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Electronic reference is a large part of today's library. Computer technology has clearly been the dominant catalyst for change in library service over the last few decades. Reference service has changed along with the prevailing technology. An exclusive group of searchers serviced electronic information requests during the online searching craze of the 1970s and 1980s. In the library of today, this model of electronic reference is no longer operational. Electronic information is now available to anyone on a computer terminal. In response, all librarians have become familiar with computer technology, and have a new emphasis on teaching and basic information literacy. This article will examine how this came to be, and the technologies that helped make it happen.  相似文献   

Teaching in an online environment is not without its barriers. Time for course preparation, a need to engage students, and the need for near-constant accessibility make teaching online more difficult than might be the case in a face-to-face environment. However, changes in society, the need for students to interweave scholarship with their lives, work, and families, and continuing competition among higher education institutions are some reasons to do so. This article presents the reasons I believe it is important to teach online and offers a few suggestions for course development as a counterpoint to Dr. Holley's (2017 Holley, R. P. (2017). Thoughts on online teaching with a focus on management. Journal of Library Administration, 57(3), 367374. doi:10.1080/01930826.2017.1288966[Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) column on teaching management.  相似文献   

本文对目前高校中普遍存在的重科研轻教学的现象进行反思,对高等学校教师的教学学术水平的内涵及其性质进行分析,提出若干提高教师教学学术水平的意见和建议.  相似文献   

近几年来,实验室的管理模式已逐渐过滤到校系二级管理模式.,如何实现实验室在人才培养中的重要功能,实验教学 改革也正在不断深化、改革完善之中。本文针对我校目前状况,就如何加强实验教学,提高教学质量,加强实验教学改革等方面阐明了自 己的观点。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]引介国外近期关于altmetrics的理论思想和研究共识,以期对我国的altmetrics研究带来启示。[方法/过程]采取多种信息检索方法,如网络检索、博客跟踪、浏览会议网站的方法,查找国内外相关信息,考察altmetrics的早期理论假说、术语提出的方式和过程;引介和分析国外专家的研究共识;研究我国相关的期刊论文和博客文章,总结国内altmetrics的研究现状与问题。[结果/结论]研究发现,国外专家普遍认为altmetrics是对传统引文方法的补充,而不是替代;altmetrics测量的是科学研究的关注度和影响力,而不一定是科学研究的质量;altmetrics应该重新命名为"alternative indicators";传统引文评价方法存在的引文动机、发表时间、学科和地域差异等问题在altmetrics评价中仍然存在。因此,在用altmetrics指标进行评价的过程中,不能仅观察altmetrics应用工具提供的数字,还要考察数据源的类型、具体评价内容,最后通过定量和定性评价方法相结合做出正确的判断。我国altmetrics的相关研究虽然发展迅速,但与国际研究水平仍有较大差距。  相似文献   

文献检索教师心理探索   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
王纯 《图书馆论坛》2000,20(5):27-28,12
从自身的文献检索课教学实践出发,谈了教学中教师心理品质的要求,以及文献检索教师的地位及威信的树立。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 在分析元素养与传统信息素养教育区别与联系的基础上,开展混合教学模式下元素养教学实践,在实践中总结成效与问题,为探索有效的元素养教学路径提供参考和借鉴。[方法/过程] 采用案例研究方法,以面向研究生的医学信息检索课作为实证研究对象,围绕元素养、阈概念、学术情境、深层学习理论、信息生态环境等,阐述具体教学实践实施步骤与要点,研究构建混合教学模式下的元素养教学路径。[结果/结论]混合教学模式有效地亟合了元素养教学理念,采用的分阶段分层次的渐进性教学路径是实现元素养教学目标的有效途径,切实落实了元认知、批判性思维与探究学习等培养的全过程。  相似文献   

Denver Public Library has taken an active role in providing services for people who have served time in prison or jail. The program Free to Learn focuses on providing resources and training to help ex-offenders with entering or reentering the workforce. Educating library staff on how to help felons also plays a critical role in the success of the program. This article provides information on how Denver Public Library helps ex-offenders apply for a job and respond to “the felony question.”  相似文献   

本文通过解读探究的内涵与过程、探究式科学教育的本质特征、实践与探究的关系,深入分析探究式教学在近半个世纪的演变历程,以及发展出的各种教学模式。说明在演变的过程中,探究式教学的实质并没有发生改变,也不受教育场域的影响。多层次的探究法、5E/6E学习环模式、基于模型的探究、论证式探究、项目化学习等多种教学模式各有侧重、各有优势,但都遵循以学生为中心的原则,关注学习的过程,适用于任何深度和广度的学习过程。无论是正式还是非正式教育环境中,教师理解探究与实践的本质更有助于提升教育质量和水平。  相似文献   

文检课合作学习教学组织策略的实施   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
本文介绍了文检课中实施合作学习教学组织策略的经验,阐明了意义和具体做法,总结了五大要素。  相似文献   

This lively presentation about good negotiation covered three main themes: basic information about negotiation, preparation for negotiation, and factors that affect one's ability to negotiate. Ideas presented included the importance of good communication and reminders that we already engage in negotiation in some way in our lives and that practice can improve our negotiation skills. References to negotiation literature were given. Also, the advantages and disadvantages of a number of factors that affect libraries' ability to negotiate were discussed.  相似文献   

In 2015, in response to the findings of an online learning needs assessment, two librarians and a Web developer began creating a library learning object repository. This repository would ensure that distance learners were receiving excellent library services, including library instruction. The team worked with the libraries’ digital media specialist to create an attractive interface and consulted with one of the library’s metadata specialists to create metadata that would help to make the repository easy to search and browse. Further plans include wide-scale sharing with the larger library community and continued growth in the number and types of objects in the repository.  相似文献   

《Public Services Quarterly》2013,9(1-2):111-126

The UCLA Library has had a long-standing commitment to the attributes espoused by the teaching library model outlined in the seminal essay by Stoffle, Guskin and Boisse, “Teaching, Research, and Service: The Academic Library's Role” (1984). Information literacy was identified as a goal in the Library's strategic plan in late 2001. This served as the catalyst for the library's two-year Information Literacy Initiative (ILI). The ILI provided a mechanism for systematic library-wide and campus-wide planning and collaboration to promote information literacy among the campus community. This case study outlines the multi-faceted approach of the ILI program to further information literacy at a large, research-based university, addresses problems and barriers, and offers some solutions for collaborating with campus and library constituents. Program assessment, impact, and future directions are discussed.  相似文献   

信息素养是高校学生应具备的个人素养之一,信息素养课程教学是培育学生信息素养的主要途径。针对我国高校信息素养教育的现状与存在的问题,以学生的个人学习为核心,从教学方式、教学内容、教学程序等方面重新构建了信息素养课程,以促进学生发挥自主学习及协作能力,达到教学目的。  相似文献   

The earlier funding model adopted by Chile to implement programs of access to scientific information had been unique within Latin America. Countries like Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico had successfully tested charging the service provision to the nation’s general budget, and had achieved a model of universal access. Chile, on the other hand, had followed a path where a co-financing model and the derived logic regarding action of the state created the Electronic Library of Scientific Information Program (BEIC), which limited benefits to only those users who belonged to the institutions that had the ability to pay and already had a consolidated community of researchers. This article reviews public policy options adopted to ensure access to resources of scientific information by the communities of researchers and reflects on the important change that occurred in 2012, when the Chilean State decided to finance the entire cost of the BEIC Program and to define access to information as a de facto universal right. The article also discusses future challenges and new programmatic features as a result of periodic assessments of the program.  相似文献   

信息检索课实训教学是培养和提高学生信息素养、学习能力及解决实际问题能力的关键因素。文章提出改变当前较为传统的教学方式,运用情境学习理论和学习迁移理论,融合多任务情境学习的需求,创新实训教学方法,实行"课内实训+小组讨论汇报+汇报总结点评"三位一体的教学方式。实践证明,该教学方式更加符合学生学习认知规律,可以拓宽信息检索课程的应用环境,塑造灵动有趣有用的课程新形象,开启高效的集体协作学习模式,训练学生科学研究问题的思路和方法,丰富学生的学习体验。  相似文献   


Depending upon the context and how institutions employ it, the term document delivery can mean several things. In some cases, it refers to access of articles via commercial vendors or via full-text databases. Yet for others, it may be a delivery of physical items (such as library books) directly to the faculty member's department or office. For the University of Florida Smathers Libraries, document delivery is a unique service unit administered under the Interlibrary Loan operation, and it is through this element that the distance learning service component was created. The intent of this article is to present a view of a distance learning service model that interlibrary loan and other librarian practitioners may find beneficial when considering the establishment of such a service.  相似文献   

The School of Health and Related Research (ScHARR) at The University of Sheffield run an innovative series of informal 20‐minute Bite Size sessions to help staff and students teach, research, collaborate and communicate more effectively. The sessions have two clear strands: one focused on teaching and the other on research. The remit is not to teach people how to use something in their work or study, but to let them know why they should use it and how they can employ it. By introducing participants to the possibilities and how they can apply ideas and technologies in their work and study in an enthusiastic manner, it is possible to send them away with at least the intention to explore and experiment. The evidence shows that this organic approach is working – staff and students are starting to use many of the tools that Bite Size has covered. Any kind of widespread change within organisations can be hard to deliver, but by bringing champions on your side and delivering sessions in a convenient, informal and timely manner; good practice and ideas can spread naturally. H.S.  相似文献   

This study examined the design of learning commons in three secondary schools as they related to teachers. The frequency and quality of collaboration among teachers, and between teachers and teacher librarians, was measured along with perceptions of engagement, job satisfaction, and design attributes germane to the learning commons model. Teachers at one school responded more positively than those at the other two schools. Significant differences in teachers' reactions to the new spaces were found within each school. This study partly substantiated the benefits of the model. Findings uncover limitations in how learning commons accommodate teachers' professional needs.  相似文献   

An academic librarian and the coordinator of a campus tutoring and writing center recently relocated to the library researched their value to second-year students. Differences in the amount and type of available data called for conducting in-depth interviews with students about their research and writing processes. The researchers also reviewed relevant material regarding similar collaborative efforts at other college and universities. The gaps revealed in the environmental scan along with the best practices of librarian/writing center collaboration helped determine future steps needed for both units to move from mere co-location to working in true collaboration.  相似文献   

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