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This article documents the decline of 1960s-style student protest, but argues that activism is far from dead on American campuses in the 1970s. The authors find that there is a new mood in America that is reflected in current student political activity and from which have emerged new forms of student activism. The analysis suggests that as student character and mood change, so do the forms of activism students employ. The implications of this conclusion are significant in terms of evaluating past research and setting a future agenda for research on student activism.  相似文献   

Student political activism remains a key issue in the Third World despite its decline in the industrialized nations. Students continue to be active in politics and frequently have an impact on societal events. The historical development of student politics and student involvement in independence struggles, the role of students as incipient elites, and the fragility of the political structures of many Third World nations all contribute to the efficacy of student politics. Universities, as key intellectual institutions in their societies, also play an important role in Third World societies. Students, especially those in the social sciences, are fairly easy to mobilize and they often have a basic interest in political and social issues. It is argued that student movements emerge from their social and political environment and it is not surprising that activism continues as a powerful force in the Third World.  相似文献   

This study examines institutional factors that promote faculty satisfaction with their institution's approach to and support for student assessment and that are related to faculty involvement in their institution's support practices and in their own engagement with student assessment in the classroom. The study is based on a survey of faculty from 7 institutions that vary by type, control, and accrediting region. The institution's student assessment purposes, its administrative support patterns, and its faculty instructional impacts are significant predictors of faculty satisfaction with their institution's approach to and support for student assessment. External influences on, faculty uses, and perceived benefits of professional development practices for student assessment are significant predictors of faculty involvement with student assessment in their institution and their classes.  相似文献   

Private education is a remarkably dynamic area of change in post-secondary education, particularly in Latin America. Evidence of growth in the number of private institutions and enrollment suggests that higher education is becoming increasingly diversified into two sectors – public and private. While this appears to be true throughout Latin America, and much of the developing world, recent evidence from Argentina casts doubt on the degree to which private sector growth trends may actually translate into a significant increase in the impact of private institutions in higher education, where impact is proxied by the relative share of student enrollment and graduates. This study explores the dimensions and impact of private expansion in Argentina, and places the findings in a comparative (regional) and theoretical framework. The analysis shows that, despite unprecedented growth in the number of private universities, the public sector remains the dominant provider of university education. Private institutions, while certainly more numerous and training a growing number of students, do not account for a larger share of university enrollment. They have, however, developed specific niches (e.g., in graduate level training and in urban areas). Significantly, following a pattern of institutional proliferation found throughout Latin America, some private universities offer elite alternatives to prestigious public institutions. The findings serve to qualify apparent `gains' in private higher education and to underscore the need for further research into the relevant intrasectoral (public and private) dimensions of change in post-secondary education.  相似文献   

From private to public, from small to large, campus protests and demonstrations have risen across the country to address institutional racism regarding a range of issues including offensive Halloween costumes, university/college seals, lack of faculty color, and racist vandalism. One such example occurred at Southwest University where Native American students were protesting the university seal, which represents settler colonialism and genocide. In this article, we provide a case study of Joy, a Diné (Navajo) young woman, and describe her student activism in regards to the seal and how she utilizes it to connect to her culture, language, and identity. We utilize critical race theory (CRT) and tribal critical race theory (TribalCrit) to analyze the institutional microaggressions that Joy experienced on campus. Our main conclusions explain how student activism enables students to address systemic racism and provides a vehicle to create better conditions on university campuses.  相似文献   

This article considers contemporary South Korean student activism characterized by complicated ideological formulations, highly developed organizing tactics and connections with other social powers. The activism is located within an ideological framework of Marxism-Leninism and is actively engaged in the struggles against imperialism and Fascism, as well as a movement for the reunification of South and North Korea. The recent growth of student organizations to the national level, contributes to the effective functioning of these groups both on and off campus. Despite its national influence, student activism is being criticized by the public and by students themselves because of the underlying revolutionary ideologies and several episodes of violence. In this context, it will be necessary to observe how students will respond to public criticism and to the changing national and world environment.  相似文献   

韩国高等教育规模的持续扩张引发了教育质量的下降,尤其是近年来随着适龄入学人口的下降,使主要经费来源依赖于学生学费的私立大学开始面临财政危机,它们不得不通过合并与兼并等重组的方式以增强生存能力.政府也通过立法或制定政策促使大学,尤其是私立大学进行重组改革,以提高其竞争优势.  相似文献   

In the past two decades, although access to higher education for American students has improved, student persistence in 4-year institutions is far from assured. There have been a number of research studies on student persistence/dropout in higher education, but most have focused on the characteristics and behavior of students as illustrated by the ??student-centered research tradition??. This study focuses on what institutional characteristics contribute to conditions that reduce student dropout risks. By analyzing longitudinal and hierarchical data, this research proposes and tests a multilevel event history model that identifies the major institutional attributes related to student dropout risk in a longitudinal process. Evidence indicates that institutional expenditure on student services is negatively associated with student dropout behavior. Implications of the results for institutional practices and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

While a lot has been written regarding the changing management and governance arrangements in higher education, less is known about how this progression relates to quality in higher education. The purpose of this article is to describe the context of governance in Portuguese higher education institutions and how institutional governance arrangements impact on quality and quality assurance mechanisms of higher education. The study is based on four institutional cases studies, comprising two universities and two polytechnic institutions. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with senior managers, middle managers, academics and students from Arts and Engineering, and documentary analysis was undertaken. The main findings show that national and institutional features of governance and management may influence the implementation of quality policy and procedures, and indeed quality improvement. The different institutional actors seem to be aware of the dynamic nature of the equilibrium between positive and negative impacts and recognise the need for checks and balances in the governance and management structures of higher education institutions, especially between collegial and managerial facets.  相似文献   

This study explores difficulties in the conceptual positioning of the higher education performance indicator of qualification completion within a standard logic model taken from the public sector performance literature, involving inputs, processes, impacts and outcomes. Organisations are held to be more accountable for the delivery of outputs than the achievement of impacts. Two differing perspectives – (1) that completions are an output measure, and (2) that completions are an impact/outcome measure for tertiary institutions – are explored. Close analysis indicates that the differing perspectives derive from quite different conceptualisations of the student: (1) that the student is a simple customer of educational services, and (2) that the student is a co-producer with the institute. Given their potential impact on institutional accountability, these different perspectives have significant implications for systems of educational policy, specifically in relation to the application of external performance standards to universities.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to analyse political rationales for promoting student mobility in Europe and discuss these in the light of individual experiences of mobile students. Since the creation of the ERASMUS programme in 1987, student mobility in Europe has been the subject of unusual political promotion. More recently, in the context of the Bologna process, the goal of increasing student mobility has been reaffirmed by various higher education actors. Student mobility is thought to be both a component of the European Higher Education Area and one of its outcomes. Beyond this apparent widespread acceptance, we examine, on the one hand, underlying legitimating ideas and rationales that accompanied the institutionalisation of student mobility by the European Commission and a regional French authority. We also discuss the extent to which drives for mobility and outcomes at the individual student level are in line with the political perceptions and expectations of the above‐mentioned institutional actors.  相似文献   

当高等教育遇到经济危机:对营利性高校的实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过使用上市营利性高等教育公司的独特视角,以及时和准确的实证数据分析了本次经济危机对学生人数、财务和运营以及股票市场三个方面的影响。研究发现,本次经济危机对营利性高等教育公司的主要影响都是正面的。本文对造成这一结果的原因进行了分析,并指出这些发现在一定程度上说明了高等教育反经济周期的特性,此外,政府的教育和经济政策也起到了关键性的作用。  相似文献   


Higher education student selection has significant societal, institutional and individual impacts. Thousands of applicants apply only for nursing, one of the major higher education disciplines. As the nursing profession is characterised by cognitive requirements, higher education institutions assess the learning skills of nursing applicants. However, there has been no comprehensive analysis of learning skills assessment for nursing student selection. The purpose of this scoping review was to describe the assessment of learning skills in undergraduate nursing student selection. Five databases were systematically searched, and 24 studies published between 2006 and 2016 were included. Learning skills were most commonly assessed using standardised tests in the areas of language and communication, reasoning, mathematics and natural sciences. Overall scores of onsite selection methods were found to best predict future academic performance. The results indicate that higher education institutions may benefit from comprehensive assessment of learning skills in their selection processes. This assessment should focus on a wider range of cognitive aptitudes, including reasoning skills. This review focussed on nursing education, but the results may benefit other higher education disciplines due to the generic nature of learning skills and similar cognitive requirements of higher education studies. The results support the development of more comprehensive and valid methods for assessing learning skills.  相似文献   

刘宏松 《教学与研究》2004,12(12):44-49
拉丁美洲地区是区域主义发展较为典型的地区。依附论是一种主要由拉美学者发展起来的研究发展中国家如何在世界经济体系中实现自身发展的经济学理论。拉美区域主义从兴起到衰落,从衰落到再度勃兴,都受到不同形态的依附理论的深刻影响。依附论的历史演进和拉美区域主义的发展变化密切相关,依附论的警示,在某种程度上也揭示了拉美新区域主义存在的问题和面临的挑战。  相似文献   

This paper use the panel data of BEWAP to study the effect of layout adjustment of schools on student achievement in primary school of rural area in Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region.By the comparisons of two-level value-added model and OLS estimation results,the research shows that the layout adjustment policy generally has a negative effect on primary school students' achievement,especially on the language achievement.Specifically,the factors of school condition,dormitory area per-student and degree of school satisfaction have positive impacts on student achievement,the achievement of resident student slightly lower than non-resident student.The factors of farther home-school distance,more financial burden of families,inadequate supporting facilities of schools and the absence of psychological or other assistance have negative impacts on students' achievement,which are higher than the policy's positive effects.Based on the empirical study,this research suggests that the government should construct better hardware establishment and software condition while the improvement of school condition in the process of layout adjustment,ensure relevant financial input and enhance supervision so as to realize the goal of improving education quality.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to compare the influences of state characteristics related to student assessment, accreditation emphasis on student assessment, and institutional dynamics supporting student assessment on the approaches to student assessment that institutions have initiated. We conducted this study by examining the relevant literature, creating a national survey instrument, surveying undergraduate institutions throughout the United States, and analyzing the responses of the 885 public institutions who participated in our survey. Separate regressions were run for three different groups of institutional types on three approaches to assessment: cognitive, affective, and post-college. Regressions for the three institutional types explained 21 to 27% of the variance for cognitive assessment, 7 to 21% for affective assessment and 6 to 19% for post-college assessment. With the exception of a minor influence of state characteristics for doctoral and research universities, institutional dynamics and accreditation region were found to be the primary influences on student assessment approaches for all institutional types. We found that the drive for state-level accountability has not exceeded the influence of institutional accreditation and that internal dynamics appear to be the driving force of all three approaches to student assessment.  相似文献   

This article is concerned with the historical origins of student activism in Greece and an analysis of present activism in nine institutions of post-secondary education. The empirical analysis was based on a sample of nearly 1500 students and revealed that activism mainly relates to the regional origin of the student. The findings are used to make some speculations on the likely future course of student activity.  相似文献   

辅导员是高校学生工作队伍的重要成员,组织、实施、指导学生思想政治教育、管理、学风、党建、奖贷资等多种工作。辅导员应该成为学生的人生导师和健康成长的知心朋友。然而由于体制等方面的原因,高校辅导员队伍建设有待进一步提高。  相似文献   

How has student activism changed with the advent of the digital age? Kristin LaRiviere, Jeanette Snider, Alison Stromberg, and KerryAnn O'Meara consider the strengths and weaknesses of digital media in the organization of student activism.  相似文献   

Private higher education is growing, especially in developing and transitioning countries. Rapid growth frequently comes with concerns about quality. This article explores challenges and opportunities for higher education quality among private universities in Bangladesh. By presenting a vertical case study that explores interactions among actors at the institutional, national and global spheres, the authors argue for the need of developing quality standards that respond to the local realities of developing and transitioning countries. It is also argued that self-regulation among private universities is likely the most effective pathway for improvement. Bangladesh presents an ideal case for analysis given the rapid growth that higher education has experienced in the last 20 years in that country and given the current policy junction as Bangladesh begins to implement a newly developed quality assurance system. Other countries in the region in early stages of developing quality assurance and accountability systems may benefit from the findings of this study.  相似文献   

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