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A goal of most environmental education is to motivate students toward environmentally friendly behaviour change. This article describes a study that elucidates how such motivation can be fostered in the classroom. It compared students’ development of environmental motivation in a conventional post-secondary environmental biology course and a similar course guided by self-determination theory (SDT). Students in the SDT-guided course experienced less amotivation after the course than students in the comparison section. This article presents a preliminary empirical examination of the utility of SDT in a formal environmental education setting.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine how the basic psychological needs of preservice science teachers (PSTs) were supported in a series of environmental science course activities informed by self-determination theory (SDT). We collected qualitative data about the PSTs’ sense of competence, autonomy, and relatedness through interviews, group discussions, assignments, and reflection papers. Data were analyzed in relation to the instructional design features of the course; namely, collective construction of ideas, student guided discussions, real life connection, and consistent group dynamics. Findings illustrate primary support for cognitive features, including, how course activities supported a sense of confidence in action, sense of self-initiation, awareness of personal role in the system, and awareness of environmental actions. Overall, results suggest that SDT can be effectively utilized as a framework for environmental education in courses designed to foster environmental self-determination and long-lasting pro-environmental behaviors.  相似文献   

The National Education (NE) programme was set up in Singapore schools in 1997 to inculcate a national identity and values in the younger generation. Teachers in schools are given the important role of developing a shared sense of nationhood among their students. However, no study has yet examined the motivations for teaching NE in schools. The purpose of this study was to examine pre-service teachers' motivations, perceptions of NE, perceived competence to teach NE and feelings on the NE programme provided in their teacher training course, using the cluster analysis method. The study involved 4242 pre-service teachers (1229 males, 2986 females, 27 missing information) from the National Institute of Education (NIE) in Singapore. The results showed that 15.6% of the teachers belonged to a “high amotivation” cluster, 38.0% formed a “high externally regulated” cluster, 19.9% made up a cluster labelled as “low externally regulated”, and the rest (26.5%) had an “intrinsically regulated” profile. The four clusters showed significant gender and programme differences. In summary, the results from the cluster analysis supported the concurrent validity of the clusters in terms of pre-service teachers' perceptions of their involvement in NE activities, its importance, NE as government propaganda, competence to teach NE and satisfaction with the NE programme provided in their teacher training course.  相似文献   


This research has a dual purpose: to translate into Spanish and validate a classroom engagement measure and, over a semester, to analyse the effect of students’ perception of autonomy support on the need for autonomy and the effect of autonomy, in turn, on four types of engagement. Data were collected at three time points from 448 undergraduate students via a longitudinal design. The results revealed adequate psychometric properties for the engagement scale, and the hypothesised effects were supported. Autonomy support was a significant predictor of the need for autonomy, which, in turn, predicted changes in four types of classroom engagement. Emotional engagement displayed the strongest relationship with need for autonomy. Moreover, need for autonomy mediated the relationship between perceived autonomy support and each indicator of student engagement. The findings are interpreted as supporting self-determination theory’s motivation mediation model and could be considered in future intervention programmes to improve the teaching–learning process in education.  相似文献   


This paper addresses three basic questions about moral motivation. Concerning the nature of moral motivation, it argues that it involves responsiveness to both reasons of morality and the value of persons and everything else of value. Moral motivation is thus identified as reason-responsive appropriate valuing. Regarding whether it is possible for people to be morally motivated, the paper relies on Self-Determination Theory (SDT) to show how moral motivation is a likely product of education that is need-supportive in modeling appropriate valuing and engaging students in the kinds of reasoning that are essential to moral motivation. Virtuous motivation that inclines people to engage in morally motivated acts is equated with being morally self-determining or achieving the right kind of integrated motivation. SDT shows how people come to be morally motivated, and the paper concludes that an identified aspiration to be virtuous may play a significant role.  相似文献   


We examined the role of gender in teachers’ perceived autonomy support (PAS), relatedness with students, workplace buoyancy, and organizational commitment. With 276 Australian secondary school teachers, structural equation modelling showed predominant similarities across gender in associations between PAS, relatedness, buoyancy, and commitment. For example, for both female and male teachers, PAS predicted greater relatedness with students and both factors were positively associated with organizational commitment. However, there were some noteworthy differences across teacher gender. For example, relatedness with students was positively associated with buoyancy for male teachers only. In addition, findings showed that male teachers reported higher levels of workplace buoyancy.  相似文献   

教育理论研究向教育实践活动通达的障碍消除   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教育理论研究能否顺利地通达教育实践活动,其主要原因并不在于教育理论研究的个人意愿及其科研成果的品质,而在于教育体制的开放程度和理性水平。实质性地进行教育体制改革,使教育成为体现教育主体性、体现教育应然的本质和宗旨、张扬教育应然的精神和品格的真正的教育,教育理论研究向教育实践通达才具备坚实的思想和制度基础。  相似文献   

教育思维:教育理论走向教育实践的认识性中介   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教育思维是人类的教育实践理性,是教育理论认识在教育实践面前的凝结,也是教育实践经验在人们认识中的凝结;就其实质来说,是一定的教育观及其支配下的教育操作思路的统一体。基于教育思维特殊的内涵和鲜明的思想色彩,它可以充当教育理论走向教育实践的认识性中介。  相似文献   

A common finding in the area of motivation and psychological well-being is that internally motivated individuals exhibit greater levels of happiness than externally motivated individuals. In this paper we answer the question of whether internally or seemingly externally motivated students report higher levels of satisfaction than individuals who are conflicted in their motivations or are amotivated. We show that both seemingly externally motivated individuals and internally motivated individuals report higher levels of happiness than non-motivated individuals or individuals who are conflicted in theirmotivations. These findings are consistent with self-determination theory. These findings are important in recognizing that well internalized external motivations are likely not detrimental to the well-being of undergraduate college students. Aspirations which are consistent, regardless of whether they are internal or seemingly external likely result in higher levels of happiness among university students.  相似文献   

在国家经济体制由计划向市场模式转轨的时期,教育形势和体制,也相应发生了前所未有的变化,使学校也像企业一样,面对教育市场的“无情”的竞争和筛选,怎样才能解决生存与发展问题?从教育观念出发,首先论证了教育的公益和产业二重性,进而从学校的社会职责和生态2发展角度,研究了学校办学的现代思维模式,最后由本校的办学思想与实践探索,提出“现代学校应该具有教育的公益性和运营的市场性思维方式”的结论。  相似文献   

The "reproduction theory" was conceived and born in the research into educational inequalities in Western countries. Famous as the theory is, when it is to be applied in the research into education in China, a few factors must be taken into consideration: the subjects investigated must be educational inequalities that have come into being in the context of China; a shift in theoretical approach and expression is needed, with the Functional approach as the dominant research method; in terms of the standpoint of the researcher, whose academic mission and realization of social ideals should be closely and fully integrated; in terms of research method, the principle of combining both the macroscopic and microscopic approaches and analysis on the basis of actual facts should be adopted so as to effectively analyze and solve the problems plaguing the education of China and to promote the localization of the western reproduction theory in China.  相似文献   

自我监控能力对体育专业理论课学习效果的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据元认知和自我监控理论,结合体育专业学生学习的特点,通过运用问题策略GPS和"引—扶—放—收"的示范模式两类手段培养自我监控能力。对实验前后学生自我监控能力的差异进行比较。实验得出结论:两类培养手段能够提高学生自我监控能力;培养学生的自我监控能力能够提高体育专业理论课的学习效果。  相似文献   

The positive psychological research underpinning the strength-based approach makes two important claims of relevance to the practice of educational psychologists (EPs): (1) there are key, ubiquitous strengths, some of which are more worthy of development and amplification than others; and (2) this approach could resolve some of the issues associated with the traditional deficit model, by moving practice away from problem-focused language, negative labelling and within-person hypotheses. This paper aims to explore these two claims from social constructionist and systemic perspectives, respectively. It is argued that it is imperative for EPs to critically reflect on the research underpinning this approach and to consider how the principles of social constructionism and systemic thinking may facilitate its application in practice. It is concluded that, in order to move the approach forward, it will be essential for personalised strength-based approaches, which consider an individual’s strengths contextually, to be developed and utilised.  相似文献   

将挠率场应用于非共线系统得到了适用于非共线磁系统的挠率-自旋-密度泛函理论(TSDFT)。用挠率场来表示磁性的非共线性后得到的非共线磁系统的有效单粒子方程可以精确求解,该方法明显优于缀加球面波法、局域自旋-密度近似方法和修正缀加球面波法。  相似文献   

This study examined how classroom management practices—care and behavioral control—were differentially associated with students’ engagement, misbehavior, and satisfaction with school, using a large representative sample of 3196 Grade 9 students from 117 classes in Singapore. Results of hierarchical linear modeling showed differential relations. After controlling for students’ gender and socioeconomic status, both care and behavioral control were positively related to student engagement. Moreover, behavioral control was a significant negative predictor of classroom misbehavior and care was a significant positive predictor of satisfaction with school. Our findings underscore the importance of blending care and behavioral control to achieve multiple goals of classroom management.  相似文献   

桌面虚拟实验受到开发技术比较复杂的制约,经济领域中的适用技术理论提供了一个解决该问题的思路。本文重点阐述了适用技术理论对在进行桌面虚拟实验开发技术选择的方面所带来的启示,希望根据该启示能确定一种甚至挖掘多种适合教育技术领域的技术来开发桌面虚拟实验。  相似文献   

课程论回归生活世界,旨在唤醒课程论对课程生活世界的遗忘与失落,修复课程论的多重疏离及反思课程论自身存在的合法性危机。就课程论学科建设而言,课程论要回归的生活世界不是一个具体所指的世界,而是一种把握与研究课程的分析方法和思维方式,即主体间关系的思维方式。它将导致课程论在理论视野、研究主题、知识基础、研究方法和理论形态等方面的变革。  相似文献   

随着大学英语四六级考试中听力分值的提高,听力在英语教学中的重要性更为突出;但是分析学生们的英语期末考试成绩得知,听力是失分最多也是学生们认为最难的题型。如何在大学英语的课堂中开展行之有效的听力教学,给学生们树立信心,提高他们的听力水平,显得尤为重要。将图示理论应用到大学英语的课堂教学中,提高听力课的效率,快速提高学生们的听力水平。  相似文献   

疑问教学就是教师不是直接进行知识灌输,而是通过提问,引导学生去思考探索进而获取知识的教学模式。疑问教学法可细分为以疑引思、以思设教、以教答疑三个环节。其中以疑引思是方法和手段,以思设教、以教答疑是最终目标。所有疑问的设置都要围绕教学目标灵活进行,疑问的解决过程就是完成教学目标的过程。  相似文献   

动机的自我决定理论是由美国心理学家Deci和Ryan提出的动机过程理论。它不是把动机看作一个单一的概念,也不是把动机简单地区分为内部动机和外部动机,而是把动机看作一个连续体,从外部动机到内部动机需要经历三个内化程度不同的中间水平。近来的研究者发现,动机水平不同对行为改变效果的影响不同。在此理论的基础上,Ryan提出一个行为改变和保持的模型。同时,研究者还发现基于自我决定理论的心理治疗与动机性访谈技术有很多相似之处,且他们可以相互补充。  相似文献   

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