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This paper explores a representation of overlapping categories of gender, disability and cyborgs in Bionic Woman (2007). The television show Bionic Woman (2007) is a popular culture representation that uniquely brings together these categories. Three themes emerged from an analysis of blogger discourse surrounding the show. The themes reveal significant disempowering potentialities for women, individuals with and without disabilities and cyborgs. Conclusions and implications of these themes are offered.  相似文献   

This multiple qualitative case study with eight immigrant women examined women’s stories of migration and post-relocation adjustment to the U.S. The results showed that women described their lived experiences in distinctly gendered terms. The four superordinate themes that were present in their stories were Gendered Adaptation, Gendered Resilience, Gendered Violence, and Gendered Discrimination. Implications of these results for counseling practice, research, and advocacy are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study is a retrospective exploration of the process of self-esteem enhancement in 23 women, 9 culturally Deaf and 14 hearing, for purposes of both individual and group comparisons. A qualitative design was used to examine material from in-depth interviews to generate themes relating to the ways these women describe the concept of their self-esteem and how they have enhanced their own self-esteem. Both groups of women described self-esteem in conceptually equivalent terms, with most in each group identifying themselves as "capable." A distinction was found in the specific words used by each of the two groups. Of the top eight rank-ordered themes, five were similar in importance for both groups. Deaf women were more likely to report education as a factor in self-esteem enhancement, and to cite language and communication as a critical component in self-esteem enhancement. No hearing women reported on those factors. Implications for social work with culturally Deaf women, self-esteem work with women, and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Mentoring has been proposed as a means to enhance the career success of women faculty in the academic environment. This phenomenological study was undertaken to understand and describe the essential nature and meaning of the experience of being mentored for women faculty. In-depth conversational interviews were conducted with nine women faculty who stated that they had been mentored while in a faculty role. Their mentoring relationships were formal and informal, with male and female mentors of varying ranks, and both internal and external to the protégés' institutions. Through an analysis of the interview text, five essential themes of the experience of being mentored for women faculty emerged. These essential themes are (a) having someone who truly cares and acts in one's best interest, (b) a feeling of connection, (c) being affirmed of one's worth, (d) not being alone, and (e) politics are part of one's experience.  相似文献   

改革开放三十年来农村题材电影中塑造了理想传统女性、新旧交替中奋争的女性、新时代积极向上的女性及其文人想像的女性形象,这些以女性为主体的影片,反映了农村女性的生存处境、性格特征以及农村发展的历史进程、时代面貌,其中也透视出导演的创作情怀和文化情结。  相似文献   

Six women who had histories of incest and had been sexually involved with therapists participated in qualitative research employing semi-structured, open-ended interviews. Transcribed interviews were content analyzed for recurrent regularities in topics, themes, events, and dynamics. Following content and cluster analyses of interviews, three overall themes emerged that appeared most salient in attempting to understand the development and maintenance of therapeutic relationships in which incest survivors experienced additional abuse. The themes were (1) early environment that prohibited the development of a sense of "personhood" in incest survivors, (2) repeated experiences of depersonalization inside and outside of therapy that reinforced a state of non-personhood, and (3) adoption of a "surrender pattern" to cope with violations, including therapist violations.  相似文献   

郭小川是新时期的政治抒情诗的代表作家,他的三部长篇叙事诗是突破时代禁区的创作,在十七年文学中有独特的价值。作为长篇叙事诗,这三部诗歌的爱情题材,独特的女性视角,情与理的矛盾都表现得较为充分。  相似文献   

Women are playing a major role in community colleges as students, staff, faculty, administrators, and presidents. Yet despite increasing representation, disparities exist between women and men in various roles within these institutions. This study reviewed literature published between 1997 and 2007 to examine the conceptualization of roles of women faculty members or senior-level leaders within the context of the community college. The emergent themes focused on faculty topics, leadership representation, and implications for institutional practices.  相似文献   

An examination of titles and abstracts of the 491 articles published in the Community College Journal of Research and Practice (CCJRP) between 1990 to 2000 resulted in a collection of 26 articles to base a systematic review of the literature regarding women in two-year colleges. Several themes emerged concerning women's participation and uniqueness in the community college, services designed to meet the needs of women, and ways in which the community college can grow to more fully represent and support women. Basic suggestions for improving research designs, methodologies, and reporting of studies on women are included.  相似文献   

新中国建立以后,彝族妇女的形象经常被强势话语所主导。在异文化视野中,彝族的他者形象大多是由女性来代表的,身着各色传统服饰的彝族妇女往往成为各种艺术、文学和现代传媒争相表现的主题。彝族妇女作为带有落后乡村特色却又青春盎然的融合体,在当代中国被展现得淋漓尽致,在这种情境中,彝族妇女成了区别族群的标志并承载着多重涵义,成为与现代性相对照的民族性的象征。  相似文献   

中国现代女作家创作有着一些相似的创作动机和意图,形成了女性与自我、女性与爱情、女性与社会女性与命运等较为固定的创作母题,并附丽了中国化的浓重色彩。  相似文献   

托尼.莫里森的第三部小说《所罗门之歌》融合了飞翔、受压抑的妇女和爱等主题。文章试图阐释这些主题,进而揭开莫里森写此小说的真正意图:黑人要根植于自己民族的文化,互爱自救。  相似文献   

Fatally maltreated children are an elusive component in the complex interaction that has led to their premature deaths. Retrospective research with women imprisoned for fatal child maltreatment indicated recurring themes of maternal interpretations of their children as rejecting and developmentally abnormal, either advanced or delayed. Separations and difficulties during reunions were critical. The fatality was not a one-time event, but the exit point of a recurrent cycle of abusive interaction.  相似文献   

Although self‐directed learning is a common response for many of the 183 000 American women who are diagnosed with breast cancer each year, very little is known about the nature of the experience for them. Four themes emerged from interviews with 13 breast cancer patients describing their self‐education efforts in regard to their disease. A qualitative paradigm was used for this study with data collected using a pilot‐tested semi‐structured interview protocol. Purposeful sampling technique was employed to identify information‐rich subjects who were within three years of diagnosis and who had used self‐directed learning extensively in coping with their breast cancer. Using the constant comparative method, four common themes emerged from the analysis of the interviews. First, empowerment: the women in this study felt stronger and more in control in their breast cancer situations because of their self‐directed learning efforts. Second, connectedness: the women in this study satisfied their need for connecting with other people in meaningful ways, particularly with other survivors, through their self‐directed learning efforts. Third, selective learning: the women in this study were interested in learning about those things which directly related to their situations and which they perceived as positively influencing their ability to cope. Finally, the search for meaning: the women in this study were searching for more than just information about breast cancer. They also sought to understand why they had breast cancer and what meaning the experience should have for them in the future. The findings support prior research in regard to important aspects of self‐directed learning, women and learning and breast cancer. At the same time, the results have contributed new information about self‐directed learning in a crisis situation suggesting that in such cases the emotional context must be considered.  相似文献   

This paper explores the perceptions and experiences of women academics in the UK, participating in a small-scale qualitative study exploring career progression and encountered institutional obstacles. The accounts are considered in terms of both disadvantageous institutional strategies and interpersonal ones governing day-to-day working relationships. The findings contribute to a growing body of international research on gender constructions in the academy, where both inhibiting and exclusionary barriers are examined in focus group discussions (FGDs) in terms of gendered constructions that are perceived to impact upon the career opportunities of women academics. Analysis of data encouraged the employment of a ludic construction in this critical exploration of games playing and ‘gamesmanship’ (a masculinised term); these being themes raised in the FGDs as representing blocks and challenges to women’s academic careers.  相似文献   

"二拍"中的婚恋小说有25篇,其中有12篇认为故事中男女之姻缘是前世注定的,约占所有婚恋小说篇目的48%。这些宿命婚恋小说虽明言宿命,实际上都表现青年男女争取恋爱自由和婚姻自主的时代主题,有浓厚的时代气息。宿命论思想是作者制造悬念的一种方法,为故事情节制造巧合、删枝削蔓的提供了观念支持。  相似文献   

萧红与田沁鑫这两个不同时代的思索者,虽相隔半个多世纪,但却通过《生死场》把这两个天才女性的心灵连在了一起,该作从小说到话剧,体现了她们心灵的契合与相通,也显示了她们过人的敏悟、深刻与才华。她们对生与死、男人与女人等等人生基本命题的思考与探索,是真正独立女性的声音,具有不同寻常的意义与价值,表现了20世纪中国女性作家特有的敏感与透彻。  相似文献   

This paper describes American schemes for the recruitment and support of women in undergraduate engineering programmes, graduate re‐entry schemes and vocational training. It discusses the need and provision for sex equity training in mathematics and computing. Some common themes which link the various schemes are explored, and comparisons are made between the United States and Britain.  相似文献   

琼·狄第恩是当今美国文学界一位优秀的女作家。她的作品题材广泛,主题深刻,涉及政治、战争、宗教、毒品和妇女问题。在她的作品中,女权主义和后现代主义融为一体,使她的小说具有非凡的影响力。  相似文献   

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