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Rituals in Primary School Age – Performativity, mimesis and interculturality. Rituals and ritualization play a central role in the upbringing, education and socialization of children at primary school age. They structure children’s lives and support their integration into the social order in a constructive manner. Rituals shape transitions between fields of socialization and institutions, and facilitate social learning, which is important both in lessons and more generally at school. Due to their performativity, pedagogic processes act just like rituals and ritualization in all fields of social action. How children stage (or perform) their behaviour and actions, whether alone or together with adults, can be seen as the performativity of actions. Important aspects of cultural learning at primary school age occur as mimetic processes. In this, pictures, schemes, the expectations of others, of social situations, occurrences and actions are incorporated into an individual’s “world” of mental pictures. This practical knowledge enables children to learn and act together, to live and to exist. In view of Globalization and Europeanization, upbringing and education have become an intercultural task, for which rituals, ritualization, pedagogic and social gestures, the performativity of social practices and mimetic forms of learning play an important role. Ethnography and qualitative methods are appropriate for investigating rituals and ritualization, the performativity of pedagogic practices, of mimetic processes and intercultural education processes. Amongst the most important methods, which are complementary and, where possible, should be combined, are participative observation, video-supported observation, video performance and photograph analysis, interviews and group discussions. With the help of this method-mix, attempts can be made to capture complex and methodologically transparent research results.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Im Rahmen dieses Beitrags m?chte ich die Vielschichtigkeit von erziehungswissenschaftlich motivierter Forschung am Beispiel der Wirkungsweise von Geschlechterrollenstereotypen auf die Gewaltsozialisation m?nnlicher Jugendlicher aufzeigen und dabei auf die Notwendigkeit verweisen, dieser theoretischen Komplexit?t mit einer ebenso hohen empirischen und statistischen Komplexit?t zu begegnen. Strukturgleichungsmodelle werden als geeignete Rechenweisen dargestellt und darin die Thematik der Kausalit?t als eine postulierte Verbindung zwischen Ursache und Wirkung diskutiert. Die Akzeptanz des Prinzips ‚keine Ver?nderung ohne Ursache‘ bildet den Grundsatz einer probabilistischen Kausalit?t und dieser stellt die Grundkonzeption einer empirischen Erziehungswissenschaft dar, die statistisches Anwendungsfeld und Theoriesprache miteinander zu verweben weiss.
Summary An educational science perspective on complexity and causality in the field of socialization to violence This contribution will demonstrate the complexity of educational research. This will be achieved using the example of the effect of young me’s stereotypes for gender roles on their socialization to violence in social contexts. It argues that theoretical complexity must be complimented by an equally high empirical and statistical complexity. structural equitation models are presented as an appropriate method of computation and causality is discussed as a postulated link between cause and effect. The acceptance of the principle „no change without cause“ is the fundamental basis of the concept of probability-bound causality, which, in turn, is the key to an empirical educational science that can interweave the statistical field of application with theoretical discourse.

Keyword: Education Economics and Quality of Schooling. With reference to an earlier keyword article from the same author, this contribution looks at recent developments in education economics. The focus is a critical review of the field‘s contribution to research on the necessary conditions for high quality schooling. Of particular interest at the moment are the institutional framework conditions in a school system, which set incentives for performance. These are judged to be better than resource-based strategies of quality assurance. The empirical basis is provided by estimates of production functions using data from international school performance studies. This article will point out the limited validity of evidence gained through these studies and the – in sum – contradictory empirical findings. For this reason, political recommendations on the basis of this approach should be more reserved.  相似文献   

Several studies show that university students in Germany still have problems in reasoning mathematically although this already should be fostered at high school since the implementation of standards for school mathematics. Mathematical argumentation is a core competence and highly important, especially in academic mathematics. To foster mathematical argumentation at the beginning of university studies, competence models are needed which give more detailed insights in the skills that are necessary for reasoning. As mathematical argumentation is a complex process, especially at the higher secondary level or at university, many little steps are needed to complete a competence model for argumentation at the secondary–tertiary transition gradually. A possible step can be to initially identify several aspects of mathematical argumentation competence that influence the reasoning quality. The empirical basis for identifying those aspects is a cross-sectional study with 439 engineering students who participate in a transition course in mathematics. We address the following questions: (1) how is the quality of student’s reasoning? (2) Which kind of arguments do students use? (3) What resources do students who reasoned correctly use for solving the problems? (4) Does the content of the tasks play an important role? The results show a great influence of the content on the reasoning quality, especially if the content is abstract or concrete. Argumentation quality of students decreases with an increasing level of abstraction of the content. Furthermore, the results reveal that students often use routines for solving the problems. That indicates that procedural approaches still play an important role in school mathematics. If procedures could be used for solving the tasks, students are more successful. Competence models for mathematical argumentation at the beginning of the tertiary level should, therefore, include these factors.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Anwendungsf?higkeiten und das Interesse für neueste mediale Technik sind zu einem Kennzeichen moderner Adoleszenz geworden. Dabei spielen das Medium Computer bzw. Anwendungsweisen neuer Medien eine erhebliche Rolle. Doch die Computernutzung Jugendlicher geht über einfache technische Anwendungsweisen weit hinaus. In der Relation von Medium und Subjekt ereignen sich individuelle Identit?tsbildung und Selbststabilisierung, geschehen Suchbewegungen und Explorationen von Subjektgestaltung. Innerhalb dieser Prozesse der Identit?tsbildung und Subjektgestaltung sind Dimensionen jugendlicher Computernutzung zu beobachten, die in den Bereich der individuellen Sinngenese fallen und in den Kontext der Diskussion um Medienreligion bzw. um Formen „verflüssigter“ Religion geh?ren. Wie sich diese Formen ausdifferenzieren will der folgende Beitrag entfalten, dem ein qualitativempirisches Forschungsprojekt zugrunde liegt.
Summary Religion, Identity and Computers — Fluid forms of religion in youth culture Competency and interest for new media technology have become recognizable elements of modern adolescence. The computer and the use of new media play particularly significant roles in this context. However, adolescents’ use of computers goes far beyond simple technical application. The relationship between medium and subject influences identity formation and self-stabilization, and initiates a process of searching and exploration of individual development. Dimensions of computer use within these processes can be viewed in the context of individual processes of sense-making construction and are therefore relevant to the discussion of media religion and of so-called “fluid” forms of religion. This paper will show how the forms develop on the basis of a qualitative empirical research project.

Indicators of social background belong to the standard set of instruments for empirical research in education. Construction of valid ranking scales and category systems for social background depends on a differentiated surveying of the occupation and vocational activity of parents. Coding such details using standard procedures is a complex process. This contribution investigates the intercoder-reliability of occupational codes according to ISCO-88 and the indicators for socio-economic status (ISEI) based on these codes using a random sample of 300 graduates surveyed on the occupation of their father and mother. To this aim, we compared a double-coding by professional coders and a double-coding by the research team. The results show a match of around 50 percent between the two coding groups. The validity of the index of socio-economic status based on the data was, however, very good. The correlation between ISEI-values based on the coding from the different coders was very high. The predication of family background did not vary between the coding of the different coding groups.  相似文献   

The founding of the Vienna Psychological Institute in 1922 seemed to offer great opportunities for developing a disciplinary field in empirical pedagogy. Organizationally, the new institute was closely related to the Vienna Pedagogical Institute, which was the central teachers’ training college in Red Vienna and therefore the institutional centre of the socialdemocratic educational reforms. Besides their lectures at the university, Karl and Charlotte Bühler were lecturing psychology for teachers at the Pedagogical Institute. Despite their initial programmatic promise to build up an international centre of pedagogical psychology in Vienna, they and their co‐workers largely refrained from applied research in pedagogical fields during the following years. In view of the good occasions for cooperation it is surprising that contact between the research interests of the Bühler‐School and the work of the educational reformers was rare. The most important person in this context was Karl Reininger who dedicated his own social‐psychological research to the problems of group‐forming in school classes. Shortly after her arrival in Vienna, Charlotte Bühler conducted research on the reading preferences of Viennese school pupils. Getting money from the Rockefeller Foundation, she turned away from applied research and contributed substantially to elaborating a biological theory of mental development.  相似文献   

Using student ratings to assess instructional quality of schools should fulfill three requirements: (1) an appropriate level of inter-rater agreement within schools, (2) systematic variance of student ratings between schools, (3) an adequate reliability level of aggregated student ratings. Using international PISA-data (2000–2012; 81 countries, over 55,300 schools, over 1.3 million 15-year olds) this study investigated how these requirements were met regarding indicators of instructional quality (classroom management, cognitive activation, individual learning support). We computed the interrater agreement index rWG(J), as well as the intraclass correlations ICC(1) and ICC(2). Our results showed that (1) student ratings demonstrated a moderate or strong level of agreement for most indicators of instructional quality and (2) instructional quality assessed by students varied systematically between schools. Yet, (3) reliability of aggregated student ratings was not sufficient in many countries. We discuss these results regarding conventions to evaluate agreement, variability, and reliability of student ratings at the school level.  相似文献   

Gegenstand des Beitrags ist die soziale Identit?tsentwicklung Jugendlicher im Spannungsfeld zwischen supranationalen, nationalen/ethnischen, regionalen, lokalen und religi?sen Konzepten. Hierfür wurde eine repr?sentative Querschnittstudie reanalysiert, wobei die Analysestichprobe 2.187 deutsche und türke Jugendliche zwischen 14 und 19 Jahren umfasst. Es konnte für die deutschen Jugendlichen eine dreidimensionale Identit?tsstruktur mit einer national-subnationalen, einer supranationalen und einer religi?sen Identit?tsdimension bestimmt werden. Hingegen wird die ebenfalls dreidimensionale Identit?tsstruktur der türkischen Jugendlichen durch eine ethnischreligi?se, eine sozial-r?umliche und eine r?umlichadministrative Dimension charakterisiert. Trotz dieser differenten Strukturen weisen beide Gruppen in Hinsicht auf einzelne Identit?tsaspekte ?hnliche Alters-, Geschlechts-, Bildungs- und Wohndauerunterschiede auf.  相似文献   

The basis of this study is a prognostic model derived from the theory of work and organizational psychology, from research about the selection of college students and from teaching and learning research. The model includes cognitive and psycho-motivational criteria for selecting students as well as objective and subjective indicators for study and job success. In a four-year longitudinal study with three measuring points, the prognostic validity of the selection criteria is tested (n?=?760). The basic hypotheses are that differences in the prognostic validity of the model for teacher training and subject-specific diploma students (both in the area of mathematics) exist, and that it is easier to predict study success than job success. Secondary school exit exam, classes in advanced mathematics, interest in mathematics, subject-specific study motivation and self-efficacy are the predictive indicators taken into account. Evaluative indicators for study success are study duration, intentions of dropping out, stress experiences, the results of university exit exam and students’ second state exam. Evaluative indicators for occupational success are the job status five years after graduation, job satisfaction and stress experiences. Bivariate correlations and regression analyses support the leading hypotheses.  相似文献   

Bezüglich der katholisch-theologischen Fakultäten an staatlichen Universitäten Österreichs ist auch das kirchliche Hochschulrecht zu beachten. Es gibt erhebliche Spannungen zwischen dem kirchlichen Hochschulrecht und dem Universitätsgesetz 2002. Diese betreffen vor allem die Stellung der Fakultät innerhalb der Universität und ihre zugleich personale wie kollegiale Leitung sowie die Rechtsstellung der Lehrpersonen. Besonderen Bedenken begegnet die Rechsstellung der Theologischen Fakultät Salzburg. Die notwendigen Anpassungen müssen von den Universitäten im Einvernehmen mit der zuständigen kirchlichen Autorität durchgeführt werden.  相似文献   

Bezüglich der katholisch-theologischen Fakultäten an staatlichen Universitäten Österreichs ist auch das kirchliche Hochschulrecht zu beachten. Es gibt erhebliche Spannungen zwischen dem kirchlichen Hochschulrecht und dem Universitätsgesetz 2002. Diese betreffen vor allem die Stellung der Fakultät innerhalb der Universität und ihre zugleich personale wie kollegiale Leitung sowie die Rechtsstellung der Lehrpersonen. Besonderen Bedenken begegnet die Rechsstellung der Theologischen Fakultät Salzburg. Die notwendigen Anpassungen müssen von den Universitäten im Einvernehmen mit der zuständigen kirchlichen Autorität durchgeführt werden.  相似文献   

The paper investigates the relationship between the expansion of higher education and the development of unemployment among higher education graduates by discipline using time series data. Our results find that the overall relationship between higher education and the world of labor is a recursive one. The relative weight of some disciplines among graduates, changes according to labor market needs, but this reaction is not immediate and subject to a delay. Other disciplines however develop independently of employment prospects. The rising proportion of graduates within these disciplines leads to pressures for change on the labor market. In both cases our data shows that the employment system absorbs the expansion of higher education graduates. This happens through a diversification of employment positions in order to accommodate the expansion of higher education graduates.  相似文献   

The present article addresses the question of how social origin affects access to higher education. The role of class-specific differences in school performance (primary effect) and cost-benefit considerations (secondary effect) are considered as well as the way in which changes in the institutional setup of the educational system may interact with social origin. The review shows that educational decisions at this later transition are mainly influenced by secondary effects. In particular, differences between social classes are explained by group-specific investment costs and expectations of the social context associated with continuing higher education. Although expansion of institutional pathways in upper secondary education has reduced social inequality in acquiring higher education entrance qualifications, secondary effects at the transition to university have been found to increase over time. Thus, within younger cohorts, high-school graduates with lower social status are more often diverted from higher education at universities by attractive vocational or nonuniversity pathways. The article discusses approaches to reduce secondary effects of social origin.  相似文献   

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