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The Targeted Mental Health in Schools (TaMHS) programme was a nationwide initiative that funded mental health provision in schools for pupils at risk of or already experiencing mental health problems. The implementation, impact and experience of this programme was evaluated using quantitative and qualitative methodology involving three main studies: (1) a 1-year RCT involving 8658 8–10 year olds and 6583 11–13 year olds, (2) a 3-year longitudinal study involving 3346 8–10 year olds and 2647 11–13 year olds and (3) qualitative interviews with 26 TaMHS workers, 31 school staff, 15 parents and 60 pupils. The RCT demonstrated that TaMHS led to reductions in behaviour problems but not emotional problems for 8–10 year olds. No impact was found for 11–13 year olds. The effects on behaviour problems in primary school were enhanced by the provision of evidence based self-help materials, but not by other area level support. The longitudinal study found information giving and good inter-agency working correlated with more positive outcomes for behavioural problems in secondary schools. The qualitative findings indicated that TaMHS was well received by all groups, though challenges to its implementation were noted. Overall, findings indicate the utility of targeted mental health provision in schools, particularly in primary settings. The implications for implementation are discussed.  相似文献   

Childhood anxiety is a common condition which, if untreated, can cause considerable distress and impairment and increase the likelihood of mental health problems in adulthood. Developing good emotional health in children is therefore an important objective which has been emphasised in recent governmental initiatives and policies. In particular, schools have been identified as having an important role in promoting positive mental health in children. This paper summarises the different approaches, outcomes and shortfalls of school-based anxiety prevention programmes. One particularly encouraging programme based upon cognitive behaviour therapy, the FRIENDS for Life programme, is described. Outcomes from UK-based studies evaluating FRIENDS are summarised and the way the programme can be integrated within schools to complement other initiatives discussed. Finally, limitations of the current research are discussed and issues about the practical implementation of FRIENDS in schools highlighted.  相似文献   

论心理健康教育与基础教育课程改革的互动关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前正在逐步推进的基础教育课程改革与已经广泛开展的中小学心理健康教育,存在着内在的必然的联系:基础教育课程改革有助于心理健康教育的深化;心理健康教育的开展也可促进新课程的全面实施;全员参与、全面渗透的心理健康教育工作思路有助于新课改目标的实现。  相似文献   

This paper describes implementation (fidelity, perceived acceptability) and tier 1 and Tier 2 outcomes of school‐wide positive behavior interventions and supports approach including mental health supports at Tier 2 in two K‐8 urban schools. Interventions for Tier 2 consisted of three manualized group cognitive behavioral therapy (GCBT) protocols for externalizing behavior problems, depression, and anxiety. Tier 1 and Tier 2 interventions were implemented with fidelity but program feasibility for Tier 2 was in question because school personnel needed a great deal of external support to implement the interventions. Tier 1 interventions were associated with a decrease in office discipline referrals. Students participating in GCBT showed a significant decrease in mental health diagnostic severity at posttreatment. A discussion of perceived and actual implementation barriers and how they were addressed is provided. Implications for practice in low‐income urban schools are discussed.  相似文献   

It seems self-evident to suggest that our schools should play a part in the identification and the response to school-age pupils with mental health problems/mental illness. Schools have a number of unique advantages as both preventative and curative agents in the mental health discourse. The notion of schools playing an extended role in the health, mental health and safety of children, enshrined in the UK Children Act, 2004, has resulted in further demands on educational professionals to meet a broader care agenda. The school as a site for mental health work appears to be an enlightened rather than radical proposition, yet often there are cultural and systemic barriers to implementation. This article aims to highlight some of the main obstacles to the promotion of therapeutic interventions in schools and proposes that there is a considerable gap between the rhetoric of joint-agency cooperation and the reality of applying mental health strategies in an educational setting. A number of recent UK government programmes have reflected a shift in thinking towards adopting more therapeutic interventions and this is particularly evident in the primary school strategies to improve behaviour and attendance. In tandem, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services have, through training initiatives and the use of primary mental health workers, actively promoted mental health issues in schools. Yet, despite these initiatives, it is arguable that many schools remain ill-equipped to recognize and respond to mental health problems in school-age children. I believe that schools have a pivotal role to play, but there must be fundamental changes before effective change can take place.  相似文献   

In recent years, the English education system has reflected a worldwide interest in social and emotional learning (SEL), as evidenced by the national launch of the secondary social and emotional aspects of learning (SEAL) programme in 2007. SEAL is a whole-school approach designed to positively influence a range of pupil outcomes, including increased social and emotional skills, better behaviour and reduced mental health difficulties. The aim of the current study was to examine the impact of SEAL on such outcomes. The study utilised a quantitative, quasi-experimental design with a sample of 22 schools (approximately 2360 pupils) implementing the SEAL programme, and 19 ‘matched comparison’ schools (approximately 1991 pupils), selected on the basis of similar school-level characteristics. A cohort of pupils in these schools completed annual self-rated assessments of their social and emotional skills (using the Emotional Literacy Assessment and Intervention instrument), mental health difficulties and pro-social behaviour (using the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire) over a two-year period. After controlling for a range of school- and pupil-level characteristics, analysis using multi-level modelling indicated marginal, non-significant effects of the SEAL programme on pupils’ social and emotional skills and mental health difficulties, and no significant effect on their pro-social behaviour. The study findings are discussed in relation to existing evidence about the effectiveness of the SEAL programme and the broader SEL evidence base.  相似文献   

Although there is increasing interest in promoting mental health and wellbeing within education, to date, the voices of young people appear to have been almost completely overlooked in the development of school-based mental health practices. This is despite increasing focus on young people’s participation; and the fact that young people may be best positioned to understand the pressures of contemporary society. This paper, co-authored by educational psychologists (EPs), school students and the school vice-principal, documents the development of a student-led mental health initiative within a high-achieving girls’ grammar school, led by students aged 12–18. Following EP input, the students devised a whole-school, student-friendly mental health strategy with the support of the EPs and senior school staff. As the project progressed, it became evident that applying even carefully selected adult mental health models to school contexts might not be appropriate; instead the students advocated for young person-friendly, innovative, contemporary and creative ways of communicating information about mental health, which avoided stigma. The students involved were well-placed to identify environmental stressors and to disseminate their strategy. The authors conclude that mental health planning in schools should encourage greater student participation, show caution over applying adult mental health models and promote greater use of technology or visual resources.  相似文献   

高校心理社团建设若干问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
心理社团在高校心理健康教育工作中的作用日益受到重视,但目前高校有关心理社团的定位存在误区。为切实发挥学生的主体作用,高校应转变观念,充分尊重心理社团的独立性、主动性与能动性;从系统培训、制度建设、品牌打造、辐射延伸及专业化发展等方面采取有效策略解决心理社团存在的问题,加强心理社团建设。  相似文献   

Schools have the potential to provide a place of education and sanctuary for children and young people of all backgrounds. The rise in mental health problems in children and young people in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly in relation to growing inequities, means that identifying ways in which schools can help respond to this growing mental health crisis demands urgent attention. This paper reports on case studies carried out in two London comprehensive schools, exploring how aspects of school culture impact (both positively and negatively) on student mental health. Methods comprised in-depth interviews with school staff and parents, focus groups with students and documentary analysis of relevant materials. Fieldwork was conducted during spring 2021 as schools were returning to face-to-face learning following national periods of lockdown. Our study shows how schools might attempt to drive positive mental health outcomes through aspects of school culture and uses a system framework to explore complexities around cause and effect in this area. Key findings include the considerable differences in school mental health provision, challenges in the identification of student mental health needs and the importance of recognising how the mental health of teachers must be considered alongside that of students. Overall, we highlight particular dilemmas of the post-lockdown era that our findings indicate for the education sector, and suggest there may be value in reframing the apparent conflict between ‘attainment gaps’ and personal development, moving towards an educational approach with greater complementarity of these aims.  相似文献   

边远山区农村寄宿制学校促进了农村义务教育的均衡发展。为留守儿童创造了一个群体交流的环境,对留守儿童心理健康成长发挥了积极作用,是弥补儿童留守亲情缺失的有效途径。然而,寄宿制学校内部设备的落后,配套设备不完善,管理不到位,对于留守儿童心理健康的影响是复杂的,存在不利因素。完善经费投入机制,创新寄宿制学校管理,是发挥寄宿制学校对留守儿童心理健康引导的有效途径。  相似文献   

Wellness promotion addresses both the reduction of disorder and disease and the enhancement of mental and physical health. There is increasing evidence of a strong and reciprocal relationship between mental and physical health, and linking these two areas may be particularly useful for promoting positive youth development in school contexts. This article discusses the relationship between mental and physical health in children and adolescents, and how to promote both within schools. Topics discussed include the benefits of (a) hope and optimism, (b) structured extracurricular activities, and (c) sport and exercise psychology for school‐based health and wellness promotion. These topics are linked in that each has the potential to positively affect both mental and physical health in children and adolescents in schools. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Clinicians affiliated with expanded school mental health (ESMH) programs provide a range of mental health services for youth in schools. ESMH services offer unique opportunities for collaboration between school psychologists and mental health clinicians from the community to increase the quality of care for youth receiving mental health services. The number of ESMH programs is increasing; therefore, developing quality assurance (QA) activities for these programs is important to document accountability and provide evidence for effectiveness. In this paper, suggestions for phases and objectives for QA programs in ESMH programs and examples of suggested activities are presented. Assessment of the program structure as well as treatment process and outcome are critical phases. Important QA activities include examining staff training activities, assessment of stakeholder perceptions of services, conducting satisfaction surveys, examining therapy process, and investigating treatment outcomes. Results of QA evaluations should inform policy.QA programs need to be developed and the impact of QA activities in enhancing the quality of care provided by clinicians in schools should be evaluated. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

中小学体育教育教学中实施心理健康教育模式的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着社会的不断发展和进步,人们对心理健康的要求也在不断提高,据现有相关调查,我国中小学学生的心理健康水平反而在逐年下降,成为学校教育的一大障碍,要想改变这一状况,学校管理部门和学校体育工作者正在作出积极探索,从不同的教育教学模式进行有效探讨,但还没有进行深入的调查研究,本文试图从学校心理健康教育模式进行进一步探讨,以求获得心理健康教育的有效途径,也为学校体育教育发展以及学生心理健康水平提高作一有效积极探索与研究.  相似文献   

This paper reports an investigation into Australian primary school teachers’ knowledge and confidence for mental health promotion. Questionnaires were delivered to 1397 teachers. In-depth interviews were held with 37 teachers. Quantitative results showed that half to two thirds of teachers felt efficacious and knowledgeable about selected components of mental health promotion. Independent judgments by staff about students’ mental health status concurred with students’ scores on the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire in about 75% of cases, indicating a good level of staff awareness about students’ mental health status. Exposure to the KidsMatter Primary mental health promotion initiative was associated with improvements in teachers’ efficacy, knowledge and pedagogy, with small to medium effect sizes. Qualitative analysis indicated that teachers’ subject-matter and pedagogical knowledge were heavily reliant on curriculum resources. Implications of the findings for the implementation of school-based mental health promotion initiatives are discussed.  相似文献   

中等职业学校由于缺乏相对数量的专任心理教育教师,导致心理教育教师团队建设发展相对滞后,进而影响学校心理健康教育工作的开展以及学生心理的健康发展。通过分析中职学校心理健康教育教师团队建设的困境,同时在明确困境的基础上分析中职学校心理健康教育教师团队建设过程中的可利用因素,倡导中职学校建立以“专职心理教师主导,学科教师心理渗透辅助,班主任组织协调”为整体框架的心理健康教育教师团队,同时尝试提出相应的反思与评估机制,促进中等职业学校教师团队优化发展。  相似文献   

The common assessment framework (CAF) and lead professional (LP) working are being introduced into all local authorities in the next 2 years as part of the Every Child Matters agenda. This article describes some elements of an evaluation of 12 pilot trials. It was found that schools and pastoral staff in particular played a major part in the trials. The majority of the research participants thought that this was a worthwhile initiative and examples were collected of successful implementation of the scheme. However, issues of missing skills, lack of time and limited practical support for staff in schools were highlighted. It is suggested that these issues may be magnified in the full-scale implementation of CAF and LP work. Considerable effort by pastoral staff and education managers will be required if this 'good idea' is to deliver improved outcomes for children in need.  相似文献   

苏格兰"人格与社会教育"(PSE)课程起源于20世纪70年代,PSE课程不仅是苏格兰基础教育卓越课程八个课程领域之一,同时也是儿童和青少年学习的核心内容之一。PSE课程聚焦于儿童与青少年的心理与生理健康、人际关系和社会技能,致力打造多学科融合课程,也被苏格兰地区当作学校开展心理健康教育的重要途径。PSE课程基准给出的指标清晰明确,课程内容覆盖面广、划分详细,课程实施以PSE课程共同体开展,凸显了多方协作的优势。苏格兰PSE课程的设计与实施对我国中小学心理健康教育的开展与心理健康课程的改革发展有一定的启示作用。  相似文献   

山西省大中专学校的心理健康教育通过一系列的实践探索和理论研究,在经费与设施、人员及培训、开展活动、心理测查与建档、工作成效等方面取得了较好的成效。据此,山西省提出“省教育厅直接领导,省指导委员会提供咨询和指导,山西省学生心理健康研究中心研究、协调和组织,各校具体实施大中专学生心理健康教育”的工作模式,进一步加强宣传,提高师生认识,做好心理健康教育师资培训工作,规范各项工作并使之经常化,实行研究课题组制度,加强信息交流,互相学习共同提高。  相似文献   

Rural Underpinnings for Resiliency and Linkages (RURAL) is an example of a Safe Schools/Healthy Students (SS/HS) project. RURAL provides services to children and families in a rural Kansas county. The county's rates of juvenile alcohol and illicit drug use are higher than state averages. The RURAL project was designed to enhance existing partnerships among three school districts, the local community mental health center, law enforcement, the regional prevention center, and Fort Hays State University. A significant number of evidence‐based strategies were implemented in the schools and community in a short period of time. Using a public health approach to increase school safety and promote healthy behaviors, RURAL introduced strategies designed to provide universal prevention for the school population, early intervention for at‐risk children and families, and intensive services for those with the greatest needs. Services were provided to students (preschool–young adults) and their families. School psychologists held key roles in the development, implementation, and management of the project. Preliminary evaluation findings are presented, and the importance of local process and outcome evaluation is discussed. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Psychol Schs 40: 531–547, 2003.  相似文献   

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