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I have a dream     
"I plan to interview Phelps as a reporter during the Beijing Olympics". As soon as I opened my mouth, everyone burst out laughing in a class meeting about summer plans. But I do swear I was serious.Swimmer Michael Phelps is very great and he is my idol.  相似文献   

I Started a Joke     
Bobby: Do you want to hear a new joke? Kelly: No thanks, Bobby.Bobby: Why? Everybody loves a good joke.Kelly: I have heard you tell jokes before and you don' thave the talent. Bobby: What do you mean I don't have the talent?  相似文献   

I Have a Dream     
梦是美丽的。来自大洋彼岸的可爱的Demi用笔描绘出了她的梦,你是不是也有过同样的梦呢?从本期开始,本刊推出“越洋专递”栏目,给大洋两岸的中学生提供一个通信交友的舞台。我们已和美国加州John Glenn中学取得联系,美国学生对此也很重视,不仅信中附有照片,有的还寄来可爱的小礼物。有兴趣的同学可填写笔友登记表,我们将针对你的情况,按照你的要求为你推荐笔友,并不定期地登载互通的信件及笔友通讯录。来信可附近照。在适当的时候,本刊将举办中美学生互访和夏令营活动,进一步缩短东西方的距离。本刊将为你搭起一座七彩桥,帮助你了解异域文化,结识异国笔友,和同龄人互相学习,携手共进。  相似文献   

I am a bird     
J”lain 8 biEd Bird has the instinCt to learn to fly lain hovenng to look for a fine site lain driffing to keep out of sight lain wingllg to cross the sky lpromise Iwlll be the escort o i以SOu. (袁志强荐稿)我是一只飞鸟鸟儿学习飞翔是与生俱来的天性我盘旋着想要找寻最佳的位置我飘荡着想要到达视野之外我振翅一飞想要穿越茫茫天际我发誓「—我将成为我灵魂的守卫者I am a bird@袁志强…  相似文献   

I Miss a Place     
I'll never forget the days I spent in the countryside.When I was seven,my parents sent me to the countryside to live with my grandparents. Around my grandparents' house grew many fruit trees and I used to play in the wood. My grandparents were always telling me not to climb the trees, for they were afraid that I might fall off the trees. But I often climbed up and down the trees secretly, picking fruits. I like eating fruits. Once I asked some children to climb up the trees with a ladder to pick fresh fruit. Now my grandparents didn't seem to mind much. Instead, they smilingly told us to be  相似文献   

I am a brave boy     
Iamabraveboy any trouble 15 a toy IWillneVCrfear rain and wind let me j oy Mallna IwillsPreadmywings Y6ll See how high 1 ean fly 单词咖啡豆: brave「breiv]勇敢的 trouble[,t认bl]困难 toy[toi]玩具 never〔,nev司决不 fear[fig]害怕 rain[rein]雨 wind[wind]风 joy[叱01]快乐 sPread[sPred]展开 wing[wi习]翅膀 high[hai]高 fly[flai]飞I am a brave boy@茉茉~~…  相似文献   

“Whydoyouwantamarriedmantoworkforyou,ratherthanabachelor(单身汉)?”askedthecuriousfriend.“Well,”sighedtheemployer(雇主),“themarriedmendontgetsoupsetifIyell(叫喊)atthem.”(一兵供稿)I Don't Want a Bachelor@一兵  相似文献   

我是一只小船, 教室是我的港湾; 我是一只小船, 课桌是我的舢板: 我是一只小船, 铅笔是我的船桨;  相似文献   

Hello, everyone! My name is Li Yanqin. I am a girl of fourteen years old. I study in Yaoxia Middle School. I live in a small village not far from the town.  相似文献   

几次在一些场合和学生交谈,分手时道一声:Have a good day!,然而令我哑然的是,多数人竟反问我:I beg your pardon?让我啼笑皆非,弄得双方都很尴尬。有些人反应片刻似乎明白了此话的意思,但却不知如何作答,只好嗫嚅着发窘。  相似文献   

Am I a frog?     
角色:LF-Little Frog G-Giraffe B-Bird M-Monkey MF-Mother Frog道具:各角色头饰,大树、翅膀、长尾巴的剪贴画。场景:森林里正在举行动物才能大赛,动物们纷纷展示自己的才能,小青蛙在一旁羡慕不已,他终于鼓起勇气上台……LF:Hello! I’m a little frog.I can jump.Look,I’m jumping.G,B&M:Ha-ha!Ha-ha!So ugly.G:(优雅地上台,把青蛙推下台)Poor frog!Good morning!Look,my neck is long.I’m tall!I  相似文献   

犯了错误say sorry. YOu are weleome心胸阔(ku6)。 邀(yoo)请朋友用Shall we…? 点头同意All right ean 1 help you挂嘴边, Friends多多不奇怪。 Do the things above, You will be a niee girl easily. everybodyl溉you, don’t forget to hold on. 1 am a little niee girl. 11议e smiling every day. To daddy, to mo们。幻。y, to nelghbor, to teacher. 早上见面Goodm~g. 下午见面Good aftemoon. Nice to meet you初次见, 经常见面How are you? 打扰(r6o)别人玖cuse me, Thank如u在后表感谢。I will be a nice girl@茉…  相似文献   

自我描述笔名月半残,因为喜欢残月的朦胧清丽而取,希望大家可以亲切地叫我月。性格冲动豪爽大方,被死党戏称为"大口吃肉大嗓门的豪放派"。跑食堂飞快,追公交车飞快。但是不知道为什么跑800米永远不及格……悲剧啊悲剧。不爱逛街,不爱买衣服,希望每年从一月一日到十二月三十一日都只穿一件衣服。  相似文献   

1 Wsnt to bG四hat do you an SCtrGSS一WS nt to bG?,k、、了A Pilot!That,5 cool! WS nt to be 8 tGSChGF.、\,..r,,.口Chubby ehiPmunks ehomPing eherries. ChomPing ehestnuts,eheese,and berries. ChomP!ChomP!ChomP!ChomP!ChomP!Chew! And they ehomP ehoeolate eheeseeake too! Thank you!Thank you!Doctor Lee! You fixed my thumb and throat and knee! Thank you 50 for heIPing me!剑习切Hey,hey,hey,my good friend,what do you want to be? Be a fireman,a businessman or do you want to be…  相似文献   

Ifyouaskme,“Whatdoyouwanttobewhenyougrowup?”Iwillsay,“Iwanttobeateacherlikemymother.”Mymotherworksinamiddleschool.SheteachesEnglish.Sheal-waysleaveshomeearlyandcomesbacklate.Sheworkshardatschool.Sheisonlythirty-sevenyearsold,butshelooksmucholder.Whensheworksatschool,shelookslikeayoungteacher,fullofvigour.Everyeveningmymotherisbusypreparingherlessonanddoingsomereading.Sheoftensays,“Todayateachermustmastermoreandfreshknowledge.”SometimeswhenIwakeuplateatnight,Ifindherstillworking.Mym…  相似文献   

丁当,一个永远执着于音乐的女生,用她完美的声音演绎了一首首震撼人心的歌曲。自言像猫咪的她坚定地表示在她的音乐道路上永远不会停下优雅的脚步。  相似文献   

抖 笛稍啾 0 are showing their toys to their介iends,Kathyt日kes her ,‘Look!1 have a doll.The doll has eurly hair,bigeyes and a Pinkdress,” dolland says, Phoebe says, ,’!1 ike her curly hair-C日n IP!aywlth扣。?,,Kathysays,“sure,,,Leotakes hisPI saVs,’toold 1 have a model pl日ne产Joesays,.叮Iike the bigwings.C日n!Pla丫wi Leosays,”Of course.”LeoandK日thy白resoglad they can sharethe toys with their friends. / L些乡 LOOk Wh 1 haVea Can 1 Pl;,y Sure yol LOOk Wh 1 h…  相似文献   

假如再回到童年,我会更多地培养自己的毅力,决不因为事情艰难或麻烦而放弃不干。如果我们要光明,我们就得征服黑暗。在产生的结果方面,毅力往往可以与天才相媲美。谚语说:“能登上金字塔的生物只有两种——雄鹰与蜗牛。”假如再回到童年,我会培养自己专心致志的习惯;一旦手头有事,决不让任何东西使我分心。我  相似文献   

My name is Li Jiani and I'm a girl of ten years old. I love all my teachers. So I would like to be a teacher very much. I want to be a teacher because I want to teach the children a lot of knowledge and help the blind children read and write.  相似文献   

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