grade students were given a 1000-word reading passage describing the real number system. One group received a conceptual hierarchy in addition to the text; one group was asked to draw this hierarchy from the information in the text; a control group read the text. The group that was provided with the hierarchy scored significantly better than the control on Production and Comprehension subtests. The ineffectiveness of the draw hierarchy treatment was due to the inability of subjects to construct the hierarchy. Those able to complete the hierarchy scored significantly higher than control on Production and Comprehension subscores and on the total test. No differences were found between the successful drawers and the group provided with a hierarchy.  相似文献   

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