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Translation means the conversion of an expression into another language. To say plainly,It is an art to reproduce the exact idea of the author by means of a language different from the original.So the original thought of the expression must be kept as exactly as possible. The duty of the translator is simply to change the vocabulary not the thought. Literal translation and free translation are two essential ways in translation. Literal translation refers to an adequate representation of the original in sequence of vocabulary, in grammatical structure and rhetorical device. Free translation is also called liberal translation, which does not adhere strictly to the form or word order of the original. Which one is preferable? We can hardly say. Each has its advantages and disadvantages.Argument between them has been more than 80 years. What on earth is the argument? What do they focus on? The argument brings great effect to us, so I want to find some answers to it.  相似文献   

刘静  孔燕 《海外英语》2012,(22):157-158
Functional equivalence,a focus in the translation studies,has been bombarded with numerous criticisms.Meanwhile,relevance translation theory,proposed by Ernst-August Gutt,offers a united theoretical framework for translation studies.The development of the translation theories does not rely on the appearance of a brand-new theory,but on the successful connection among various theories.To split or to unify,it is a question and it will direct the further development of translation studies.Analyzing the similarities and differences between these two theories,the author are striving for a unity of them and striking a better way to approach translation studies.  相似文献   

Controversial as it is ,the abstract concept of traslation equivalence is of effective use in translation studies as it makes the analyses of translation more specific and more accessible. This essay attempts to present a few in -depth reflections on translatin equivalence, in which three categories of equivalence are put forward according to the understanding on the part of this writer, viz, equivalence before translating. equivalence in translating and equivalence after translating, This narration, in the final analysis, identifies and verifies the theoretical importance and significance of the term "translation equivalence" in translation studies.  相似文献   

The paper holds the view that the philosophical concept of Intersubjecttvity should be an important gniding principle for translation studies. According to intersubjective theory, the paper studies the two strategies of domestication and foreignization in translation and points out that neither of the two strategies should be adhered to rigidly and the practice of either should partly depend on the constrained factors in translation and the relationship between them is one of unity of opposiles and the influence of either does not concentrate on one way only but two ways or intersubjectivn.  相似文献   

EquivalenceinTranslationYangLingEquivalenceisaveryimportantfactorintranslation.Manytranslatorsandtheoristshavebeensearchingfo...  相似文献   

Peter Newmark has written many preeminent works on translation theory. He classifies the translation texts into differ?ent types,and puts forward his great translation methods-communiative translation ...  相似文献   

李欣  张喆 《海外英语》2015,(6):136-137
Peter Newmark has written many preeminent works on translation theory. He classifies the translation texts into different types,and puts forward his great translation methods-communiative translation and semantic translation. This paper is aimed to explain the creative work by Peter Nwmark in the translation theory.  相似文献   

刘畅 《海外英语》2011,(8):227-229
As a method of bridging language and culture, translation has played a significant part in connecting the ideas of people all over the world and accelerating the communication in politics, economy, culture, education, science and technology. China has increased cultural exchanges with many other countries, and a great number of foreign films have flooded into our country. Thus, how to appropriately translate the foreign films becomes an urgent issue. In the process of translating English films to Chinese ones, the translator should use a method to attend to the content of the movie itself, especially recreational artistic features, as well as tremendous differences between English language and Chinese language culture. This paper attempts to compare the different film versions of Pride and Prejudice (edition 1995), and analyzes the examples of literal translation and free translation in order to reveal the difficulty of which translation method to choose in film translation. Thus, based on the comparison, we could get a tentative result that which kind of film version is more accepted by most audiences so that we can provide the film translators some new train of thought.  相似文献   

凿壁偷光我国西汉的时候,有一个叫匡衡的人。他从小爱读书,但因家里穷,上不起学,也买不起书。当时书很少,只有那些富贵人家才有一些。一天,匡衡听说附近村上有个大财主家藏书很多,他就跑去请求给财主家当短工,并  相似文献   

邹本劲 《海外英语》2016,(4):130-131
Su Manshu was a writer and translator in modern China. In addition to his fruitful literary creation, in the aspect of translation, he translated a lot of poetry in English literature, Hugo‘s Les Miserable’s and also some Indian literary works. He is good at making use of old verses to translate poetry. As to translation principles, he advocates "translation without increasing", "translation without increasing ornaments," and practices the method of "translation according to the source text context".  相似文献   

手机短信的语域借用现象表现在语式借用、语旨借用和语场借用这三个层次。短信的语域借用实际上就是对该语域常规的违反,是网络流行手机短信新颖奇特的原因所在。  相似文献   

通过实地调查和统计分析了张家口市城市标识语的英译现状和规范性,运用顺应论进行具体分析,指出标识语的英译过程不仅是词汇、句法、语义等语言结构选择的顺应,而且还是读者的心智和社会文化等语境成分的顺应。译者在语言和非语言层面所做的动态顺应可以有效增强译语的规范性,使之发挥良好的跨文化交际功能。  相似文献   

比较教育中的教育政策借鉴理论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
如何学习借鉴外国教育政策和实践一直是国际与比较教育研究领域的一个核心主题。本文研究了教育政策借鉴的方法和案例,提出了教育政策借鉴过程中的四步模型,即外国教育吸引力,及与之而来的教育决策、实施和内化/本土化。这一模型仍需不同国家的实践来检验、修改和完善。  相似文献   

顺应论从一种崭新的语用视角来考察语言的使用情况,是一个极具解释力的语言学理论。该理论认为,顺应性是人类使用语言的本质特征,这恰巧与动态的翻译过程不谋而合,因此,顺应论对翻译研究有很好的辅助作用。文章以运动广告为例,从语用顺应论视角看此类广告翻译顺应性的体现,从而得出:成功的广告翻译实质是对语言的成功顺应。  相似文献   

公司简介用来宣传介绍公司情况以吸引潜在顾客。由于中西文化的差异,在翻译公司简介的过程中译者应充分考虑文化因素,从历史传统、风俗习惯、宗教信仰和价值观三个方面让译文顺应目的语的文化语境,更好地传递信息,达到宣传的目的。  相似文献   

从应用语言学的视角,分析了汉语表达中外语词语的借用形式和近年来汉语表达中频繁出现外语借用词的原因;阐释了汉语中外语词语借用现象的合理性和外语借用词的合法性,并对借用外语词的语言行为的规范意义和规范方法作了初步探究。  相似文献   

关于翻译应该遵循什么样的理论,如何使翻译趋于完美一直是翻译界争论不休的话题.不同的翻译学家提出了不同的翻译理论,可谓是见仁见智.Verschueren的顺应理论,并以此为基础,论述了语言结构的顺应、语境顺应和动 态顺应方面的关系,颇有见地.翻译是一个文本和译者之间的顺应和互动过程.  相似文献   

教育政策借用是指一国对他国已有教育政策的引入。教育政策借用有其必要性和可行性,教育政策借用的过程包括产生动机、作出决策、实施和本土化四个阶段。  相似文献   


Realizing there is a global policy convergence that emphasizes the standardized key qualities of and expectations for “successful” school leaders, this article provides an in-depth analysis on the initiation of the Professional Standards for Compulsory Schools Principals (Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China 2013 Ministry of Education of People’s Republic of China. 2013, February 16. Notice of Introducing the Professional Standards for Compulsory Schools Principals. Available at: http://www.moe.edu.cn/publicfiles/business/htmlfiles/moe/s7148/201302/xxgk_147899.html [Google Scholar]) in China. Using policy borrowing as an analytical framework, this study sheds light on critical questions concerning why this standards-based leadership policy is borrowed, and how this policy document responds to local Chinese contexts. In alignment with an understanding of national policy across the local-global nexus, which is derived from critical policy analysis, this study uncovers the influences of global leadership discourses on its formation. It also focuses on the ways in which neoliberal ideology and Chinese sociocultural contexts have intertwined, and how this negotiates and shapes this policy. Finally, this article concludes that the introduction of this initiative suggests China’s efforts in its quest for a world-class education system, through the standardization of school leaders’ practices, which is both locally and internationally situated. It argues that while understanding the contested positions on standards-based policies around the globe, China did not blindly borrow this policy from “the West,” but rather employs it as a strategy for legislation, to reposition itself in the global order and gain broader international recognition.  相似文献   

顺应论,以一种新的视角和途径来考察语言使用,揭示了语言使用的本质特征.本文从顺应论的角度探讨了广告语言和广告翻译中的顺应性解释及顺应性对它们的启示.指出不论是广告语言还是广告翻译都必须顺应各种语境才能迭到广告的目的.  相似文献   

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